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Sexual Assault Suits Against Watson

Dang woman molester for QB in 2021. Probably missing 1/2 season and will never surpass Brady for 8 damn superbowl rings...........


Nick and Culley you wanted to keep him. He will be here................. FOREVER
I really don't like Watson anymore. The dude lost all respect from me, however I don't want anyone throwing out false allegations against the guy. Some of you are already casting the first stone without any evidence. It is not unheard of for people to throw around false allegations against people with Money to get a chunk of their money. With that said i hope he rots on the bench.....
I really don't like Watson anymore. The dude lost all respect from me, however I don't want anyone throwing out false allegations against the guy. Some of you are already casting the first stone without any evidence. It is not unheard of for people to throw around false allegations against people with Money to get a chunk of their money. With that said i hope he rots on the bench.....

I'm not casting any stones but according to the court filing they have evidence and pretty damning ones to. Buzbee wouldn't have put into the filing about texts and Instagram messages unless he could produce them in court. That doesn't make Watson guilty but it does lower the chance this is just somebody out for his money. As does the fact that the number of accusers has jumped to 6.
I'm not casting any stones but according to the court filing they have evidence and pretty damning ones to. Buzbee wouldn't have put into the filing about texts and Instagram messages unless he could produce them in court. That doesn't make Watson guilty but it does lower the chance this is just somebody out for his money. As does the fact that the number of accusers has jumped to 6.

People can talk all they want, i just don't buy into the talk until i see facts.
I'm not casting any stones but according to the court filing they have evidence and pretty damning ones to. Buzbee wouldn't have put into the filing about texts and Instagram messages unless he could produce them in court. That doesn't make Watson guilty but it does lower the chance this is just somebody out for his money. As does the fact that the number of accusers has jumped to 6.
If what you’re insinuating is true then why the hell didn’t we throw him up for auction right at the beginning of this?

Gotta get the best value possible for DW4. That's going to be a day or 2 before the draft.
WIth Buzzbutt as a friend the McNairs do not need enemies because he is the process of tearing down the market value of their teams top asset.

Quoted for truth

Speaking of truth, I'm finally glad the truth about DW4's character is coming out in both this and his trade demands. It's very entertaining and isn't this nothing more than entertaining.

Looking forward to seeing more of the trash getting taken out. Wonder where all of the Clemson WOF's are? We haven't heard much from them lately. LMAO
It it is proven that Watson is a serial molester/sexual assaulter that might be his career. They canceled Pepe Le Pew for less
Ben Roethlisberger is still enjoying a highly profitable career & that’s after a rape allegation (I honestly don’t remember how that turned out). So I don’t think Watson will be NFL canceled for his “assault”

& that is not to make light of what the player is being accused of. Just stating at least one other has been accused of worse.
WIth Buzzbutt as a friend the McNairs do not need enemies because he is the process of tearing down the market value of their teams top asset.
Quoted for truth

Speaking of truth, I'm finally glad the truth about DW4's character is coming out in both this and his trade demands. It's very entertaining and isn't this nothing more than entertaining.

Looking forward to seeing more of the trash getting taken out. Wonder where all of the Clemson WOF's are? We haven't heard much from them lately. LMAO

Ain’t no truth there. We don’t know the nature of Buzzbee & McNair’s relationship, or if there even is one.
Wasn’t it reported that Jack Easterby, or maybe someone else from the front office, did reach out to momma Watson?

That's the entertaining part of this. I'm sure Easterby knew what was going on and contacted the 1 person that might be able to get DW4 to change his behavior and got excoriated around here for his efforts. LMAO

What was DW4's response to Easterby's actions? Trade me, you cant make this up. They're giving us a bunch of entertainment down on Kirby.
Quoted for truth

Speaking of truth, I'm finally glad the truth about DW4's character is coming out in both this and his trade demands. It's very entertaining and isn't this nothing more than entertaining.

Looking forward to seeing more of the trash getting taken out. Wonder where all of the Clemson WOF's are? We haven't heard much from them lately. LMAO

😔 There'll be living with @steelbtexan after this. :kitten:
Quoted for truth

Speaking of truth, I'm finally glad the truth about DW4's character is coming out in both this and his trade demands. It's very entertaining and isn't this nothing more than entertaining.

