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I mean what do fans really expect from a team with a bunch of star players that are coming off of seroius injuries, didn't have their 1st/2nd rd draft picks, chose to sit on 26 mil in cap space and not protect their franchise qb who's coming off of his 2nd ACL?

With that said Ithink BOB is getting worse in his decision making over the yrs. But I want to see what he does with a complete team and sorry to say that's going to take another couple of yrs to cleanup the mess Ricky left behind. They are off to a bad start on the cleanup. but it looks like they had a productive draft last offseason and good times could be around the corner.

I agree with most of this but O'Brien has proven one thing.....he's horrible at clock management, not so good at identifying coaches for his offensive staff, and the biggest crime....he hasn't improved either area during his entire tenure. I don't think a stocked lineup makes him any better. Toughest call for Gaine, be ready to cut ties with O'Brien at the Bye-Week and turn the reins over to RC for the rest of the season.

I think the Texans could interest some very good coaches based on the existing talent and the upcoming picks in the 2019 Draft.
I agree with most of this but O'Brien has proven one thing.....he's horrible at clock management, not so good at identifying coaches for his offensive staff, and the biggest crime....he hasn't improved either area during his entire tenure. I don't think a stocked lineup makes him any better. Toughest call for Gaine, be ready to cut ties with O'Brien at the Bye-Week and turn the reins over to RC for the rest of the season.

I think the Texans could interest some very good coaches based on the existing talent and the upcoming picks in the 2019 Draft.

Agreed about the clock mgmt

Who are the offensive coaches you want replaced? I dont like Devlin but he's been working with inferior talent. The reason I want him gone is guys dont seem to improve under him. He worked out Davenport and must've vouched for him.

Other than that, Ryan seems to be doing well as the WR coach. The RB'S are looking much better and the young TE'Swho we dont know how good they can be because they spend so much time helping out the OL with blocking.
More "it's on me" bullshit from him in the presser today.

Is someone gonna ******* tell him that he's been in charge for YEARS and he was brought on to be a discipline and order guy?
Agreed about the clock mgmt

Who are the offensive coaches you want replaced? I dont like Devlin but he's been working with inferior talent. The reason I want him gone is guys dont seem to improve under him. He worked out Davenport and must've vouched for him.

Other than that, Ryan seems to be doing well as the WR coach. The RB'S are looking much better and the young TE'Swho we dont know how good they can be because they spend so much time helping out the OL with blocking.

Mentioned this b/c when the HC goes, most of his staff does as well. The new guy typically wants to bring in his guys but you're right, there would a few of these coaches that a new HC may want keep on.
Agreed about the clock mgmt

Who are the offensive coaches you want replaced? I dont like Devlin but he's been working with inferior talent. The reason I want him gone is guys dont seem to improve under him. He worked out Davenport and must've vouched for him.

Other than that, Ryan seems to be doing well as the WR coach. The RB'S are looking much better and the young TE'Swho we dont know how good they can be because they spend so much time helping out the OL with blocking.

The OC.
Agreed about the clock mgmt

Who are the offensive coaches you want replaced? I dont like Devlin but he's been working with inferior talent. The reason I want him gone is guys dont seem to improve under him. He worked out Davenport and must've vouched for him.

Other than that, Ryan seems to be doing well as the WR coach. The RB'S are looking much better and the young TE'Swho we dont know how good they can be because they spend so much time helping out the OL with blocking.

Sean Ryan has been our QB the last 2 years, and who in all likelihood will be our OC next year
That would be on the ST coach and on the players. I'll rewatch the game today and see who busted the assignment.
Heard on radio we did the same thing vs Pat's. Pat's didn't capitalize. Titans saw it on film and ate it up. Yet , our staff didn't see this vs NE????

Not arguing with you or getting personal just carrying the conversation from yesterday . I was tipsy yesterday if I came off as an ass
Regarding the fake punt.
Bill O'Brien said:
'That was a bad play call. They handled it differently than we thought. That's a mistake on my part.'

Seriously?? #1, why is not covering someone even a play call? #2, how exactly were they expecting a team to handle not covering a gunner?

This guy went to Brown? He's dumber than a sack of hammers.
Heard on radio we did the same thing vs Pat's. Pat's didn't capitalize. Titans saw it on film and ate it up. Yet , our staff didn't see this vs NE????

