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Demeco Ryans’ Staff

What makes you think that. Kingsbury has known Young since Young was in high school and Kingsbury was coach at Texas Tech. He was the first to show interest in the young athlete when Young's coach sent out the highlight tape.
Just because he’s known him since he was in high school doesn’t automatically mean the Texans are drafting him.
KK is a free agent as I understand and can work under any title. Slowek for a'head coach; Steichen OC and KK for QB coach.

Reason I say Kingsbury would need a larger title is to entice him to come here when presumably he will have other offers if he chooses to coach this season. A recent HC very rarely takes a position coach only title after just being a HC.

1. I keep hearing this and I could not disagree more. “He’s an awesome OC.” I don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. I think he’s an awesome college OC. The Air Raid in college, hell yeah. … The best the Cardinals have finished when 11th in scoring offense. He’s been middling at best. … It’s not the talking point some think.

2. “Great developer of QBs” … I don’t understand where this comes from. Great developer of college QBs. He gets a lot out of Baker, Manziel, Keenum. … I don’t see anyone saying “Because of Kingsbury, Mahomes was already ready to go in the NFL.” It’s not what happened. The Air Raid is not this next level mental functioning they’re teaching. It’s like “Hey, throw to the open guy.” You look at the Cardinals offense, you could blame perhaps some on Kyler, who came in with his natural QB skills but has not progressed beyond that. Is that Kyler’s fault? Maybe but don’t say Kliff has developed NFL QBs when he hasn’t. Here’s Greg Cosell about where he saw Kyler after 3 full seasons. “3 years into his career, what the tape shows is there hasn’t been significant improvement. He’s essentially the same player as a rookie based on tape study.” I’m not buying that part of it.

3. It’s things like this from John McClain. “It would be great if DeMeco hired Kliff. Ryans needs one former head coach on his staff. Kingsbury would be terrific.” My mind is blown as to how he would be a terrific mentor for a young head coach. The last 7 seasons he’s been a HC, he’s had one winning season. In the 10 seasons as a HC, 3 winning seasons.

Kliff has an ability to get players to respond to him, certainly in college he demonstrated that. Very prolific offenses in college. Maybe there’s untapped potential in the NFL but when it comes to being a HC, he’s certainly not the guy that needs to be mentoring DeMeco who strikes me as way more mature, polished and wise in terms of HC stuff at the NFL level. I don’t like any of those reasons for Kliff to be OC. I do like one specific reason to get him on staff. He’s no threat to be yanked away as HC. He’s a bonafide OC. You get him on staff, he already got his guaranteed salary, so give him a bump to be a consultant or pass game coordinator. Bring him in, see what he can bring to the table, and maybe he impresses you. Perhaps a guy like Slowik is OC and if he gets plucked away, then I have Kliff or whoever else we’ve cultivated to be OC. If Kliff likes it, I don’t think he’s going anywhere. He can be the offensive Dick LeBeau. That intrigues me, Kliff Kingsbury, Texans offensive consultant.
Reason I say Kingsbury would need a larger title is to entice him to come here when presumably he will have other offers if he chooses to coach this season. A recent HC very rarely takes a position coach only title after just being a HC.
Well, he can't have Boom Box coordinator. That's taken.

Looks like there is a defined role and responsibilities for this guy. I guess things are changing on Kirby. No more of this nonsense about he is very talented in many areas. He is here to serve.

lol..ok. Te description doc gave is about as generic as it gets.
Lets see how this plays out before passing judgement. I'm hoping Ryans/Burke are on the same page regarding philosophy/players playing time etc... and Ryans lets Burke run the defense. If Ryans doesn't like the direction of the defense then he can take over running the defense. This is really one of the least worries Texans fans should be having.
I'm not passing judgment, just making an early observation. Just like I did when I said Kubiak raised red flags when he said he was going to hire friends and family for his assistant coaches.
Kingsbury would be a good OC here. Though I’m not sure how he would mesh with a defensive oriented coach that wants to run the football.

