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[] Dunta outlines terms

I think alot of it has to do with the overwhelming pride that these guys carry. Look at how the whole Cutler deal unfolded. All of us looking in from the outside thought both sides acted like a bunch of babies(at least I did). Why couldn't they work it out? Pride always rears its ugly head. Dunta obviously feels he's one of the best at his position, whether we think so or not. He's been on a losing team and probably feels like his talents are being wasted here. Unless he gets the money he feels he deserves, then why stay on a losing team. It's either "pay me" or I'm gone to a better team. Not all guys get on a winning team and get paid. Heck, all of it is lame to us, cuz we as fans feel ripped off for investing our time, heart, and sometimes money into these teams. Perfect example...did anyone watch the Disatros tonight? ugggghhhh.....
Prepare for a Dunta-less Texans team by drafting a good CB on Sunday. That's what I'd do, at any rate.

Mickens (University of Cincinatti) is still available.

I doubt he lasts until our spot in the 3rd. The teams in front of us are going to see him and scoop him up real fast, IMO.

This is where having the 1st or 2nd or 3rd pick of the 3rd round pays off: You grab some sleep, wake up early and discover some guys that you can't believe are still on the board.

Yet we seem to be stuck in the middle of that freaking round every year.
Random thoughts.

Fans don't like players who don't bow appropriately to the team.

When the coaches aren't performing to fans' standards they have to go. Throw out the front office too.

Fans don't necessarily love owners.

I guess the team is really the decal. The hometown decal.

Dunta signs and it will blow over. Demeco has been forgiven already. Dunta leaves and everyone will always have known he always sucked. Nobody ever liked him. This emotion Dunta is showing now is what the fans used to cheer for.

Frankly, I hope Dunta leaves if that what he wants. Players aren't important anyway, right.
Random thoughts.

Fans don't like players who don't bow appropriately to the team.

When the coaches aren't performing to fans' standards they have to go. Throw out the front office too.

Fans don't necessarily love owners.

I guess the team is really the decal. The hometown decal.

Dunta signs and it will blow over. Demeco has been forgiven already. Dunta leaves and everyone will always have known he always sucked. Nobody ever liked him. This emotion Dunta is showing now is what the fans used to cheer for.

Frankly, I hope Dunta leaves if that what he wants. Players aren't important anyway, right.

He had said those things about mediocre players who lacked heart.

And now, he has begun to believe his own hype too much. He's in that zone where he thinks that because he thinks it, it has to be true. He got a lot of stuff right, but he's wearing some serious blinders on this deal...and that bull-headed determination that he used to rehab his leg is now crippling his whole reason for being one of our anointed leaders: He won't give up.

Dunta is not always right, and this is a sad deal. Dude just got caught up in his "This is how it is, cuz I say so" thinking.
i would say trade him but i think at best and i mean best case scenario would be a 3rd rounder for him he hasnt proven he can be a shut down corner.
Random thoughts.

Fans don't like players who don't bow appropriately to the team.

When the coaches aren't performing to fans' standards they have to go. Throw out the front office too.

Fans don't necessarily love owners.

I guess the team is really the decal. The hometown decal.

Dunta signs and it will blow over. Demeco has been forgiven already. Dunta leaves and everyone will always have known he always sucked. Nobody ever liked him.This emotion Dunta is showing now is what the fans used to cheer for.
Frankly, I hope Dunta leaves if that what he wants. Players aren't important anyway, right.


it would take too long to rebut all the crap in that post so heres the short(er) version:

im not a big dunta fan right now because he saying he wants to be a texan yet everything hes doing shows he wants to leave (rejecting an overly generous contract offer & now saying he doesnt want to be franchised again- hmm maybe he wouldnt have to worry about the tag if he signed the 23m dollar garunteed contract). hes expecting the whole organisation to bow down to his demands. i would be totally on his side if i didnt think the texans were being fair but imo hes the only one being greedy

demeco on the other hand is somebody i believe when he says he wants to be here because hes backing it up with his actions

so your kinda right, i hope he leaves too because unhappy, problem players arent worth it especially when their recent performances have been as middling as his
Has the actual terms of his supposed 23 million guaranteed contract offer ever been released? Do we have it in good confidence that he was actually offered top 5 money? Just curious.

As far as how I think the Texans should handle the situation? Well it's pretty obvious, as they have ALL the leverage. If he doesn't sign the franchise tag, he doesn't get paid. If he does sign the tag, they have the 09 season to negotiate a new contract. If they are still unable to reach an agreement, the Texans have the right to tag him again. It's that simple. He's not under contract but the Texans own the rights to where he plays IF he plays.

