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Texans random thought of the day

  • Race_zpsozhjxyfn.jpg

    • made4thacamera(Swipe to left for video))) Soooooo we ARE ALL competitors so we decided to settle this debate of the SPEED king. ‍♂️ Imma let y'all decide who won. It was out of (Me,Wendall, and Fuller)
      Who y'all think won? (if y'all have a hard time deciding look at the shadows lol!)
Here is the actual VIDEO of the race!
Let's see,

Bortles sucks and is the furthest thing away from being a "Franchise QB". Ask Jag fans if they still feel like Bortles is their guy?

Luck looked like a "Franchise QB" up until the Colts didn't think an OL was a high priority. Luck could become damaged goods before he gets out of Indy.

Mariota should come into his own this season. It appears the Titans really went our and addressed their needs, which in turn, will help Mariota really arrive in his 3rd season.

If memory serves me, they will be starting years 3, 4 and 6 respectively but none of these QB's have exactly established themselves as a true "Franchise QB" with their organizations.

If the Jags make a'll be b/c of their focus and efforts put towards the defense. Fournette will be a solid addition but their fate could lie right at Bortles feet.

Titans should make a move in 2017. This organization has built a solid team in 3 years. Curious to see how this plays out on the field.

Colts should put some serious consideration to trading Luck while they're in a position to land enough picks to really amp up their required re-building process over the next two seasons.

So, do I believe what media types are saying about the Texans....hell no! Texans will still field the best defense in the AFC South. They got 9 wins with a very poor offense, so I can't help but think with Savage under center, he's more than capable of managing this offense, can cut down on the TO's and help keep the defense fresher based on the fact that he can open the playbook for O'Brien allowing him to be much more creative when calling plays. I firmly believe that O'Brien will have Watson spend a season learning his offense while Savage gets the sink or swim opportunity.
This is the most likely scenario.
However, if Savage gets hurt...or, Texans are in a do or die PO race and Savage is not playing well while Watson is tearing it up in practice, I can see Watson getting a shot.
How so? You believe Bortles, Mariota, & Luck have established themselves as franchise QBs?

I can buy an argument for Luck. But Mariota & Bortles?

Not so much.

That's not what you said. The discussion was in regards to the degree with which the QBs have proven they are of franchise quality. You said Watson has proved as much as the other three.

Read first, comment after.
I've brought this up before. In addition to the calf issues that affected Allen most of the season, there is another factor that undoubtedly affected his performance. Until last year, he had never played anything but LG. RG was a foreign position for him. You might say that should make no difference, but it can make all the difference in the world, much like trying to switch sides as an OT. It can also explain why even decent tackles can look mediocre when placed in a position to play both sides. It's great to cheer versatility on the OL, but it is definitely for many reasons not the optimum approach to having a great consistent OL.
Switching Sides (PFF)

Have you ever wondered why a guy seemingly so suited to the right side of the line can’t cut it there? Or why a player with all the athletic skills for left tackle makes a better player on the right side?

With the growth of the draft into the media event it is today, and of the NFL in general into a 24/7 world of information, there is a tendency for everybody to speak like scouts from time to time.

We all feel we can evaluate talent, analyze players and project them into various different teams, schemes and positions. However, without the practical experience of implementing the theory are we in danger of over simplifying things or underestimating the challenges involved in some of those transitions?

Tradition, Tradition

For instance, many of us often treat positions on the left and right of the offensive line as interchangeable. The assumption goes that if a guy can play left guard then he can play right guard, and if he can play left tackle he can play right — but is that necessarily the case? When it comes to the draft players can come out deemed ‘right tackle only’ by the talent evaluators, but it’s because they are considered to lack the footwork and quickness to match-up against the league’s best pass-rushers on the quarterback’s blindside, not because of any fundamental dominance in technique to one side. Nobody is worried about the actual mechanics of swapping sides, simply about the chance of that player destroying their quarterback if they can’t cut it as a pass-protector....................................THE REST OF THE STORY
For starters and it was barely touched on, the footwork is completely opposite.
That's not what you said. The discussion was in regards to the degree with which the QBs have proven they are of franchise quality. You said Watson has proved as much as the other three.

Read first, comment after.

Meaning I don't believe the other three have done much to establish themselves as franchise QBs. I made am exception for Luck... what am I missing?

My argument is two of our three division opponents don't have "franchise" QBs.
If Andrew Luck gets anything resembling a decent oline, their offense will be a problem for opposing teams.
And Mariota I see as a Cam Newton in the near future.
That leaves Texans and Jags once again to solidify their QB positions.
If Andrew Luck gets anything resembling a decent oline, their offense will be a problem for opposing teams.
And Mariota I see as a Cam Newton in the near future.
That leaves Texans and Jags once again to solidify their QB positions.

That's fine. Valid opinions.