He has been successful as an OC everywhere he’s been an OC before… just hits his Peter principle at HC. I’d have confidence he can develop the next QB and maybe even stick around a couple years after his last HC stop.
I believe you need to revisit his college as far as the details. His offense worked in college, not an offense that has ever translated in the NFL.
What bothers me is after all the publicity of Kingsbury to Thailand on a one-way ticket............then he decides in short order to come back to the states to interview in Houston for the OC position. Someone had to give a good reason to do so.

Oh I can help explain that, I have been to Thailand. Everyone wants to move there and never leave after first few days, but after say 2 weeks you start worrying about your health and question if you can survive another month in Thailand.

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Reason I say Kingsbury would need a larger title is to entice him to come here when presumably he will have other offers if he chooses to coach this season. A recent HC very rarely takes a position coach only title after just being a HC.
Actually I think we had a fellow of this organization do just that except he dropped all the way from the pro level down to the college level.
We have been interviewing people for a while. The time in which Texans interviewed Kingsbury could just be because his vacation was over and he was back in the States.

Why interview Kingsbury? We if he is so familiar with Young, one could gleam some insight. Imagine… “Mr. Kingsbury, as OC here, how would you feel about us drafting Young? Would he be a significant offensive piece to your success?”. Yada yada, you can imagine what honest opinion someone will divulge if they think the question is about them and not a particular player or hire
Lets see how this plays out before passing judgement. I'm hoping Ryans/Burke are on the same page regarding philosophy/players playing time etc... and Ryans lets Burke run the defense. If Ryans doesn't like the direction of the defense then he can take over running the defense. This is really one of the least worries Texans fans should be having.
Something Ryans seemed to emphasise to media so far is that he doesn’t want groupthink and yes men coaching his team, he wants different voices and opinions, he wants to hear them, and that as long as they are going to be able to have those discussions and then come to work together then that is going to be great for him.

Any coach who gets hired where you aren’t really sure why they fit, that’s exactly the reason they are in the building, but you can be sure that Ryans is a great communicator and believes he will be able to work well with them.
Looks like the Colts Oline started off pretty bad but improved as the season went on...

But other than last year, his resume with them looks impressive...

Not sure why they are so down on him.

Strausser like any other OL Coach may be at the mercy of the offensive system instituted by the HC and his OC.

Colts 2020 season finished with a 11-5 record. Reich was the HC and Sirianni was the OC.
Colts 2021 season finished with a 9-8 record. Reich was the HC and Brady was the OC.
Colts 2022 season finished with a 3-12-1 record. Reich/Saturday were the HC’s and Parks Frazier was the Interim OC.

OL injuries may have played a part as well.

I like the idea of Strausser coming to join Ryans staff, if in fact this turns out to be the case.
Strausser is a well-regarded OL coach with a history of successful run games in college and the NFL. His time in Denver overlapped with Phillip Lindsay’s breakout rookie season and Indy had Marlon Mack’s breakout year to go with Johnathan Taylor’s ascension as a top 2-3 RB in the league.

This season OL and Taylor’s injury caused the Colts to regress. Along with ghost of Matt Ryan not providing enough of a threat in the passing game.

Going back to college he was part of some prolific offenses with Boise State and Washington under Chris Peterson.

Also interesting to note that he overlapped with current Eagles HC Nick Sirianni in Indy… whom the Texans will hopefully be poaching for more coach(es) after today’s game.

He is a heck of an addition:

Chris Kiffin had a successful stint as Browns DL coach in 2020/21 until this season’s regression. 2020/21 they were a top 10 unit. But something happened in 2022 that may have been a distraction and trickled down to the rest of the team I suspect.

And his father Monte Kiffin is one of the greatest defensive minds in NFL history.

I am interested in seeing what he can get out of a healthy Greenard. Overlapped with DeMeco in SF.

his video is another example of not everything you read and see on the internet is true. It's crazy that this video has been watched 169 million times and it's not Bob Marley. That's a Bobby McFerrin song.
Penguin, are you trying to tell us that YouTube can be wrong? What about all of these QB evaluations that say Bryce Young is too small to play in the NFL? Or that despite leading the nation in passer rating, CJ Stroud wilts with pressure? Could that also be wrong?

This is blowing my mind, man.

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