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HC possibilities - Cowher is the current flavor

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Consider him not available now and move on. He ain't coming here. Not now, not next year.

Based on what?

It'd be a lot more believable based on the premise that we won't likely have a HC vacancy than on any perpetuated myth that Cowher doesn't want to be here, which has been further proven baseless by the recent report that he, indeed, finds Houston a desirable place to coach.
I rooted for Kubiac to come here but I'm really starting to have my doubts. This team just isn't what I wanted to see on the field. We are way too much of a finesse team for my taste. Our line play stinks on both sides of the ball.

I doubt he will but I'd say Bob should at least make the phone call at the end of the season.

I agree. I don't see how you pin that on Kubiak, though. As Herv pointed out several weeks ago, this is the first group of guys that Alex Gibbs has not been able to turn into a rushing powerhouse. To me, that says a ton about the players, not the coaches.
Based on what?

It'd be a lot more believable based on the premise that we won't likely have a HC vacancy than on any perpetuated myth that Cowher doesn't want to be here, which has been further proven baseless by the recent report that he, indeed, finds Houston a desirable place to coach.

Based on exactly what your premise suggests. Kubiak will be here next season and probably the following.
I agree. I don't see how you pin that on Kubiak, though. As Herv pointed out several weeks ago, this is the first group of guys that Alex Gibbs has not been able to turn into a rushing powerhouse. To me, that says a ton about the players, not the coaches.

We were last year though...

And where does all of this "Bill Cowher has no chance at coming here" talk come from? Did you all not just see the report from where he named Houston (and the Bears) as his desirable places to coach? The Texans are better than the Bears, too. Don't say we have no chance in getting him because that is definitely not true at all.
Doesn't it look like he's about to say "******* the titans!"?

Ownership/Management won't even bring in a top Free Agent, so how are you going to get a top Coaching candidate?

Not gonna happen. We are stuck with Kubiak for better or worse for probably 2 more years at least.

I am going to go get sick now. Last night's loss made getting up this morning really tough, and I was alcohol-free.

I would love Cowher and its quite obvious that Cowher is a better coach/motivator than Kubiak, but Kubiak's lame act is getting pretty tired. i am just trying to remain positive about 5-5. This was our season and thanks to Chris Brown, Kris Brown, and bad clock and game management we are irrelevant......AGAIN.
Ownership/Management won't even bring in a top Free Agent, so how are you going to get a top Coaching candidate?

Not gonna happen. We are stuck with Kubiak for better or worse for probably 2 more years at least.

I am going to go get sick now. Last night's loss made getting up this morning really tough, and I was alcohol-free.

I would love Cowher and its quite obvious that Cowher is a better coach/motivator than Kubiak, but Kubiak's lame act is getting pretty tired. i am just trying to remain positive about 5-5. This was our season and thanks to Chris Brown, Kris Brown, and bad clock and game management we are irrelevant......AGAIN.

Good points. I consistently see too many opportunities to do the little things winning teams do, that we don't do. Like pick up additional yardage with 8 seconds on the clock and 1 timeout. Or try to get the ball to your best player inside the 10 yard line, not have him block on a play most saw coming.
Kubiak will be the coach next year.

I feel that way, as well.

However, the look on Bob McNair's face at the end of the game was a mix of anger and disgust. I have never seen our owner sport that look, so there might be more going on inside his head than we realize.

If y'all think we are tired of watching mediocre football for eight years, think of how the guy that paid over a billion must feel.

I can't/won't speculate on Cowher, but if there is even the slightest interest on his part, I would be like a duck on a junebug if I was Mr. McNair.
I feel that way, as well.

However, the look on Bob McNair's face at the end of the game was a mix of anger and disgust. I have never seen our owner sport that look, so there might be more going on inside his head than we realize.

If y'all think we are tired of watching mediocre football for eight years, think of how the guy that paid over a billion must feel.

I can't/won't speculate on Cowher, but if there is even the slightest interest on his part, I would be like a duck on a junebug if I was Mr. McNair.

