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Looking ahead to the Washington Redskins

Texans 24 Washington 10
I predict that score because I feel that the Texans coaching staff may be conservative in the first half and try to get a feel for this new redskins team. They had success against the colts d because they know them better than anyother team. They knew what to expect defensive tendancies, who to run at Mathis or freeny. There is alot of unknowns so I see the Texans offense probing the redskins to see what works. The gameflow is going to dictate the Texans strategy.
That being said after Foster's performance I would not be suprised to see Aj get one deep off a play action on the first play. Also I would not be suprised if Schaub threw an early pic or two until he gets into a rythm.

As for our defense...well . Its going to be tested. I expect to see alot of slants and alot of chris cooley because I think that the Redskins staff will rewatch the colts game and see that the Texans got eaten alive by the slants and curl routs. I think the Texans fans should realize that McNabb is alot different than Peyton. With Peyton you had a stationary target and your object was to get him moving. However Mcnabb is at his best when moving and our d has had trouble with mobile qbs. Our secondary is going to have to hold coverages longer and the d-line is going to have to direct Mcnabb to where they want him.
Mcnabb is a great qb that can win by his own gut and gile. As he goes so goes the skins.

Its, going to be a test for the Texans, are they just hype or are they for real?The Texans may have made a statement last week, but they need to complete the thought.
Exactly. If the "good" Texans show up, Washington doesn't have what it takes to stop us. If the other guys show up, well, expect a lot of cursing here. LOL

I sure want to see Schaub come out sharp. No bounces off the turf, and no picks.
I never called Dallas' defense weak. I called their offense weak.

No one is saying that Foster will peel off 200 yards again. We know anything is possible. We are cautiously optimistic. But, you seem really assured that your supposedly-great defense and loud stadium are going to carry the day for you. It won't. You guys have holes on your team just like we do.

My mistake, I misread. We are cautiously optimistic as well, or we should be, some of us are a little more optimistic than cautious. I don't think the defense or the stadium will carry the day at all, to win on Sunday we will need our absolute best effort on both sides of the ball. Being at home is just a little wind at our back.
Move him to the strong side, we have a legit pro-bowler on that side in Jamaal Brown. I'm not saying Mario won't have any success, but he's got an uphill battle all day.

Yeah, I don't know if you saw them go to Roy Williams twice on quick screens and Hall stopped him for no gain and a 1 yard gain. Then there's the strip at the end of the half. D Hall is money. Not a bad plan though, considering our weak spot at safety.


Aj>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Roy Williams. Different animal all together.
Co-sign. And that's not being "overconfident." lol.

Exactly. If the "good" Texans show up, Washington doesn't have what it takes to stop us. If the other guys show up, well, expect a lot of cursing here. LOL
The main thing with the Texans is they are very hit or miss. One week they look great and then they crap out the next and that has to change once it does look out NFL.
The main thing with the Texans is they are very hit or miss. One week they look great and then they crap out the next and that has to change once it does look out NFL.

I have a very strong feeling that it has changed for the Texans. I won't be a 100% believer until they do it this Sunday, but I have a gut feeling that they will. This team has a completely different mentality this year. It's like they're playing as if the AFC South title and playoff berth is for them and no one else. We'll see Sunday.
I have a very strong feeling that it has changed for the Texans. I won't be a 100% believer until they do it this Sunday, but I have a gut feeling that they will. This team has a completely different mentality this year. It's like they're playing as if the AFC South title and playoff berth is for them and no one else. We'll see Sunday.
I hope you are right. That is the only thing left holding them back from true greatness IMO.
In my opinion, the equation is not Colts > Redskins = Texans win

Although the Colts ARE better than the Redskins, the style of play
of both teams is radically different. The Colts take teams away
from physical play by getting quick leads, and forcing their opponents
to pass all day. They win a lot of games by doing that.

The Redskins are the type of team the Texans have rarely had success
against in the Kubiak era. In the same genre of teams are the Ravens, Jets,
Chargers, Steelers, Cowboys, and every-now-and-then the Jaguars and Titans.

These are teams that just keep hitting you until you become unable to
execute. They execute you to prevent you from executing. The Colts
were a HELL of a test for the Texans. Most definitely. However, the Texans
have to be just as physical ALL SEASON to have a chance against most
teams remaining on this schedule.

I'm not going to predict an outcome. I truly hope Sunday's Texans were
the "new" Texans. Sunday against the Redskins, and the following week
against the Cowboys, will tell A LOT about which Texans team we are
watching. I TRULY HOPE these boys are forreal, as does the football
watching world.
Some of us need a reality check. Its the NFL we're dealing with here and we're not playing the 0-16 Lions.

I don't have the number right in front of me, but I'm fairly sure on at least the first thing I'm going to say.

