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Brady is better than Watson? You don't say? Any more insights for us Captain Obvious?

Every single team....all 32 of plan for their opponent. That is not at all what I am speaking about. The DIFFERENCE between BB and OB (as if there are any valid similarities - 1 is a legendary coach and the other is Bill O'Brien) is that BB(Josh McDaniels/Brady) use the game plan to focus on the Pats using offensive strengths against their opponents weaknesses. They tailor their offense to get what the defense gives them. If it's not working, they make adjustments. Doesn't always work....but their stellar record over the last 20 years says they are doing something right. The Texans on the other hand focus on the defenses weaknesses and tries to game plan their offense to attempt to exploit said defense.

I know that seems like I'm saying the same thing, but it's the very subtle difference of always using your strengths to exploit weaknesses versus attempt to using their weaknesses to figure out what strength you are using any given week.

Here's another HUGE difference between the 2 coaches: 1 uses a competent OC to game plan and call plays while mainly leaving the offense to do its thing (He also does this with the defense mostly, although he'll speak up when needed, which is more his thing)....while the other micromanages EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of the offense. Bill O'Brien so badly wants to emulate the Patriots....yet isn't doing anything that the Patriots actually do to be a successful franchise.

Ok, simple question for all participating on this particular thread:

If OB and his staff were shipped to NE and BB and his staff were brought to the Texans, would the current results be the same for both organizations? One caveat, Brady would have no input towards changing OB's plays but only to execute what OB's calling.
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But they scored the 2nd most pts in franchise history.

I've said in many posts what I think BOB should do.

steelbtexan......I don't know the answer to this question but I'm pretty sure you will. During the season in which OB and Watson scored the 2nd most points in franchise history, what was the NFL rank of this offense that season?
I'm not being ridiculous at all.

Being ridiculous would be asking Watson to go from the EP system to the WC system in season. Just let Watson play in the offense he's most comfortable in and let the chips fall where they may.

WCO isn't so hard to learn and the concepts are elementary in nature.

Honestly I think he'd be much more comfortable in a pure WCO than this thing OB calls an offense. He could be in space by design rather than by … running for his life.
That system makes play action much more effective and that's where Watson thrives.

What's more it takes pressure off the OL and they have the skill guys to run it.
That system made Schaub into a Pro Bowl QB …. and he couldn't outrun your granny.

Play action -> roll out -> intermediate read -> deep read -> safety valve -> chuck it in the stands..

Schaub sacks in his first THREE seasons with the Texans - 64
Watson Sacks Last year alone - 62
Watson On pace for 72 sacks this season.

HWWNBM's record - 76. Its within reach!
I have often wondered why OB after being a first hand witness to the success Watson had in the first 7 games didn't build off that success going modifying his offensive playbook to incorporate what evidently worked to great success against NFL defenses.

I remember many of us chiming in that an improved OL would make this lethal offense even better and reduce the amount of times Watson had to scramble to save his life, thus reducing the unnecessary hits. Crazy thing, most of that offensive success was achieved without the TE being a factor.
I have often wondered why OB after being a first hand witness to the success Watson had in the first 7 games didn't build off that success going modifying his offensive playbook to incorporate what evidently worked to great success against NFL defenses.

I remember many of us chiming in that an improved OL would make this lethal offense even better and reduce the amount of times Watson had to scramble to save his life, thus reducing the unnecessary hits. Crazy thing, most of that offensive success was achieved without the TE being a factor.

Well he said he was going to revamp the offense to Watson's skills. It looks like the same crap he used with Fitzpatrick
Fitz and Hoyer ran the offense well to the best of their abilities. They had the best yrs of their career to that point of their careers.

Os was pretty stupid too.