Bold = what I am thinking. If I spend $10 on Chick-Fil-A and my nuggets are a little cold I get pissed.
God these Cowher threads get so old and tiring. Cowher has said plenty of times that "IF" he decides to coach again he wants to coach near his family and the only team I've seen him mention the slightest interest with in the last two years was the Carolina Panthers because it was near his family. Cowher has not expressed any interest to coach next season as well. That could change, but right now he has expressed no interest. And for the record, every team's message board in the NFL that doesn't have a great coach right now is begging for Cowher. He will most likely only coach a team that is somewhat close to his family and if he did coach somewhere in Texas it's a lot more likely that he would be coaching the Cowboys instead of the Texans. Now this thread can hopefully end and we'll wait for the next Cowher thread to pop back up after the next Texans loss where the same stuff is posted for the 15th time. :turtle:
God these Cowher threads get so old and tiring. Cowher has said plenty of times that "IF" he decides to coach again he wants to coach near his family and the only team I've seen him mention the slightest interest with in the last two years was the Carolina Panthers because it was near his family. Cowher has not expressed any interest to coach next season as well. That could change, but right now he has expressed no interest. And for the record, every team's message board in the NFL that doesn't have a great coach right now is begging for Cowher. He will most likely only coach a team that is somewhat close to his family and if he did coach somewhere in Texas it's a lot more likely that he would be coaching the Cowboys instead of the Texans. Now this thread can hopefully end and we'll wait for the next Cowher thread to pop back up after the next Texans loss where the same stuff is posted for the 15th time. :turtle:

You need to be updated sir:

NFL Network: Source says Bears, Texans 'would excite' Cowher
November 23, 2009 7:36 PM | 10 Comments
By David Haugh

Bears fans coveting Bill Cowher as a possible replacement for Lovie Smith, take a deep breath. This may cause your pulse to race.

An NFL Network report Monday night cited a source that said the idea of coaching the Bears or Texans "would excite,'' Cowher if the job becomes open.
I'm still liking Kubiac for the future, but if they have a chance to bring Cowher in, I'd hope they'd at least look into it and talk to Cowher.

Gotta remember folks, this is a very young team that is still being built along the lines of Kubiac and Smith. I think the only way Cowher comes in here is da owner finally pops a blood vessel and goes off on everyone.
I know some people will deride my suggestion, saying he can't win in the playoffs, but I'm ready for some Marty-ball. Even if it means we lose in the playoffs to the eventual AFC Champion, at least we will be respectable and a perennial contender. I'll take that over being a never-was also-ran .500 team.
You need to be updated sir:

If that report is accurate, that could go a long way towards changing my mood today. 4 years is long enough for someone to turn a team into a winner. Kubiak has failed to do so and other coaches have done it quicker and with no more to work with than Kubiak has had.

Kubiak's problem is he is too loyal to players and coaches that suck. Myers should be gone. Richard Smith should have been gone after his first season. Bush is in over his head at DC although he is better than Richard Smith, which aint sayin much. Weaver was kept around too long. Chris Brown still sucks.

I just hope we can make something happen with the rest of the season and not just become 8-8 again. I think Kubiak is safe if we go 8-8 again and that sucks. We need a change and something for us to look forward to next year. Let's make a splash.

I'm still liking Kubiac for the future, but if they have a chance to bring Cowher in, I'd hope they'd at least look into it and talk to Cowher.

Gotta remember folks, this is a very young team that is still being built along the lines of Kubiac and Smith. I think the only way Cowher comes in here is da owner finally pops a blood vessel and goes off on everyone.

He didn't look very pleased at the end of the game. And he was sitting with the immortal one (BUM PHILLIPS!!!) all night.
Thats the first evidence I've seen from an actual insider saying the Texans would have a shot at him and its very intriguing. Kubiak will have a chance to keep his job over the next few weeks but I don't think its as much of a lock as some others in this thread. One of the reasons is that I could see us losing our next two games and 4 games total from here. Not saying it WILL happen but I won't be too surprised. That, or even another 8-8, combined with the chance at getting Cowher could be too much for Bob to resist.
He didn't look very pleased at the end of the game. And he was sitting with the immortal one (BUM PHILLIPS!!!) all night.

