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Moulds Trade Official

There is no question that Moulds' numbers have been better than what our offense could produce. The question is much like we ask about our QB position, would Manning and Brady been able to perform while under center for the Texans? Will Moulds be able to do so and moreover will he be content as a #2? We need value, not overpaying for players who are on the downward side of their career. At the right price and the right expectations this would be good signing, but not at the expense of the future.

Is anyone else alarmed that his avg yards per catch has gone down seven consecutive years?
drafting a guy in round 4 to play WR doesnt get you very far. Most rookies, no matter how great, dont make huge contributions in year 1 (at WR) and you have to actually pick one that is not a bust. Then they have to learn the system adjust to the speed of the game, etc. If you are lucky you have a good player in a year or two.

We can have one NOW with Moulds and not have to throw one into the fire like we've always done.

This is what this team has lacked and why they SUCKED last year. NO VETS. Look what happened to our defense when they got rid of guys like Sharper. Its not just a players physical ability, but his experience in the league that really helps out a poor team.
Trenches said:
Most rookies, no matter how great, dont make huge contributions in year 1 (at WR) and you have to actually pick one that is not a bust. Then they have to learn the system adjust to the speed of the game, etc. If you are lucky you have a good player in a year or two.
We can have one NOW with Moulds and not have to throw one into the fire like we've always done.
We are starting from scratch again, we are rebuilding. I can wait a year or two, but Eric Moulds only has a year or two left. He's 32 going on 33 this season.
Trapped said:
Moulds is on the decline, he's 32 will be 33 when season starts. Teams will not throw money at him.

He will get Isaac Bruce money, 3 yr 15 million. No where near what Burleson got, Randel El, Givens, etc.

He will be a solid veteren number 2 receiver for us if he come at around that price. 55 receptions 700 yard type wr. But don't expect the Eric Moulds of old. If he come and shows longevity like Rod Smith in Denver, we would be getting a major steal. But i would offer him 3yr 15 million, anything more than that, i wouldn't take him.

ND Kalu would just add depth, nothing fancy, Depth is good. That mean for the Super Mario Fans, we will not be drafting him, sorry to burst your bubble, we simply would be carrying too many DE's.

Agree on Moulds, if we get him it needs to be for cheap or for short time period, one or the other. Not sure about his durability in this case as I really only have his numbers to work with.

Do not need Kalu.
nunusguy said:
We are starting from scratch again, we are rebuilding. I can wait a year or two, but Eric Moulds only has a year or two left. He's 32 going on 33 this season.

If we are rebuilding then why are we signing 10 year vets like Flanigan and Kalu?

Rebuilding in the NFL now is done via FA AND the draft. We have proven we cant do it ourselves with the draft so we have to take players that have been developed for us.

Hey, Im fine with that. Admit your shortcomings and move on.
Since when did 32 become over the hill? This guy has at least 3-5 years left. Ask Rod Smith if he is over the hill? I don't know what the deal is, but it seems there is just no pleasing a certain segment of people out there. Last year, when we let go of our veteran leaders like Sharper, people raved about how could they let the great Jamie Sharper go. Sure, he was getting up there a bit, and lost a step, but you need a veteran leader who knows his way around the game, and the Texans were crazy to let him go. You know what, y'all were probably right. Yet, now, we have a chance to pick up a PROVEN very solid WR, who has consistently produced, and all the sudden the guy might as well be Methuselah, and have a cane and long white beard. I don't get it. :brickwall
Seems like we need to get back to the reason why we want a solid #2 WR, to open up things for AJ. It's almost like we're holding Moulds to a #1 standard. I would say that with Moulds plus the receivers the team had added at other spots (Walter & Putzier) and will be adding (Bush) that they will have accomplished the mission of helping AJ out for the next few seasons and also giving Carr a significantly better group of receivers to work with. All things considered, that's not a bad outcome.
The Texans have a great chance in picking up a #2 receiver and I can't believe how many people on here are complaining about it. When it was rumored that I. Bruce had interest people loved the idea of bringing him in, but now hatethe idea of bring in an older receiver. There was a poll on this site that asked for peoples top 3 receivers if they had their choice and Bruce was in a lot of peoples top three. I just don't understand whats the difference.