Fitzpatrick having the best years of their careers in O'Brien's offense is another false claim. Fitzpatrick threw only 17 TDs with the Texans. With the Bills, he threw for 23, 24 and 24 TDs. The major difference in Houston they limited his pass attempts.
As far as Hoyer, he looked really smart throwing those 4 INTs in that playoff melt down.
Fitzpatrick having the best years of their careers in O'Brien's offense is another false claim. Fitzpatrick threw only 17 TDs with the Texans. With the Bills, he threw for 23, 24 and 24 TDs. The major difference in Houston they limited his pass attempts.
As far as Hoyer, he looked really smart throwing those 4 INTs in that playoff melt down.

Fitz said he learned more about playing the QB position here than anywhere he had been before he signed with the Texans.
We dont yet know if Watson can run the EP system.

The last sentence I agree with.

Sadly we don't know what Watson can and cant do …. in his 3rd year. This year and next are theoretically the best chances at winning it all - Before he gets a huge second contract.

At this point , we don't even know if he's worth that contract.

I wonder of Cal watches the games and how much he really understands the game of football …. or if he thinks its soccer ? Cause there's no reason to be in year 7 of a 3 year rebuild … and going backwards!
I’ve read a lot of talk about Watson not being able to run OB’s offense. What exactly is OB’s offense? Serious question. We’re not balanced. We run first, poorly, which makes us a pass team, but we can’t really protect our wizard of a QB. What exactly is the offense that the guru of offenses has installed?

What is OB's offense? If you're good at something, stop doing it. If you average a 5th best 5.1 yards per carry rushing the ball, only have the 11th fewest rush attempts per game. If your TEs have 8 catches for 114 yards and 3 TD in a game, stop using them that much the next game. If Duke Johnson averages over 9 yards every time he catches a pass every year of his career, trade a 3rd rounder for him and throw very few passes to him.

Also, if something doesn't work, do it over and over and over. WR bubble screens, runs up the middle on 2nd and 10, and never ever take advantage of your QBs maneuverability by actually designing plays for it, rollouts, bootlegs, RPOs, things of that nature. Only allow him to use that skill to avoid massive and constant pressure that comes from not doing those things.

That's basically the cliff notes version. It's apparently much more complicated for anyone to understand, including the players actually running it, so I can't go into further detail. Sorry.
So you are saying trade Watson and hop on the QB carousel again then instead of trying to get him some real coaching?
Iow, it's a coaching issue.

Once the anvil known as Deshaun Watson leaves, then year 1 of the 3 year rebuild can begin.

Obrien is the unluckiest coach in history. First he was saddled with Rick smith, then Brian gaine, now Deshaun Watson.

Hopefully in a few years he has perfect players so we can see his system average more than 20 points per game.
I have nothing nice to say about O’Brien, so I won’t say anything at all.

Just kidding. F*ck O’Brien! I can’t wait for the day his sorry ass is fired! I just hope it happens before he thoroughly destroys Watson. At this point, I couldn’t give a fifth of a sh1t what all the O’Brien apologists have to say. He’s a no good sumbetch, and needs to be fired ASAP! Now, back to my beer...
Sadly we don't know what Watson can and cant do …. in his 3rd year. This year and next are theoretically the best chances at winning it all - Before he gets a huge second contract.

At this point , we don't even know if he's worth that contract.

I wonder of Cal watches the games and how much he really understands the game of football …. or if he thinks its soccer ? Cause there's no reason to be in year 7 of a 3 year rebuild … and going backwards!

I've already stated on many occasions that Watson could be packaged "this" season for a slew of picks if everyone thinks he doesn't possess the smarts to QB in the NFL. Those picks could re-stock the picks given up in the Tunsil move.

Now I wouldn't make this move and keep OB at the helm....he has to go before he blows through any more QB's. Unfortunately, this move just once again removes a FQB from the Texans. I would begin the sell off of high priced assets that are living large on existing contracts and those coming up for big contracts. I think we could gain a volume of picks that would stun other clubs.