I'm more interested in the Texans winning than I am in who's actually the head coach. If Cowher can do the job, let's bring him in. Or keep Kubiac, or have a lottery and select one of us here on the BBS. I want the Texans to win a Super Bowl. I don't care if they hire Pee Wee Herman to coach as long as he gets us to the super bowl.

of course, if they did hire Pee Wee Herman, I sure as hell wouldn't go watch any movies with him. Not that there's anything wrong with that.........
You need to be updated sir:

I wouldn't put much into that GB. Until I see some serious quotes from Cowher, I don't think we're high on his radar. Hey, I'm with you and many others in the fact that I'd want him over anyone, but I don't think Mcnair will fire Kubiak in the first place and even if so I think there will be more teams out there that will interest Cowher more than the Texans would. I'd love to be wrong though. If you want this to happen, then send a letter to Bob Mcnair and beg him to go all out for Cowher. Maybe he'll listen. That's the only way Cowher would ever get there. Mcnair would not only have to spend huge dollars for him, but he'd have to do everything in his power to sell this franchise to Cowher and I don't see Mcnair as the kind of owner that would go out of his way to do that like Jerry Jones or Dan Snyder would.
I wouldn't put much into that GB. Until I see some serious quotes from Cowher, I don't think we're high on his radar. Hey, I'm with you and many others in the fact that I'd want him over anyone, but I don't think Mcnair will fire Kubiak in the first place and even if so I think there will be more teams out there that will interest Cowher more than the Texans would. I'd love to be wrong though. If you want this to happen, then send a letter to Bob Mcnair and beg him to go all out for Cowher. Maybe he'll listen. That's the only way Cowher would ever get there. Mcnair would not only have to spend huge dollars for him, but he'd have to do everything in his power to sell this franchise to Cowher and I don't see Mcnair as the kind of owner that would go out of his way to do that like Jerry Jones or Dan Snyder would.

Snyder and Jones would try and control Cowher.
We were last year though...

We weren't a rushing powerhouse last year at all. We ran for a lot of yards, but it was a lot of yards between the twenties, with big runs sprinkled in between 1-yd. gains. Not that there isn't value to that, but in the past, Gibbs' teams have been able to run the ball at a consistent pace.

1+1+1+1+16= 4.0 yards per carry.

4+4+4+4+4= 4.0 yards per carry.

You figure out which one you want. We've done neither this year, so I guess I'll take either one, but I prefer the latter.
Snyder and Jones would try and control Cowher.

Jerry would eventually, but Snyder would not. Regardless, that wasn't my point. Those guys will go way out of their way to make big acquisitions whether it be a coach or a player. They'll try and "sell" their team to that coach or the player and put in that extra effort and that extra mile probably over any other owner. They both have plenty of other faults though that end up making them less desirable owners to work for, but one thing that both of them can do is "sell" their team as an attractive destination to be at. Since the Texans have come into the league Mcnair has never been that type of guy. Will that ever change? Who knows, but from what we've seen thus far there is nothing to suggest that it will.

What I just described is the reason why just about every big name HC that is available right now is always brought up in discussions leading towards them going to Dallas or Washington, because most people know that Jones and Snyder will not only pay the big bucks, but they will go all out to try and bring in the big name guy that they want and they'll go that extra mile to get him.
I wouldn't put much into that GB. Until I see some serious quotes from Cowher, I don't think we're high on his radar. Hey, I'm with you and many others in the fact that I'd want him over anyone, but I don't think Mcnair will fire Kubiak in the first place and even if so I think there will be more teams out there that will interest Cowher more than the Texans would. I'd love to be wrong though. If you want this to happen, then send a letter to Bob Mcnair and beg him to go all out for Cowher. Maybe he'll listen. That's the only way Cowher would ever get there. Mcnair would not only have to spend huge dollars for him, but he'd have to do everything in his power to sell this franchise to Cowher and I don't see Mcnair as the kind of owner that would go out of his way to do that like Jerry Jones or Dan Snyder would.

McNair went out of his way to bring football back to Houston, so who knows what he's capable of...

Like I said earlier, dude did not pay all that jack to watch crappy football for eight years in a row. I'm not saying he will do this or won't do that, simply because we do not know and he keeps his cards very close to his chest.

But, the look on his face was one that I have never seen in him before. It wasn't happy-go-lucky McNair that is glad to be here. It was more of a look that he's just about had enough of this crap. JMO
Jerry would eventually, but Snyder would not. Regardless, that wasn't my point. Those guys will go way out of their way to make big acquisitions whether it be a coach or a player. They'll try and "sell" their team to that coach or the player and put in that extra effort and that extra mile probably over any other owner. They both have plenty of other faults though that end up making them less desirable owners to work for, but one thing that both of them can do is "sell" their team as an attractive destination to be at. Since the Texans have come into the league Mcnair has never been that type of guy. Will that ever change? Who knows, but from what we've seen thus far there is nothing to suggest that it will.

