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Texans trade Osweiller to Browns

Rosenfels: How not to take a risk on an NFL quarterback
by Sage Rosenfels 1d ago

I don’t recall a year when the start of free agency for quarterbacks was as exciting and surprising as what occurred last week, and it’s not over yet. Combine a mix of veterans with plenty left in the tank, some backups with upside, and a poor draft class, and the conversation about NFL quarterbacks is much more intriguing in March than it will be in May this year. The dominoes began to fall in Houston, yet we are far from knowing where everyone will land.

The Brock Osweiler trade was last week’s biggest story because it is something we don’t see in the NFL very often. He was signed to a terrible contract by Houston general manager Rick Smith, and the Texans are convinced they no longer want him around as a starter or backup. The situation had soured so badly that, in essence, they relinquished a second-round draft pick to get rid of him. This type of strategy happens in the NBA and MLB, but not in the NFL.

Amazingly, the Browns don’t seem to want him either. They just have enough cap space to eat his absurd guaranteed salary as they chase the quarterback of their dreams, Jimmy Garappolo. If Garappolo ends up in Cleveland, who is the real winner of this fiasco? The New England Patriots of course! Again, the Patriots somehow find a way to capitalize on the mistakes of one of their former coaches’ teams.

The Patriots won the Super Bowl and have already won the first week of free agency. A Garoppolo trade for a first-rounder or two would be thick icing on the cake. This Belichick guy seems to know what he is doing up in Foxboro.

I played for the Texans for three seasons and Smith was the GM for all of my time there. He came in from Denver, with Gary Kubiak’s blessings, as the youngest GM in the league. The Texans have had some success in Houston, but haven’t reached an AFC Championship Game in their 15-year history. The No. 1 reason is the quarterback position. This isn’t news for Texans fans. The Texans are so desperate for a top-flight starting quarterback that they're taking extreme risks to get the right guy. While I love an aggressive GM, making a mistake at the quarterback position can dig you into a deep hole of mediocre offensive production.

Even after the Osweiler trade (one that cleared much-needed cap space to sign Tony Romo) nothing has been finalized with the Dallas Cowboys. At the time of the Texans-Browns swap, Houston fans imagined Romo would be introduced as their new quarterback within a few days. This hasn’t happened...yet. The question in Houston is: can the GM repair his mistake without creating an even larger one?

Right now, the Texans have one of the best situations in the NFL for a quarterback to succeed. They have quality players at most positions on offense and one of the best defenses in the league. The Texans just need a quarterback to run the show. This is something Smith has failed to do in his 11 years as general manager.

If Rick would have called me before he chased Osweiler a year ago, I would have tried to convince him to chase Mike Glennon instead. While the overall win/loss record for a quarterback is an important piece to an evaluation, it can skew the reality of a quarterback's play. The Denver Broncos of 2015 won the Super Bowl despite their quarterbacks, not because of them. Peyton had a mediocre year, and Osweiler did a nice job filling in. But this team was so loaded defensively that the job description of the QB was to not screw it up. Peyton and Osweiler excelled at not screwing it up in 2015, but that doesn’t mean the latter deserved a huge contract after the season.

On paper, making a run at Osweiler made a lot of sense for the Texans. Rarely does a young quarterback with potential enter the free-agent market. To land one of these unproven players takes an aggressive team willing to take a risk. But that risk shouldn’t control a team’s destiny for two seasons, which is where Smith made his mistake.

By comparison, Chicago just gave Mike Glennon a big contract despite not being a full-time NFL starter. I see these two players and their contracts very differently. First, the contract Glennon signed “only” guarantees the quarterback $18.5 million. Essentially, it’s a one-year deal. If they guess wrong, they move on. If they guess right, the Bears have found their future quarterback.

On the field, I like Glennon much more than Osweiler. People love looking at stats, which can be spun in every direction, but I like to dive deeper.

