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Sexual Assault Suits Against Watson

6 women and counting.

None of this may be true, but where there's smoke there's usually fire. Do you think he will get the Roethlisberger treatment from the press? I dont think he will, nor should he. But it's going to be entertaining watching him squirm. The mighty has fallen.
The press is going to dive into the "real" reasons behind his trade demands & connect dots that aren't there, like I've been doing.
6 women and counting.

None of this may be true, but where there's smoke there's usually fire. Do you think he will get the Roethlisberger treatment from the press? I dont think he will, nor should he. But it's going to be entertaining watching him squirm. The mighty has fallen.
If......big if..he can still be traded today, I would think teams like NE and Belichick or Jeffrey Laurie and PHIL would be on the phone with Caserio and he would be negotiating with these guys to make a trade. Both of those towns and both of those owners could take on this spectacle of a QB, weather the storm, and then revamp his image with little blowback in their cities media.
But, HOU isn’t getting a boatload of picks now.
2 1’s. Maybe a 2nd. That’s it.
Yip that's the way I see it too.
Man the Texans should have struct when the iron was hot a couple weeks ago but now they've jacked around and totally
missed that window.

The iron wasn't hot a couple of weeks ago it was just starting to heat up. Everyone knew that the real players in any trade wouldn't make their best offers till the draft. For all we know the offers being made were massive lowball offers just so a team can say they made an offer. Let me put it to you another way.

You put a car up for auction, now Kelly Blue book says your car is worth 100k because its rare and in great condition but you know there are several collectors bidding that have been looking for this model car for years but they just don't ever come on the market so you know it might blow past 100k. As you are loading up the car to take to auction a couple of buyers come up to you with some offers. One is offering 10k just to say he offered, another is offering 50k and thats him all in and finally one offers the 100k blue book says its worth but he's not a collector so for him its strictly the book value. You turn down those offers because all signs point to rival collectors ready to get into a bidding war just to keep the other one from having it, you load the car up and on the way to the auction a meteorite falls from the sky and smashes through the car's roof. Do you sit back and think about how stupid you were for not taking the 100k? I wouldn't because there is no way to predict something like that happening and you were making the best decision you could with the information you had.
I'm thinking he's just not that bright.

There I said it.
IF I REPEAT IF, this is all true then clearly he is an idiot for creating this situation. People like certain sexual services and there are other people that are there to fill that need. Why in the hell would you go to someone who doesn’t do this for a living and not expect blowback unless you are a complete idiot.
I’m seeing on The Herd, which is hard to watch except for Joy, that NYJ are looking at possibly getting JuJu Smith Schuster. Which possibly means they might keep Darnold who played and is good friends with JuJu.
Which means NYJ are looking to build the o line.
Which means they would be open to trading down.....
Wilson could be in play here.
If......big if..he can still be traded today, I would think teams like NE and Belichick or Jeffrey Laurie and PHIL would be on the phone with Caserio and he would be negotiating with these guys to make a trade. Both of those towns and both of those owners could take on this spectacle of a QB, weather the storm, and then revamp his image with little blowback in their cities media.
But, HOU isn’t getting a boatload of picks now.
2 1’s. Maybe a 2nd. That’s it.

First I actually don't know if NE would make an offer, it was talked about when they signed and then released AB that apparently sexual assault is the unforgivable sin in BB's book that a player can do so even he might want no part. As far as not getting much in trade then don't trade him. If you aren't going to get value for him then keep him, as things are looking now it doesn't sound like Texans will have to pay much of his contract for awhile anyway.
I agree. Why would you put out a statement specifically saying when you found out about it, if it weren't true. You would either tell the truth or not say anything. They have to know that as this unravels the truth is going to come out as to when they knew what. Even they aren't that stupid.

they maybe knew something might be going on or about to come down but didn’t have enough info to know exactly WHAT it was. And in that case, they can still say they just found out like the rest of us.

it’s all speculation of course.
If......big if..he can still be traded today, I would think teams like NE and Belichick or Jeffrey Laurie and PHIL would be on the phone with Caserio and he would be negotiating with these guys to make a trade. Both of those towns and both of those owners could take on this spectacle of a QB, weather the storm, and then revamp his image with little blowback in their cities media.
But, HOU isn’t getting a boatload of picks now.
2 1’s. Maybe a 2nd. That’s it.