What I just described is the reason why just about every big name HC that is available right now is always brought up in discussions leading towards them going to Dallas or Washington, because most people know that Jones and Snyder will not only pay the big bucks, but they will go all out to try and bring in the big name guy that they want and they'll go that extra mile to get him.

I should have worded that different and I agree about Snyder. Jerry is a tool and tries to run the team. I think Dan would just hand him the team, but these guys are still banking off past Super Bowls.
I feel that way, as well.

However, the look on Bob McNair's face at the end of the game was a mix of anger and disgust. I have never seen our owner sport that look, so there might be more going on inside his head than we realize.

If y'all think we are tired of watching mediocre football for eight years, think of how the guy that paid over a billion must feel.

I can't/won't speculate on Cowher, but if there is even the slightest interest on his part, I would be like a duck on a junebug if I was Mr. McNair.

Saw that and thought, "Man, he looks more pissed off than me."
Jerry is a tool and tries to run the team.

Yes, this is true. Jerry will go over board and become over bearing eventually no matter who is the coach over there. He wouldn't even let Parcells coach the team without intervention of some kind. Coaching the Cowboys will always have it's pluses and minuses. Jerry will always irritate his coaches though. He can still "sell" his franchise in so many other ways though as an attractive destination to coach for though. I can't deny that he's good at that.

I think Dan would just hand him the team, but these guys are still banking off past Super Bowls.

Yeah, the team's history always seems to play a part in coaches wanting to coach there. Washington has a very rich history. Snyder will do everything in his power to get the guy he wants though. He went way out of his way to bring back Gibbs and at the time it was reported that it wasn't easy and that Snyder had to do a hell of a lot of twisting to get him to come back. I thought it was a fantastic and shrewd move on the part of Snyder though personally. It got the fans excited and he was able to bring back there hero out there and it came out of nowhere. Zorn was an experiment that has utterly failed partly due to Jason Campbell being there. The guy is never going to be able to take his team anywhere.
McNair went out of his way to bring football back to Houston,

That doesn't have anything to do with how he acts as an owner as far as trying to get the coaches that he wants or desires for. Kubiak was a "hot name" OC at the time when Capers was fired and it didn't take much to get Kubes at the time. It wasn't a year where there were tons of big time big name coaches available in that off season either. Going out and getting a guy like Cowher or a guy like Holmgren perhaps is going to take a lot because they have so many destinations that they can coach at. They can go almost anywhere right now. Cowher especially. Even some teams with winnng records that are playoff teams would possibly fire their successful HC to bring in Cowher. It will take a guy that will pay a ton of money, and really go out of his way to "sell" their team's vision and franchise to Cowher. He has so many choices and opportunities, so he can act like a pre madonna if he wants to as far as who "he wants" to coach for and what they'll offer and do for him. Mcnair will have to do all of that and compete as hard as guys like Snyder and Jones will. We have yet to see him do that so far as an owner. Maybe he will, maybe he won't. I'm not that confident that he will though personally. He just doesn't strike me as that type of owner at this point.

Like I said earlier, dude did not pay all that jack to watch crappy football for eight years in a row. I'm not saying he will do this or won't do that, simply because we do not know and he keeps his cards very close to his chest.

Yep, pretty much.

But, the look on his face was one that I have never seen in him before. It wasn't happy-go-lucky McNair that is glad to be here. It was more of a look that he's just about had enough of this crap. JMO