We won, great!, but the Texans are not great about continuing great into the next game. even under Kubiak I think we're something like 50% after winning a game.

We're flying a long distance to a home opener, its going to be tough. I question are ability to be a solid road team this year.

I think their defense can get their act together (minus Haynesworth who absolutely does not want to be there) and on offense I still won't overlook Clinton Portis untill he's injured for the season. He's still that good. Thier line might need work, but its really hard to find an OLine in todays NFL who doesn't. Also, if you need a WR to come into your fantasy football team this week and suprise some people, pick up Anthony Armstrong, He's going to get a TD this weekend if the Skins get in the redzone against us. Fantastic hands and Donovan likes to throw to him.

I still think we're a more solid team all the way around, but this will hardly be as easy as many of you think
OK. This could be a close game. It will definitely be a hard fought game. The Shanahans know a lot about us but we also know a lot about the Shanahans. There's a lot of respect there.

I think the Redskins are on the right path... but they're not there, yet.

The Dallas Cowboy team that they beat was the same Dallas Cowboy offense that we saw in the preseason: poorly coached, bad play calling, and lots of mental errors. Barber and Jones still ran for almost 5 yards a carry and Romo threw for 282 yards and a TD. Although the Dallas Cowboy offense has been very good in the past, I really think that it sucks right now.

So I'm not giving much credit to the Redskins D for Dallas' "bad" performance. And, assuming that Schaub and AJ return to their 4770 yard form from last year, I don't think that D is ready for our offense. I'm not saying Foster will run for 231 yards but he will run for over 100. And Schaub will throw for at least 250 if not 300. Haslett loves to blitz and Schaub is usually a very good QB against the blitz.

When we get into the Red Zone, we're not going to abandon what's working like the Cowboys did. We're going to score some points.

And I don't think that the Redskins O has the firepower to keep up. They may be better than they were last week but we are now a very blitz heavy team and we didn't blitz Manning hardly at all and still got pressure with our 3 or 4 down linemen. Manning's line was compromised but Manning has a much quicker release than McNabb. And one of Mario's 1/2 sacks came from the right side against their best lineman. Our defense may look bad statistically right now, but this was a top 10 defense for the majority of last year and it's still playing at that level.

Bottom line is that as good as the Redskin Offense can get in this week of practice, it's not going to be anywhere near as good as the Colt offense.

The Redskins are going to play hard and scrappy but their only hope is that we come out flat and we only really play the second half. But I don't see that happening. Their D is going to be better than the Colt D but their O is nowhere near the Colt O.

I'm very confident that we're going to win this game. More confident than I was about the Colt game and I guaranteed that victory to my friends. Am I overconfident? We'll only know Sunday Night. But ultimately, whether i'm overconfident or not doesn't matter. Because you can bet Kubiak isn't going to let our team get overconfident and that's the main thing.
Some of us need a reality check. Its the NFL we're dealing with here and we're not playing the 0-16 Lions.

I don't have the number right in front of me, but I'm fairly sure on at least the first thing I'm going to say.

We won, great!, but the Texans are not great about continuing great into the next game. even under Kubiak I think we're something like 50% after winning a game.

We're flying a long distance to a home opener, its going to be tough. I question are ability to be a solid road team this year.

I think their defense can get their act together (minus Haynesworth who absolutely does not want to be there) and on offense I still won't overlook Clinton Portis untill he's injured for the season. He's still that good. Thier line might need work, but its really hard to find an OLine in todays NFL who doesn't. Also, if you need a WR to come into your fantasy football team this week and suprise some people, pick up Anthony Armstrong, He's going to get a TD this weekend if the Skins get in the redzone against us. Fantastic hands and Donovan likes to throw to him.

I still think we're a more solid team all the way around, but this will hardly be as easy as many of you think

Agree with most of what you said, but want to point out that Was had their home opener last week. They will not have that added intensity of the home opener...
I have a very strong feeling that it has changed for the Texans. I won't be a 100% believer until they do it this Sunday, but I have a gut feeling that they will. This team has a completely different mentality this year. It's like they're playing as if the AFC South title and playoff berth is for them and no one else. We'll see Sunday.

Yeah, looks like a different team. Last year, we saw that when things got bad they crawled into a hole and died. This year, they came out of the hole swinging, fell down, stood back up and kept swinging. Different team.
Agree with most of what you said, but want to point out that Was had their home opener last week. They will not have that added intensity of the home opener...

Don't kid yourself, buddy. You may not have a star on your helmet and it might not be the home opener, but it'll still be plenty intense. Both teams feel like they have something to prove.
Yeah, looks like a different team. Last year, we saw that when things got bad they crawled into a hole and died. This year, they came out of the hole swinging, fell down, stood back up and kept swinging. Different team.

I kinda disagree because we saw this last year.