It's his own career that he's jeopardizing. If he walks in on opening day in a contract year and thinks he'll play up to his supposed top 3 CB worth, he's probably wrong. If not, good for him. He's coming back from being out of football for over a year and a half. He was clearly not playing well upon his return. If he sits out the preseason, he's hurting his chances of getting paid again.

It should be business as usual in the Texans FO. They've played their card. It's pretty black and white.
Always thought Dunta was overrated, I'd agree to his terms because I don't think he's worth the franschise tag and don't think his play will be at a standard that they would WANT to use it next year.

Can the Texans withdraw the franchise tag now??
And how has the Lance Briggs situation worked out for the TEAM?
Are you suggesting that Chicago hasn't made it back to the Super Bowl because of Lance Briggs? Briggs was the least of their problems. If anyone should get the blame, it's the front office for not bringing in a decent QB (now resolved) and an overhyped, overpaid MLB's play dropping off like a lead balloon.
Sorry I'm not as PC as you'd like me to be.
It has nothing to do with PC, and everything to do with following the rules. I'm not singling you out. There has been too much of this going on during a busy draft weekend.
demeco on the other hand is somebody i believe when he says he wants to be here because hes backing it up with his actions
Demeco is with the team because a) he may be closer to a deal than Dunta, and b) he's still under contract. He can't miss mandatory camps, training camp, or preseason games without being fined. Dunta is not under contract, and really can't participate without putting himself at risk. Switch Dunta's and DeMeco's situations and DeMeco would be the one getting the unjustified rancor.

Can the Texans withdraw the franchise tag now??
They can. That the Texans haven't suggests they have a much higher opinion of Dunta than some of the fans do. And a much better understanding of the situation.

Personally, I think a player's best performance usually emerges in a contract year. There's no way that Robinson will miss regular season games during a contract year. Not a chance.
Frankly, I hope Dunta leaves if that what he wants. Players aren't important anyway, right.

The only thing I said is if he wants to sit out, then let him sit. The Texans are not shortchanging Dunta or ripping him off. (Kinda like TB signing Leftwich with no bonus, so they could cut him anytime) The Texans are playing everything by the book, under the CBA that the players agreed to. The franchise tag is part of the deal, and if Dunta is against it so much that he would sit out, then let him.
Demeco is with the team because a) he may be closer to a deal than Dunta, and b) he's still under contract. He can't miss mandatory camps, training camp, or preseason games without being fined. Dunta is not under contract, and really can't participate without putting himself at risk. Switch Dunta's and DeMeco's situations and DeMeco would be the one getting the unjustified rancor.

the offseason conditioning that they're doing now isnt mandatory and hes showed up.
He's been on a losing team and probably feels like his talents are being wasted here. Unless he gets the money he feels he deserves, then why stay on a losing team.

This first part is the part that sticks out to me. His talents havent' been showcased in a way that warrants his stance, IMHO. He has spent more(or equal-ish) time on the side line in the last year than on the field. From that vantage point, I would think he see's a team that IS getting better, and despite not having his talent on the field for some of that, I would think he HAS to recognize the opportunity to make 23mil while likely riding the bus to fruition. What greater feeling than to be a part of a team that goes from futility to success, and I would think this is the year he would HONESTLY believe is the year he gets to live out that journey, thus his talents wouldn't be wasted...

Combine that with the fact that the tender being offered him is what we as a consensus would consider top tier money for his position, I'm not sure this is about playing on a losing team or money.. doesn't add up.

I'm more inclined to think the real problem is masked somewhere behind the FO doors that we are unable to realize. Maybe promises were made that have been broken.. I know from personal experience, when an employer of goes back on their word... I'm doing what I can to get out the door.

None of it makes sense, so I doubt any of this speculation is close to the heart of the matter.

I have always been a fan of 23... He has more pound for pound heart than most on this team since he's been in Houston and remember.. it was him after deangelo hall in the draft.. I'm so glad we landed Dunta..

All said, I don't see him wagging the dog. If I'm the texans, I do what's best for my interest. Franchise him. If he doesn't want to play.. sit his ass and let him turn into any other player you can think of that took a year off from the game and came back... not really promising for Dunta.. He'll play, then move on. Just as the players say... it's buisiness.

it would take too long to rebut all the crap in that post so heres the short(er) version:

im not a big dunta fan right now because he saying he wants to be a texan yet everything hes doing shows he wants to leave (rejecting an overly generous contract offer & now saying he doesnt want to be franchised again- hmm maybe he wouldnt have to worry about the tag if he signed the 23m dollar garunteed contract). hes expecting the whole organisation to bow down to his demands. i would be totally on his side if i didnt think the texans were being fair but imo hes the only one being greedy

demeco on the other hand is somebody i believe when he says he wants to be here because hes backing it up with his actions

so your kinda right, i hope he leaves too because unhappy, problem players arent worth it especially when their recent performances have been as middling as his

Crap? You're right. I'm just rephrasing things I've seen on the boards that I find silly. As soon as a player stops acting like a good little robot and acts like a human being, he's at risk of fan displeasure. Dunta and Demeco are doing what many, many players do. The team is doing what teams do. Somehow that makes the player a pariah.
Crap? You're right. I'm just rephrasing things I've seen on the boards that I find silly. As soon as a player stops acting like a good little robot and acts like a human being, he's at risk of fan displeasure. Dunta and Demeco are doing what many, many players do. The team is doing what teams do. Somehow that makes the player a pariah.

