Mr teX
Hall of Fame
There were several calling for a quarterback in 2022 draft. I am not sure Hannah had taken much of a role until this past offseason. I do think she had much to do or at least say about Easterby.
I doubt she said anything about Culley and probably thought Lovie was ok hire due to team experience and knowledge as well as view of Smith among NFL, players and fans. It's possible if not probable that 2022 record plus Lovie's arguable attitude/comments changed her opinion.
When it became known that Demeco Ryans was interested, I think she saw him as the real deal among the same three that Lovie appealed to.
I think fans do give a rip about team culture as it is now called and that is one of the reasons Hannah has become more involved as more in tune with the fans.
Winning of course is number one priority, however I do think there are thousands of fans who are also interested in more than just W's. You can be both and still be a fan.
Please provide links to any evidence of Bob McNair cursing fans. The only incident I remember that caused wide spread condemnation was his comments supposedly directed at the players running the prison.
lol ok. Fans embraced Belichick & “The Patriot way” team culture as long as they were in the SB every other year for 20 years…Not so much after 3 losing seasons to the point fans are calling for the dude to be fired after 6 SBs.
Likewise here. Any mention of the word “culture” was met with down right anger by most fans. Why? B/c it was associated with a guy no one really cared for who also happened to espouse it above all…..& b/c we were getting curb stomped every week.
Interesting how that phrase takes on a different meaning depending on what the team is doing. No one was touting her great strides with “team culture” when happy go lucky David Culley was leading us to slaughter every week. No one was raving about her influence with the FO team culture when Lovie’s defense was getting boat-raced off the field every week. So I don’t wanna hear about her “influence” now that the team seems to be trending in the right direction.
& Whether u understand it or not, you only care about it this team culture and her influence on it b/c the team is doing well & trending up. If we weren’t now and CJ was looking like a bust, I doubt this thread is even made…if it is, it sure as hell ain’t trying to paint her in a pretty light.