I for one would love for Moulds to be the Texans #2 and would think that AJ would love as well!! GO TEXANS!!!!!!!!!

Bruce #'s last year - 36 rec 525yards 3td 14.6 yards per catch 33 turn 34 in November

Moulds #'s last year - 81 rec 816 yards 4 td 10.1 yards per catch 32 turn 33 in July
You are not going to be able to make perfect moves. So far the only knock on this potential addition is that the guy is not a spring chicken. Well, that's life. Don't give up the farm to get him, but don't look a gift horse in the mouth. I guess I've used up my allotment of cliches with this post.
i dont see all the stuff about Moulds being old. Yes he is 32. but Wide Reciever is not running back. There is a world of difference between a 32 year old running back with 9000 career yards and a 32 year old wide reciever with 9000 career yards.

Moulds still has probably about 2-3 years left at a high level. At that point Mathis or whomever should be ready to take over. I like it. I would rather give them the 5th round pick but, i'd do it for a 4th rounder. i'd try and get him to accept a 3 year 12 million contract.
Kaiser Toro said:
They friggin better be, we just signed Carr to a 3 year extension and we have no defense.

It's not like the D has been totally ignored this offseason thusfar. And there's still the draft.

In addition, an offense which can move the chains, stay on the field, and score points has significant value for the defense. If we were looking at an offense that does not have the potential to be that next season then the D would be more of an issue. If the offense can control the ball and clock like that, then all you need is an average defense. An extraordinary defense is a need if your offense is going to be abyssmal (ala the Ravens). Otherwise an average defense will work quite well. So the delta between offensive spending versus defensive spending doesn't matter as much to that end.
If we can get Moulds for a 4th round pick and sign him for 3 years it would be PERFECT! A good veteran WR to take pressure off of AJ and mentor our younger WRs. And 32 is NOT too old to play WR at a very high level. WRs can play into their later 30s. And don't need him to be a #1 anyway. Just his presence will demand a defense's respect.

I just have a hard time believing he'd rather play here over Philly or NE where he would be the #1 WR and has a chance to win a ring. But hey, if it happens more power to our front office...
How in the world does signing a guy like Moulds' hinder our process of building through the draft? Signing a proven, pro bowl caliber receiver (albeit on the downside of his career) does in no way preclude us from still building in the draft. We won't be signing a player of his caliber in the 4th round, and we can't afford to keep signing young players and watching for 3 years to see if they develop with no other viable starters. Trade a 4th for Moulds, let him play for 3 years or however long, that'll give us time to find a young player who can step in for him when he retires/is relegated to the #3 position or the bench. Having a solid #2 to take some heat off AJ for 3 years is not a bad thing. Those are three years we don't have to reach for a WR in the draft, and 3 years Carr will have an enhanced passing attack. I don't see the downside to bringing in Moulds for a 4th, as long as we don't break the bank.
The problem the last few years has been, because of the astonomical number of injuries in the 2nd year, to try to fix both sides of the ball at the same time. There have been just too many needs on both sides of the ball to get it done. As a result nothing has been fixed. I believe they have decided the offensive side should be the easiest to fix and that it would be productive. You have to have success somewhere or you simply drive the team into the ground. We have seen that scenario.

This would keep us in games and we could win a lot of them. Remember, Indy had a great offense and then began to fix the defense. If you only need 1 or 2 people its one thing, but when you need quite a few people on each side its another story.
Ibar_Harry said:
The problem the last few years has been, because of the astonomical number of injuries in the 2nd year, to try to fix both sides of the ball at the same time. There have been just too many needs on both sides of the ball to get it done. As a result nothing has been fixed. I believe they have decided the offensive side should be the easiest to fix and that it would be productive. You have to have success somewhere or you simply drive the team into the ground. We have seen that scenario.

