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The thing we have going for us come playoff time is Deshaun Watson. The guy will elevate his game and together with D Hop will dominate teams.

Our defense historically has elevated its game in the playoffs as well. Except the year against the Chiefs. But Brock really deflated everyone.
Deshaun is gonna capture the moment and lead us to a ring.
@amazing80 You mean Hoyer the Destroyer throwing 6 picks deflating that particular contest? I mean Oz was a terrible decision after that meltdown also in extreme panic mode the Texans sign a guy without even bringing him in for an interview. Lol. All you can do is laugh sometimes.

I think the OZ signing was more McNair than anyone else. He was pushing for a QB after the Hoyer debacle. All the talking heads were saying OZ was the best FA QB, but there was no way he was leaving Denver. After we signed him the dialog changed dramatically.
I think the OZ signing was more McNair than anyone else. He was pushing for a QB after the Hoyer debacle. All the talking heads were saying OZ was the best FA QB, but there was no way he was leaving Denver. After we signed him the dialog changed dramatically.

It was on McNair in the sense that he opened his mouth after the playoff disaster and said We are going to solve the QB problem...and OZ was the "best" free agent QB available.
Not for the ol

But he did fix the safety position, ST's, slot wr positions in year one.

He could only do so much considering that he didn't have first or second round picks.

Getting a first round guy like Reid in the third gives me hope that things are changing down on Kirby. draft grades:

Justin Reid 6.06
Baker Mayfield 6.04
We shall see.

There's a new guy running the personnel department and I think it's only fair to give him a chance to fix the issues

Again, I hope Gaines do fix the OL. & as long as O'Brien is here, I'll give him a lot of rope. I think he's going to need it.

Again, for the record I hope O'b turns into one of the greatest HC's of our time. Today, i have no illusions that he's capable of being that guy.
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It was on McNair in the sense that he opened his mouth after the playoff disaster and said We are going to solve the QB problem...and OZ was the "best" free agent QB available.

We needed a QB. McNair wasn't the only one to say it or see it. That it got so bad that McNair would say so publicly just points to how bad it was & the job BO'b & Rick were doing to solve the "problem." Fitz, Mallett, Hoyer, with a couple of splashes of Case Keenum reluctantly thrown in there.

Osweiler was bad. I'm not saying otherwise. But we've seen him play better before he was here & now, after he was here. That doesn't point to a problem in ownership or GM.
@amazing80 You mean Hoyer the Destroyer throwing 6 picks deflating that particular contest? I mean Oz was a terrible decision after that meltdown also in extreme panic mode the Texans sign a guy without even bringing him in for an interview. Lol. All you can do is laugh sometimes.

Yeah. My brain just automatically inserted Brock into our worst game ever lol
I spent the day with a house full of Texan die-hards and all had the same opinion (zero provocation from me). Since I'm saying it in this thread, I'm sure you can guess what they think. All season ticket holders. Very quick to support and defend all things Texan, but all were very much done with O'Brien and similarly frustrated with winning in spite of him. I laughed because the rants I heard were what I've said for years. The anger and frustration from them, in a 7 game win streak ... it was impressive to say the least. If that group is fed up, I have hope that McNair is hearing it.
Yeah barely scraping through is hard on the old pumper but if it's a W, it makes it worthwhile.
I can't wait for this O to torch teams on a regular basis, but until then I will take any win.
Honestly don’t think we will see a legitimate offense this season. Passing 20 times And running the ball 30 something times and not get anywhere is what BoB wants. Funny part in all this is, if he wants to protect deshaun so bad and still move the ball why not create a short passing game?
I spent the day with a house full of Texan die-hards and all had the same opinion (zero provocation from me). Since I'm saying it in this thread, I'm sure you can guess what they think. All season ticket holders. Very quick to support and defend all things Texan, but all were very much done with O'Brien and similarly frustrated with winning in spite of him. I laughed because the rants I heard were what I've said for years. The anger and frustration from them, in a 7 game win streak ... it was impressive to say the least. If that group is fed up, I have hope that McNair is hearing it.