Glennon completed a shade below 60 percent of his passes, and had an impressive 30 touchdowns and 15 interceptions during his 18 starts.

Osweiler completed a shade above 60 percent of his passes, but finished with 11 touchdowns and six INTs over 7 starts.

These are very similar numbers in a lot of ways. The biggest difference is their win-loss record, which is where Smith made too many assumptions. Glennon was only 5-13 while Osweiler was 5-2.

This is why I feel it’s so important to look beyond these initial statistics. While their numbers are very similar, Glennon has twice the career attempts as Osweiler. This means the Bears have more tape to analyze and make a more informed decision. Most importantly, Glennon put up his stats while playing for an awful football team. The 2013-14 Bucs were terrible. The team had drafted poorly and refused to upgrade its roster in free agency. This is why they had the “opportunity” to draft Jameis Winston with the first pick in 2015.

In 2013, somehow their rookie quarterback, who was a third-round draft pick, threw 19 touchdowns and nine interceptions. If Glennon would have been on a better team - for example, the Patriots - everybody would have been touting him as a future starter in the NFL. I look at Glennon’s poor win-loss record as a good thing. To me, it means he found a way to compete against the rest of the NFL while being stuck on a bad team.

By contrast, Osweiler had one of the best defenses in NFL history as well as an extremely talented group of offensive weapons. Also, Glennon was a rookie and Osweiler had the advantage of waiting three-and-a-half seasons to marinate. I have told people for years that if I had to start as a rookie in the NFL, I wouldn’t have been on a roster by Year 2. The jump from college to the pros is a much longer leap for quarterbacks. Glennon shined as a rookie, and he did it on a bad team.

The Osweiler-Texans saga has yet to conclude. Nobody knows where he will end up, and the Texans have yet to find their starter. Hopefully Smith has learned a few lessons about finding a franchise quarterback. In sports, and in life, you learn a lot more from losses than you do wins. The Texans lost big time on the Osweiler signing. Whatever they do next at the quarterback position, they have to hit a home run. Otherwise, owner Bob McNair could be looking to make major changes in Houston in the near future.

When he mentions Smith's failures at the qb position he's including himself, right?
When he mentions Smith's failures at the qb position he's including himself, right?
I take exception with several of his points, as he's judging only in hindsight.

He was signed to a terrible contract by Houston general manager Rick Smith
Because he failed it was a terrible contract? It's not like Brock was going to take much less. He wasn't going to accept a one year deal (like Glennon) because he didn't have to. If Brock played 20% better, the Texans are in the AFC Championship game, if not the Superbowl. He sure didn't get any help from our #1 draft pick whom he hit in stride for a dropped TD.

Right now, the Texans have one of the best situations in the NFL for a quarterback to succeed. They have quality players at most positions on offense and one of the best defenses in the league.
Is he counting the O-Line?

By contrast, Osweiler had one of the best defenses in NFL history as well as an extremely talented group of offensive weapons.
Rushing: Lamar Miller barely broke 1000 yards and got hurt after easily predictable overuse early on. (Osweiler finished 3rd in rushing)

Receiving: DHop didn't break 1000 yards and #2 WR was a rookie that kept dropping big gains. Your two TEs finished 3rd/4th. Lamar Miller was useless out of the backfield (Arian Foster had more yds in 2015 in FOUR games), but still better than all every WR not named Hopkins or Fuller. Your #2,3 &5 WR from 2015 weren't on your 2016 roster.

Osweiler had a largely untested set of offensive weapons and a HORRID line. Osweiler certainly did his part in the massive suckage, but he was far from alone. 29th in total Offense sure as hell isn't just an Osweiler problem.

I'm trying to figure out how the Texans are a "good" situation for any QB, much less a banged up one who got hurt behind the best Oline in the league.
Well, to be fair, the o-line (and receivers for that matter) did look a lot better when Savage started taking snaps. A QB can make his o-line look bad when he holds on to the ball too long and is unable to read defenses and stares down receivers and never has a quick release and is very inconsistent with accuracy.