Not arguing with you or getting personal just carrying the conversation from yesterday . I was tipsy yesterday if I came off as an ass
1. Let’s start with the Kevin Byard to Dane Cruikshank touchdown on the punt. What was supposed to happen was that two guys were supposed to peel out prior to the punt and make sure those gunners were covered. One guy did it - A.J. Moore - I saw him sprint out to the gunner on my side. The other side didn’t. I don’t know who was responsible, but being slow on the trigger cost the Texans dearly.

From this article, it looks like poor execution along with poor scheme.
It just doesn't make sense. Why even have an alignment that leaves gunners wide open until the last few seconds when our guy has to sprint to cover? I mean **** we're not reinventing the wheel here. Even on an all out block attempt you cover the gunners. It was the cocky attitude of 'I dare you' and it definitely falls squarely on O'Brien. How many special teams coaches have to fired before the root cause is addressed?
1. Let’s start with the Kevin Byard to Dane Cruikshank touchdown on the punt. What was supposed to happen was that two guys were supposed to peel out prior to the punt and make sure those gunners were covered. One guy did it - A.J. Moore - I saw him sprint out to the gunner on my side. The other side didn’t. I don’t know who was responsible, but being slow on the trigger cost the Texans dearly.

From this article, it looks like poor execution along with poor scheme.
What's amazing is what did you expect an opposing team to do If they saw this. Kinda unreal Pats didn't take advantage of it. Tennessee has said if they seen that they were attacking it. Tennessee was waiting for the Texans to leave a gunner open again

Just going to have to wait it out guys and burn a few more years of Watson & Hopkins career along with the last few gasps of JJ's time before they make a change. The next change will be brought to us by the same people who made this one everything it was so what is there to get excited about? A regular stream (not a big one, just a steady one) of great players will come through these doors and play for the Texans, make H.E.B. commercials, and promise hope but the Texans are always drafting first when there's nobody there. Always looking for a new coach when everybody you want is under contract. Always spending free agent dollars when there's nobody out there worth throwing them at.

It's a vicious circle but hey, "Liberty White Out" is sold out for another year. There's that to get excited about right?

Turned Watson into Savage in one season. Unbelievable. Wonder what Savage would have looked like behind a real line in an offense that professional football teams would use? I was entirely prepared to watch him vanish from the league after backing up Brees for a few years but now I'm starting to wonder what he might have become had he not been picked up by BO'B.

The Houston Texans do two things consistently: brag about consecutive sellouts at home since 2002, and, reward mediocrity.

This is the same stuff that went on with the Oilers. Ladd won the power struggle with Bum back in 1981. Went the other way then (GM won over the HC) The coaches he hired were all his puppets and beholden to him until he got the boot for being a giant ass. Eventually when Glanville split Bud Adams decided to be more hands on and that led to things like Pardee and Buddy Ryan.

I'm not really sure what would be described as McNair being hands on. I always looked at Capers/Casserly as fairly intelligent hires considering who was available and what the man knew about the business at that time. I mean Capers had done the expansion team thing before, had a good reputation as a defensive coach, and was a man of decent character. Casserly was proven to be more of a snake oil salesman than front office genius at the time but he did know how to run an NFL team so it could have been worse. There were better options maybe but they would have required a more adventurous owner who maybe knew more about the league to make and McNair wasn't ready to do that yet.

McNair seeking out Dan Reeves for advice on his next coach/GM wasn't a particularly bad idea. Reeves gave him what I think was good advice and hiring Kubiak was smart. Letting Kubiak choose the GM was odd to me. I see Bob McNair asserting himself in moves like choosing to send Casserly packing along with Capers (good move) adding Wade (great move), and going after Ed Reed (WTF move).

He's done another WTF thing by letting O'Brien pick Gaines I think.

Gary picks Smith (bad), Smith yes-man's the pick of O'Brien (bad), O'Brien hand picks Gaines.....? Who knows how that turns out but it doesn't look like a positive trend to me.


Landry Locker


BOB Facts:

1: O’Brien has been out-coached by both his mentor and understudy in 2018.

2: His overall record is 31-35.

3: He’s 3-5 with Deshaun Watson.

4: During his 2 AFC South division titles the division was a dumpster fire.

5: He received a 4 yr extension in offseason.

11:00 AM - Sep 17, 2018

aye yi yi. . .:rake:

LOL at all the venting in here. So happy I don’t take this team that seriously anymore.