Looking forward to seeing more of the trash getting taken out. Wonder where all of the Clemson WOF's are? We haven't heard much from them lately. LMAO

I'm beginning to think the trade demands are because Watson knew this was coming out
Ben Roethlisberger is still enjoying a highly profitable career & that’s after a rape allegation (I honestly don’t remember how that turned out). So I don’t think Watson will be NFL canceled for his “assault”

Roethlisberger accused twice. 2009 & 2010. First one was settled out of court. Second one, she recanted saying she didn't want to go through a harrowing trial.

Roethlisberger suspended for 4 games for conduct.
Roethlisberger accused twice. 2009 & 2010. First one was settled out of court. Second one, she recanted saying she didn't want to go through a harrowing trial.

Roethlisberger suspended for 4 games for conduct.
Thing here is this is 6 complaints right of the bat
I have absolutely no evidence of this but I’m now positive this is the thing Easterby must’ve uncovered some form of in the Texans org. I don’t think he knew the full extent of what may have been going on, but Nuk could be wrapped up in this too which is why the rumors about the FO being worried about his influence on DW4. Easterby may have been the 1st person contacted by Buzzbee in trying to settle this out of the public arena and perhaps Easterby took it to DW4 and was immediately rebuked by Easterby then reached out to his mom and that’s what really set DW4 off & got that whole SI article thing started. “Big D” could be a lot of guys that have come thru that locker room. Could be “Deandre” Nuk Hopkins....Could be “Dre” Johnson...both of those guys could be the 2 NFL guys who reached out after DW4 left. We know they’re all close. Dre in particular has uncharacteristically being outspoken about DW4’s situation....could be a self serving thing he was doing to keep his name out of all this.

All I know is if there are text messages and all this was done thru Instagram, things will be revealed b/c I don’t believe Buzzbee would take this on without figuring he had ironclad evidence of some sort.
So serious question but if the Texans, any part of them, knew or thought this might be coming down the pipeline why be so dead set on the "we're not trading him" stance? What would be the benefit to them to make sure he stays in Houston beyond just his talent. I mean I can see it because now they certainly lock him down for almost the rest of his career if they so chose. Likewise this also does explain why Watson all of a sudden wanted out and why it was said his camp was getting an itchy trigger finger for something to be done. All I do know is this is the most interesting and entertaining the Texans have been for 5 years, just wish it was for on field action and not off field action.
Quoted for truth

Speaking of truth, I'm finally glad the truth about DW4's character is coming out in both this and his trade demands. It's very entertaining and isn't this nothing more than entertaining.

Looking forward to seeing more of the trash getting taken out. Wonder where all of the Clemson WOF's are? We haven't heard much from them lately. LMAO
You fooled me SteelB because all of this I time I thought you were a Texans fan ?
Personally as a loyal Texans fan I was hoping that Watson would command a ransom in terms of high draft picks in a trade but now his future is likely in the hands of the "METoo" crowd which means his market value may end up being approximately that of Ray Rices before this is done.
The Metoo crowd routinely destroys the careers of national politician figures (governors, senators, presidential candidates, etc.), so an NFL QB will be childs play for that mob.
It makes “loyalty is everything” make sense. He’s basically saying the Texans have chosen not to support him, & up till now it has seemed the Texans damaged the relationship over trivial crap.

It's all coming out, dirty laundry.

I would love to know Robert Kraft's thoughts on this current situation. Probably could still get full value for DW4 with the Pats. At least DW4/Kraft could have some really great conversations over a few cocktails. Gotta keep DW4 away from Kraft's hot wife though.
Probably more to come.

Buzbee is a shark and he smells blood.
Right, it seems like Buzzbee has been in contact with several women, trying to get them to file suit. After the first four agreed & he filed the first one, another gained courage & agreed to file, then another. Maybe more will come.

I think Watson is going to change his mind about losing money & paying fines.
It's all coming out, dirty laundry.

I would love to know Robert Kraft's thoughts on this current situation. Probably could still get full value for DW4 with the Pats. At least DW4/Kraft could have some really great conversations over a few cocktails. Gotta keep DW4 away from Kraft's hot wife though.

Technically she isn't his wife but it wouldn't be an issue because I don't think she gives massages out of her home so Watson wouldn't be interested in her.
Watson gotta be bold as hell to do the things he's alleged of doing. Not just the acts themselves, but how he's supposedly going about the acts.

So he sexually assaults a masseuse, threatens her and then tells not one....but two other players about it?

Not me saying the allegations aren't true. Just saying he'd have to be a huge psychopath which he very well could be.