I think there will still be a big market out there for him. Probably not the Dolphins or NYJ. But the Panthers/Pats/Bears/Redskins etc... yep, there will be a market. People dont care about what goes on in massage parlors. In fact I think it's laughable that some are feeling shock and horror that this situation happened.

I'm just enjoying watching the mighty fall. I think what happens is DW4 settles out of court gets a 4 game suspension and is traded. What I do know for a fact is Busbee is a guy you dont want to mess with. This city would be in a better place right now, as far as the drainage/freeze etc... if he had been elected mayor. He's a take no prisoners kind of guy.
First I actually don't know if NE would make an offer, it was talked about when they signed and then released AB that apparently sexual assault is the unforgivable sin in BB's book that a player can do so even he might want no part. As far as not getting much in trade then don't trade him. If you aren't going to get value for him then keep him, as things are looking now it doesn't sound like Texans will have to pay much of his contract for awhile anyway.
I’m just thinking the ownership might want him gone.
And they will take the hit to make it go away.
Teams are going to try to capitalize on that and Caserio is close with Belichick.
Watson vs NE.
300 yds a game
74% completion
1 rushing TD
Watson has scorched NE. I’m sure Belichick could swing it
Im betting this move gets kinda politely taken out of Caserio’s hands but he’s heavily involved in making the trade cause he close to these teams. And in the end, Watson is just jettisoned to one of these teams, preferably PHIL cause they have 6 and it’s looking like NYJ just might be open to trading down now. From 6 to 3 is doable.
If they even can still trade him. I dont know.
I think there will still be a big market out there for him. Probably not the Dolphins or NYJ. But the Panthers/Pats/Bears/Redskins etc... yep, there will be a market. People dont care about what goes on in massage parlors. In fact I think it's laughable that some are feeling shock and horror that this situation happened.

I'm just enjoying watching the mighty fall. I think what happens is DW4 settles out of court gets a 4 game suspension and is traded. What I do know for a fact is Busbee is a guy you dont want to mess with. This city would be in a better place right now, as far as the drainage/freeze etc... if he had been elected mayor. He's a take no prisoners kind of guy.
Yeah, I will say CAR might still try to get him cause they seem desperate and if that’s the case, Caserio better have that deal done by 4PM today.
Im sure Caserio listened to those phone messages this morning.....
NFL owner engaged in this behavior on video and league batted no eyelash and his lawyers made it disappear. But Watson? Sure buddy
NFL owner engaged in this behavior on video and league batted no eyelash and his lawyers made it disappear. But Watson? Sure buddy

Actually it is different because the place Kraft went to that was the kind of services they did, may have been illegal but it was consensual and wasn't assault. What makes Watson case worse is that according to the court filings Watson pressured them into it and in the latest filing forced himself on one. The only thing Kraft and Watson have in common right now is both involved massages.
For assault?
I'm no legal guy - just wondering.

Yes, basically the DA will look at the evidence and try to decide if there is enough evidence that they believe they can win the case. Even if they decide not to file it doesn't mean he's innocent just that they don't think they have enough to win. DAs don't go after people due to lack of evidence all the time because for criminal they have to prove beyond all reasonable doubt. If you want a example of the separation in civil and criminal charges look at the OJ Simpson case. He won the criminal case due to there not being enough to convict him but lost the civil case so he had to pay out millions to the families.
Somehow I think the next three will be similar cases to the first three.
If a really bad one like say a rape had occurred, it would be the headliner.
BTW, women are treated like garbage in sexual assault and rape cases. This is the main reason so many of them go unreported. If Watson is guilty, dude needs to get every $ taken.

Typically, I would believe the women right from the start. The complication is that this surfaced right when Watson is making the team look bad, with McNair's buddy doing this. Especially since the Texans gladly got rid of Duane Brown and D-Hop in exchange for basically nothing, because they hurt the McNairs' fee-fees.
And now the Jets keeping Darnold and grabbing JuJu and trading down to say, 6 and getting Pitts is gaining steam.
Heres HOUs chance to trade this guy to PHIL, get 6 and then trade up to 2.
Caserio better be on the phone right now...
Yeah. That is textbook rape. Sexual assault is a much broader term. Could be rape, forced touching, etc.

