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Gameday Thread: Colts vs Texans 11-29-09

in a Saints game a few weeks ago, Colston caught the ball in the end zone, got two feet down, hit the ground and the ball came out

it was ruled NOT a touchdown because the referee said that he had to maintain possession throughout

I'll be interested to see how this one gets ruled

but I don't think it should be a TD
Absolutely. Carr Bombed is out of his gourd if he thinks that was a dumb challenge.

it seemed pretty obvious to me when Payton challenged it and this time when Kubiak did - I think both were wasted challenges and both coaches should know better to throw their red flag on that play
Absolutely. Carr Bombed is out of his gourd if he thinks that was a dumb challenge.

Well I guess I'm "out of my gourd", because I didn't think for a second that was getting overturned. The call on the field was a INCOMPLETE PASS, nothing on that video was going to overturn the "call on the field". Bad Challenge.
Kris Brown is still on my **** list despite making that FG, and he's gonna stay there for a while. LOL
it seemed pretty obvious to me when Payton challenged it and this time when Kubiak did - I think both were wasted challenges and both coaches should know better to throw their red flag on that play

Jim Caldwell says hi.

If the Colts can get a turnover on replay from that BS Moats play, anything can happen. You have to throw the flag and hope the officials change the ruling on the field. The reward is too big not to.
Can we get a new kicker, please? The holder did everything right but Kris Brown has an awkward way of kicking the ball. I think he needs to go old-school style and instead of moving to the right he should just go back a few steps from the ball and kick it straight.
Jim Caldwell says hi.

If the Colts can get a turnover on replay from that BS Moats play, anything can happen. You have to throw the flag and hope the officials change the ruling on the field. The reward is too big not to.

Umm apples and oranges... The moats play was a clear fumble....conclusive evidence that's going to overturn the ruling on the field. NOBODY questioned whether or not Moats fumbled, they questioned the spot of the ball (moving it out to the 20)

This play the ruling on the field was a incomplete pass and there was no evidence whatsoever that was going to overturn the ruling on the field.