Go Astros. :)

I feel the same. Interesting to read, but often feels like I'm looking out of a plane at all the little houses and all the little cars down below. The detachment has been on-going for a while, and it just feels empty where there used to be excitement about football season.
The Houston Texans do two things consistently: brag about consecutive sellouts at home since 2002, and, reward mediocrity.


aye yi yi. . .:rake:

I feel the same. Interesting to read, but often feels like I'm looking out of a plane at all the little houses and all the little cars down below. The detachment has been on-going for a while, and it just feels empty where there used to be excitement about football season.

I'm slowly getting there.
I feel the same. Interesting to read, but often feels like I'm looking out of a plane at all the little houses and all the little cars down below. The detachment has been on-going for a while, and it just feels empty where there used to be excitement about football season.

I don’t know if it’s emptiness. I’m not as excited about them anymore, but to be honest, it’s a good thing. And I know I’m being sincere about it because with the way everyone in here is losing their minds about these 2 losses, I’m kinda chuckling to myself thinking, “holy sh!t I used to be like that”. No, to tell you the truth I’m happy that I don’t take them that seriously anymore.
The dude is incompetent. How many times has he schemed a TE or a WR wide open? Maybe once or twice a game?

Watch the rest of the league. Guys are wide open all the damn time! Hopkins is one of the best WR’s in the league and he’s hardly ever WIDE open. TE’s.... non damn existent!!

He can take his game plan offense and shove it up his butt chin!

(Sorry, day drinking!.... I keep forgetting about the drunk thread!)
I don’t know if it’s emptiness. I’m not as excited about them anymore, but to be honest, it’s a good thing. And I know I’m being sincere about it because with the way everyone in here is losing their minds about these 2 losses, I’m kinda chuckling to myself thinking, “holy sh!t I used to be like that”. No, to tell you the truth I’m happy that I don’t take them that seriously anymore.

Complete Apathy.. The Texans breed it.
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Went out the door Sunday morning without a second thought. My wife asked me what time the game was and I told her I didn’t know. I was taking a break.

I know when I say I got rid of all my Texans **** it brings to mind idiot fans burning their jerseys and stupid stuff like that. All that tells the Texans is your dumb ass is ready to buy a new jersey when they turn it around. I didn’t throw everything away. I cleared out all the crap that was all over the house to get it out of my face 24-7. It’s about taking this down a notch and trying to get football back in perspective. Starting back in 2002 I think a lot of us just got all “110%” and wanna-be “Superfan” (I know I did) and I didn’t do myself any favors putting the Texans on a pedestal from day one. Unrealistic expectations and as we all found out they weren’t prepared to meet even realistic expectations. Sure if they’d been the second coming of the old Dallas Cowboys that would be one thing but it became obvious pretty quick that they were as dumb and dysfunctional as the Oiler’s before them. Maybe for those who hated Columbia Blue they were a step up in team colors but they have always been just as lost as the Oiler’s were for most of their existence.

It’s time to not care about them for a while. It will be good for me. Better things to do them watch them bumble around raising my blood pressure.
Went out the door Sunday morning without a second thought. My wife asked me what time the game was and I told her I didn’t know. I was taking a break.

I know when I say I got rid of all my Texans **** it brings to mind idiot fans burning their jerseys and stupid stuff like that. All that tells the Texans is your dumb ass is ready to buy a new jersey when they turn it around. I didn’t throw everything away. I cleared out all the crap that was all over the house to get it out of my face 24-7. It’s about taking this down a notch and trying to get football back in perspective. Starting back in 2002 I think a lot of us just got all “110%” and wanna-be “Superfan” (I know I did) and I didn’t do myself any favors putting the Texans on a pedestal from day one. Unrealistic expectations and as we all found out they weren’t prepared to meet even realistic expectations. Sure if they’d been the second coming of the old Dallas Cowboys that would be one thing but it became obvious pretty quick that they were as dumb and dysfunctional as the Oiler’s before them. Maybe for those who hated Columbia Blue they were a step up in team colors but they have always been just as lost as the Oiler’s were for most of their existence.

It’s time to not care about them for a while. It will be good for me. Better things to do them watch them bumble around raising my blood pressure.
Dude I hear ya, I cant enjoy a beer while watching this nonsense.
Went out the door Sunday morning without a second thought. My wife asked me what time the game was and I told her I didn’t know. I was taking a break.