$10 million a year would make him a very wealthy robot. Like someone said earlier the Texans did what they had to do when he turned down $23 mil guaranteed. The Texans did nothing illegal here. They tagged him in accordance with the CBA that Dunta's union negotiated on his behalf. Maybe his real beef is with the NFLPA.

The Texans would be stupid to agree to not tag him next year. It has been stated many times before. It not about money. He just wants out of Houston. I say if Houston can't get good value on a sign and trade, then let him sit at home and eat Twinkees and drink YooHoos.

Do nothing to meet his demands. He only becomes his own worst enemy at that point.
By the way, I think Dunta should have taken the $23M guaranteed and been happy (assuming that was the offer). The fact that he didn't take it doesn't mean he's the most overrated player to put on the Texans decal in my mind though. I don't think it makes him a lousy person either.
By the way, I think Dunta should have taken the $23M guaranteed and been happy (assuming that was the offer). The fact that he didn't take it doesn't mean he's the most overrated player to put on the Texans decal in my mind though. I don't think it makes him a lousy person either.

He may not be a lousy person, but he's pretty stupid turning down the money he was offered. In the future he'll look back and regret what he's doing right now.
Crap? You're right. I'm just rephrasing things I've seen on the boards that I find silly. As soon as a player stops acting like a good little robot and acts like a human being, he's at risk of fan displeasure. Dunta and Demeco are doing what many, many players do. The team is doing what teams do. Somehow that makes the player a pariah.

Demeco came to his senses. I think he didn't know the full details of his situation. I think that's why he fired his agent. The Texans were going to make him one of the top 5 paid MLBs in the NFL. What more can you ask for?

Dunta is a whole other situation. He is acting like a turd and there's no getting around it. I'm pretty sure Rick Smith told his agent that they weren't going to franchise him because Rick thought that there would be no way that Dunta would turn down that type of deal. When it all first happened, I was upset with the organization because I thought that they didn't offer him a fair deal. But when the report came out from McClain of what the Texans offered him and HE TURNED DOWN, then I changed my perspective about the whole situation. Marcus is right in that this will be a situation that Dunta looks back on and truly regrets. He's went about everything the wrong way.
If Dunta Robinson was half as good as most of the board makes him out to be, we would have won a Super Bowl by now

In reality he is a No. 2 CB that has never really lived up to his draft status or rookie season. And that was pre-injury
If I remember correctly, Dunta was not tagged with an EXCLUSIVE franchise label. And no team has shared Dunta's elite self-evaluation with a commensurate offer. The longer he holds out, the less time for showcasing his "abilities" and deride the injury label. Even if he has a potential of bringing his play to the next level (which I'm not convinced he can) he will be screwing himself because he will not have answered anyone's questions about his present status. BTW, Dunta can still be traded until the official trading deadline.
The only problem I have with what Dunta is saying is that he said it publicly. That doesn't do any good, and it causes people to resent him, especially given the public report of the offer he turned down.

He is right to want a long term deal but sounding petulant and whiny to the media isn't the way to get things done.

Dunta has an agent. He should let his agent do the talking for him.
Based on this story anyway, we don't know much about the "23 million dollar" offer. It could have been a seven year, 23 million dollar offer which would be cheap.

As far as the rest of it, he is good. He does work hard. He want's the best offer he can get, and I can't blame him after his injury it probably makes you think. Since we don't know the details of that offer, I'm not going to assume that he's expecting top 5 corner money or whatever. I'm not going to assume anything, and I'm not going to judge.

However, I think it's true that he should keep this out of the media as much as possible.
Based on this story anyway, we don't know much about the "23 million dollar" offer. It could have been a seven year, 23 million dollar offer which would be cheap.

As far as the rest of it, he is good. He does work hard. He want's the best offer he can get, and I can't blame him after his injury it probably makes you think. Since we don't know the details of that offer, I'm not going to assume that he's expecting top 5 corner money or whatever. I'm not going to assume anything, and I'm not going to judge.

However, I think it's true that he should keep this out of the media as much as possible.