I'd let McCarron QB the team this season and next and move my draft capital around in a way to ensure the team could be in a position to draft Lawrence in 2021.....of course if there was enough capital to get Miami to move out of the 1 spot for 2020, I'd make the move knowing Tua would be there for the taking.

I could be all in on throwing another FQB to the curb based on the return and the team coming to terms with their prolonged failures. Shake it all up and start over.
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Week 4 Personnel Grouping Analysis

Houston Missed the Boat
The Houston Texans must not be focusing in the right areas when trying to make life easier on Deshaun Watson, because they missed out on a huge opportunity on Sunday against the Panthers.

On the season, the Carolina Panthers defense has been one of the best in the NFL against 3+ WR sets. They’ve allowed a mere 35% success rate and a tiny 4.8 YPA, with a powerful 11% sack rate (12 sacks on 106 drop backs) and a 2:3 TD:INT ratio. But against multi-TE sets, the Panthers have allowed a 77% success rate, 8.8 YPA, a 2:0 TD:INT ratio and haven’t recorded a single sack.

Of their 40 drop backs, the Texans passed form 3+ WR sets in 30 of them. They were sacked on 6 of 30 drop backs (20%), produced a 33% success rate, 5.0 YPA, and a 68 rating.

But when passing out of multi-TE sets, the Texans recorded an 83% success rate and averaged 5.3 YPA, and importantly, were not sacked once. But Houston passed from multi-TE sets just 6 times.

Week 4 Personnel Grouping Analysis

Houston Missed the Boat

The Houston Texans must not be focusing in the right areas when trying to make life easier on Deshaun Watson, because they missed out on a huge opportunity on Sunday against the Panthers.

On the season, the Carolina Panthers defense has been one of the best in the NFL against 3+ WR sets. They’ve allowed a mere 35% success rate and a tiny 4.8 YPA, with a powerful 11% sack rate (12 sacks on 106 drop backs) and a 2:3 TD:INT ratio. But against multi-TE sets, the Panthers have allowed a 77% success rate, 8.8 YPA, a 2:0 TD:INT ratio and haven’t recorded a single sack.

Of their 40 drop backs, the Texans passed form 3+ WR sets in 30 of them. They were sacked on 6 of 30 drop backs (20%), produced a 33% success rate, 5.0 YPA, and a 68 rating.

But when passing out of multi-TE sets, the Texans recorded an 83% success rate and averaged 5.3 YPA, and importantly, were not sacked once. But Houston passed from multi-TE sets just 6 times.
All this means is that OB was being out coached again against a better coach. Nothing new but the new narrative is to blame Watson.

Week 4 Personnel Grouping Analysis

Houston Missed the Boat

The Houston Texans must not be focusing in the right areas when trying to make life easier on Deshaun Watson, because they missed out on a huge opportunity on Sunday against the Panthers.

On the season, the Carolina Panthers defense has been one of the best in the NFL against 3+ WR sets. They’ve allowed a mere 35% success rate and a tiny 4.8 YPA, with a powerful 11% sack rate (12 sacks on 106 drop backs) and a 2:3 TD:INT ratio. But against multi-TE sets, the Panthers have allowed a 77% success rate, 8.8 YPA, a 2:0 TD:INT ratio and haven’t recorded a single sack.

Of their 40 drop backs, the Texans passed form 3+ WR sets in 30 of them. They were sacked on 6 of 30 drop backs (20%), produced a 33% success rate, 5.0 YPA, and a 68 rating.

But when passing out of multi-TE sets, the Texans recorded an 83% success rate and averaged 5.3 YPA, and importantly, were not sacked once. But Houston passed from multi-TE sets just 6 times.
This sums up everything we’ve been saying. OB is not using the TEs. It has nothing to do with Watson’s ability to find them. They aren’t even out there

Week 4 Personnel Grouping Analysis

Houston Missed the Boat

The Houston Texans must not be focusing in the right areas when trying to make life easier on Deshaun Watson, because they missed out on a huge opportunity on Sunday against the Panthers.