This would keep us in games and we could win a lot of them. Remember, Indy had a great offense and then began to fix the defense. If you only need 1 or 2 people its one thing, but when you need quite a few people on each side its another story.

But why the need for more offensive skill players? Everyone and their mother says it was only the offensive pass protection and the playbook. Did we not extend DD, did we not extend DC, have we not resigned McKinney, signed Flanagan, Putzier, Wlater and Cook? Is that not enough? I do not understand how so many people point to the fact that Carr is an amazing talent and we have top notch WR in AJ, but we will still need more?

News flash: The NFL and NFLPA extended the CBA, there will continue to be a salary cap.
THink of Moulds asa 2 year stop gap until our younger talent is ready to step up. Someone for the younger guys to learn from. Our offense is very young, some vetrans will help.
I look at Moulds as a giant upgrade from Bradford. Although I wish we would get ourselves a CB.

I am not even going to recognize this offense next year.
Kaiser Toro said:
But why the need for more offensive skill players? Everyone and their mother says it was only the offensive pass protection and the playbook. Did we not extend DD, did we not extend DC, have we not resigned McKinney, signed Flanagan, Putzier, Wlater and Cook? Is that not enough? I do not understand how so many people point to the fact that Carr is an amazing talent and we have top notch WR in AJ, but we will still need more?

News flash: The NFL and NFLPA extended the CBA, there will continue to be a salary cap.

I'm probably one of the few that does not call AJ a number 1 receiver. At the present time I believe that is the case. He has a lot of talent, but he is not a guy like Moss or TO who you can go to despite the defense that surrounds him. AJ needs help to be open. They are trying to put together and Indy type of offense, not just an average one. Ours will probably feature the running game more than the passing game, but we do want a potent passing game. Again, I trust where are coaches are going we will just have to wait and see.
Ibar_Harry said:
I'm probably one of the few that does not call AJ a number 1 receiver. At the present time I believe that is the case. He has a lot of talent, but he is not a guy like Moss or TO who you can go to despite the defense that surrounds him. AJ needs help to be open. They are trying to put together and Indy type of offense, not just an average one. Ours will probably feature the running game more than the passing game, but we do want a potent passing game. Again, I trust where are coaches are going we will just have to wait and see.

Man, we have got to get Moss off that list. He has been dismal the last 2 years. He's not who he used to be, and definitely not who he can be. I was a big fan, but I've been disappointed with him lately, more often than not.
jacquescas said:
i dont see all the stuff about Moulds being old. Yes he is 32. but Wide Reciever is not running back. There is a world of difference between a 32 year old running back with 9000 career yards and a 32 year old wide reciever with 9000 career yards.

Moulds still has probably about 2-3 years left at a high level. At that point Mathis or whomever should be ready to take over. I like it. I would rather give them the 5th round pick but, i'd do it for a 4th rounder. i'd try and get him to accept a 3 year 12 million contract.

That is exactly what the Texans should and probably will give Moulds. He's only going to get that money thru a sign and trade because on open market, he will get less, but then again I've seen crazier things happen this Nate Burleson.
thunderkyss said:
Man, we have got to get Moss off that list. He has been dismal the last 2 years. He's not who he used to be, and definitely not who he can be. I was a big fan, but I've been disappointed with him lately, more often than not.

My point is AJ has yet to show he can do it all by himself and the team has constantly stated they need someone to take the pressure off of AJ. Again, AJ has a lot of talent, he's just not elite as yet.
kaulu is a nice sing...JMO. I'm excited to see Moulds possible come here, and could be very worth it...teach the youngin' WRs tricks of the trade.
Kaiser Toro said:
But why the need for more offensive skill players? Everyone and their mother says it was only the offensive pass protection and the playbook. Did we not extend DD, did we not extend DC, have we not resigned McKinney, signed Flanagan, Putzier, Wlater and Cook? Is that not enough? I do not understand how so many people point to the fact that Carr is an amazing talent and we have top notch WR in AJ, but we will still need more?