Only difference from mine is that I'm not making the call on Mariota yet. The standard line is to wait three years before we grade new players. I'm waiting three years.

Same thing with Bortles. I'm not saying he'll never be a franchise QB. He isn't now & has a long way to go. He may very well turn into Coughlin's new Eli.
That's fine. Valid opinions.

Only difference from mine is that I'm not making the call on Mariota yet. The standard line is to wait three years before we grade new players. I'm waiting three years.

Same thing with Bortles. I'm not saying he'll never be a franchise QB. He isn't now & has a long way to go. He may very well turn into Coughlin's new Eli.
Bortles needs a good line - he has shown he can throw TD's and he has a good running Corp so he needs to step up.
Meaning I don't believe the other three have done much to establish themselves as franchise QBs. I made am exception for Luck... what am I missing?

My argument is two of our three division opponents don't have "franchise" QBs.

But those franchise believe they are. Thus the reason why they are building around them.
Throwing TDs in garbage time against prevent defenses doesn't show that he can throw meaningful TDs.

You're basically saying he needs the perfect offense; good OL, a solid run game, and really good WRs.
Most QB's need most of those things to be truly effective and it's not going to get any easier for QB's in this league.
Savage will basically need the same thing but if he can clean up his release times a bit, should be serviceable without a top quality (Cowboys, Raiders) line.
Bortles does throw a few too many int's as well so will need to clean that up.
Throwing TDs in garbage time against prevent defenses doesn't show that he can throw meaningful TDs.

You're basically saying he needs the perfect offense; good OL, a solid run game, and really good WRs.

And, for once since he left college, to get his head seriously into the NFL game of football instead of always having it between some female's legs.
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My statement was that we have our franchise QB as much as they've got theirs. If they're building around Mariota/Bortles, we're sticking Watson into a team tailor made for him.

Gotcha . I didn't understand. So I agree with ya. That's one ofthe reason why I believe he should start. We have the weapons on offense. And his dual threat capabilities fits perfectly with all that speed we have on offense. And I surely don't want us to waste that top notch defense either.
Since Savage is going to be the starter I would only want to see him lead the team to a successful start. This gives the team the luxury of sitting Watson and letting him lear the position at a safer pace. If Savage has a breakout season, that's not the end of the world but puts the team in an enviable position that seems to go exclusively to other clubs. If Savage fails, then the team has much better prepared to step in and succeed.
If Savage fails, then the team has much better prepared to step in and succeed.

I'm not following. If Savage fails... we're saying Watson is better prepared because he watched Savage fail over six games?

Or seven, or whatever? I don't see how watching Savage fail is going to help Watson be better prepared. I can see watching Bret Favre lead his team to the playoffs, I get.

Watching Savage lead his team to the playoffs i could understand. But watching Savage fail, I don't see the benefit.
I'm not following. If Savage fails... we're saying Watson is better prepared because he watched Savage fail over six games?

Or seven, or whatever? I don't see how watching Savage fail is going to help Watson be better prepared. I can see watching Bret Favre lead his team to the playoffs, I get.

Watching Savage lead his team to the playoffs i could understand. But watching Savage fail, I don't see the benefit.

Man exactly.

Thunderkyss I can't help but laugh because I seen a few people with that same chain of thought.
Are you saying the guys on that list won't ever win a championship?

Carr, Winston, Bortles?
Wait, that wasn't the original premise. The original premise was can we win a championship with a QB that has 15-ish numbers.

That post showed what sort of stat line our QB (Watson or Savage, I don't really care; I just want proficiency at the position) would have if he had #15 numbers on the season.

Pair our defense with a QB that can put up 23 TDs (30+ would be nice though), 4000 yds, a 63+ % completion rate, and a 91+ QB rating along with O'Brien using the running game to control the clock and I think we have as good a chance as any other team. There are no guarantees.

Consider this, Drew Brees threw for 5200+ yds, 37 TDs, had a 70 % completion rate and didn't even play .500 ball.

So I want to know what QB stat line you guys think would 'guarantee' a championship??
... I can't help but laugh because I seen a few people with that same chain of thought.
And I can't help but laugh at the idea that weeks of attending game prep sessions, weeks of watching film on opponents, weeks of taking second string snaps against our defense, weeks of hands on coaching won't help Watson be "better prepared" to start. Sitting has no downside, only upside improvement in adapting to the NFL game.
Another article on ESPN that discusses the QB situations for all 32 teams. Interesting but the same tried and true theme on how to build a great offense.

The trenches (OL & TE) have to be fortified. Many of their expectations hinged on what kind of protection these guys were going to get and not to mention, the kind of running games that will diversify their attack.

The Texans have a lot of bodies in camp but can the coaches put a cohesive unit on the field that allows the QB to flourish, the running game to be the beast O'Brien envisions and the TE's to be in a position to primarily focus on their job.