On the season, the Carolina Panthers defense has been one of the best in the NFL against 3+ WR sets. They’ve allowed a mere 35% success rate and a tiny 4.8 YPA, with a powerful 11% sack rate (12 sacks on 106 drop backs) and a 2:3 TD:INT ratio. But against multi-TE sets, the Panthers have allowed a 77% success rate, 8.8 YPA, a 2:0 TD:INT ratio and haven’t recorded a single sack.

Of their 40 drop backs, the Texans passed form 3+ WR sets in 30 of them. They were sacked on 6 of 30 drop backs (20%), produced a 33% success rate, 5.0 YPA, and a 68 rating.

But when passing out of multi-TE sets, the Texans recorded an 83% success rate and averaged 5.3 YPA, and importantly, were not sacked once. But Houston passed from multi-TE sets just 6 times.

Ah yes. That ol game by game game plan thingy they do working to perfection.

Week 4 Personnel Grouping Analysis

Houston Missed the Boat

The Houston Texans must not be focusing in the right areas when trying to make life easier on Deshaun Watson, because they missed out on a huge opportunity on Sunday against the Panthers.

On the season, the Carolina Panthers defense has been one of the best in the NFL against 3+ WR sets. They’ve allowed a mere 35% success rate and a tiny 4.8 YPA, with a powerful 11% sack rate (12 sacks on 106 drop backs) and a 2:3 TD:INT ratio. But against multi-TE sets, the Panthers have allowed a 77% success rate, 8.8 YPA, a 2:0 TD:INT ratio and haven’t recorded a single sack.

Of their 40 drop backs, the Texans passed form 3+ WR sets in 30 of them. They were sacked on 6 of 30 drop backs (20%), produced a 33% success rate, 5.0 YPA, and a 68 rating.

But when passing out of multi-TE sets, the Texans recorded an 83% success rate and averaged 5.3 YPA, and importantly, were not sacked once. But Houston passed from multi-TE sets just 6 times.

Its almost as if it isnt a personnel thing but an alignment thing. Tendency being such a big part of NFL game planning I would like to know if OBrien knew these values and had a contingency plan. We played right into their strength and we dont hardly adapt the plan of attack ... OBriens way or the highway. Its like the few times he tries something new and it works too well, he intentionally goes back to what didnt work for some reason.

I'd also like to know from Carolina's perspective how well they do against stack formations and bunch trip sets. Cover 4/6/tampa will all beat the standard deep routes.
Ok, simple question for all participating on this particular thread:

If OB and his staff were shipped to NE and BB and his staff were brought to the Texans, would the current results be the same for both organizations? One caveat, Brady would have no input towards changing OB's plays but only to execute what OB's calling.

I think Brady & company would still be successful, just not quite as dominant. (Brady is still Brady, he's going to find a way to make it work)
I think Watson would grow by leaps and bounds. (Belichick would redesign and play to Watson's strengths)
The biggest difference is Brady > Watson.

BTW, you do know the Pats gameplan for their opponets each week. Just like the Texans do. Go back and read BB's thoughts on this when the Texans played the Pats when Os was here.

Brady is better than Watson? You don't say? Any more insights for us Captain Obvious?

Every single team....all 32 of plan for their opponent. That is not at all what I am speaking about. The DIFFERENCE between BB and OB (as if there are any valid similarities - 1 is a legendary coach and the other is Bill O'Brien) is that BB(Josh McDaniels/Brady) use the game plan to focus on the Pats using offensive strengths against their opponents weaknesses. They tailor their offense to get what the defense gives them. If it's not working, they make adjustments. Doesn't always work....but their stellar record over the last 20 years says they are doing something right. The Texans on the other hand focus on the defenses weaknesses and tries to game plan their offense to attempt to exploit said defense.