6 total no? Only 3 filed I just have this bad feeling there are more. And it’s just gonna get shitty as the hours pass.

Awwwwww gawd. This is bad very bad.

nicholas!!!! On the phone now!!!!! I mean now!
BTW, women are treated like garbage in sexual assault and rape cases. This is the main reason so many of them go unreported. If Watson is guilty, dude needs to get every $ taken.

Typically, I would believe the women right from the start. The complication is that this surfaced right when Watson is making the team look bad, with McNair's buddy doing this. Especially since the Texans gladly got rid of Duane Brown and D-Hop in exchange for basically nothing, because they hurt the McNairs' fee-fees.

If it was one woman then you might have an argument but we are up to 6 now, that makes this being some grand conspiracy about as likely as Michael Vick getting a standing ovation at a PETA convention.
I have absolutely no evidence of this but I’m now positive this is the thing Easterby must’ve uncovered some form of in the Texans org. I don’t think he knew the full extent of what may have been going on, but Nuk could be wrapped up in this too which is why the rumors about the FO being worried about his influence on DW4. Easterby may have been the 1st person contacted by Buzzbee in trying to settle this out of the public arena and perhaps Easterby took it to DW4 and was immediately rebuked by Easterby then reached out to his mom and that’s what really set DW4 off & got that whole SI article thing started. “Big D” could be a lot of guys that have come thru that locker room. Could be “Deandre” Nuk Hopkins....Could be “Dre” Johnson...both of those guys could be the 2 NFL guys who reached out after DW4 left. We know they’re all close. Dre in particular has uncharacteristically being outspoken about DW4’s situation....could be a self serving thing he was doing to keep his name out of all this.

All I know is if there are text messages and all this was done thru Instagram, things will be revealed b/c I don’t believe Buzzbee would take this on without figuring he had ironclad evidence of some sort.

It's an interesting possibility, and it would certainly shed some light on Cal's comments about “there’s been a lot of misinformation” regarding Watson a few weeks ago.

Maybe the McNairs knew there was an 'undesirable culture' in their organization, so they hire a guy like Easterby to help figure it out. The stories in SI could still be true, but it would shed some light on why he would investigate players and allegedly have them followed, etc.

O'Brien, a guy that had Watson's back and maybe knew but didn't care about that 'undesirable culture', was fired under the guise of 0-4. It's weird that he was just made GM earlier in the year, so firing him so quickly does make you wonder if there was something else.

September 2020, when O'Brien was giving Watson everything he wanted in a contract extension, suddenly changed when the HC / GM was let go and Watson loses his cover. Perhaps - and just speculating here - that is what ultimately changed in the Texans organization.

IF this stuff turns out to be true, I'll definitely have to re-examine my own perspective on things.

At this point, I don't know what to believe. 6 women is 6 women - and that's a LOT - but this lawyer is shady as hell.

I put little stock into celebrity status. If anything, those with fame and money tend to abuse that power, believing they can get away with things and are above the law.

Don't know if intelligence has as much to do with it as maybe ego. You're young and you've become rich and famous almost overnight, every time you turn on the news and they are talking about you they all gush about how great you are, everywhere you turn people waiting for you to turn your back to them so they can pucker up, your peers, who also rich and famous, are telling you about how the world is yours for the taking. I can see how with almost anybody that might cause them to think they can do about anything they want and not face any consequences

The inherent problem with sports culture obsession in this country is athletes are pampered (and often immune) from a young age when they show talent. They are taught as young boys that they are more special than everyone else, that teachers will often look the other way if they fail because they are talented, that red carpets are rolled out every where they go. I saw this stuff with young guys in 5th & 6th grade already when my son played sports, and it only gets more pampered in HS, college, and the pros.

They are ill-equipped to deal with accountability and responsibility when they are adults being showered with fortunes, simply because those are standards that we never imposed on them as minors.

There is no excusing it, even when comprehending it. At the end of the day, society needs to stop making royalty out of entertainers.
Do u guys think that the Texans r doing this to Watson so he shuts up an plays this season or do u think another team put these ladies up to this 2 lower his trade value?
I didnt say he did or even needed to.

