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Sexual Assault Suits Against Watson

Fellas I hate to admit it - I've led a sheltered existence: Never purchased the services of a prostitute or masseur.
But the truth is aren't most of these masseurs basically hookers, especially ones that fly from ATL to Houston for "business" purposes ?
You know this could also be why people like OB and Rootes haven't done those tell all interviews we keep wondering about. They knew that this might be coming down the pipeline and didn't want to say anything that might be dragged up later in a courtroom. Get out and get under the radar as fast as possible.
why would he have ppl sue him for something like this to get out of the Texans? it would be much easier 2 just pretend 2 be gay or trans or something wouldnt it?
I read reports that he was willing to go to extremes to get out of Houston.

Having someone claim you acted inappropriate with them (Being the time I posted that it was only one), especially to an organization that is run like the Texans where having a clean image is important, by some peoples account its more important than winning.......... it would certainly help to weaken their desire to hold on to him if they thought he was not "Texans worthy".

In the short term it IS easier to not have someone claim such things...... but as its been pointed out NFL careers have weathered worse accusations before. What is a loss of face today..... IF it lands you where you want to be tomorrow. Even more, because of the scandal his trade value is less, so the team acquiring him pays less for him.

I can see this being a cash grab on the part of the woman (now women) I could see DW being a creeper or I could even see this turning out to be a way for whiny spoiled brat to get his way and get out of Houston.

I'm not the mans judge, but he has IMO shown to lack the character to even honor day one of a huge contract so........... add in his lack of integrity to the claims he was willing to go to extremes to get out...... Id say this fits the "extreme".

Time will tell which is happening now. I wont be shocked with any outcome.
Fellas I hate to admit it - I've led a sheltered existence: Never purchased the services of a prostitute or masseur.
But the truth is aren't most of these masseurs basically hookers, especially ones that fly from ATL to Houston for "business" purposes ?

Not true at all, my friend's wife is a masseur and she is as far from a hooker as you can get. Even the ones mostly staffed by people of Asian descent are mostly legitimate businesses. Working out of your home is becoming much more common in this field as well because equipment wise you don't need much as most clients get use to a person and they follow them if they leave a business to start their own. The relationship between a masseur, real one, and a client is similar to that of a doctor and patient. They learn your body and can very easily hurt you so there is trust that has to be built up.

Listen to Shannon Sharp on his show with Skip Bayless talk about the masseur he has had since 1999. He flies her in for a week every other month and for 3 hours a day that week they do an intense regiment. Most athletics that can afford it have that. Believe me if you've ever had a deep massage for knotted or injured muscles sex is the last thing on your mind. Mostly its "Why am I paying this sadist to do this to me?"
If it was one woman then you might have an argument but we are up to 6 now, that makes this being some grand conspiracy about as likely as Michael Vick getting a standing ovation at a PETA convention.

I would very much tend to agree with you, but the timing just feels weird.

The same lawyer, and anyone can file a civil suit. Buzbee announcing it through almost incomprehensible Instagram posts just makes it seem off to me. Buzbee is a wannabe politician, attention whore, and ambulance chaser. Dude is out there trying to score his MAGA points.

This whole thing will never get near a courtroom. They are either going to settle out, or it will get quietly dropped.
It makes “loyalty is everything” make sense. He’s basically saying the Texans have chosen not to support him, & up till now it has seemed the Texans damaged the relationship over trivial crap.

Yours and JBs posts are both very very very good points.

I'm not sure I believe the allegations because the sheer volume of garbage over the last few years has rendered allegations kind of sort of pointless and force people to be skeptical.

But those are really, really observant.

And maybe that's why he hasn't come out and directly talked about anything and has been so cryptic and whatever.
I would very much tend to agree with you, but the timing just feels weird.

The same lawyer, and anyone can file a civil suit. Buzbee announcing it through almost incomprehensible Instagram posts just makes it seem off to me. Buzbee is a wannabe politician, attention whore, and ambulance chaser. Dude is out there trying to score his MAGA points.

This whole thing will never get near a courtroom. They are either going to settle out, or it will get quietly dropped.

You're contradicting yourself, if Buzbee is just after the attention then he wants it to go to a court room. If he is doing this to try and make a political run then this is the absolute worst possible way to get people to vote for you. He even said himself he has never been part of a case where so many random people attacked him and his family. Say what you want about Buzbee but he needs neither the money nor the attention, he has plenty of both and he doesn't take cases unless he smells blood in the water.

We talk about the timing being weird but that has a flip side in how isn't it weird that seemly out of the blue Watson wanted traded? We all talked about how it didn't seem to make sense and there must be something else going on but when something like this comes out the automatic response of most people is defend Watson and create this grand conspiracy.
Quick question. Would people be more or less likely to believe the allegations if Buzbee wasn’t the attorney? I have a feeling it wouldn’t make a difference with some folks.....