Well good. He should be pissed. We're in year four of the Kubiak era and most people and fans across the country expected this team to be a playoff team. Personally I think this team is easily good enough to make the playoffs, but we keep finding ways to lose instead of finding ways to win. Teams that are coached well find ways to win, and not the opposite and this is the same thing that's gone on since last season. If Mcnair feels that way, well then he should do something about it. Is firing Kubes the answer? If he can find a very good candidate, then I think it is. If he isn't wiling to explore that, well then I think he'll just keep Kubiak and extend him again. It's hard to say what Mcnair will do though, because as he keeps his cards tightly to his chest as you mentioned.
That doesn't have anything to do with how he acts as an owner as far as trying to get the coaches that he wants or desires for. Kubiak was a "hot name" OC at the time when Capers was fired and it didn't take much to get Kubes at the time. It wasn't a year where there were tons of big time big name coaches available in that off season either. Going out and getting a guy like Cowher or a guy like Holmgren perhaps is going to take a lot because they have so many destinations that they can coach at. They can go almost anywhere right now. Cowher especially. Even some teams with winnng records that are playoff teams would possibly fire their successful HC to bring in Cowher. It will take a guy that will pay a ton of money, and really go out of his way to "sell" their team's vision and franchise to Cowher. He has so many choices and opportunities, so he can act like a pre madonna if he wants to as far as who "he wants" to coach for and what they'll offer and do for him. Mcnair will have to do all of that and compete as hard as guys like Snyder and Jones will. We have yet to see him do that so far as an owner. Maybe he will, maybe he won't. I'm not that confident that he will though personally. He just doesn't strike me as that type of owner at this point.

So, what you're saying is, despite reports that the Houston job is attractive to Cowher, you think it's going to take bells and whistles that McNair is not willing to pull out to get Cowher here, based on your own baseless preconceptions?

The only real evidence we have of whether Cowher can or will coach here is promising, despite the "it's too good to be true" crowd, such as yourself.

The biggest hurdle in getting Cowher here is getting Kubiak out of here.
That doesn't have anything to do with how he acts as an owner as far as trying to get the coaches that he wants or desires for.

Sure, it does. It shows that when Bob McNair wants something bad enough, he's willing to invest a helluva' lot of time and money to get it.

I was no small feat to convince the NFL to bring a team back to Houston.

Kubiak was a "hot name" OC at the time when Capers was fired and it didn't take much to get Kubes at the time.

Kubiak wanted to be here. He was interviewed as the first HC, but McNair wanted him to get more experience.

See, the deal is that if a coach wants to be here, then half the battle is won. And this entire thread is predicated on the article that specifically states that Cowher might be interested in Houston.

It's rumor right now, but sometimes there is fire when there is smoke. So we never know.

Going out and getting a guy like Cowher or a guy like Holmgren perhaps is going to take a lot because they have so many destinations that they can coach at. They can go almost anywhere right now. Cowher especially. Even some teams with winnng records that are playoff teams would possibly fire their successful HC to bring in Cowher. It will take a guy that will pay a ton of money, and really go out of his way to "sell" their team's vision and franchise to Cowher. He has so many choices and opportunities, so he can act like a pre madonna if he wants to as far as who "he wants" to coach for and what they'll offer and do for him. Mcnair will have to do all of that and compete as hard as guys like Snyder and Jones will. We have yet to see him do that so far as an owner. Maybe he will, maybe he won't. I'm not that confident that he will though personally. He just doesn't strike me as that type of owner at this point.

Like I mentioned, this entire thread was started on the speculation that Cowher might be interested in this gig. So your above statements would not truly be applicable if that is the case.

However, if Cowher is not interested, then yeah, what you are saying is right, but we still have no idea what kind of owner we have in that regard simply because we do not know his M.O. at this point in time.

Like I said earlier in this thread, I think Kubiak is back next season. The rest of the stuff is just conversation based upon a purported rumor on It is nothing more, nothing less, just talk among disgruntled fans after a crappy loss.
Cowher is a compelling fit for your franchise.

1) You can afford his ridiculous pricetag, rumored to be 10M a season
2) He wants a solid QB or better, and I think Schaub does fit the bill.
3) Enough talent around the other 52 to be a playoff team NOW. He doesn't want to start from scratch.
4) I'm quite certain he can get personnel input power. Why not? He knows what makes a true NFL player and how to develop/coach/motivate young talent.
Personally, I think Kubiak will be here for at least another year. That said, it'd be crazy for McNair not to do his due diligence considering the level of success Cowher has had.
Kubiak will be the coach next year.

And we'll let the Texans have our PSL tickets back.

Enough is enough. Can't lose big games to lesser teams.

Gary is a nice enough guy, but players don't play for him. We need a coach who can motivate a buy-in from the players. Gary can't.

