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Texans vs Da Bears Gameday Thread

I hope this gameplan is called 'lets try something new', if not then I have no clue wth they're doing out there...
I can't believe our offense looks like this! This is ridiculous

Then again the Bears have something to play for as it shows we really neeed to apologize to the Vikings or is this how we get back at them for beating us!
ughhh, Schaub needs to cool it on this yelling at people all the time. First pass on that drive was horrible. I like the fire but use it appropriately.
whats up with the play calling these past 2 games...short dink routes, hb flat, off tackle...over and over again. We stopped throwing down field for some reason.
Watching the Texans stumble around like a bunch of buffoons is not my idea of Sunday entertainment. The offense looks like crap.

Clearly Chicago wants this game more than the Texans.
Watching the Texans stumble around like a bunch of buffoons is not my idea of Sunday entertainment. The offense looks like crap.

Clearly Chicago wants this game more than the Texans.

We'll get them next year........................:gun:...pathetic
A bit of a turnabout. The defense is playing hard and the offense can't do anything. I used to it being the other way around.

Maybe the offense can get inspired by Mario's sack.
I can't decide what sucks more today. Watching:

a) the whistle-less officials;

b) the tripping-over-their-dicks offense;


c) my choppy, five-minute delay internet feed
I can't see the game because fox thinks we need to see the giants/vikings game down here in south Texas instead. Pathetic. It absolutely never happens to the cryboys.