Honestly, I'd be less likely to believe it if it was some no name lawyer. Thing about celebrity lawyers is they become that way because they win and win big and once they become those celebrity lawyers they maintain that by continuing to win big. That means they don't take cases, particularly high profile ones, unless they think its almost a lock. We talk about it being Buzbee bringing the case forward what about the fact Watson retained Rusty Hardin, you want to talk about lawyers that people that need a miracle turn to that guy is on Johnnie Cochran's level.
With more women and more lawsuits coming out my opinion is starting to sway. I’m still giving him the benefit of the doubt for now, but it’s not looking good for him.
DW4 is riding the money train. All it takes is for one person to open the floodgates and these women know he has enough $ go around.

I am not saying that DW4 is or is not guilty but I do not think more than one woman coming out makes him more likely to be guilty.
DW4 is riding the money train. All it takes is for one person to open the floodgates and these women know he has enough $ go around.

I am not saying that DW4 is or is not guilty but I do not think more than one woman coming out makes him more likely to be guilty.

Yeah it kinda does because each of these women will have to submit some kind of proof. I have no doubt that dozens of women have called into Buzbee's office and that most are just looking for a pay day but with this filed in court now the quick and easy answer of Watson just paying them off is gone. Now it gets nasty.
So the same team that needed to get rid of DHop ASAP because of behavior less damning than these accusations, weren't even going to listen to trade offers for DW to make sure he stayed on the team? Either 'Texans worthy' needs a reexamination around here or the team didn't know about these accusations like they said they didn't.
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You're contradicting yourself, if Buzbee is just after the attention then he wants it to go to a court room. If he is doing this to try and make a political run then this is the absolute worst possible way to get people to vote for you. He even said himself he has never been part of a case where so many random people attacked him and his family. Say what you want about Buzbee but he needs neither the money nor the attention, he has plenty of both and he doesn't take cases unless he smells blood in the water.

We talk about the timing being weird but that has a flip side in how isn't it weird that seemly out of the blue Watson wanted traded? We all talked about how it didn't seem to make sense and there must be something else going on but when something like this comes out the automatic response of most people is defend Watson and create this grand conspiracy.

I think it does help his political ambitions, because it appeals to the base he is targeting. His beefs with Kevin Sumlin and Sylvester Turner also had some racial overtones.

While I don't doubt the death threats, this is the same guy who probably made up a story about his campaign headquarters getting broken into.

I doubt he wants to face Harden in a courtroom, at least no longer than it takes to get a settlement.

As far as the trade talks, I thought former players backed Watson when it came to the whole thing with Easterby. Essentially the guy is hated by everyone on the team, around the NFL, and is generally unpleasant. Even the team has said they were supposed to get Watson's input on the GM, but didn't.
Does add an interesting twist to everything doesn't it.
It really does. The truth (sooner or later) will always come to light, and the truth might finally be right in front of us. Sure, it’s easier to just blame the organization for making him “upset.” The thing is, these allegations/law suits are because of the decisions he made on his own. He put HIMSELF in those situations, NOT the team!
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Yeah and lots of people defended Woods, Kraft and Big Ben. Fact is we only see the public side of Waston what is very carefully handled and controlled. As far as the timing goes you may be right but given that it’s now multiple women that complicates things. It could also be that it’s taken this long to gather their case. As you said hopefully time will tell.
In these civil suits against famous and/or wealthy people winning them is like winning the lottery but the odds are even better. It could be that DW4 is guilty but just the same I feel it is just as likely that these women are aware of his wealth and are trying to stake their claim. Having several accusers does not make me think DW4 is any more or any less guilty. Evidence or lack of it should determin the outcome.

I'm surprised feminist attorney Gloria Allred is not the lawyer for the prosecution. She loves these high profile cases involving sexual issues.

Some of you may think this is some peoples way to get back at DW4 for his insistence on leaving our Texans, but doing this hurts his trade value and is of no benefit to us.
I think it does help his political ambitions, because it appeals to the base he is targeting. His beefs with Kevin Sumlin and Sylvester Turner also had some racial overtones.

While I don't doubt the death threats, this is the same guy who probably made up a story about his campaign headquarters getting broken into.

I doubt he wants to face Harden in a courtroom, at least no longer than it takes to get a settlement.

As far as the trade talks, I thought former players backed Watson when it came to the whole thing with Easterby. Essentially the guy is hated by everyone on the team, around the NFL, and is generally unpleasant. Even the team has said they were supposed to get Watson's input on the GM, but didn't.