I know that seems like I'm saying the same thing, but it's the very subtle difference of always using your strengths to exploit weaknesses versus attempt to using their weaknesses to figure out what strength you are using any given week.

Here's another HUGE difference between the 2 coaches: 1 uses a competent OC to game plan and call plays while mainly leaving the offense to do its thing (He also does this with the defense mostly, although he'll speak up when needed, which is more his thing)....while the other micromanages EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of the offense. Bill O'Brien so badly wants to emulate the Patriots....yet isn't doing anything that the Patriots actually do to be a successful franchise.
Or 1 coach has Brady and the other coach has Watson

Both HC's are trying to accomplish the same things. It's really not that hard to understand. You sure did alot of typing to point out something that's very obvious.

Maybe you're one of those guys that just has to be right. In this case you're right, in fact we both are. Difference is you're trying to say that they aren't doing the same things when they are, one just has a QB that's done it for 20 yrs vs a QB that's done it for 2 yrs. This is the learning curve for Watson I've been talking about.

You are so obviously biased towards OB and Cal that it blinds you to the glaring ineptitude that both of the fools portray week in and week out. OB can't create an efficient game plan to utilize effectively the strengths of his offense. Cal is too stupid (football knowledge wise) to see that OB is only great at two things....keeping his job and getting other people fired. He's woefully average at being a HC. Both coaches may be trying to accomplish the same thing, but one is clearly superior in that aspect in every single way....NOTE: Every coach is trying to accomplish the same a SB.

Watson definitely has many issues he needs to work on. I don't think anyone on these boards is saying otherwise. Find me 1 person that thinks Watson is the perfect QB and makes all the right reads and calls.

Using the same offensive scheme isn't the same as doing the same thing offensively. I'll repeat what I said in the previous post: 1 team plays to their strengths while the other team plays to the opponents weaknesses. It may be the same scheme but implementation is key.

I also have no problem with being wrong: I thought O'Brien would be a great HC for us. I was wrong. I thought O'Brien would fix the OL before Year 6 of his tenure. I was wrong. I thought we would learn how to use our TE's effectively. I was wrong.

And you telling someone they do a lot of typing.......How many posts do you average per day? Get out of here with that BS. Even since I've actively started posting again, you have me beat a good 25 to 1 easy.
Brady is better than Watson? You don't say? Any more insights for us Captain Obvious?

Every single team....all 32 of plan for their opponent. That is not at all what I am speaking about. The DIFFERENCE between BB and OB (as if there are any valid similarities - 1 is a legendary coach and the other is Bill O'Brien) is that BB(Josh McDaniels/Brady) use the game plan to focus on the Pats using offensive strengths against their opponents weaknesses. They tailor their offense to get what the defense gives them. If it's not working, they make adjustments. Doesn't always work....but their stellar record over the last 20 years says they are doing something right. The Texans on the other hand focus on the defenses weaknesses and tries to game plan their offense to attempt to exploit said defense.

I know that seems like I'm saying the same thing, but it's the very subtle difference of always using your strengths to exploit weaknesses versus attempt to using their weaknesses to figure out what strength you are using any given week.

Here's another HUGE difference between the 2 coaches: 1 uses a competent OC to game plan and call plays while mainly leaving the offense to do its thing (He also does this with the defense mostly, although he'll speak up when needed, which is more his thing)....while the other micromanages EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of the offense. Bill O'Brien so badly wants to emulate the Patriots....yet isn't doing anything that the Patriots actually do to be a successful franchise.

You are so obviously biased towards OB and Cal that it blinds you to the glaring ineptitude that both of the fools portray week in and week out. OB can't create an efficient game plan to utilize effectively the strengths of his offense. Cal is too stupid (football knowledge wise) to see that OB is only great at two things....keeping his job and getting other people fired. He's woefully average at being a HC. Both coaches may be trying to accomplish the same thing, but one is clearly superior in that aspect in every single way....NOTE: Every coach is trying to accomplish the same a SB.