I'm still somewhat blown away on how RS handled the teams need of a functional RT during this off-season but they must have some hope/solution in mind to have stood pat with the existing group.

Camp needs to get going so I can see what answers these OL bodies can provide to the biggest question mark in my book for 2017. We have a car, it has the potential to look really fast...but it isn't going anywhere without an engine....oops, OL.
Just a thought but if we put a 15ish QB (Winston or Carr?) in place of Os and get consistent play from the position, then we are most likely competing in last seasons AFCCG.

...and losing the Superb Owl.

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OTA's start today and run weekly until the mandatoryg3 day minicamp June 13-15.
I used to be excited to have OTAs come around. Now I've gotten used to information coming out of OTAs being finely Texans-filtered by Texans-friendly reporters (many times nose-up-the-butt friendly).............leaving fans with perenially exciting news with virtually no valid incite into what's really happening with the progression of the player and the team. It's seems to be OK to manipulate injury information. But it shouldn't be OK to manipulate preseason information strictly for the benefit of PR.
I used to be excited to have OTAs come around. Now I've gotten used to information coming out of OTAs being finely Texans-filtered by Texans-friendly reporters (many times nose-up-the-butt friendly).............leaving fans with perenially exciting news with virtually no valid incite into what's really happening with the progression of the player and the team. It's seems to be OK to manipulate injury information. But it shouldn't be OK to manipulate preseason information strictly for the benefit of PR.

Texans have been doing this since 2002 (and other teams for much longer), I'm kinda worried that you're just now catching on doc. Did someone actually hack your account?
I used to be excited to have OTAs come around. Now I've gotten used to information coming out of OTAs being finely Texans-filtered by Texans-friendly reporters (many times nose-up-the-butt friendly).............leaving fans with perenially exciting news with virtually no valid incite into what's really happening with the progression of the player and the team. It's seems to be OK to manipulate injury information. But it shouldn't be OK to manipulate preseason information strictly for the benefit of PR.
Ah, you have to run info through your own filter as to what's informative. I'm on the same wave length as OptimisticTexan as regards the OL and Mancz, Martin & Allen; and who is getting reps at OC, RT and RG.
And I can't help but laugh at the idea that weeks of attending game prep sessions, weeks of watching film on opponents, weeks of taking second string snaps against our defense, weeks of hands on coaching won't help Watson be "better prepared" to start. Sitting has no downside, only upside improvement in adapting to the NFL game.

It didn't take Cam Newton, Russell Wilson, Andre Luck and a host of others to pickup the speed of the NFL. Cam lit up the NFL for 4000 yards in his rookie debut. Yes he had 17 interceptions with 21 Touchdowns. But he didnt have a issue learning his team offense.

Mallett sat behind Brady so how did he perform once he got his chance? Exactly so that upside only works for a handful of players.

Both scenarios has had a few successes and failures.
Texans have been doing this since 2002 (and other teams for much longer), I'm kinda worried that you're just now catching on doc. Did someone actually hack your account?
Very funny!:) I stated "I used to be excited." My "revelation" occurred by 2004., when I realized that selling tickets and paraphernalia was the main impetus behind any information coming out at that time. Since during the Oilers days there were actually investigative sports writers in Houston that actually kept the potential questionable hype information from the team in check, it took a little while to accept the one-sidedness of the available news coming from the Texans.
I used to be excited to have OTAs come around. Now I've gotten used to information coming out of OTAs being finely Texans-filtered by Texans-friendly reporters (many times nose-up-the-butt friendly).............leaving fans with perenially exciting news with virtually no valid incite into what's really happening with the progression of the player and the team. It's seems to be OK to manipulate injury information. But it shouldn't be OK to manipulate preseason information strictly for the benefit of PR.
Have to sale the product correct. Just like the movie critics. Saying certain movies are the best movies in 2017. The people get all excited rushing to see it when it comes out Friday only to be disappointed. They get it right sometimes but they did their jobs . Lol
I thought that Davenport signed for almost $3 million.

Maybe it's just Foreman left. I could only find a blurb in Profootball talk that linked back to this Aaron Wilson tweet from 10 days ago. Spotrac is usually really good about these updates.

Aaron Wilson‏Verified account@AaronWilson_NFL
Texans have agreed to four-year deal with fourth-round offensive tackle Julien Davenport (Bucknell), according to a source

They list Davenport as signed. Looks like Foreman is the last man standing.

Julie'n Davenport signed a 4 year, $2,986,420 contract with the Houston Texans, including a $586,420 signing bonus, $586,420 guaranteed, and an average annual salary of $746,605. In 2017, Davenport will earn a base salary of $465,000 and a signing bonus of $586,420, while carrying a cap hit of $611,605 and a dead cap value of $586,420.