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Injury Discussion Thread

Based off career production, Babin went pretty much where he should have gone in the 2004 draft. The problem was that the majority of Babin's production came after he left the Texans. 51.5 of Jason's 64.5 sacks came after he was traded.

Here is the breakdown of the draft day trade that ended with the Texans selecting Babin at 1.27 in the 2004 draft.
I got my first neg rep on my first post for criticizing that trade
I got my first neg rep on my first post for criticizing that trade
I bought a Babin custom jersey (Battle Red) before ever seeing him play. In the first game of the season, we parked in the green lot and another guy in a Babin jersey parked next to us. I thought, "What are the odds of two guys wearing Babin custom jerseys parking next to each other?" It was Babin's dad. We parked next to each other all season.
I bought a Babin custom jersey (Battle Red) before ever seeing him play. In the first game of the season, we parked in the green lot and another guy in a Babin jersey parked next to us. I thought, "What are the odds of two guys wearing Babin custom jerseys parking next to each other?" It was Babin's dad. We parked next to each other all season.
That’s a great story. I have one similar but not an NFL related. Definitely was an awesome experience regardless. Thanks for sharing.
Is 2 people working together a great thing?

God, I hope that’s not some weird trick question that’s flying over my head. :)

That said, I think DeMeco knows as much about the current draft board as Nick does. I’m pretty certain that DeMeco will continue to trade down. From his interview at the owner’s meeting, he see’s a “sweet spot” of players that will be available in the 3rd and 4th rounds, and he wants to stockpile those picks. I won’t be shocked if he uses both those 2nd rounders to end up with 6 or 7 3rd and 4th rounders at the end of day. QUALITY DEPTH!
God, I hope that’s not some weird trick question that’s flying over my head. :)

That said, I think DeMeco knows as much about the current draft board as Nick does. I’m pretty certain that DeMeco will continue to trade down. From his interview at the owner’s meeting, he see’s a “sweet spot” of players that will be available in the 3rd and 4th rounds, and he wants to stockpile those picks. I won’t be shocked if he uses both those 2nd rounders to end up with 6 or 7 3rd and 4th rounders at the end of day. QUALITY DEPTH!
I think Caserio and the scouts bring Ryans a cluster of 5-10 players that they think will be there at each pick in every rd. Ryans tells them the guys he prefers and they look further into the players tape/character/love of football etc... then come draft time it's Caserio's job to move around in the draft to get as many of the guys Ryans likes as he can get.
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🙏 that you remain healthy.
That's good news. But keep in mind that although the current curability rate in patients with Hodgkins Lymphoma has increased, up to 30% of those treated in the advanced stages (stages III and IV) and 5% to 10% of those in limited stages (stages I and II) of the disease, relapse. According to the studies, the relapse risk in Hodgkins Lymphoma decreases after 2 years.
Hey Cloak I came across an interesting article I thought you might be interested in. Apparently the NFL granted 4 mil to study hamstrings and a Packers player that was part of it, good read.

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Thanks for posting. Interesting indeed. Over the years I have posted on the importance of muscle imbalance as a major factor in hamstring injuries. Most of the time it is imbalance caused between the hamstrings and the quads. In Watson's case, the article reports that it is a right and left leg imbalance. However, it is most likely that his stronger quad on that side is overpowering his weaker hamstring.......the classic imbalance within the leg.
On the surface, this is no doubt uplifting news. However, Horton realistically has both a short-term and long-term uphill road back to football [See my previous post below]. If he pushes too hard, too quickly he may compromise his ultimate prognosis. His football-ready strength and endurance will be very difficult to regain by week 1 let alone TC. This in itself could set him up for significant risk for soft tissue injuries. With that said, we will all watch and root for this brave young man to break the expected "norm."


I've been asked about Horton's prognosis.

He was diagnosed with stage IV Hodgkins lymphoma. In early stages, it is quite curable. When you get to stage IV, less so. Five year survival in most studies is ~65-70% (unfortunately there are no studies that take survival rates out to 10 years). If remission is attained, more than half of recurrences occur within two years of the primary treatment. Up to 90% of recurrences happen before the five-year mark. The occurrence of relapse after 10 years is rare. After 15 years, developing lymphoma is the same as its risk in the normal population. Even with a recurrence, with further treatment, many people with Hodgkins lymphoma go on to live long lives. One last factor that these patients have to be aware of is that they have a 20-30% "lifetime" risk of developing a secondary cancer.

Horton was diagnosed on Dec 1, 2023.........his chemotherapy will be at least 6 cycles, which is usually 1 month per cycle. Radiation therapy may be added to this regimen. Football is not in his future this year and unlikely next year. The specifically aggressive chemotherapy regimen for the late stage of this disease takes a particularly signficant toll on the body, and will require great effort to build back up to a football player's strength/endurance/performance level. His youth and baseline health prior to diagnosis is a positive.

Returning back to health will be his main focus for quite a doubt, future return to football may act as an mental incentive for his recovery.

Prayers for the young man. View attachment 13841
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On the surface, this is no doubt uplifting news. However, Horton realistically has both a short-term and long-term uphill road back to football [See my previous post below]. If he pushes too hard, too quickly he may compromise his ultimate prognosis. His football-ready strength and endurance will be very difficult to regain by week 1 let alone TC. This in itself could set him up for significant risk for soft tissue injuries. With that said, we will all watch and root for this brave young man to break the expected "norm."

The Texans will give him every chance by giving him all the best recuperative information and support they can but I'm sure they will monitor him carefully and not push him.
They could put him on the PS and keep bringing him along and see if he his good to go later in the season.
On the surface, this is no doubt uplifting news. However, Horton realistically has both a short-term and long-term uphill road back to football [See my previous post below]. If he pushes too hard, too quickly he may compromise his ultimate prognosis. His football-ready strength and endurance will be very difficult to regain by week 1 let alone TC. This in itself could set him up for significant risk for soft tissue injuries. With that said, we will all watch and root for this brave young man to break the expected "norm."

He probably will look like Metchie did last yr?
Andrew Beck (placed on PUP today) is dealing with the same calf injury that he sustained in May........the injury that the Texans were originally quick to report was a "short-term" issue.
In my opinion we dont need Beck anyway...I would put Brevin Jordan to play his role and be an Hback...hopefully Brevin takes advantage.