I think you're looking at it the wrong way. $23 million is the guaranteed portion of his contract offer. The contract itself could have been for a total of $40 million. It's just like with the Antonio Smith deal. His contract is for $35 million, but only $12.5 million of that contract is guaranteed. IMO, Dunta got more than a fair deal considering his situation.
This really sucks.
Dunta is getting some real bad advice, from whoever it might be.
Its crazy how much yall are over reacting, players do this all he time! He has not become a cancer just because of this, players loved him then and they love him now.
I hope he realizes that this is a bit irrational and works something out.
This is a sad situation. Dunta is a player I've loved rooting for for the past 5 seasons. Unfortunately, it's difficult to understand his attitude when he was offered a $23 million signing bonus and he's being given a one year $10 million contract after turning that down. Considering he already has been paid first round money, I can't sympahtise with him.

I think, as an organization, we just have to call his bluff. It will cost him $550,000 every game he misses not to mention the money he loses if his play suffers next year. The front office can't let him dictate terms this way, IMO.
I'm not angry about him "holding out" all of pre-season (though god knows he needs the reps), but threatening to not show up till the season is already underway just irritates me no end.

Overreacting a little here? Sitting out the preseason is SOP for tagged players. Unless they get the tag waived in future years. The Texans knew that when Dunta was given the tag.
Agreed, but... Unfortunately, he's taking that threat a step further (and talking about regular season games).

Dunta Robinson wants to leave Houston. That's as clear to me as the light of day. He has turned down a generous offer. He has made an issue of being franchised and turned the process into a "They lied to me" accusation. He's now saying that he won't take 9 MILLION DOLLARS to suit up for the Texans unless they promise not to franchise him again.

There's really no other logical explanation for this. Dunta wants out of here and he's willing to say whatever he has to say or do whatever he has to do to get that result. He's playing his own little Jay Cutler game to get out of town and that is entirely understandable in the NFL. Lots of guys do it and I don't want any of them on my team either. I thought Dunta was indispensable to the Texans going into 2009 but have come to the conclusion that no matter how much I like the guy and his game he's not going to be worth the kind of money it would take to get him to stay here and be "Dunta Robinson" for us next year.
To be honest, I'd never considered that, but his actions are definitely speaking pretty loudly right now so who knows.

Random thoughts.

Fans don't like players who don't bow appropriately to the team.

When the coaches aren't performing to fans' standards they have to go. Throw out the front office too.

Fans don't necessarily love owners.

I guess the team is really the decal. The hometown decal.

Dunta signs and it will blow over. Demeco has been forgiven already. Dunta leaves and everyone will always have known he always sucked. Nobody ever liked him. This emotion Dunta is showing now is what the fans used to cheer for.

Frankly, I hope Dunta leaves if that what he wants. Players aren't important anyway, right.
I think you're over-simplifying to make a point. I LOVE the fire and intensity that #23 has always brought to the game. The man lays the wood and has always had a big motor. The reality is that he's now acting out a grown-up version of a temper tantrum and it just sickens me to see it. I wanted him as a cornerstone of this franchise for a decade.

Demeco is with the team because a) he may be closer to a deal than Dunta, and b) he's still under contract. He can't miss mandatory camps, training camp, or preseason games without being fined. Dunta is not under contract, and really can't participate without putting himself at risk. Switch Dunta's and DeMeco's situations and DeMeco would be the one getting the unjustified rancor...There's no way that Robinson will miss regular season games during a contract year. Not a chance.
If he signs the tender, there ISN'T any additional risk. At that point he's covered by the CBA for injury. I do hope you're right about him not holding out, but this has all come on so strongly (even confirmed by his friends) that I'm no longer certain he won't just to prove that he can.
Dunta Robinson wants to leave Houston. That's as clear to me as the light of day. He has turned down a generous offer. He has made an issue of being franchised and turned the process into a "They lied to me" accusation. He's now saying that he won't take 9 MILLION DOLLARS to suit up for the Texans unless they promise not to franchise him again.

There's really no other logical explanation for this. Dunta wants out of here and he's willing to say whatever he has to say or do whatever he has to do to get that result. He's playing his own little Jay Cutler game to get out of town and that is entirely understandable in the NFL. Lots of guys do it and I don't want any of them on my team either. I thought Dunta was indispensable to the Texans going into 2009 but have come to the conclusion that no matter how much I like the guy and his game he's not going to be worth the kind of money it would take to get him to stay here and be "Dunta Robinson" for us next year.

I'm ok with sending him on his way at this point. The Texans will likely not blink and really shouldn't but by the time Dunta reports to the team whether it's in training camp or sometime in the regular season they should be preparing for life without him and looking at potential partners in a sign-and-trade deal if they can find one.

This has been my thinking from jump.

Dunta is saying "I want to be a Texan" but if you look at his actions, they say something else altogether.