Unless and until these season ticket holders start talking with their wallets in mass, BOB is the coach for at least the next two seasons (2019/2020) at a minimum. This ownership has shown to be painfully patient with other coaches/GMs, just extended BOB four years, hired his professional buddy as GM and finally, there is the pesky BOB is winning football games (as you mentioned).
I spent the day with a house full of Texan die-hards and all had the same opinion (zero provocation from me). Since I'm saying it in this thread, I'm sure you can guess what they think. All season ticket holders. Very quick to support and defend all things Texan, but all were very much done with O'Brien and similarly frustrated with winning in spite of him. I laughed because the rants I heard were what I've said for years. The anger and frustration from them, in a 7 game win streak ... it was impressive to say the least. If that group is fed up, I have hope that McNair is hearing it.

I bet these same guys were more than willing to give Kubiak and Smith more time after 2010.
I spent the day with a house full of Texan die-hards and all had the same opinion (zero provocation from me). Since I'm saying it in this thread, I'm sure you can guess what they think. All season ticket holders. Very quick to support and defend all things Texan, but all were very much done with O'Brien and similarly frustrated with winning in spite of him. I laughed because the rants I heard were what I've said for years. The anger and frustration from them, in a 7 game win streak ... it was impressive to say the least. If that group is fed up, I have hope that McNair is hearing it.

How many of those fans were pounding the table a few years back to draft Johnny Football? Because there was a very large group of season ticket holders who spent quite a bit of money taking out ads to try to pressure the Texans into drafting Johnny.

There is a reason teams generally ignore fans and the media when it comes to personnel matters.
so team suck is okay as long as the offense is decent?

Using your logic JB and you are my dude no jab here, why should OBrien be given more leash than Kubiak if they appear to be mirror images in terms of win/loss record?
There's more to an offense than turtle mode. Kubiak offenses actually scored plenty of points

And when things got tight he went into turtle mode.

How many times did the Texans have to hold on for dear life because he wouldn't keep his foot on the gas with a second half lead?

Romanticizing the Kubiak years around these parts seems to be a full time job for many posters.
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Because BOB didn't get to handpick his GM like Kubiak did.

That's funny .. I guess Kubiak picked Elway when he won that SuperBowl a few years ago huh? How many championship teams have Obrien. And Gaine been a part of? Bless your heart. But yes give them 5 more years, screw it give them a cool decade, who cares how bad they do. (Since you seem to be convinced it's a forgone conclusion these guys will succeed)

And when things got tight he went into turtle mode.

How many times did the Texans have to hold on for dear life because he wouldn't keep his foot on the gas with a second half lead?

Romanticizing the Kubiak years around these parts seems to be a full time job for many posters.

Even more despicable is defending an out of town guy who routinely bashes the local media and who hasn't done horseshit since getting here. Wake me up when Obrien reached double figure wins and a premature ejaculation of a post season that of which more than embarrassing to fans exposed just how far behind the 'good' coaches this guy is. You want to kneel before Gaine before he actually does something? Go ahead I'll reserve my judgement for those that have actually performed in their respective careers.
so team suck is okay as long as the offense is decent?
The concerning thing to me is both Kubiak & BOB were meant to be offensive minded coaches, but only one of them produced a good offense. BOB even went as far as eliminating the OC and called plays himself, which didn’t appear to help at all.

Now don’t twist my words, not at all saying wish Kubiak was still here and BOB needs to be fired. This is just my honest, concerning observation.
And when things got tight he went into turtle mode.

How many times did the Texans have to hold on for dear life because he wouldn't keep his foot on the gas with a second half lead?

Romanticizing the Kubiak years around these parts seems to be a full time job for many posters.

Point is keeping Kubiak made sense because he knew how to build an offense.Wade and Crennel know defense. What does OBrien know?
Using your logic JB and you are my dude no jab here, why should OBrien be given more leash than Kubiak if they appear to be mirror images in terms of win/loss record?
Kubiak was 6-10, 8-8, 8-8; then getting above 500 his fourth season with a 9-7 record; before slipping back to 6-10 his fifth season.