But there were reports he was willing to go to extremes to get out.
why would he have ppl sue him for something like this to get out of the Texans? it would be much easier 2 just pretend 2 be gay or trans or something wouldnt it?
And now the Jets keeping Darnold and grabbing JuJu and trading down to say, 6 and getting Pitts is gaining steam.
Heres HOUs chance to trade this guy to PHIL, get 6 and then trade up to 2.
Caserio better be on the phone right now...
The Texans have no intention of trading Watson. Never did.
Nature of some jobs I have had required me to at least have a working knowledge of how this stuff works. Its not just the rich that get targeted or that do the targeting.
this is totally true 100% one time this gril accused my cousin @NOSMIRG of sticking his tung all the way down her pants when she was giving out body shots just because he dined n ditched her a few years earlier because he found out she had the herp during their date and she never 4got about it. he ended up being banned from the bar until i told the keep the whole story
Wait what? Or maybe Watson knew it was coming and wanted a trade to avoid all this. Since Buzbee likely went to him last year with a settlement offer
buzbee sounds like a extorter and amberlamps chaser crook lawyer watson shoulda just had his boys beat the **** outta him if that is the case
It's an interesting possibility, and it would certainly shed some light on Cal's comments about “there’s been a lot of misinformation” regarding Watson a few weeks ago.

Maybe the McNairs knew there was an 'undesirable culture' in their organization, so they hire a guy like Easterby to help figure it out. The stories in SI could still be true, but it would shed some light on why he would investigate players and allegedly have them followed, etc.

O'Brien, a guy that had Watson's back and maybe knew but didn't care about that 'undesirable culture', was fired under the guise of 0-4. It's weird that he was just made GM earlier in the year, so firing him so quickly does make you wonder if there was something else.

September 2020, when O'Brien was giving Watson everything he wanted in a contract extension, suddenly changed when the HC / GM was let go and Watson loses his cover. Perhaps - and just speculating here - that is what ultimately changed in the Texans organization.

IF this stuff turns out to be true, I'll definitely have to re-examine my own perspective on things.

At this point, I don't know what to believe. 6 women is 6 women - and that's a LOT - but this lawyer is shady as hell.

I put little stock into celebrity status. If anything, those with fame and money tend to abuse that power, believing they can get away with things and are above the law.

The inherent problem with sports culture obsession in this country is athletes are pampered (and often immune) from a young age when they show talent. They are taught as young boys that they are more special than everyone else, that teachers will often look the other way if they fail because they are talented, that red carpets are rolled out every where they go. I saw this stuff with young guys in 5th & 6th grade already when my son played sports, and it only gets more pampered in HS, college, and the pros.

They are ill-equipped to deal with accountability and responsibility when they are adults being showered with fortunes, simply because those are standards that we never imposed on them as minors.

There is no excusing it, even when comprehending it. At the end of the day, society needs to stop making royalty out of entertainers.

I've been saying this for years that when a person that plays a game for a living makes more than hundreds of Firefighters, policemen, teachers and nurses COMBINED and is more valued by society that society has screwed up priorities. Lets be honest if Watson was just some Joe Blow off the street and 6 women accused him like this with the same type and amount of evidence then not only would he have already been arrested but everyone would be calling him the scum of the Earth. As it is you have people that have never met Watson and know nothing about him other than interviews and on the football field talking about how great his character is and how these women are lying or its a big conspiracy. The hero worship for celebrities in the country is out of control.
I’ve been a huge DW supporter for years now, and now I’m completely at the point where I just want him gone.
I’m not gonna cry about him wanting to leave, because I really can’t blame him for not wanting to play for a team ran by a bunch of dumbasses (although I’m really liking NC so far). However, the combination of the drama with him wanting out and now this stuff, heck, even Joe Montana wouldn’t be worth the distraction.
I’ll hold my tongue on this assault allegation until everything comes out, but it sure ain’t looking good. But I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, so I won’t support nor vilify him just yet.
As far as the Texans or any other team being behind it, there’s absolutely no freaking way that’s possible. For one, the Texans have to know that if that ever got out they would be forced from the league and be sued for so much damn money, and two, the Texans brass isn’t smart enough to come up with such a ploy.
I took DWs side over McNair/Jackass Esterby before all this came out, now I’m hoping for those 2 dimwits to do right and get what they can for him.