I don't think he wants to be here no matter what the dollar figure is. If he can figure out a way to get traded, moved, whatever - he's as good as gone.

And that's fine. I cheer for laundry and not for players. If Dunta wants to move on, let him go.
If Dunta Robinson was half as good as most of the board makes him out to be, we would have won a Super Bowl by now

In reality he is a No. 2 CB that has never really lived up to his draft status or rookie season. And that was pre-injury

And I think he knows that, as well.

Which is why he's acting out so loudly and proudly, IMO. He's probably pissed about all the wasted years under the David Carr era, his freak injury, and he thought he could become Superman in his rehab & return to the game...and it would all add up for the Texans FO with a big huge "Oh, we just love you so much!" kind of deal.

Instead, he was met with a blank stare. That sort of look a person gets when things get awkward.

So his solution is to try and get another team to take the bait, and to help him "get back" at the Texans.

David killed Goliath, but what made him great is that he had all those chances to kill Saul and he refused to kill the king. Even though David had been anointed to take over Saul's throne, he refused to slit a throat to get there faster and easier. David, you see, knew when to use force and against whom he could use force--He had discipline, at least until a sunbathing incident a few years down the road. Dunta slayed some giants over the past few years, especially the comeback off his injury. But now he's gone mad, and he's trying that same tactic with the team that has just written him a nearly $10 million check for one year.

Not too hard to see why the guy is falling out of favor with the more well-informed fan, such as us here on the boards. He can fool the fans that don't know what all is going on, but the insiders see just exactly what's up on this deal.

I hope we trade him. Next year's draft should have better talent than this year's, so maybe we'll get something in the next draft. At this point, I could care to see him on the field.
23 said:
They won one battle. I’m trying to get it to where I won’t be franchised again. Hopefully, I’ll be back on the field sooner rather than later. Whenever I come back, I’ll be ready to go, no doubt about it. I’m not a lazy guy. I’m doing everything I need to be doing. I’m not the kind of player who’s going to sit back and take a break, you can be sure about that.”
Yeah, like THE BATTLE GOING ON BETWEEN YOU AND THEM DINGDONG!!!!!!! You're not lazy but whoever is driving your boat needs some serious map-age.
80 said:
“This is normal,” Johnson said about offseason contract problems with teammates. “It happens everywhere around the league. When the season comes around, (Robinson and Ryans) will be big pieces of our puzzle, and I expect to see them here.”
The true team leader putting it down, as per his usual, in as few words as possible.
I agree with Herv that Dunta absolutely does not want to play in Houston. The Texans need to get rid of him but I'm not sure they can at this point. Nobody thinks he is worth what the Texans offered him already except Dunta and he is under the delusion that he is worth more. Fans here have soured on him and he will be a cancer in the locker room if we don't get rid of him. Dunta is going to miss being a part of the best Houston Texans team yet. He'll look back one day and be extremely sorry for the way he has acted. He is single handedly turning the entire Texans fan base against him and backing himself to a cliff's edge with nowhere else to go but over and down.
The true team leader putting it down, as per his usual, in as few words as possible.

Somebody better tell Andre the team would be better off trading these overrated whiners. He's looking very uninformed right now.

I could care less how much or how little we pay Dunta. It's on the front office to make a deal happen. They're the ones assigned to work the cap issues. I hope they can come to a deal but I'm not mad at Dunta Robinson. That beef is between him and the FO.

I just want to watch football. That doesn't make me any less of a fan than the "well-informed" ones. If Dunta's a Texan next season, then I'm going to be rooting him on. If he's elsewhere, then I won't be.

Basically... I'm hoping they can bury the hatchet and let's play football.
I dont even want to read throught his thread. Dauntes comments have really changed my opinion of him. I now wish we would of traded him on draft day and gotten something decent in return for him. Thats all Im going to say on this matter.
Agree not to Franchise tag him, then Transition tag his ass.

Trade him to Detroit.

There comes a time when you have to spot a guy trying like hell to price him self out of town. I wouldn't ever agree to do something that takes away part of your leverage in contract talks. Who does this guy think he is? You're Dunta ****ing Robinson. Not Asante Samuels, or Albert Haynesworth, or Shaun Alexander. You're Dunta ****ing Robinson. Your production has gone down every year you've been in the NFL. You're not a shut down corner, nor are you a play maker. You are an average CB at best who was offered alot of money and now you're being a little *****. I've lost all respect for the guy and he is now my least favorite Texan.
Last edited:
Based on this story anyway, we don't know much about the "23 million dollar" offer. It could have been a seven year, 23 million dollar offer which would be cheap.

C'mon people, do you really think the issue here is the money ?
It's becoming more and more apparent that the issue(s) is where he lives
and/or who he plays for.
I could care less how much or how little we pay Dunta. It's on the front office to make a deal happen. They're the ones assigned to work the cap issues. I hope they can come to a deal but I'm not mad at Dunta Robinson. That beef is between him and the FO.

