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Hurricane Ike

Posting from Dickinson (almost Texas City) and I'm still going strong! Still got power and cable, I must be on some super circut of something. :)
I'm regretting turning half my garage into a kennel right about now. I have the other half filled with everything that might become a projectile in a strong wind and so there's no room for a car in there.

My GTO is sitting out in the driveway and up against the side of the house. I think every inch of my driveway has something growing over it that looks like it's probably going to come off in a strong gust of wind. This afternoon when we were pulling the cars in I had a bad feeling about this. Hopefully nothing happens. If it does I almost hope it's an entire oak tree and not just a bunch of glass and body work (but not enough to total it).
I'm regretting turning half my garage into a kennel right about now. I have the other half filled with everything that might become a projectile in a strong wind and so there's no room for a car in there.

My GTO is sitting out in the driveway and up against the side of the house. I think every inch of my driveway has something growing over it that looks like it's probably going to come off in a strong gust of wind. This afternoon when we were pulling the cars in I had a bad feeling about this. Hopefully nothing happens. If it does I almost hope it's an entire oak tree and not just a bunch of glass and body work (but not enough to total it).

what year is your GTO?
My husband just farted on the couch and our local high school team had a total of 59 yards the entire night that just got over...

Thorn your next....:tiphat:

Shetex still has power

Good to hear she still has power. Entertainment is some folks about four apartments down from me. I had thought they were packing to leave, but then I just went outside for a smoke and they were back packing more stuff into their truck. I talked to them for a minute, they are moving tonight. I asked them if they knew there was a hurricane, and they said they don't care about the hurricane. Takes all kinds I guess.
Good to hear she still has power. Entertainment is some folks about four apartments down from me. I had thought they were packing to leave, but then I just went outside for a smoke and they were back packing more stuff into their truck. I talked to them for a minute, they are moving tonight. I asked them if they knew there was a hurricane, and they said they don't care about the hurricane. Takes all kinds I guess.

Did you remind them about the curfew? Those people are freaking idiots and hopefully they get locked up. It's idiots like that who put the lives of other people at risk.
Good to hear she still has power. Entertainment is some folks about four apartments down from me. I had thought they were packing to leave, but then I just went outside for a smoke and they were back packing more stuff into their truck. I talked to them for a minute, they are moving tonight. I asked them if they knew there was a hurricane, and they said they don't care about the hurricane. Takes all kinds I guess.

Moving? Like regular moving, and not evacuation moving? Could they have possibly picked a more idiotic time?
Well, to be honest, folks that are stupid enough to try and move during a hurricane are not the type of folks I want to talk to for very long. Their stupidity might be catching. LOL
Cable just went out, but I still have power. Looks like it might be time to relocate to the bathroom. Sighzorz.
Good to hear she still has power. Entertainment is some folks about four apartments down from me. I had thought they were packing to leave, but then I just went outside for a smoke and they were back packing more stuff into their truck. I talked to them for a minute, they are moving tonight. I asked them if they knew there was a hurricane, and they said they don't care about the hurricane. Takes all kinds I guess.

S T U P I D!!!!! Kind of reminds me of the Cliff Clavin joke on cheers. Something about a herd of wild animals that only move as fast as the slowest animal amongst them. So therby, if the slow ones are taken out by predators, the herd, as a whole are better off.
Good to hear she still has power. Entertainment is some folks about four apartments down from me. I had thought they were packing to leave, but then I just went outside for a smoke and they were back packing more stuff into their truck. I talked to them for a minute, they are moving tonight. I asked them if they knew there was a hurricane, and they said they don't care about the hurricane. Takes all kinds I guess.

Wow. How can people be both so stupid and so cavalier? I hope their dumb asses don't need to get rescued and take emergency services away from people who really need it.
official weather report from my apartment, no rain and hardly any wind. I know that will change very soon now.
Well, my update is my Neighbor's house (two story) is slowly losing his roof and his damn shingles keep slamming into my house. My house (one story) is fine as of now......his house makes a excellent wind shield LOL....I know that's bad.
I've got the AC down to 65 just on the off chance that the power does go out.