Yeah because so many people have won elections by making the darling of a city look bad. Thats right up there with trying to win on a "we'll raise taxes" platform. As far as Easterby goes not sure where you are getting that he is hated everywhere, in fact other that Johnson many players have had nothing but good things to say about him.
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In these civil suits against famous and/or wealthy people winning them is like winning the lottery but the odds are even better. It could be that DW4 is guilty but just the same I feel it is just as likely that these women are aware of his wealth and are trying to stake their claim. Having several accusers does not make me think DW4 is any more or any less guilty. Evidence or lack of it should determin the outcome.

I'm surprised feminist attorney Gloria Allred is not the lawyer for the prosecution. She loves these high profile cases involving sexual issues.

Some of you may think this is some peoples way to get back at DW4 for his insistence on leaving our Texans, but doing this hurts his trade value and is of no benefit to us.

And that right there is why many women do not come forward and famous people like get away with things because people are predisposed to believe the celebrity. Thing about having several accusers is it does make a stronger case because its not he said, she said, its now he said, she and she and she and she and she said. It also creates a pattern of behavior which if you can show that its an absolute slam dunk in these types of cases. Even the evidence right now based on what has been mentioned in the court filings doesn't look good because we know at least one woman has text and Instagram messages.

I agree that I don't think the Texans had anything to do with this. This is way beyond his trade value or his talent as a football player, we are getting into real world type stuff here.
Good thing your not a lawyer.
3Why? There are many attorney's that take cases like this because these type of cases wind up settled out of court and a lot of money goes to both them and their clients. For those seeking an easy pay day this seems like a very easy way to make a lot of money!

If these ladies were sexually abused than I feel for them but for far too often the only vicitm is the person being falsely accused.
And that right there is why many women do not come forward and famous people like get away with things because people are predisposed to believe the celebrity. Thing about having several accusers is it does make a stronger case because its not he said, she said, its now he said, she and she and she and she and she said. It also creates a pattern of behavior which if you can show that its an absolute slam dunk in these types of cases. Even the evidence right now based on what has been mentioned in the court filings doesn't look good because we know at least one woman has text and Instagram messages.

I agree that I don't think the Texans had anything to do with this. This is way beyond his trade value or his talent as a football player, we are getting into real world type stuff here.
The text messages and Instagram messages will determine a whole lot.

I sure wish that NC would have traded DW4 already.
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Maybe Caserio couldn’t get a good enough after he got seated into his chair. We have seen a lot of activity recently and maybe conversations were made, but this was found out by teams investigating the trade. So the offers he got were already discounted.

I mean if we are going to believe McNair had something to do with this or other tin foil conspiracy theories this isn’t too far off.
No, it's actually still hooker. Women that provide sex for money are prostitutes and/or hookers. You just believe whatever the media tells you to believe. You can simp for them all day long but that doesn't change reality.

Next they'll be saying you can't call drug dealers, dealers anymore, they are now referred to as "Restricted substance merchants."

But getting back to the thread topic I would love to know you're outlook now that it maybe as high as 9 women HoP.
DW4 is riding the money train. All it takes is for one person to open the floodgates and these women know he has enough $ go around.

I am not saying that DW4 is or is not guilty but I do not think more than one woman coming out makes him more likely to be guilty.
I honestly don't believe it's about being guilty or not. Some how he got himself into this situation & there's only one way out. We may never find out what is real & what is not.

Dude has to start thinking about the decisions he makes going forward & who to trust.

I don't want to believe he is guilty. At the same time, I doubt Andre Johnson would ever have such charges brought against him. Nor Jj Watt, or Kareem Jackson.
I honestly don't believe it's about being guilty or not. Some how he got himself into this situation & there's only one way out. We may never find out what is real & what is not.

Dude has to start thinking about the decisions he makes going forward & who to trust.

I don't want to believe he is guilty. At the same time, I doubt Andre Johnson would ever have such charges brought against him. Nor Jj Watt, or Kareem Jackson.
9 accusers now and that number is only going up
3Why? There are many attorney's that take cases like this because these type of cases wind up settled out of court and a lot of money goes to both them and their clients. For those seeking an easy pay day this seems like a very easy way to make a lot of money!

If these ladies were sexually abused than I feel for them but for far too often the only vicitm is the person being falsely accused.
Far too often?!?! How do you know that?
If he’s innocent, his money will protect him.
He has retained a very good lawyer.

Trying to downplay Watsons stupidity by suggesting he’s being falsely accused when you don’t know if he is doesnt work.
Yeah, he’s stupid.
Stupid enough to put himself into this stupid situation.
Nobody forced him to get all these “massages”.
It’s not 1 accuser. It’s now 9!!!!