I know when I say I got rid of all my Texans **** it brings to mind idiot fans burning their jerseys and stupid stuff like that. All that tells the Texans is your dumb ass is ready to buy a new jersey when they turn it around. I didn’t throw everything away. I cleared out all the crap that was all over the house to get it out of my face 24-7. It’s about taking this down a notch and trying to get football back in perspective. Starting back in 2002 I think a lot of us just got all “110%” and wanna-be “Superfan” (I know I did) and I didn’t do myself any favors putting the Texans on a pedestal from day one. Unrealistic expectations and as we all found out they weren’t prepared to meet even realistic expectations. Sure if they’d been the second coming of the old Dallas Cowboys that would be one thing but it became obvious pretty quick that they were as dumb and dysfunctional as the Oiler’s before them. Maybe for those who hated Columbia Blue they were a step up in team colors but they have always been just as lost as the Oiler’s were for most of their existence.

It’s time to not care about them for a while. It will be good for me. Better things to do them watch them bumble around raising my blood pressure.

More and more fans are getting to this point, even though NRG will be full on Sunday there will be 40% of the fans there that wont know an offsides from a TD.
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I honestly don't get the extension either. He had 1 year left on his contract. McNair was scammed into being scared he'd leave or something?

Desperate measures will even make the rich do some stupid things. Like signing Brock ashweiler to that ridiculous contract.
The owner never gets rid of anybody so forget about it. Bill "it's not my job" Obrien looked scared out of his wits at New England. His playcalling was horrendous both games. His clock management is the worst in the league. He needs to wear a clock like that Flava Flav guy. He is going to waste our QB. Other than that, it's all systems go.
I mean what do fans really expect from a team with a bunch of star players that are coming off of seroius injuries, didn't have their 1st/2nd rd draft picks, chose to sit on 26 mil in cap space and not protect their franchise qb who's coming off of his 2nd ACL?

Good points. I'm with you.

With that said Ithink BOB is getting worse in his decision making over the yrs. But I want to see what he does with a complete team and sorry to say that's going to take another couple of yrs....

Now hold on a minute. You're taking this a little too far. A couple more years of what we saw the last two weeks...

I'm a patient man, least I try to be. But the NFL is full of a bunch of bad teams with less than "a complete team."

Truly, I expect O'b to beat the bad teams & get spanked by the elite teams in prime time. That's what I've been accustomed to & by golly if O'b can't meet that low bar, McNair should do his due diligence & find someone who can... like Chucky


Wait a minute...
I wish we had Nagy. He’s making Trubisky look like a pro bowler. The Bears looking like a well oiled machine! Can we trade O’Brien and Clowney for him? Hell, I’d take Pete Carrol for the same thing as I think he’d make our offense legit, even though the Seahawks look more like Seachickens right now.
Moan. It looks like we get to wait till the end of the season to see McNair hire another also-ran head coach. Meanwhile all this assembled talent goes to waste. How many are tempted to buy the Texans and fire BoB now?
Moan. It looks like we get to wait till the end of the season to see McNair hire another also-ran head coach. Meanwhile all this assembled talent goes to waste. How many are tempted to buy the Texans and fire BoB now?

If it were only true Seegara, but let me tell you how it's going to play out. If OB has proven one thing, it's he can take out the trash. Starting with the 0-2 Giants this weekend our guys will have just enough bad teams on the schedule to finish around .500... again. Then get ready for the Texans, John McClain and all the lap dog fans that just love being average to say- "Hey, we were 4-12 last year, what do you expect, he's turned it around." And of course there will be the usual excuses about injuries etc... and we'll do it all again next year.

The only real mystery is whether or not they'll give him another extension in the off season. I mean we can't have the QB whisperer with only 4 years left on his deal, there's so many other teams that want him... you know.

It shouldn't have. I was just pointing out the undeniable reality that is the Cowboys 1966-1985 era. The success they had was uncommon and impressive. After 5 years of building they made it to .500 in their 6th season then tore off 20 straight winning seasons. 5 Super Bowl appearances and won their division 13 times. Their fans could be hard to listen to (particularly during that era) but the reason they're so obnoxious at times is that they were the New England Patriots of that era. The Cowboys and the Steelers as well. Just great teams led by great coaches.

Nobody hires a HC and gives him 6 years to produce a winning record these days. Hell, nobody did that back then but the Cowboys. Chuck Noll won in his 4th year in Pittsburgh but he'd probably never make it that long today.

Capers wasn't a bad choice for HC but Charlie Casserly, Chris Palmer, and David Carr pretty much killed any chance he may have had of finding success here.