The off chance? :thinking:

I'm right up here near you. Got mine down to 72, my wife is already frozen so better stop there. Still have power but getting pretty good gusts. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before it goes. I expect the worse around daybreak? Not sure, but as long as my roof holds, the windows hold, and no trees come crashing thru the house, I'm good. :splits:
Did you guys hear about how many people the Coast Guard had to rescue from Bolivar Penninsula? How on Earth would so many people decide not to leave from that tiny strip of land that is about 5 feet above sea level.....makes no sense, and one person stayed behind in surfside :crazy:
So, I've relocated to Hunker Bunker 3000 (tm and r) and my cats are the biggest hissiest whiniest bitches ever. Kosmo is in the sink and Oscar is on my makeshift bed in the tub. Like usual. It's going to be a long night.
My power in Dickinson is starting to dim and pulse in and out.......hopefully it will pass, but soon I might be without power. God I hope not, because then I'll just be drunk in the dark.
Did you guys hear about how many people the Coast Guard had to rescue from Bolivar Penninsula? How on Earth would so many people decide not to leave from that tiny strip of land that is about 5 feet above sea level.....makes no sense, and one person stayed behind in surfside :scratcheshead:

You know, this pisses me off. I'm glad they could rescue these people, but how could they be so selfish and put these first responders in jeopardy? Geez people, get a clue!
You know, this pisses me off. I'm glad they could rescue these people, but how could they be so selfish and put these first responders in jeopardy? Geez people, get a clue!

yeah they need a big freaking clue, that strip is about 3 miles wide at best, totally flat and no protection.....on the dirty side of the storm with the most storm surge, I just don't get it. Unselfish acts by the CG to save the selfishly stupid.
So, I'm standing on the patio having a smoke, noticing the wind is starting to pick up and I can feel a tad bit of rain, when a sudden pop and explosion about mile or so away (guessing) just about sent me through the roof. Someone's transformer blew and it's not even that bad yet. Not a good sign.
Posting from Dickinson (almost Texas City) and I'm still going strong! Still got power and cable, I must be on some super circut of something. :)

What about storm surge in Dickinson? A friend of mine drove to Austin because she lived in Dickinson near the radar dome, and it was "A" on the surge zones.
well, i'm pretty good and fuzzy so this thing needs to hurry up. we didnt bother turning down the AC, we're from texas lol, we just turned the thing off when the power kept flicking on and off earlier ... 85 with a small fan is perfect for me. tons of booze, a carton of cigs, and lots of water bottles ... c'mon storm!
What about storm surge in Dickinson? A friend of mine drove to Austin because she lived in Dickinson near the radar dome, and it was "A" on the surge zones.

I'm pretty much right off of 45 and 517, so far so good...the streets aren't even backing up. I was shocked that we weren't in the evac zone, but we weren't.....infact as of right now I still have power.
hopefully it will pass, but soon I might be without power. God I hope not, because then I'll just be drunk in the dark.

Still have power in Stafford/Sugar Land but when/if (man I hope it doesn't!!!) it goes out, I two will just be drunk sitting in the dark.
It's a 2006 so no worries. It's not an old one.

As much as I love that car I have been regretting not getting the Brazen Orange color. I went with Silver and now I've got buyers remorse.

cool, I have a 1971 pontiac lemans convertible and have been debating puting the GTO endura front bumper on it. Hopefully it is going to be ok in my garage and not get any flooding.
I've still got power, but I'm going to try and get a nap now. See yall later, I hope!

I think I am going to do the same. They are saying that League City is getting hammered and I've got a feeling I'm going to be busy tommorow after the storm with clean up. Yall be good.
I think I am going to do the same. They are saying that League City is getting hammered and I've got a feeling I'm going to be busy tommorow after the storm with clean up. Yall be good.

I'd be willing to bet League City isn't getting as hammered as I am.
cool, I have a 1971 pontiac lemans convertible and have been debating puting the GTO endura front bumper on it. Hopefully it is going to be ok in my garage and not get any flooding.

You ever hear Mitch Hedberg talking about how Turkey in the deli section really pisses him off?

That's kind of how I feel about GTO clones. I dig the Le Mans the way it's supposed to be and as cool as the goats were I actually really want a Le Mans GT convertible. Just because it's "not" a GTO if that makes any sense.