OB has been 9-7, 9-7, 9-7 before slipping to 4-12 in his fourth season; and this season? 13-3, at best. 12-4 or 11-5?
Yea. Pass pro isn’t the best but has gotten better, but maybe someone else here has some more insight on the numbers but eye test for me says O-line is better this year than last year.

What I noticed about football is that you could always find some stat to support your view. If you’re a fan of DVOA, last year’s OL ranked marginally better. I’m not aware of any other stat that objectively rates OLs as a unit.
What I noticed about football is that you could always find some stat to support your view. If you’re a fan of DVOA, last year’s OL ranked marginally better. I’m not aware of any other stat that objectively rates OLs as a unit.
Fair enough. Me personally I think they are better but we also ran a lot of plays that helped them a lot. This year we don’t even try.
Point is keeping Kubiak made sense because he knew how to build an offense.Wade and Crennel know defense. What does OBrien know?

How to establish a tough mentality in his team that has enabled them to come back from an 0-3 start. He has a lot short-comings, but it is this trait that has impressed me. It is a trait that many HCs lack and not one that I think is easily developed if you don't have it.

Much of what ails this team can be corrected by fixing the o-line. Hopefully the O'Brien/Gaine tandem can get this done. If they do this, I believe this team can become a dreadnought.
Kubiak was 6-10, 8-8, 8-8; then getting above 500 his fourth season with a 9-7 record; before slipping back to 6-10 his fifth season.

OB has been 9-7, 9-7, 9-7 before slipping to 4-12 in his fourth season; and this season? 13-3, at best. 12-4 or 11-5?

Right and for the most part Obrien was doing that with a MUCH BETTER team than what Kubiak took over or will you say that Koobs had more talent to work with than O'Brien did at the onset of their regimes? Buttchin gets a pass for the injury bug but Koobs will be held to the fire? That 6-10 team had a historically bad defense, but maintained the 2nd best offense in the league.
And I'll just put my thoughts on the whole Koobs vs Buttchin argument to bed with this:

All Kubiak needs to do everytime some random Texan fan tries to discredit his ability to lead a team is extend his right hand and wiggle his ring finger. He won it all just two years after he was fired. If that first championship ring is not enough he can pull out 3 more.

What has O'Brien done again?

Go Texans!! Keep winning! Lucky or not, flukey or not whatever, the owner just freaking died there are forces at play above the basic 'my dick is bigger than yours' posts we are clogging the board with. I'm done with this thread until the off-season.
Point is keeping Kubiak made sense because he knew how to build an offense.Wade and Crennel know defense. What does OBrien know?

It didn’t make sense when he couldn’t field a winning team after 5 years. Regardless of the HC’s strength, he’s responsible for getting the whole team moving in the same direction...Bob seems to be good at that. Kubiak couldn’t do this to save his life...this is what is lost in your logic.
Using your logic JB and you are my dude no jab here, why should OBrien be given more leash than Kubiak if they appear to be mirror images in terms of win/loss record?

Not defending OB at all, if he loses the team next year and goes 2-14 he should be canned also. Was just trying to clarify KD's post that a large group wanted OB fired after winning 7 in a row but were okay with Kubiak because the offense was good
Because BOB didn't get to handpick his GM like Kubiak did.
That's a very weak argument and is a simple excuse for O'Brien. Look around the league at the successful teams. Did the HC get to handpick the GM? Besides the Patriots, tell us of a single, successful team where the HC picked the GM.

Maybe allowing the HC to pick their GMs is one of the flaws that has contributed to the mediocrity of the Texans. Also, Kubiak's resume was way more accomplished than O'Brien and to be honest, what has O'Brien accomplished in the NFL for him to deserve full control of an NFL team?
Hmm, no. But how exactly will the offense ever get fixed if O'Brien remains HC?

Hopefully we'll see a method to his madness once he can get some sort of consistency. He's trying to install an offense & continue to lose key piece after key piece week after week.

With Kubiak he did a good job of rolling with what he had work after week (until he married himself to a broke QB).

BO'b appears to be waiting for everything to be "right."

I prefer Kubiak's way. Made for a more entertaining experience.