I'd say there is a direct correlation between offensive rankings and talent (or lack of) at the QB position. He does touch the ball on every snap, and if defenses do not respect his arm, they can load up the box to make the run game much more difficult.

The Texans share responsibility, but the FO and coaches are not on the field at the end of the day. The complete lack of interest in Brock by any team in the NFL tells us a lot.
Brian T. Smith


McNair: “We didn’t know Brock well enough. (O’Brien) didn’t have a chance to get to know him." … @McClain_on_NFL

7:43 PM - 27 Mar 2017


Bob Mcnair is the dumbest owner in the league. Dude actually thinks that Smith is a "beast" at GM for totally screwing up the Osweiller Qb situation, and then having to waste a 2nd round pick just to get rid of him with no actual plan at QB. Lol! The Browns did real well with that trade, and the Texans are to cheap to go after a QB that gives them a real chance any way. Dummies thought that Romo would just be there, and were wrong. :lol:
The Texans and McNair should not be crowing about this deal. It's a coverup to a crime. Talking about what a great coverup you did only magnifies the crime.
Damn, we're the new Browns aren't we?

I don't see how we've been any different if you go back to our original first season. We've been right there with the Browns, Jags, Raiders, Rams, Jets, and the Bills. We've had a few decent seasons, but no one has ever taken us seriously as a top contender at any point. We could be right now, but we're to chicken **** to trade draft picks for a real QB. This team will disappoint again this season, and OB is likely fired. Rebuilding again most likely.
I take exception with several of his points, as he's judging only in hindsight.

Because he failed it was a terrible contract? It's not like Brock was going to take much less. He wasn't going to accept a one year deal (like Glennon) because he didn't have to. If Brock played 20% better, the Texans are in the AFC Championship game, if not the Superbowl. He sure didn't get any help from our #1 draft pick whom he hit in stride for a dropped TD.

Is he counting the O-Line?

Rushing: Lamar Miller barely broke 1000 yards and got hurt after easily predictable overuse early on. (Osweiler finished 3rd in rushing)

Receiving: DHop didn't break 1000 yards and #2 WR was a rookie that kept dropping big gains. Your two TEs finished 3rd/4th. Lamar Miller was useless out of the backfield (Arian Foster had more yds in 2015 in FOUR games), but still better than all every WR not named Hopkins or Fuller. Your #2,3 &5 WR from 2015 weren't on your 2016 roster.

Osweiler had a largely untested set of offensive weapons and a HORRID line. Osweiler certainly did his part in the massive suckage, but he was far from alone. 29th in total Offense sure as hell isn't just an Osweiler problem.

I'm trying to figure out how the Texans are a "good" situation for any QB, much less a banged up one who got hurt behind the best Oline in the league.

I also believe that many are making too many generous positive assumptions of what our D is likely to look like out there this season...............with the loss of important cogs/depth and with the degree of health of other important starting cogs at best questionable to maintain reinjury-free play over the short term let alone throughout a significant portion of the season.
The Texans and McNair should not be crowing about this deal. It's a coverup to a crime. Talking about what a great coverup you did only magnifies the crime.
It's insulting that he thinks we're all dumb enough to buy his BS.

It's embarrassing if he actually believes his BFF Rick Smith pulled off a coup.

STFU and don't beat your chest like you did something great.

McNair is delusional thinking that trading his 2nd RD draft pick in this year's draft to Cleveland to take Brock Osweiler off his hands is a BRILLIANT move by Rick Smith. This is nothing more than taking a crap in your lunch pail and having to eat every bite of it, then telling everyone what a GREAT lunch you just had.
McNair is delusional thinking that trading his 2nd RD draft pick in this year's draft to Cleveland to take Brock Osweiler off his hands is a BRILLIANT move by Rick Smith. This is nothing more than taking a crap in your lunch pail and having to eat every bite of it, then telling everyone what a GREAT lunch you just had.