We kicked, scratched, and clawed in that first Titans game. We came back in the second half of the Cardinal game and almost took that one. We fought back in the second Jaguar game and almost took that. We fought back in the Patriot game and we won that. We fought off the Dolphins, Bengals, and Niners... we tried to fold but we kept it together enough to win the game.

Last year, I think we developed that fight back mentality even though we didn't always win. This year, I think the running game and our conditioning puts us over the top with that.
To me this feels a little bit like when the Texans were playing the Panthers, and no one was giving the Texans any credit. The Panther had just come off a big division win, and people were discounting the team the Texans had beaten. On paper, it was clear that the Panthers were the superior team.

Texans won.

Im not saying we're going to lose, Im just saying that its important to remain vigiliant. We have the potential to do very well, but historically, when we're going up against below average offenses, they always come out looking elite. Remember when Mark Sanchez looked awesome against us?
The Redskins were blitzing all night long. Get the screens ready. Put Slaton in and let him go to work. I have a feeling that we will be able to ram the ball down their throat again. It will be interesting on what we do on our 2nd and short next game. Hopefully we have plenty of chances and we can roll out the play action pass and take deep shots down the field. There should be plenty of check offs and screens by the Texans, and when the Skins start respecting it, let Foster tear them a new one. We need to run the ball effectively. Overall though, if we can score we are going to win the game.

I don't know if Slaton is the best answer here when the Skins D is so committed to stripping the ball. Slaton has enough problems with fumbling.
I kinda disagree because we saw this last year.

We kicked, scratched, and clawed in that first Titans game. We came back in the second half of the Cardinal game and almost took that one. We fought back in the second Jaguar game and almost took that. We fought back in the Patriot game and we won that. We fought off the Dolphins, Bengals, and Niners... we tried to fold but we kept it together enough to win the game.

Last year, I think we developed that fight back mentality even though we didn't always win. This year, I think the running game and our conditioning puts us over the top with that.

They didn't rebound from mistakes in games. We messed up once in the Colts game at home, and blew a huge lead. This time we messed up and shrugged then went back to work.
I expect this game to be close, and the outcome to be just like a chess match.

Kubiak/Dennison vs. Shanahan/Shanahan.

Both coaches know each other very well. Both know what each other is bringing to the table. This game will be just like one-on-one basketball with your brother = you both know your weaknesses and strengths like the back of your hand.


Texans 83
Redskins 11
I expect this game to be close, and the outcome to be just like a chess match.

Kubiak/Dennison vs. Shanahan/Shanahan.

Both coaches know each other very well. Both know what each other is bringing to the table. This game will be just like one-on-one basketball with your brother = you both know your weaknesses and strengths like the back of your hand.


Texans 83
Redskins 11


I like the way you think!
It would seem that Kubiak has installed his system & its head & shoulder ahead of where Mike Shanahan could possibly be at this early juncture. still it is a road game in a hostile environment. Texans 30 Redskins 20
They didn't rebound from mistakes in games. We messed up once in the Colts game at home, and blew a huge lead. This time we messed up and shrugged then went back to work.

I felt like we did. We made mistakes in the first Titans game and rebounded. We made mistakes in the Jax games and rebounded even though we came up short. We made mistakes in the Patriots game and rebounded.
Don't kid yourself, buddy. You may not have a star on your helmet and it might not be the home opener, but it'll still be plenty intense. Both teams feel like they have something to prove.
Welcome to the board. Hope we are treating with some respect, as we would like the same.

On a non-football note, hows the weather going to be like over there? I guess it was eight years ago since we last played in DC, so I am unfamiliar with the conditions. Especially since its the late afternoon game.
Ok, the euphoria has settled for me a bit and I have reviewed the game and I still think we blow Washington off the field. I don't think this will be a trap game because all the players will be pumping the others to make a statement to Kyle Shannahan and daddy. They know it would be sweet for Gary to put a clobber on his former coach and this is the right time. McNabb is a good QB but will be rushed by our D. Hint for the game== watch for blitz from Dbacks. Kubes wil not allow players to look ahead to Dallas. I still feel comfortable with my earlier prediction of either 6-0 or 5-1 at the break. Giants are my ? opponent.
I'll say this. I'm weary of Matt Schaub's confidence going into this game. A) Because of the somewhat dismal outting he had last week (He didn't need to be awesome though) but B) Albert Haynesworth showing his face to Schaub again.

I'm hearing how great Meyers did and he did do a good job in our last game but he will not have to face Albert Haynesworth. He alone is going to draw a double team.
Then you got Orakpo who is pretty darned good. After that Deangelo Hall, Carlos Rogers are very good CBs.

The only thing we got working for us is the fact that they have to spend time preparing for Foster and we don't know if Foster can put two solid games together.