News flash: The NFL and NFLPA extended the CBA, there will continue to be a salary cap.

Are we seeking to be average on both sides of the ball? You need one side of the ball to be well above average. So what if you spend more jack on that side? Reggie Bush has just fallen into your lap. Don't overthink this.
Kaiser Toro said:
But why the need for more offensive skill players? Everyone and their mother says it was only the offensive pass protection and the playbook. Did we not extend DD, did we not extend DC, have we not resigned McKinney, signed Flanagan, Putzier, Wlater and Cook? Is that not enough? I do not understand how so many people point to the fact that Carr is an amazing talent and we have top notch WR in AJ, but we will still need more?

News flash: The NFL and NFLPA extended the CBA, there will continue to be a salary cap.

Maybe when Reeves and the coaching staff evaluated the talent, they came to the conclusion that the players on the offensive side were significantly worse than the players on the defensive side and the defensive problems had a lot more to do with the lack of coaching.

I'm not saying this is the reason for their one sided approach, but it could be a reason.
blockhead83 said:
How in the world does signing a guy like Moulds' hinder our process of building through the draft? Signing a proven, pro bowl caliber receiver (albeit on the downside of his career) does in no way preclude us from still building in the draft. We won't be signing a player of his caliber in the 4th round, and we can't afford to keep signing young players and watching for 3 years to see if they develop with no other viable starters. Trade a 4th for Moulds, let him play for 3 years or however long, that'll give us time to find a young player who can step in for him when he retires/is relegated to the #3 position or the bench. Having a solid #2 to take some heat off AJ for 3 years is not a bad thing. Those are three years we don't have to reach for a WR in the draft, and 3 years Carr will have an enhanced passing attack. I don't see the downside to bringing in Moulds for a 4th, as long as we don't break the bank.

I agree with you one hundred percent. If we dont put a legitimate #2 on the other side of AJ then how can we expect him to produce at the high level that we know he can. I think that Moulds gives us that #2. This offense would be very exciting if we got him, escpecially since we will have Bush. GO TEXANS. (Draft Bush)
tulexan said:
Maybe when Reeves and the coaching staff evaluated the talent, they came to the conclusion that the players on the offensive side were significantly worse than the players on the defensive side and the defensive problems had a lot more to do with the lack of coaching.

I'm not saying this is the reason for their one sided approach, but it could be a reason.

Well, obviously they felt like some offensive players were worth keeping around. The HC's experience and talent lies in putting together proficient offenses. The front office has obviously made moves in free agency to add players who fit his style of offense.

It's not like improving the offense comes at the expense of the defense. If the defense finds itself on the field less during games due to the ability of the offense to put together sustained drives, that's a plus defensively. You don't need a spectacular defense in this scenario, you need an average one who can get the job done. With a great offense, you'll have a well-rested defense when it's their turn to take the field. You'll also have opposing offenses that are forced to wait on the sidelines while yours is on the field, thereby disrupting their chance to develop a rhythm.

I'm not sure why the team must clip their efforts to build a potent offense in order to add a defensive player or two. Why regress to the mean on both sides? Become exemplary on one side and use that to your advantage on the other side.
Bsacamano said:
Why in the !@#$ would you give up the 1st pick in the fourth round for a guy on the downside of his career and at best has 3 years left?

If we give up the 1st pick in the 4th round I am going to be pissed.