I just want to watch football. That doesn't make me any less of a fan than the "well-informed" ones. If Dunta's a Texan next season, then I'm going to be rooting him on. If he's elsewhere, then I won't be.

Basically... I'm hoping they can bury the hatchet and let's play football.


I think Dunta is going to play this season as a Texan because they are not getting rid of him and he's not going to pass up 500 something thousand a game...

Next yr....I can see him moving on.
C'mon people, do you really think the issue here is the money ?
It's becoming more and more apparent that the issue(s) is where he lives
and/or who he plays for.

I doubt it.

I can't see him having been so passionate as a Texan for this long and then all of a sudden not wanting to be with the team right when they have a chance to get to the play-offs for the first time...

He says he likes Houston, but I think he likes money even more.
I am really disheartened by all of this. DRob has been my favorite Texan, with Mario and AJ a close second, there are several reasons he is a fan favorite and a lot of us like what he brings to the field. I hate this news, I really do, because like a lot of you have said, it just looks like he wants to play elsewhere. For the life of me, I wouldn't understand or be behind any team that would shell out a ton of money for a guy coming off the devastating injury that DRob has. I think he deserves to get paid, and I think the 9+ million this year is plenty of dough for him to be happy with, at least while a deal get works out. It pains me to say, just promise him you want tag him again and try to work out a deal (appears highly unlikely) or trade him somewhere between now and the deadline next season. I really hate to see this happen and they way DRob has handled it.

I really hate that he has complained about this publicly, if he got the offer they are reporting, that's a pretty damn good offer for a guy coming off injury and I can't see making him happy or that right now he deserves a penny more. Why not load it with incentives, if he starts playing all world corner type ball, then pay the man. But he also has to prove he can get to that level, so triggers and incentives should do the trick....if he wanted to stay. It just sounds like he doesn't want to be tagged because he wants to leave and the money has nothing to do with it, to the point he is willing to sit it out. Maybe the Texans shouldn't budge, I doubt he sits out too much of the season at that fine rate.......which will hurt his quality of play when he does come back. Good luck getting paid somewhere else, in a contract year, after pulling this.
I don't want anybody on the team that doesn't want to be here, so honestly I wouldn't mind him going at all. You came off an injury, didn't perform fantastically after returning, and you want to get paid even in the same area code as a DB like Asomugha? Puhleeeeez.

Good Riddance.
I agree with Herv's take: D.Rob is positioning himself to be on another team. His words reveal hurt feelings/ego/pride/whatever, and he's venting to the public. I wouldn't be surprised if the team trades him or calls his bluff, and by the same token, I won't be surprised to see him in another team's uniform by the 2010 season.

Never forget, folks, that pro football is an entertainment business.
Anyone else remember this?

Titans game in Nashville -2006 season....Dunta getting torched by Drew Bennett of all people for a long TD bomb in the first half.

It's an image that's been burned in my mind the last 3 years. It's on continuous loop that comes on every time I hear the guy's name.

I hate to pile on, but I never really saw what makes him an elite corner. If he is, then I guess the market will decide.
I agree with Herv's take: D.Rob is positioning himself to be on another team. His words reveal hurt feelings/ego/pride/whatever, and he's venting to the public. I wouldn't be surprised if the team trades him or calls his bluff, and by the same token, I won't be surprised to see him in another team's uniform by the 2010 season.

Never forget, folks, that pro football is an entertainment business

True. That is why he shouldn't be running his mouth in the press. Who pays his wages? Joe Public who buys his shirt, and the tickets to go see him play football.

The number one way to piss the fans off is to act up and start slating the team (the thing that the fans hold an emotional attachment to).

I've always liked Dunta. As a player he has done some good things for the team, but his conduct this off-season has been awful. I don't want some prima-dona mouthing off to the media about not being paid when it is debatable he should be getting any more. Fine, discuss for a new contract, but don't treat the team with contempt. DeMeco learned (credit to him), and he's conducted himself well, and I hope he gets the contract he wants and deserves. Dunta has acted like a spoiled kid who wants to get his own way. I don't want to see someone with a Texans uniform on who doesn't want to be here, and I honestly do not think Dunta's heart is in the team (scratch that, he can't even pretend his heart is in the team).

I know people will say its business, its good financial sense, every other team deals with it, but that doesn't wash with me. The Texans aren't every other team. We have a (short lived) tradition of having players who act well off the field, and who are role models for young footballers and behave in a commendable way. If he is going to act in a way that sticks two fingers up to the team, and therefore the fans, then he can pack his bags, and go somewhere else that will put up with that media-heavy crap.