When the Texans first arrived everyone hoped lightning might be in that bottle and while they didn't make any crazy promises Bob McNair did say all the right things about doing everything the right way. "Building the team from the inside out" was said before they even did the expansion draft. They should have picked Julius Peppers based on that stated plan and put together a real OL to protect Tony Banks and I think they did try to do that but from the very start Bob fell in love with the pretty-boy star QB with the strong Christian values and moral character. He didn't understand that all the things that made David Carr the perfect face of the franchise were going to mean nothing when it became clear that he didn't care as much about the job as a successful NFL QB needs to.

Bob and Charlie got fleeced regularly by NFL owners and GM's I think. The deals that the Texans made with the Jets, Ravens, and Jaguars before the expansion draft were mostly good but taking a chance on Boselli was ill-advised and getting a division rival out of cap hell is not a good move. We could have taken Gary Walker and gotten either Seth Payne or Keenan McCardell from them anyway. It really gained us nothing to agree to help them but Bob didn't know any better and Charlie was a fool who had convinced Bob he knew what he was doing.
If it were only true Seegara, but let me tell you how it's going to play out. If OB has proven one thing, it's he can take out the trash. Starting with the 0-2 Giants this weekend our guys will have just enough bad teams on the schedule to finish around .500... again. Then get ready for the Texans, John McClain and all the lap dog fans that just love being average to say- "Hey, we were 4-12 last year, what do you expect, he's turned it around." And of course there will be the usual excuses about injuries etc... and we'll do it all again next year.

The only real mystery is whether or not they'll give him another extension in the off season. I mean we can't have the QB whisperer with only 4 years left on his deal, there's so many other teams that want him... you know.

I always look forward to the coaching miracle that O'Brien produces after the team he built and prepared for the season starts off in a deep hole. That "great job" he does getting them back to .500 (while still managing to cope with endless injuries and losing a few embarrassing games in prime-time to actual contenders) is breath taking to behold.

I've never been able to figure out how collecting enough wins against other bad teams to claw your way back to middle-of-the-pack after falling on your face to start the year translates into great coaching. McNair always lauds his coaches for climbing out of holes they themselves dug and led the team into. It's incredibly frustrating to see him do that over and over again.
The Houston Texans do two things consistently: brag about consecutive sellouts at home since 2002, and, reward mediocrity.


aye yi yi. . .:rake:

I feel the same. Interesting to read, but often feels like I'm looking out of a plane at all the little houses and all the little cars down below. The detachment has been on-going for a while, and it just feels empty where there used to be excitement about football season.

I've always loved and hated that picture. Dementia is a terrible thing but a few things in that photo have been there for as long as Bud was in the public eye. His bad fashion sense was always front and center. I never could figure out whether the suits were cheap or he just made them look that way?

Also note the two rings on his fingers. Yes, they're probably "just" AFL championship rings from the 60's or maybe one is an AFC Championship ring from the 1999 season but as much as I always hated the old bastard I can't ignore the fact that they are probably two more rings than Bob McNair will ever get to wear.

Maybe Cal too unless he's got more on the ball than meets the eye.
Went out the door Sunday morning without a second thought. My wife asked me what time the game was and I told her I didn’t know. I was taking a break.

I know when I say I got rid of all my Texans **** it brings to mind idiot fans burning their jerseys and stupid stuff like that. All that tells the Texans is your dumb ass is ready to buy a new jersey when they turn it around. I didn’t throw everything away. I cleared out all the crap that was all over the house to get it out of my face 24-7. It’s about taking this down a notch and trying to get football back in perspective. Starting back in 2002 I think a lot of us just got all “110%” and wanna-be “Superfan” (I know I did) and I didn’t do myself any favors putting the Texans on a pedestal from day one. Unrealistic expectations and as we all found out they weren’t prepared to meet even realistic expectations. Sure if they’d been the second coming of the old Dallas Cowboys that would be one thing but it became obvious pretty quick that they were as dumb and dysfunctional as the Oiler’s before them. Maybe for those who hated Columbia Blue they were a step up in team colors but they have always been just as lost as the Oiler’s were for most of their existence.

It’s time to not care about them for a while. It will be good for me. Better things to do them watch them bumble around raising my blood pressure.

Well said...exactly my feelings. I was so frustrated at the performance Sunday, I yelled at the television, spouted off some choice words, and was in a bad mood the rest of the day. It's just not worth it- my family doesn't deserve to witness me acting like an idiot because of a game. Life is too short.
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