Mark my words.....Moulds, although great in his day, will not be in the league 3 years from now

im actually satisfied with our WR core as it is. i dont see a need for moulds. i am willing to take my chances to see what kind of hidden gem kevin walter and derrick armstrong is. both have massive potential that went unrecognized due to a few reasons. in arm's case, small school (arkansas monticello) and walter's case: playing behind an already good WR core in cincy (behind chad and tj). these guys, if given a chance, could be a perfect scenario. u can keep ur picks, stay young, and be set for years to come. who'da thunk that eric parker and reche caldwell would be extremely productive WR's?? when they got their chance in SD, they rose up.
TexanFanInCC said:
im actually satisfied with our WR core as it is. i dont see a need for moulds. i am willing to take my chances to see what kind of hidden gem kevin walter and derrick armstrong is. both have massive potential that went unrecognized due to a few reasons. in arm's case, small school (arkansas monticello) and walter's case: playing behind an already good WR core in cincy (behind chad and tj). these guys, if given a chance, could be a perfect scenario. u can keep ur picks, stay young, and be set for years to come. who'da thunk that eric parker and reche caldwell would be extremely productive WR's?? when they got their chance in SD, they rose up.

Who do yo see being the number two if you are satisfied with our recieving core. Kevin Walter is talented but will not be a strong number two. You need a number two that defenses are scared of to take some pressure off of AJ. And D. Armstrong is also unproven as someone who can attract some attention from opposing defenses.
if they double AJ, then just find arm or walter. if that happens successfully, walter and arms will earn their respect. it takes time. how do u think the chargers WR core got so good in 2004 when everyone thought their WR's were cruddy (their #1 at the time was kevin dyson...ooooh) sure they had antonio gates, but nobody in the league heard about him until he murdered the texans, and its safe to say that capers and staff did NOT prepare the defense to stop him. teams wont prepare their defenses to defend arms and walter. thats when they need to make their mark and establish themselves. we also have putzier...dont forget.
TexanFanInCC said:
if they double AJ, then just find arm or walter. if that happens successfully, walter and arms will earn their respect. it takes time.

If it were that easy we wouldnt have let Jabar Gaffney go.
not sure if this is posted already or not

Texans | Team agrees with Kalu
Mon, 27 Mar 2006 05:52:24 -0800

John McClain, of the Houston Chronicle, reports the Houston Texans have agreed to a one-year, $750,000 contract with free agent DE N.D. Kalu (Eagles).

Texans | More on Moulds situation
Mon, 27 Mar 2006 05:48:45 -0800

John McClain, of the Houston Chronicle, reports the Houston Texans are indeed interested in trading for Buffalo Bills WR Eric Moulds. Before the Texans can work out the trade with Buffalo, they have to negotiate a new contract with Moulds. A league official familiar with the negotiations said Sunday night, March 26, that the Bills are asking for a fourth-round pick.
whiskeyrbl said:
Texans | More on Moulds situation
Mon, 27 Mar 2006 05:48:45 -0800

John McClain, of the Houston Chronicle, reports the Houston Texans are indeed interested in trading for Buffalo Bills WR Eric Moulds. Before the Texans can work out the trade with Buffalo, they have to negotiate a new contract with Moulds. A league official familiar with the negotiations said Sunday night, March 26, that the Bills are asking for a fourth-round pick.

Hopefully it will work out.
Trenches said:
If we are rebuilding then why are we signing 10 year vets like Flanigan and Kalu?

Rebuilding in the NFL now is done via FA AND the draft. We have proven we cant do it ourselves with the draft so we have to take players that have been developed for us.

Hey, Im fine with that. Admit your shortcomings and move on.

that makes no sense- yes the OLD coaches proved they couldn't draft very well but if you look at their history- they were just as bad at FA. now with kubiak, we've had a good FA, why not let him do a draft before saying we'll never ever be a good drafting team??
TexanFanInCC said:
if they double AJ, then just find arm or walter. if that happens successfully, walter and arms will earn their respect. it takes time. how do u think the chargers WR core got so good in 2004 when everyone thought their WR's were cruddy (their #1 at the time was kevin dyson...ooooh) sure they had antonio gates, but nobody in the league heard about him until he murdered the texans, and its safe to say that capers and staff did NOT prepare the defense to stop him. teams wont prepare their defenses to defend arms and walter. thats when they need to make their mark and establish themselves. we also have putzier...dont forget.