Sorry, but the taxi for #23 is waiting.
I agree with Herv's take: D.Rob is positioning himself to be on another team. His words reveal hurt feelings/ego/pride/whatever, and he's venting to the public. I wouldn't be surprised if the team trades him or calls his bluff, and by the same token, I won't be surprised to see him in another team's uniform by the 2010 season.

Never forget, folks, that pro football is an entertainment business.

There's another viable scenario that could come up. If during his "hold out" period, whether it be the preseason or, if he is really stupid, into the regular season..........the Texans discover that they have a satisfactory CB corps, there is no reason at one point in time for them not being able to rescind their contract offer, save $10 million.........and use that large chunk of change for more promising investment. :tearup:
There's another viable scenario that could come up. If during his "hold out" period, whether it be the preseason or, if he is really stupid, into the regular season..........the Texans discover that they have a satisfactory CB corps, there is no reason at one point in time for them not being able to rescind their contract offer, save $10 million.........and use that large chunk of change for more promising investment. :tearup:

Hmmm. That brings up a ????. If Mr. Alligator Tears never signs his tender, does the $10 mill still count against the cap?
True. That is why he shouldn't be running his mouth in the press. Who pays his wages? Joe Public who buys his shirt, and the tickets to go see him play football.

Well, actually the Houston Texans, Inc. pay his wages. True that the revenue stream ultimately comes from the consumer, but that goes for just about anything in a capitalist structure.

I do not disagree with you about going public, though. We just can't, and won't, relate to a dude getting a $23 million offer and turning it down, and then making out like he's "loyal" to the franchise. You are either loyal and offer the so-called "hometown discount", or, you want to get paid what you think you're worth. But you simply cannot be both at the same time.

I know people will say its business, its good financial sense, every other team deals with it, but that doesn't wash with me. The Texans aren't every other team. We have a (short lived) tradition of having players who act well off the field, and who are role models for young footballers and behave in a commendable way. If he is going to act in a way that sticks two fingers up to the team, and therefore the fans, then he can pack his bags, and go somewhere else that will put up with that media-heavy crap.

You are right in that the Texans aren't every other team, but not necessarily for the reason you mentioned. We are the only team in the NFL that has never had a winning record and has never been to the playoffs.

What is happening, though, can be compared to the experiences of the other 31 teams. Success always brings out the differences between players and franchises when it comes to money. Expect to see more of this as time, and wins, goes on.

It is just business, and our owner and GM are conducting themselves accordingly.
Crap? You're right. I'm just rephrasing things I've seen on the boards that I find silly. As soon as a player stops acting like a good little robot and acts like a human being, he's at risk of fan displeasure. Dunta and Demeco are doing what many, many players do. The team is doing what teams do. Somehow that makes the player a pariah.

Dunta has the unfortunate position of making more than any of us ever will. The fact that he believes he's worth more than the team believes he's worth and that he believes he was lied to means that he's selfish and not a team-player, apparently. I dunno, I remember a defense turning it around when he came back from injury last year. Was it all his doing? Probably not. But it certainly didn't make them worse.

Is Dunta worth 23 million (allegedly)? I dunno. I'm not the cap guy, I'm not the GM, and I'm not in a position to make a decision like that. I trust the mechanism, trust the system, and trust that Dunta will be out there on opening day, laying out guys, right and left. I hope that it's for the Texans.
Well, actually the Houston Texans, Inc. pay his wages. True that the revenue stream ultimately comes from the consumer, but that goes for just about anything in a capitalist structure.

True enough, but without the followers of the franchise then the concessions aren't sold, people don't turn up for games, advertisers aren't interested and it doesn't matter what the company has up its sleeve, there is nothing that they will be able to do without the fans.

Call me overly attached to the romance of the sport being for the viewers, not the business (I would probably agree with you, if it wouldn't ruin most of my love for sports), but I still retain the idea that the end of the day, your cheque-payers are the fans who spend the money to watch the game and enjoy themselves. I don't know about others, but I certainly do not enjoy paying to watch people play sports who don't care about my team.

You are right in that the Texans aren't every other team, but not necessarily for the reason you mentioned. We are the only team in the NFL that has never had a winning record and has never been to the playoffs.

What is happening, though, can be compared to the experiences of the other 31 teams. Success always brings out the differences between players and franchises when it comes to money. Expect to see more of this as time, and wins, goes on.

Again, a good point, but for as long as the Texans have not had the bitter side effects of winning, I would hope that our players are at least respectful that we don't act like some other teams, and try and sort things out with class.