Finally... something we can agree on.
McNair is delusional thinking that trading his 2nd RD draft pick in this year's draft to Cleveland to take Brock Osweiler off his hands is a BRILLIANT move by Rick Smith. This is nothing more than taking a crap in your lunch pail and having to eat every bite of it, then telling everyone what a GREAT lunch you just had.

Isn't it next years 2nd RD pick?
So we have 30 million in free money right now, no QB, and haven't signed any free agents. What's the plan exactly? This is the time of year the Texans are usually active, picking up bargain deals on players for cheap prices. We have some needs that really shouldn't be filled by only rookies, and I can't understand why they aren't going after some of these cheap guys to plug holes or add depth.

Did we interview any of these guys or have them for a visit?
CB Patrick Robinson (1 year, $1 million)
DT Timmy Jernigan for a 3rd round pick swap
DT Ricky Jean-Francois (1 year, $3 million)
LB Kevin Minter (1 year, $4.25 million)
OT Andre Smith (1 year, $3.25 million)
S Bradley McDougald (1 year, $2 million)

Are the Texans resigned to sit on the money and spend it next year? Are the potential compensatory picks from Bouye, Demps, etc so important that they won't chase free agents? Is Adrian Peterson coming here? I have no idea what they are doing.
Exactly so in equivalent vale terms of present value it's only worth a 3rd round pick so Smith actually did do a good job in terms of cutting the Texans losses.
I'm going to bet next years 2nd will be in top 15 rather than at 25
Exactly so in equivalent vale terms of present value it's only worth a 3rd round pick so Smith actually did do a good job in terms of cutting the Texans losses.
I'm going to bet next years 2nd will be in top 15 rather than at 25
I'm going to bet next years 2nd will be in top 15 rather than at 25

Not sure why you are saying that, our QB play can't get much worse and we still have our key weapons on defense and Watt is coming back. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying we're SB bound but I do think we'll take the division again by virtue of it still being a weak division.

It's not like the other three teams have really done much to show they can dethrone us. Maybe season after this one when the new GMs and coachs have truly settled but for now they are still in rebuild mode at best.
Isn't it next years 2nd RD pick?
I believe it is but that doesn't change the crap sandwich. Last year I suggested the Texans trade a few high picks for Carson Wentz. Lots of folks said that was way to expensive. It's got to be better than giving aweigh high draft picks to take a one of the BIGGEST mistakes in the NFL off your hands.
So we have 30 million in free money right now, no QB, and haven't signed any free agents. What's the plan exactly? This is the time of year the Texans are usually active, picking up bargain deals on players for cheap prices. We have some needs that really shouldn't be filled by only rookies, and I can't understand why they aren't going after some of these cheap guys to plug holes or add depth.

Did we interview any of these guys or have them for a visit?
CB Patrick Robinson (1 year, $1 million)
DT Timmy Jernigan for a 3rd round pick swap
DT Ricky Jean-Francois (1 year, $3 million)
LB Kevin Minter (1 year, $4.25 million)
OT Andre Smith (1 year, $3.25 million)
S Bradley McDougald (1 year, $2 million)

Are the Texans resigned to sit on the money and spend it next year? Are the potential compensatory picks from Bouye, Demps, etc so important that they won't chase free agents? Is Adrian Peterson coming here? I have no idea what they are doing.
McNair may sense that O'Brien is a dead man walking and is saving his cash for a new day next year. That's why trading Osweiler doesn't make sense, take your medicine, deal with it and save a top 50 pick in next year's draft.
Not sure why you are saying that, our QB play can't get much worse and we still have our key weapons on defense and Watt is coming back. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying we're SB bound but I do think we'll take the division again by virtue of it still being a weak division.

It's not like the other three teams have really done much to show they can dethrone us. Maybe season after this one when the new GMs and coachs have truly settled but for now they are still in rebuild mode at best.

It's a hunch. I'm not saying it's clear to me that this will be the case. But this year we got gifted not only the division, the wildcard round as well.