Watson definitely has many issues he needs to work on. I don't think anyone on these boards is saying otherwise. Find me 1 person that thinks Watson is the perfect QB and makes all the right reads and calls.

Using the same offensive scheme isn't the same as doing the same thing offensively. I'll repeat what I said in the previous post: 1 team plays to their strengths while the other team plays to the opponents weaknesses. It may be the same scheme but implementation is key.

I also have no problem with being wrong: I thought O'Brien would be a great HC for us. I was wrong. I thought O'Brien would fix the OL before Year 6 of his tenure. I was wrong. I thought we would learn how to use our TE's effectively. I was wrong.

And you telling someone they do a lot of typing.......How many posts do you average per day? Get out of here with that BS. Even since I've actively started posting again, you have me beat a good 25 to 1 easy.

See this is what you don't get. I'm actually being critical of BOB for not using the offense he used the first 7 games. I'm certainly not biased towards BOB.

I hate that you spent that much time typing when I'm mostly in agreement with you.

Week 4 Personnel Grouping Analysis

Houston Missed the Boat

The Houston Texans must not be focusing in the right areas when trying to make life easier on Deshaun Watson, because they missed out on a huge opportunity on Sunday against the Panthers.

On the season, the Carolina Panthers defense has been one of the best in the NFL against 3+ WR sets. They’ve allowed a mere 35% success rate and a tiny 4.8 YPA, with a powerful 11% sack rate (12 sacks on 106 drop backs) and a 2:3 TD:INT ratio. But against multi-TE sets, the Panthers have allowed a 77% success rate, 8.8 YPA, a 2:0 TD:INT ratio and haven’t recorded a single sack.

Of their 40 drop backs, the Texans passed form 3+ WR sets in 30 of them. They were sacked on 6 of 30 drop backs (20%), produced a 33% success rate, 5.0 YPA, and a 68 rating.

But when passing out of multi-TE sets, the Texans recorded an 83% success rate and averaged 5.3 YPA, and importantly, were not sacked once. But Houston passed from multi-TE sets just 6 times.
Did O’Brien even look at Carolina’s defense last week?

Week 4 Personnel Grouping Analysis

Houston Missed the Boat

The Houston Texans must not be focusing in the right areas when trying to make life easier on Deshaun Watson, because they missed out on a huge opportunity on Sunday against the Panthers.

On the season, the Carolina Panthers defense has been one of the best in the NFL against 3+ WR sets. They’ve allowed a mere 35% success rate and a tiny 4.8 YPA, with a powerful 11% sack rate (12 sacks on 106 drop backs) and a 2:3 TD:INT ratio. But against multi-TE sets, the Panthers have allowed a 77% success rate, 8.8 YPA, a 2:0 TD:INT ratio and haven’t recorded a single sack.

Of their 40 drop backs, the Texans passed form 3+ WR sets in 30 of them. They were sacked on 6 of 30 drop backs (20%), produced a 33% success rate, 5.0 YPA, and a 68 rating.

But when passing out of multi-TE sets, the Texans recorded an 83% success rate and averaged 5.3 YPA, and importantly, were not sacked once. But Houston passed from multi-TE sets just 6 times.

He accidentally went with the wrong playbook. To

That's why we looked so lost and confused.
See this is what you don't get. I'm actually being critical of BOB for not using the offense he used the first 7 games. I'm certainly not biased towards BOB.

I hate that you spent that much time typing when I'm mostly in agreement with you.

Don't worry...I type really fast. It's not a problem. You can rest easy now.

You're also calling our QB an idiot who is too dumb to run an offense that a handful+ of QB's haven't been able to run with any true effectiveness (with OB). Therefore....perhaps it's not the QB's that are at fault. If O'Brien is too stubborn to correctly modify and tailor his offense to Watson, then he shouldn't be our coach. Are some of us really even discussing getting rid of Watson because O'Brien hasn't had a single QB that he's made look good? Note: He didn't make Brady look good or bad. Brady was Brady. He was just the OC. Can someone name a single QB that O'Brien has made better for the long run?
Don't worry...I type really fast. It's not a problem. You can rest easy now.