We will see how things go in the near future, with the likes of DeMeco (who looks like he will be acting maturely and with class now), and OD, who are top players, and would be prone to the issues of getting the big payday vs. not screwing over the team. I don't want guys repeatedly not turning up to training camps that other players are attending (voluntarily or not)..I'd rather have guys who want to be there, with their team mates, instead of sitting in their home GYM, on their cell, seeing how much they can get out of the franchise by crying to the press. I just hope that success does not necessarily bring out the worst in all players, as I, for one, still believe that most of our prime-time players play with emotion and genuinely love being in Houston.
True enough, but without the followers of the franchise then the concessions aren't sold, people don't turn up for games, advertisers aren't interested and it doesn't matter what the company has up its sleeve, there is nothing that they will be able to do without the fans.

Call me overly attached to the romance of the sport being for the viewers, not the business (I would probably agree with you, if it wouldn't ruin most of my love for sports), but I still retain the idea that the end of the day, your cheque-payers are the fans who spend the money to watch the game and enjoy themselves. I don't know about others, but I certainly do not enjoy paying to watch people play sports who don't care about my team.

I agree with you. At the end of the day, it should be about consumers. Unfortunately, big business has been so intertwined with advertisement money that the connection to regular fans like us often gets overlooked. And then sports franchise owners work deals through local politicians to get tax-payer backed financing for their stadiums, it just continues to erode the connection between the players themselves and the experience by fans.

Definitely hold on to the romanticized notion about teams, though. I'm a bit jaded these days, so it's only my perspective. When I read about a guy turning down $23 million and griping about a $10 million/year franchise tag because of what he thinks he's worth, it just pulls back the layers to reveal the bones of industry beneath the entertainment aspect of it. So I do agree with your last take, as well. If he doesn't want to be here, then do what a good businessman does and get something of value for his worth on the market.

Again, a good point, but for as long as the Texans have not had the bitter side effects of winning, I would hope that our players are at least respectful that we don't act like some other teams, and try and sort things out with class.

We will see how things go in the near future, with the likes of DeMeco (who looks like he will be acting maturely and with class now), and OD, who are top players, and would be prone to the issues of getting the big payday vs. not screwing over the team. I don't want guys repeatedly not turning up to training camps that other players are attending (voluntarily or not)..I'd rather have guys who want to be there, with their team mates, instead of sitting in their home GYM, on their cell, seeing how much they can get out of the franchise by crying to the press. I just hope that success does not necessarily bring out the worst in all players, as I, for one, still believe that most of our prime-time players play with emotion and genuinely love being in Houston.

I hope so, too. But, when you study the great franchises of NFL history, there will always be players who appear selfish and not quite as commercially polished in the ranks. While I certainly respect the idea of getting a bunch of nice guys in the lockerroom, the point at the end of the day is winning. And with talent being the key, sometimes teams have to find the balancing act between serving high minded ideals like class with real world qualities like talent. These are not always inherent in the same package.
Definitely hold on to the romanticized notion about teams, though. I'm a bit jaded these days, so it's only my perspective. When I read about a guy turning down $23 million and griping about a $10 million/year franchise tag because of what he thinks he's worth, it just pulls back the layers to reveal the bones of industry beneath the entertainment aspect of it. So I do agree with your last take, as well. If he doesn't want to be here, then do what a good businessman does and get something of value for his worth on the market.

That does get me (and most other football fans). They moan as if being held to ransom when only being offered the kind of money that others would give their pinkies for. It is just greed. If a player had spent their whole career campaigning for charitable issues, and giving a whole heap of their salaries to good causes, then fine, yell all you want, but if you're looking for completing your set of classic Ferraris then you're just plain greedy, and should be damned thankful.

I hope so, too. But, when you study the great franchises of NFL history, there will always be players who appear selfish and not quite as commercially polished in the ranks. While I certainly respect the idea of getting a bunch of nice guys in the lockerroom, the point at the end of the day is winning. And with talent being the key, sometimes teams have to find the balancing act between serving high minded ideals like class with real world qualities like talent. These are not always inherent in the same package.

Fair point. At the end of the day, any team is going to be looking for a winning team. Although for me it boils down to two things. Firstly, do teams of over-paid, egocentric, greedy men, generally do well? And secondly, if they are that type of person, who the fans see no identity with, then how much pleasure, and gratification do you get from seeing them represent your city/team, regardless of whether they are 2-14, or Superbowl winners.

As the supporter of a soccer team who have in the past 8 or so years got a lot of money, and brought in a load of players who are 'all-that', I've found myself become more disenfranchised with the club, and if it weren't for 3 or 4 players who don't fit the me-first, egocentric mould, I would seriously question whether I could still follow such a team.

I guess the question that I end up asking myself, is would I rather see a team of Walter Peyton Men of the Year, perhaps not winning it all or being the best team, or seeing a team of Terrell Owens' bringing the team a more hollow glory... Obviously I hope that success and classiness aren't mutually exclusive, but if they are, then I think I'd take the respectable 'losers'.
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