Plus I expect us to start 3 qbs next year as well, Savage untill he gets injured, Weeden untill he get so bad that he has to be taken out (which with OB could be anywhere between 1 and 10 games) and finally the rookie we will draft

Plus the division is not going to get easier, which means we could miss the playoffs like 3 years ago (by a hair) like tennessee did this year. and if we get the 4th seed I don't see us winning the first playoff game unless there's an astral allignment like this year, or we are going against the Bengals and start TJ Yates :D
It's a hunch. I'm not saying it's clear to me that this will be the case. But this year we got gifted not only the division, the wildcard round as well.

Plus I expect us to start 3 qbs next year as well, Savage untill he gets injured, Weeden untill he get so bad that he has to be taken out (which with OB could be anywhere between 1 and 10 games) and finally the rookie we will draft

Plus the division is not going to get easier, which means we could miss the playoffs like 3 years ago (by a hair) like tennessee did this year. and if we get the 4th seed I don't see us winning the first playoff game unless there's an astral allignment like this year, or we are going against the Bengals and start TJ Yates :D

Not saying your Yates scenario couldn't happen this season but TJ Yates just signed with Buffalo. So, maybe some other bizarre trade involving Yates will have to be done by the Texans to make it happen! :shades:
So we have 30 million in free money right now, no QB, and haven't signed any free agents. What's the plan exactly? This is the time of year the Texans are usually active, picking up bargain deals on players for cheap prices. We have some needs that really shouldn't be filled by only rookies, and I can't understand why they aren't going after some of these cheap guys to plug holes or add depth.

Did we interview any of these guys or have them for a visit?
CB Patrick Robinson (1 year, $1 million)
DT Timmy Jernigan for a 3rd round pick swap
DT Ricky Jean-Francois (1 year, $3 million)
LB Kevin Minter (1 year, $4.25 million)
OT Andre Smith (1 year, $3.25 million)
S Bradley McDougald (1 year, $2 million)

Are the Texans resigned to sit on the money and spend it next year? Are the potential compensatory picks from Bouye, Demps, etc so important that they won't chase free agents? Is Adrian Peterson coming here? I have no idea what they are doing.
I believe they feel no need to do anything via free agency. Perhaps they are correct in their thinking.
I believe it is but that doesn't change the crap sandwich. Last year I suggested the Texans trade a few high picks for Carson Wentz. Lots of folks said that was way to expensive. It's got to be better than giving aweigh high draft picks to take a one of the BIGGEST mistakes in the NFL off your hands.

And the before that you suggested we take Bortles. We'd be in a worse situation now had we taken the Texian draft route. At least Clowney carried the defense with JJ down last year. Don't sprain a shoulder patting yourself on the back.
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Not sure why you are saying that, our QB play can't get much worse and we still have our key weapons on defense and Watt is coming back. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying we're SB bound but I do think we'll take the division again by virtue of it still being a weak division.

It's not like the other three teams have really done much to show they can dethrone us. Maybe season after this one when the new GMs and coachs have truly settled but for now they are still in rebuild mode at best.
Every team in the division has considerably improved in the offseason, except the Texans, with two of them having franchise QBs. the tAcks and Dolts will give the Texans a very good run for their money and who knows how Jax will do with a new coaching staff, but they've added tons of talent on both sides of the ball. Finishing 3rd in the division isn't guaranteed in 2017.

You're pretty new here, so look up CloaknnnnDagger and see his assessment of Clowney, Watt and Brown. He has a sterling reputation for diagnosing injuries and outcomes of subsequent reinjury due to compensation, not being given the proper time to recover or nature of the original injury being degenerative.
Every team in the division has considerably improved in the offseason, except the Texans, with two of them having franchise QBs. the tAcks and Dolts will give the Texans a very good run for their money and who knows how Jax will do with a new coaching staff, but they've added tons of talent on both sides of the ball. Finishing 3rd in the division isn't guaranteed in 2017.