Defensively I think they match up well with our DEs. I think our secondary can cover their WR though and that might be where we can win this game but if Okoye can't hold up the middle, Portis has been able to kill us in years past.
I wouldn't bet two cents either way on this game. I'm still wary of the Texans famous ability to destroy my belief and trample my confidence in them.
I wouldn't bet two cents either way on this game. I'm still wary of the Texans famous ability to destroy my belief and trample my confidence in them.

Texans have always been good at something at least...:fans:
I have a very strong feeling that it has changed for the Texans. I won't be a 100% believer until they do it this Sunday, but I have a gut feeling that they will. This team has a completely different mentality this year. It's like they're playing as if the AFC South title and playoff berth is for them and no one else. We'll see Sunday.

GB, yes and yes. I've felt the same way since the 3rd PS game. My gut told me they were going to come out like they did Sunday and I was still surprised. I do see them taking the AFC South. I look for the stiffest competiotion coming from the Tacks.
I wouldn't bet two cents either way on this game. I'm still wary of the Texans famous ability to destroy my belief and trample my confidence in them.

Careful. That's the kind of talk that gets you labeled as a soaper.

Really, though. The Texans need to put a series of games together like
the Colts game, before people will take them seriously. Washington is
JUST the type of game they'd come out lax in, because of the
homecoming-like emotion the team exuded in game one. Does this
team have the mental fortitude to kick ass EVERY WEEK?

2010 is a year of many questions. One of them has been answered.
There are fifteen questions left on the exam.

My biggest beef with the Redskins fans that I saw over at the forum was the way they trashed the city of Houston and the state of Texas. Unbelievable ignorance.
Dunno why, but I'm in a good mood this afternoon. I'm feeling like "ice cream and puppy dogs!"

So, I'ma just go ahead and say it: The Texans have won 5 regaular season games in a row!!!! :clown:

*ducks punches*
Does this
team have the mental fortitude to kick ass EVERY WEEK?

2010 is a year of many questions. One of them has been answered.
There are fifteen questions left on the exam.


I like that. Nice post, I'd be repping both you and JB but blah blah blah must spread rep.......
I have a feeling we will be able to gash that line up and down. Funny they were so confident that Dallas's Dline was so special. I remember a few weeks ago Gus Johnson said we were making them look like "swiss cheese". I like the leadership this team posesses. If the Redskins offense plays like it did Sunday night, then I wont sweat this game.
My biggest beef with the Redskins fans that I saw over at the forum was the way they trashed the city of Houston and the state of Texas. Unbelievable ignorance.

Can you blame them? They've been dealing with regular Cowboy fans all these years. I'd trash Bermuda if the Cowgirls resided there too.
My biggest beef with the Redskins fans that I saw over at the forum was the way they trashed the city of Houston and the state of Texas. Unbelievable ignorance.

I've been perusing their message boards. Generally most seem decent, but as is usually the case, there's always some asshats!

Saw a guy talking about (and completely ignorantly) about the Oilers leaving town. Another one arguing with GB about Cushing (again, not knowing what he was talking about).

There was the gem from one ignorant dude, Oldskool (and again, this was directed towards GB):

All I'm hearing is excuses. There are plenty of players that have torn the sod off the field in their first game, let alone against 2 NFCW pantywaist teams such as the Rams and Seahawks. I'll give him credit for blowing through the Patriots 2nd stringers (they didn't even play 5 of their starters in that game not to mention that was the game that Welker went down with an torn knee), but to say that Foster is anything but an enigma is insane even for a Texans homer.

In fact, didn't Tom Brady play the majority of that game? I remember he came out at one point, but they brought him back in, IIRC. I also remember Junior Seau and most of their defenses starters playing too.... Whatever!!! Oldskool is just a dolt talking out his ass.
LMFAO at one guy talking about the Texans coming by to look at their trophies. That's like Rocket fan trying to bag on Oklahoma City fan... :lol: What dumbasses!!
LMFAO at one guy talking about the Texans coming by to look at their trophies. That's like Rocket fan trying to bag on Oklahoma City fan... :lol: What dumbasses!!

Oh, come on.

I think that's really very sweet and gracious. It's really nice when a fan of an old washed up team that hasn't been relevant for 15 years or so wants to sit around and reminisce about the good old days.

I've got a couple of friends who are Raiders fans and it's the same sort of thing.

Oh, come on.

I think that's really very sweet and gracious. It's really nice when a fan of an old washed up team that hasn't been relevant for 15 years or so wants to sit around and reminisce about the good old days.

I've got a couple of friends who are Raiders fans and it's the same sort of thing.


Yeah, them cowgurl fans can relate to that...
I am ready to pummel Washington. I am tired of hearing there over confidence after a win over a bad Cowboys team. Hey we smashed there line all through preseason. Im confident we can handle yours as well.