We need a steel curtain, not a swinging door.
Man I hate to admit it but it's time to bring in a real head coach to get this ship going in the right direction. I think that the Texans are one of the better teams when it comes to drafting players but this guy can't get these players up to win games that we should win. The look on the fans faces at the end of the game was sad and to see the owner on sideline with egg all on his face as this was billed the biggest game in Texans history. I feel the winds of change starting to blow.
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So, what you're saying is, despite reports that the Houston job is attractive to Cowher, you think it's going to take bells and whistles that McNair is not willing to pull out to get Cowher here, based on your own baseless preconceptions?

The only real evidence we have of whether Cowher can or will coach here is promising, despite the "it's too good to be true" crowd, such as yourself.

The biggest hurdle in getting Cowher here is getting Kubiak out of here.

You and a few others are taking some small little comment and running with it as if Cowher has come out and made several statements about wanting to come here. Cowher can coach anywhere, and if you think that it's "not" going to take bells and whistles to get him to whatever destination he eventually decides to go to if he even wants to coach right now, well then I think your opinion is naive here.

"One source close to Cowher believes the compensation could reach the $10 million-per-season range based on early indications."

There has already been a few teams like the Browns that offered him a ton of money last off season to coach there and they went way out of their way to bring him there and he's quite familiar with that division obviously. He turned them down as well. Cowher will be calling all the shots as far as where he can or wants to go. It will take a lot of effort from whatever team that wants him to successfully get him there in a contract whether you want to believe that or not. There hasn't been any coach more sought after than Cowher in the last ten years.

And at the end of the day, I don't think that Mcnair will let go of Kubiak this year any way. If Mcnair is willing to jumpinto the Bill Cowher sweepstakes, I'd be stoked but only if he is going to go all out in it and throw some real money around, because that's what it's going to take.
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You and a few others are taking some small little comment and running with it as if Cowher has come out and made several statements about wanting to come here. Cowher can coach anywhere, si if you think that it's "not" going to take bells and whistles to get him to whatever destination he eventually decides to go to if he even wants to coach right now, well then I think your opinion is naive here. There has already been a few teams like the Browns that offered him a ton of money last off season to coach there and they went way out of their way to bring him there and he's quite familiar with that division obviously. He turned them down as well. Cowher will be calling all the shots as far as where he can or wants to go. It will take a lot of effort from whatever team that wants him to successfully get him there in a contract whether you want to believe that or not. There hasn't been any coach more sought after than Cowher in the last ten years.

And at the end of the day, I don't think that Mcnair will let go of Kubiak this year any way.

My only worry right now is going to be personal o-line and what kind of D would be run.
My only worry right now is going to be personal o-line and what kind of D would be run.

If we could get Cowher here I wouldn't give a crap what he wanted to do with the team as far as blowing it up. His track record and success speaks for itself as far as I'm concerned.

I don't think he ever ran a ZBS system though. I could be wrong, but I don't think that was there running system when he was there.

And he'll most likely switch to a 3-4 to whatever team he goes to.
If we could get Cowher here I wouldn't give a crap what he wanted to do with the team as far as blowing it up. His track record and success speaks for itself as far as I'm concerned.

I don't think he ever ran a ZBS system though. I could be wrong, but I don't think that was there running system when he was there.

And he'll most likely switch to a 3-4 to whatever team he goes to.

I agree. Plus I doubt the moves would be as painful as some people think. DeMeco and Cush would be the best 3-4 inside LB tandem in the league. Barwin is a great OLB prospect in that system. I believe Mario could be one of the best 3-4 DEs in the league (not sure how he would feel about that though) and he could probably play a little LBer as well. Still need a NT and some more D-linemen and a secondary but we of need those positions for our current defense anyway.

As far as the Oline goes I think we have our tackles regardless of system and thats more than half the battle.
If we could get Cowher here I wouldn't give a crap what he wanted to do with the team as far as blowing it up. His track record and success speaks for itself as far as I'm concerned.

I don't think he ever ran a ZBS system though. I could be wrong, but I don't think that was there running system when he was there.

And he'll most likely switch to a 3-4 to whatever team he goes to.

I worry about getting talent for a 3-4 now that so many teams are running it.
"One source close to Cowher believes the compensation could reach the $10 million-per-season range based on early indications."