I almost bought one when I was in San Antonio in 1985 and was going to pick up the most perfect Le Mans I'd ever seen from my neighbor there. He was a Methodist Minister and his wife's parents had given them that car when they got married so they were the second owners. The interior of that car looked better than the interior in my 2006 and it was that dark green exterior with the black interior. The guy wanted $500 for that car and it was so nice I could not believe my luck.

The day I came home from work with the last paycheck needed to get the car his wife got t-boned by a Dodge Caravan on the way home from work. I saw the pictures and it almost made me throw up. She was fine but the car was gone.

Someday I'll get my Le Mans. It's just a matter of time.
What about storm surge in Dickinson? A friend of mine drove to Austin because she lived in Dickinson near the radar dome, and it was "A" on the surge zones.

I just got in my car and drove around a couple of blocks to check if there was any inpeeding water approaching my house.....luckily there wasn't, but the ditches are starting to fill up.

However, there are DOWNED TREES EVERYWHERE! It's not good.....still can't believe I have power.
Still have power in Stafford/Sugar Land but when/if (man I hope it doesn't!!!) it goes out, I two will just be drunk sitting in the dark.

God I hope the power holds up....when I drove around, it is pretty much pitch black EVERYWHERE except for a couple of streets in my really is a miracle that I'm still able to post.
Power and directv still up and running here in Baytown. We are getting like 60 mile an hour winds, and all is fine so far.

Knocking on wood...
I still have power. The lights are flickering occassionally, but so far so good. Knock on bathtub. I hear the wind kicking around outside. I'm glad my street runs N - S, so the wind is blowing parallel to the two outward facing parts of my house. I'm buffered on the N/S sides by townhome neighbors.
You ever hear Mitch Hedberg talking about how Turkey in the deli section really pisses him off?

That's kind of how I feel about GTO clones. I dig the Le Mans the way it's supposed to be and as cool as the goats were I actually really want a Le Mans GT convertible. Just because it's "not" a GTO if that makes any sense.

I almost bought one when I was in San Antonio in 1985 and was going to pick up the most perfect Le Mans I'd ever seen from my neighbor there. He was a Methodist Minister and his wife's parents had given them that car when they got married so they were the second owners. The interior of that car looked better than the interior in my 2006 and it was that dark green exterior with the black interior. The guy wanted $500 for that car and it was so nice I could not believe my luck.

The day I came home from work with the last paycheck needed to get the car his wife got t-boned by a Dodge Caravan on the way home from work. I saw the pictures and it almost made me throw up. She was fine but the car was gone.

Someday I'll get my Le Mans. It's just a matter of time.

I get bored from time to time and put on craigslist just to see what kind of offers I get. Most of them are pretty strange. I have had alot of offeres for jewelry and watches. . . I have a problem wearing my wedding ring less anything else that might be considered jewelry. Best offer I had was a corvette.

Also I love Mitch hedburg. wish I could have seen him before he passed. Mitch Fatel is funny too. Miniskirts and muffins is a classic.
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Power and directv still up and running here in Baytown. We are getting like 60 mile an hour winds, and all is fine so far.

Knocking on wood...

My mom's house is south of Anahuac, pretty close to Smith Point, right after the eye that Area and Baytown are going to get the worse winds of the storm on the southern eyewall. I don't think my Mom will have a house to go home to. And the power is already out there BTW, I have been calling through out the night and when we called at midnight the answer machine didn't pick up so the power is out.
My mom's house is south of Anahuac, pretty close to Smith Point, right after the eye that Area and Baytown are going to get the worse winds of the storm on the southern eyewall. I don't think my Mom will have a house to go home to. And the power is already out there BTW, I have been calling through out the night and when we called at midnight the answer machine didn't pick up so the power is out.

sucks man, Sorry to hear about your father. bad things happen in threes but good seems to happen more often or you just realize it more.
sucks man, Sorry to hear about your father. bad things happen in threes but good seems to happen more often or you just realize it more.

Thanks man, my mom and my brother were not going to leave but when my Dad passed yesterday they did not need to stay, I think God's timing had something to do with it, I just pray she doesn't lose her house on top of all the other stuff going on. We will find out, I rode out Alicia in that same house with my family when I was 9.