You're pretty new here, so look up CloaknnnnDagger and see his assessment of Clowney, Watt and Brown. He has a sterling reputation for diagnosing injuries and outcomes of subsequent reinjury due to compensation, not being given the proper time to recover or nature of the original injury being degenerative.

Well said, man. You beat me to the same point.

I do not understand the assumptions that our division will stay weak year in and year out. The laws of averages alone would mean at least one of these teams will have a breakout year at some point. I think the Titans will be AFCS "champs" in 2017, and with Ryan Grigson gone from Indy, they will no longer have that inner turmoil between GM and HC holding them back.

I would not be shocked at all to see the Texans in 3rd, even 4th, in this division in 2017. And that 2018 2nd round pick could be very close to a first if they don't watch out, which is par for this team to make such a "genius" decision in order to get rid of a bad player with the hopes of signing some broken choker that didn't even want to play football anymore.
Well said, man. You beat me to the same point.

I do not understand the assumptions that our division will stay weak year in and year out. The laws of averages alone would mean at least one of these teams will have a breakout year at some point. I think the Titans will be AFCS "champs" in 2017, and with Ryan Grigson gone from Indy, they will no longer have that inner turmoil between GM and HC holding them back.

I would not be shocked at all to see the Texans in 3rd, even 4th, in this division in 2017. And that 2018 2nd round pick could be very close to a first if they don't watch out, which is par for this team to make such a "genius" decision in order to get rid of a bad player with the hopes of signing some broken choker that didn't even want to play football anymore.
If Mariota stays healthy, watch out for the tAcks. They could be a contender. I'm absolutely shocked at how well Mariota has adapted to the NFL. If Indy gets some talented beef on the OL, Luck will be very good. If Bortles progresses to his 2015 level of play, the Jags won't be a walk in the park, either.
Every team in the division has considerably improved in the offseason, except the Texans, with two of them having franchise QBs. the tAcks and Dolts will give the Texans a very good run for their money and who knows how Jax will do with a new coaching staff, but they've added tons of talent on both sides of the ball. Finishing 3rd in the division isn't guaranteed in 2017.

You're pretty new here, so look up CloaknnnnDagger and see his assessment of Clowney, Watt and Brown. He has a sterling reputation for diagnosing injuries and outcomes of subsequent reinjury due to compensation, not being given the proper time to recover or nature of the original injury being degenerative.

Everyone was saying the same thing last year to even saying that the Jags won free agency and it was their division to lose. I'm not saying it will be easy or that we will for sure win it I'm just saying that I haven't really seen anything that they have done that makes me think it's break out seasons for any of the three. Especially with new personal in coaching and FOs trying to still get a handle of the teams.

As far as looking up CnD not sure what that has to do with my point. If you are saying that all three are on the rapid decline and don't have many years left I agree. In fact I even said that after this season I also think we will be picking top 15 unless someone on Kirby pulls a magic rabbit out of their ass.

I just don't think this is the year we drop so far.
So you think we are going to win the division and be top 15 in the draft @maverick512000? That seems highly unlikely.

It looks like the Jags are going to be getting Fournette (4th overall pick) to bolster their offense, and they significantly improved their defense in FA. They arguably got better on their OL even though they let some people walk. They lost Julius Thomas, but he wasn't anything special for them last year. They also have high picks in each round. They have $51M+ in cap room still.

The Titans almost took the division last year and they've got the #5 overall pick and the #18 overall pick. They improved their defense in FA, hardly lost anyone of note in FA, and they've got $40M in cap space left. They also have a franchise QB.

The Colts have Andrew Luck. They improved their defense with Sheard and Simon, didn't lose anyone of any significance, and still have almost $34M in cap space. They also have the #15 overall pick in the draft, with all 7 of their picks in the top 158 (three 4th rounders).