There has already been a few teams like the Browns that offered him a ton of money last off season to coach there and they went way out of their way to bring him there and he's quite familiar with that division obviously. He turned them down as well. Cowher will be calling all the shots as far as where he can or wants to go. It will take a lot of effort from whatever team that wants him to successfully get him there in a contract whether you want to believe that or not. There hasn't been any coach more sought after than Cowher in the last ten years.

And at the end of the day, I don't think that Mcnair will let go of Kubiak this year any way. If Mcnair is willing to jumpinto the Bill Cowher sweepstakes, I'd be stoked but only if he is going to go all out in it and throw some real money around, because that's what it's going to take.

C'mon man!! It's the BROWNS!! Do you know how much he would have had to start over if he took that job?? Sources have said that the Bears and Texans are places that excite him. That's part of the problem gone right there. Next, Cowher doesn't want to start from the ground up. Something he would have had to do with the Browns. Houston is his best chance at that. Chicago may be the more prominent city, but Houston's team is better and we aren't a small market either. The only thing we really need fixed is our O-Line, new stud DT, and a corner. We're set after that (after resigning Owen Daniels of course).

McNair threw around big bucks to get a team back into Houston. I'm sure he wants a winning franchise, so he'll throw money to get us a top-grade head coach in Bill Cowher.
I worry about getting talent for a 3-4 now that so many teams are running it.

I don't. Not with Cowher here I don't. I think a lot of people would want to come play for Cowher and he would possibly be able to bring some of those Steelers players over here perhaps. The ones that aren't over the hill any way. Cowher knows what he is doing and even with the transitioning of changing a defense like that, I think he could have success at a really fast pace.
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I worry about getting talent for a 3-4 now that so many teams are running it.

Green Bay and Denver made a sooth transition to the 3-4 with basically the same players they ran the 4-3 with. IMO, it has more to do with the DC putting the available players in the best position to succeed. Which Capers and Nolan have done a pretty good job, IMO.
C'mon man!! It's the BROWNS!! Do you know how much he would have had to start over if he took that job?? Sources have said that the Bears and Texans are places that excite him. That's part of the problem gone right there. Next, Cowher doesn't want to start from the ground up. Something he would have had to do with the Browns. Houston is his best chance at that. Chicago may be the more prominent city, but Houston's team is better and we aren't a small market either. The only thing we really need fixed is our O-Line, new stud DT, and a corner. We're set after that (after resigning Owen Daniels of course).

McNair threw around big bucks to get a team back into Houston. I'm sure he wants a winning franchise, so he'll throw money to get us a top-grade head coach in Bill Cowher.

I'll believe it when I see it.

I'll admit that it's nice to see that he's got some sort of interest, but the ball is officially now in Mcnair's court at this point. He's got to be the guy to scrap this current Kubiak experiment that hasn't worked and "sell" this franchise to Cowher and sell a vision for the future to him, and more importantly "spend the money." Wherever Cowher goes, he's most likely going to get one of the best contracts if not the best contract any HC has ever gotten in the NFL. Spending money to bring a franchise here is one thing. Breaking the bank and giving out probably the highest paid contract to a HC is another. Mcnair has never thrown around cash like that on a player before or ever expressed any desire to as far as what has ever been reported, so I'm not just going to assume that he would for Cowher. I'm not saying that he wouldn't either. Right now, I think he has to good of a relationship to get rid of Kubiak right now. I think Kubiak will do just enough to stay out of the dog house with Mcnair and he'll get another season. I hope I'm wrong about that though and he tries to get someone new. If we couldn't get Cowher, I'd be perfectly happy to bring in Mike Holmgren as well as either the GM or HC. If Holmgren was the GM, I'd be confident that he could find the right guy to coach that would mesh well with him as the GM. Holmgren would be a very nice constellation prize to Bill Cowher any day of the week. He's had very similar success and would be cheaper as well.
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I don't. Not with Cowher here I don't. I think a lot of people would want to come play for Cowher and he would possibly be able to bring some of those Steelers players over here perhaps. The ones that aren't over the hill any way. Cowher knows what he is doing and even with the transitioning of changing a defense like that, I think he could have success at a really fast pace.

I would rather be Pittsburg south than Denver south. :) I agree I dont think it would take Cowher long to get it turned around here.
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