Understood, but dont you think that it would be nice have Moulds, a guy hat demands immediate respect. Then when teams devote all their tme to those guys then Walters will be waiting in the wings. I just think that it gives us more options, and makes us more explosive. Maybe im just getting to excited about the whole deal.
Get a vet who knows what they are doing as your #2. The moves they have made do not point to a long rebuilding term.
tulexan said:
Maybe when Reeves and the coaching staff evaluated the talent, they came to the conclusion that the players on the offensive side were significantly worse than the players on the defensive side and the defensive problems had a lot more to do with the lack of coaching.

I'm not saying this is the reason for their one sided approach, but it could be a reason.

or maybe, bar reggie and 1 or 2 linemen, we're going to have a defensive draft. plus it hasnt been all 1 sided- we signed weaver and cowart- looking at our defence, while it isnt great, doesnt look to have to many obvious holes- we need more secondary from the draft though
Maddict5 said:
or maybe, bar reggie and 1 or 2 linemen, we're going to have a defensive draft. plus it hasnt been all 1 sided- we signed weaver and cowart- looking at our defence, while it isnt great, doesnt look to have to many obvious holes- we need more secondary from the draft though

...and you'll have high picks in the 2nd and 3rd rounds to address the secondary.
Kaiser Toro said:
Signing Moulds devalues Bush at #1 in my opinion.

EXPLAIN....we'll have players who can step up if a team tries to take our playmakers out of the game..therefore reggie will have more space/ better matchups so he can do his thing:redtowel:
Maddict5 said:
EXPLAIN....we'll have players who can step up if a team tries to take our playmakers out of the game..therefore reggie will have more space/ better matchups so he can do his thing:redtowel:

O.G. said:
The Texans will probably give up a 5th. And not defending Moulds, but even last year, he was more productive that all of our 2nd receivers. 827 yrds if I remember correctly. Late round pick and a reasonable restructed contract for a few years of service, I can deal with.
What about a 5th round pick and Vernand Morency, since he has alrady said he wants out if we draft Reggie? I know the Bills have Willis McGahee, but Morency is a young player with potential who could help them, ater all, everyone gets hurt, esspecially a running back who has already had serious knee surgery.
Hawg said:
Understood, but dont you think that it would be nice have Moulds, a guy hat demands immediate respect. Then when teams devote all their tme to those guys then Walters will be waiting in the wings. I just think that it gives us more options, and makes us more explosive. Maybe im just getting to excited about the whole deal.

someone posted that we shouldt worry that he is 33, but i would be hesitant to give up a draft pick. domanick davis was a 4th rounder. ya never know if u can strike gold or not with a 4th rounder. moulds is a great player, but i think that the teams that can sustain winning seasons over a period of 5+ years are the ones that can develop their own talent from scratch and build chemistry by keeping what they have. why do u think the astros didnt make midseason trades last year? the players didnt want the chemistry to be jeopardized. personally, i am not a guy in favor of renting players because of what they used to be/what they can be. im the kind of guy that would rather have a bunch of unknowns that play well as a team for more than 5 years together as opposed to renting had-been players for 3 yrs or less. yankees for example, havent won a series since 2000 when they still had pretty much the same personnel that made them a great team in the late 90's (chuck knob, paul o'neil, derek jeter, scott brosius, tino martinez, mariano rivera, david cone, andy pettitte, joe girardi, jorge posada, chili davis, etc) ever since they went out buying players and recycling them year in and yr out, they havent won a title.
basically get them while their young and develop them to fit ur scheme. an older player like moulds with an established reputation is least likely to adapt to a new system.
Getting a vet at #2 also brings with it the advantage of being able to teach a very young receiving corps. AJ has #1 talent, but at this point hasn't made the #2 receiver better by making the coverage over-compensate (i.e. Burleson to Moss in Minn for a few years).

Kaiser Toro said:
Signing Moulds devalues Bush at #1 in my opinion.

Out of curiousity, what is the reasoning behind it? Could you explain your thought a little further?