You're also calling our QB an idiot who is too dumb to run an offense that a handful+ of QB's haven't been able to run with any true effectiveness (with OB). Therefore....perhaps it's not the QB's that are at fault. If O'Brien is too stubborn to correctly modify and tailor his offense to Watson, then he shouldn't be our coach. Are some of us really even discussing getting rid of Watson because O'Brien hasn't had a single QB that he's made look good? Note: He didn't make Brady look good or bad. Brady was Brady. He was just the OC. Can someone name a single QB that O'Brien has made better for the long run?

I rest easy all of the time brother, dont you worry.

I'm just agreeing with you that BOB needs to change to an offense that Watson can learn and be comfortable in. It ain't the EP system.
I rest easy all of the time brother, dont you worry.

I'm just agreeing with you that BOB needs to change to an offense that Watson can learn and be comfortable in. It ain't the EP system.

I don't have a problem with having the overall scheme of the offense be the EP system. I just believe that OB needs to modify his system to use Watson's athletic ability properly. Like you and others have said....Andy Reid hasn't thrown out his scheme.....he just modified to include plays that Mahomes is comfortable with. Andy Reid has been coaching far longer and with much greater success that O'Brien has ever had....yet he's not so stubborn that he thinks it's his system or nothing.
Where the bloody hell did you get that I said that at all?
You are too critical of Watson when he has a dunce of a coach.
Those short 10 - 15 yd outs should be by design, not happenstances that can be missed.
It's the OC's job to make sure everyone is on the same page to make sure those opportunities are not missed.
I don't have a problem with having the overall scheme of the offense be the EP system. I just believe that OB needs to modify his system to use Watson's athletic ability properly. Like you and others have said....Andy Reid hasn't thrown out his scheme.....he just modified to include plays that Mahomes is comfortable with. Andy Reid has been coaching far longer and with much greater success that O'Brien has ever had....yet he's not so stubborn that he thinks it's his system or nothing.


But Watson will never win a SB in a EP system..
You are too critical of Watson when he has a dunce of a coach.
Those short 10 - 15 yd outs should be by design, not happenstances that can be missed.
It's the OC's job to make sure everyone is on the same page to make sure those opportunities are not missed.

Hold up..

Where the hell did I say that we should trade DW?

Especially after I've said ad nauseam that he's our guy and I wouldn't trade him for anyone..

I think O'Brian as OC is a lost cause. If Cal won't fire him he at least needs to step in & make O'Brian hire a competant OC & tell O'Brian to stay the hell out of the way and let him run the offense.

He can still be the GM & HC & that way he could have time to study up on when to challenge a play & how to handle time management in the NFL.
Perhaps....but I also know he'll never win a SB with O'Brien as his HC.

Edit: The above statement has nothing to do with a's all about the HC's ability.

You're probably right. Very few are SB winning HC's. Look at everybody's favorite darling Reid, He's been a HC for a long time and 0 SB wins.

The Watson/BOB match is a terrible one and probably why BOB looked like he did in that pic on draft night.
Hold up..

Where the hell did I say that we should trade DW?

Especially after I've said ad nauseam that he's our guy and I wouldn't trade him for anyone..


Crazy isn't it

It's like the reading comprehension level has fallen off a cliff around here since the season started.
Hold up..

Where the hell did I say that we should trade DW?

Especially after I've said ad nauseam that he's our guy and I wouldn't trade him for anyone..

Watson is basically a sophomore - give him time and a better coaching situation.
Rumblings of dissatisfaction can too easily erode to moving on to "greener" pastures.
Guess I'm just being overprotective.
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