I'd argue that all of these teams could beat the Texans as currently constructed. ESPN has us finishing last in the division.
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So you think we are going to win the division and be top 15 in the draft @maverick512000? That seems highly unlikely.

winning the division would put us automatically in the bottom 12

but there is not much difference between bottom 12 and top 15 for us

if last year we lost @IND they would have finished 9-7 (instead of 8-8) and us at 8-8 (instead of 9-7)

and the colts are drafting #15 this year. so we would have ended up around there I suppose
Everyone was saying the same thing last year to even saying that the Jags won free agency and it was their division to lose. I'm not saying it will be easy or that we will for sure win it I'm just saying that I haven't really seen anything that they have done that makes me think it's break out seasons for any of the three. Especially with new personal in coaching and FOs trying to still get a handle of the teams.

As far as looking up CnD not sure what that has to do with my point. If you are saying that all three are on the rapid decline and don't have many years left I agree. In fact I even said that after this season I also think we will be picking top 15 unless someone on Kirby pulls a magic rabbit out of their ass.

I just don't think this is the year we drop so far.
CnD's prognosis has a lot to do with you point since you cited Watt and Clowney as key reasons the D will stay dominant in 2017. I'm not counting on either one to play 16 games in 2017.

How do the Texans win the division and pick in the top 15?
So we have 30 million in free money right now, no QB, and haven't signed any free agents. What's the plan exactly? This is the time of year the Texans are usually active, picking up bargain deals on players for cheap prices. We have some needs that really shouldn't be filled by only rookies, and I can't understand why they aren't going after some of these cheap guys to plug holes or add depth.

Did we interview any of these guys or have them for a visit?
CB Patrick Robinson (1 year, $1 million)
DT Timmy Jernigan for a 3rd round pick swap
DT Ricky Jean-Francois (1 year, $3 million)
LB Kevin Minter (1 year, $4.25 million)
OT Andre Smith (1 year, $3.25 million)
S Bradley McDougald (1 year, $2 million)

Are the Texans resigned to sit on the money and spend it next year? Are the potential compensatory picks from Bouye, Demps, etc so important that they won't chase free agents? Is Adrian Peterson coming here? I have no idea what they are doing.
Expect some action sometime after May 10. This is the date that UFA's become street free agents. Signing street free agents will not impact our compensatory picks.
CnD's prognosis has a lot to do with you point since you cited Watt and Clowney as key reasons the D will stay dominant in 2017. I'm not counting on either one to play 16 games in 2017.

How do the Texans win the division and pick in the top 15?

First I mentioned nothing about Clowney, I'm still not convinced that last season was not just a one hit wonder. I did mention Watt because I think just his presence on the field, 100% or not, makes teams rethink their O line placement. If the other team double teams him, even if he's not the same Watt, it still frees up someone else.

Also it seems I wasn't clear in what I was saying as a couple of people have misunderstood. I think they will win the division next year meaning they will pick somewhere in the 20s. This was in response to how valuable the traded pick to the Browns was. The season after that, so what the 2018 season I guess, is when I think we will drop to top 15 as at least two teams finish with getting the new coaches/FO settled in and actually start pushing again.

Me personally I think it will be the Titans and Jags as the Colts are still dependent on Luck, no pun intended, and I think he's starting to break down from all the punishment he has taken.
It's a hunch. I'm not saying it's clear to me that this will be the case. But this year we got gifted not only the division, the wildcard round as well.

Plus I expect us to start 3 qbs next year as well, Savage untill he gets injured, Weeden untill he get so bad that he has to be taken out (which with OB could be anywhere between 1 and 10 games) and finally the rookie we will draft

Plus the division is not going to get easier, which means we could miss the playoffs like 3 years ago (by a hair) like tennessee did this year. and if we get the 4th seed I don't see us winning the first playoff game unless there's an astral allignment like this year, or we are going against the Bengals and start TJ Yates :D

So now you're saying Ricky McNair might be paying the Bills gazillions to pry away Yates...........:chef:..........well, the way things have been going, that's not out of the question...........