But BO'bs find a way to win method is starting to grow on me.

I just hope if we find ourselves in a situation where we need to score 40+ he gets it done.
Right and for the most part Obrien was doing that with a MUCH BETTER team than what Kubiak took over or will you say that Koobs had more talent to work with than O'Brien did at the onset of their regimes? Buttchin gets a pass for the injury bug but Koobs will be held to the fire? That 6-10 team had a historically bad defense, but maintained the 2nd best offense in the league.

You’re forgetting that Kubiak failed miserably in 2013 with largely the same roster BoB guided to 9-7 in 2014.

Aside from that, your post is garbage. Obrien’s Roster in 2014 was not sooooo much better than what Kubiak started out with in 2006...The revisionist historians around here would have you believe Kubiak was taking over the same expansion roster Dom Capers did in 2002. Reality says otherwise. In his 1st season as HC Kubiak had a very nice core of players to start with in AJ (pro bowler the year prior) Dunta Robinson, Seth Payne, Steve McKinney, Chester Pitts, Zach Wiegert and Marcus Coleman and few nice veterans FA in Kevin Walter, ND Kalu, Ron Dayne and Anthony Weaver. That’s not even including the draft that year (which was our best to date until just recently) that added Mario, Eric Winston, Demeco and Owen Daniels....future starters. And yet he still really never came close to guiding this team to the playoffs for another 4 years.........until McNair pulled his card and forced him to hire Wade.
Hopefully we'll see a method to his madness once he can get some sort of consistency. He's trying to install an offense & continue to lose key piece after key piece week after week.

With Kubiak he did a good job of rolling with what he had work after week (until he married himself to a broke QB).

BO'b appears to be waiting for everything to be "right."

I prefer Kubiak's way. Made for a more entertaining experience.

But BO'bs find a way to win method is starting to grow on me.

I just hope if we find ourselves in a situation where we need to score 40+ he gets it done.

What’s more entertaining than winning though?
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Kubiak was 6-10, 8-8, 8-8; then getting above 500 his fourth season with a 9-7 record; before slipping back to 6-10 his fifth season.

OB has been 9-7, 9-7, 9-7 before slipping to 4-12 in his fourth season; and this season? 13-3, at best. 12-4 or 11-5?

A little hyperbole, but Kubiak was given a failed expansion team. BO'b was given a failed playoff team.
A little hyperbole, but Kubiak was given a failed expansion team. BO'b was given a failed playoff team.

There’s at least a very strong case for retaining BoB as HC..he’s accomplished something.

Kubiak by year 4 had accomplished nothing of note and it shouldn’t have taken him as long as he did to build this team into a any way ya’ll wanna slice it, Kubiak shouldn’t have even seen the 2011 and 2012 seasons here. He should’ve been let go at the latest 2010 when the team regressed to 6-10.

His saving grace was that he didn’t work for a more shrewd owner.
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How to establish a tough mentality in his team that has enabled them to come back from an 0-3 start. He has a lot short-comings, but it is this trait that has impressed me. It is a trait that many HCs lack and not one that I think is easily developed if you don't have it.

I hope that's what we're seeing.

Much of what ails this team can be corrected by fixing the o-line. Hopefully the O'Brien/Gaine tandem can get this done. If they do this, I believe this team can become a dreadnought.

I just hate to think the seasons over, basically before it even started. If we have to wait to next season to see how good this team can be.

We still have 7 games to be played & the playoffs. If Gaine & BO'b went into this season thinking we can be an ok team & make a brief playoff appearance then they need to go.

I'd rather believe they put the best team they felt they could & truly believe they can win it all.

There are a bunch of reasons we see now that are obstacles to winning it all. I get that. But to concede right now doesn't instill that mental toughness you speak of.

The OL we got is the OL we got. Can you build an offense with it. Identify how.

Now I know some of us watched Monday night's game & saw two great talented offensive lines. I saw two coaches coordinate their offenses that helped to their QB get the ball out quickly.

Mix up max protect, moving pockets, bunched receivers, half field concepts, misdirection, etc... etc...

Don't sit your QB on a spot & ring the dinner bell.
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