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There may a silver lining in McNair's Osweiler FUBAR fiasco. It does appear now that McNair is a bit gun shy and is playing a bit scared. Maybe, just maybe with a total collapse in 2017, McNair will clean house (including moving Ricky McNair out of football operations to league affairs) and actually hire one person who knows what the hell they're doing. Dreaming?
So now you're saying Ricky McNair might be paying the Bills gazillions to pry away Yates...........:chef:..........well, the way things have been going, that's not out of the question...........
Trade? I don't think so.
They probably will wait for him to be released :D
There may a silver lining in McNair's Osweiler FUBAR fiasco. It does appear now that McNair is a bit gun shy and is playing a bit scared. Maybe, just maybe with a total collapse in 2017, McNair will clean house (including moving Ricky McNair out of football operations to league affairs) and actually hire one person who knows what the hell they're doing. Dreaming?

Rick Smith's tenure is a direct reflection of the McNair family. If not Smith, then some other lackey who conducts himself in the same milquetoast manner.

I expect generations of this sort of bumbling management that will cycle an occasional just-good-enough-to-get-to-playoffs results since Cal is a chip off the ol' block. Dude can't even pick out his own clothes. . .




Rick Smith's tenure is a direct reflection of the McNair family. If not Smith, then some other lackey who conducts himself in the same milquetoast manner.

I expect generations of this sort of bumbling management that will cycle an occasional just-good-enough-to-get-to-playoffs results since Cal is a chip off the ol' block. Dude can't even pick out his own clothes. . .





Is that Lil Ricky down there on his knees ready to give the old man a BJ in the 3rd pic?
on paper no one expects us to 3 peat the divison since the other 3 teams are all pretty good

but I would like nothing more to prove them all wrong this year of all years is most important IMO if we can 3 peat the divison

Why is this yr more important than any other yr?

Oh, I agree, there will be no 3 peat by design.
on paper no one expects us to 3 peat the divison since the other 3 teams are all pretty good

but I would like nothing more to prove them all wrong this year of all years is most important IMO if we can 3 peat the divison

I think there's a good chance we pull off a 3 pity :D
There may a silver lining in McNair's Osweiler FUBAR fiasco. It does appear now that McNair is a bit gun shy and is playing a bit scared. Maybe, just maybe with a total collapse in 2017, McNair will clean house (including moving Ricky McNair out of football operations to league affairs) and actually hire one person who knows what the hell they're doing. Dreaming?

Even though I think it's unfair that BOB's gonna take the fall for this fiasco and I think if the McNair's fire their adopted son, that will only lead to another version of Lil Ricky part deaux. I'm more than willing to sacrifice BOB if it means flushing the Lil Ricky toilet.
First I mentioned nothing about Clowney, I'm still not convinced that last season was not just a one hit wonder. I did mention Watt because I think just his presence on the field, 100% or not, makes teams rethink their O line placement. If the other team double teams him, even if he's not the same Watt, it still frees up someone else.

Also it seems I wasn't clear in what I was saying as a couple of people have misunderstood. I think they will win the division next year meaning they will pick somewhere in the 20s. This was in response to how valuable the traded pick to the Browns was. The season after that, so what the 2018 season I guess, is when I think we will drop to top 15 as at least two teams finish with getting the new coaches/FO settled in and actually start pushing again.

Me personally I think it will be the Titans and Jags as the Colts are still dependent on Luck, no pun intended, and I think he's starting to break down from all the punishment he has taken.

Well atleast you're thinking. A lot of that in this post.

If Savage gets hurt you can expect 6-10, or worse

Then I cant wait to hear all of the excuses that will be made for Lil Ricky and how that 2nd rd pick doesn't matter because he cleaned up his Os boo boo.

BTW you should check my Texans predictions for the last 5 yrs, other than my hoping Ricky got it right and my 11-5 prediction for last yr, I've been pretty spot on.