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Cushing suspended 4 games for violating policy on performance-enhancing substances

The # of natural freaks even in the NFL is limited, and Cushing well there were rumors of steroids, he "supposedly" failed a test, and now has been suspended.

IMHO, at this point I personally think he's cycling something, I gave him the benefit of the doubt but now that is gone.

I'm not saying he's not but let's think about the report indicating he "tested positive for steroids at the Combine" last year. I refuse to believe that THAT is actually true. If he tested positive for steroids then, don't you think the NFL would have done something about it? The only explanation I would have if it's true is that, there's something else in the pipeline. First they deal with this testing from September all the while the NFL is working on another case against Cushing from February 09 (7 months earlier)? They wait until after the season for this test but for a positive steroid test in February, 6 months before the season starts... they let him play the entire season and still havn't told him anything? Maybe that just takes even longer to process and then appeal but I get the feeling that the report for 'steroid' use is false. That's just way too fishy for me to believe it's lingerong on 15 months after the fact.
You guys have covered a lot of stuff this morning. There is one thing I haven't seen covered though.

There are all sorts of herbal methods of raising your testosterone levels. There are also non-herbal but non-steroidal methods, like the ZMA stack. As far as I know, many of these natural methods of raising test levels are banned by fiat because of the ratio deal. Since hCG is also a naturally produced compound, isn't it possible, if not likely, that a slightly elevated level could be caused by some combination of herbal/chemical supplements? I mean even B vitamins can cause increases in certain hormone levels, including HGH and test.

This whole thing is just silly to me. hCG in no way shape or form enhances performance. It's naturally produced. Cushing failed it by apparently a miniscule amount. There are a thousand reasons he could have had a miniscule amount like that. In fact, I'm right now picturing a vulgar situation not suitable for explanation that consists of Brian and a pregnant or menstruating woman. Yeah.

A slightly elevated level of a natural substance that may or may not have been used around the same time of an actually performance enhancing substance that in no way was shown to be used....... that's great. It's a good thing the NFL isn't a court because that doesn't pass the reasonable doubt test, not even close. Considering that Shawne Merriman flat out failed for an anabolic steroid and got 4 games, I'd say it's not exactly fair for Cushing to get 4 games for this seriously border case, if it's a case at all.
I doubt seriously that the NFL dropped the limit arbitrarily. Most likely the previous testing method was not sensitive enough to detect below a certain limit. As with the history of most lab tests, new more sensitive and specific tests evolve as the science becomes more sophisticated. The aforementioned also makes sense in that such minute amounts would ever be expected in a naturally occuring situation.

I don't mean arbitrary as unreasoned but as stuck at a discretionary line. You may be correct that they have it set as low as the test permits or something similar on the change.

I assume Cushing and his team explored every means available to convince the NFL that the test result occurred as a result of completely legal activity. The NFL upheld the suspension.


How often does the NFL change a suspension upon appeal?

Are the NFL limits set so loosely in the players' favor that a failed test shouldn't be overturned without significant evidence to the contrary?

General answer, we just don't know. We do know the NFL fights even when it makes no sense as in the StarCaps cases where the manufacturer did not list the banned ingredient on the label.

Real interesting point from AJ:

What I find interesting is the Independent Administrator reports the findings to the NFL Management Council. The NFL MC 'executive committee' consists of 10 owners (but not Bob McNair in 2010) So is it possible that Jerry Jones (who's on the NFL MC Exec Comm) knew about Cushing but McNair didn't?

Alan Burge, Houston

That's dumb.
You know, when this whole thing clears, it will be interesting to see if theres some sort of legal action

ESPN came out and publically reported that Cushing tested positive for steroids. It said that exact phrase on their ticker.

Now that its been clarified to PEDs, they still haven't retracted anything.

Theres a big difference between PEDs and steroids.

But why hasn't Cushing said what it was he took? Very strange situation
You know, when this whole thing clears, it will be interesting to see if theres some sort of legal action

ESPN came out and publically reported that Cushing tested positive for steroids. It said that exact phrase on their ticker.

Now that its been clarified to PEDs, they still haven't retracted anything.

Theres a big difference between PEDs and steroids.

But why hasn't Cushing said what it was he took? Very strange situation

After reading what his trainer wrote, I think ushing has not said anything because his lawyer wants explore the options for legal action.
Real interesting point from AJ:

What I find interesting is the Independent Administrator reports the findings to the NFL Management Council. The NFL MC 'executive committee' consists of 10 owners (but not Bob McNair in 2010) So is it possible that Jerry Jones (who's on the NFL MC Exec Comm) knew about Cushing but McNair didn't?

Alan Burge, Houston

That's dumb.

Interesting. I wonder when the 2010 schedule was finalized.
I don't mean arbitrary as unreasoned but as stuck at a discretionary line. You may be correct that they have it set as low as the test permits or something similar on the change.

I also would certainly hope that none of the testing is "stuck at a discretionary line."
Maybe he's trying to let the facts come out first and kinda let things sink in before making a statement. I dunno.

This and exploring the legal ramifications are the only reason I can think as to why he's still be silent on the matter.

Interesting read this morning.
You know, when this whole thing clears, it will be interesting to see if theres some sort of legal action

ESPN came out and publically reported that Cushing tested positive for steroids. It said that exact phrase on their ticker.

Now that its been clarified to PEDs, they still haven't retracted anything.

Theres a big difference between PEDs and steroids.

But why hasn't Cushing said what it was he took? Very strange situation
Is this substance actually a Performance Enhancing Drug or is it just a substance on the banned substance list? I'm asking because I've already forgetten. LOL. But I agree with your post - vastly different that a Steroid. I also think something on the banned substance list may not even have to be a PED though?
After reading what his trainer wrote, I think ushing has not said anything because his lawyer wants explore the options for legal action.
That's what I'm thinking as well. I think the smartest thing for him to do is listen to his PR and Attorney teams. Even if completely innocent, it's best to be careful what is said or done.
I also would certainly hope that none of the testing is "stuck at a discretionary line."

Well of course it is discretionary. Look at the testosterone/epi ratio we were talking about. Cycling chose 4-1. The NFL chose 6-1. Tomorrow they could choose 3.459-1. There isn't an objectively correct answer. It's discretionary.

Is this substance actually a Performance Enhancing Drug or is it just a substance on the banned substance list? I'm asking because I've already forgetten. LOL. But I agree with your post - vastly different that a Steroid. I also think something on the banned substance list may not even have to be a PED though?

There are lots of things on the PED list which are not themselves PEDs. Anything associated with masking or recovering from PEDs is on the list. This substance can evidently raise testosterone levels which have been reduced by steroid use so that is why it is on the list.
There are lots of things on the PED list which are not themselves PEDs. Anything associated with masking or recovering from PEDs is on the list. This substance can evidently raise testosterone levels which have been reduced by steroid use so that is why it is on the list.
It doesn't actually raise testosterone levels. It restores function of the testicles which then produce testosterone back to normal levels. This happens naturally without hCG but the process is slower.
This also really interesting from a PR standpoint. Some people (any industry) come right out and make a statement when something like this happens, some people never make a public statement whatsoever. There are different beliefs as to what's better, but in either case consistently doing that is key.

In Cushing's case (assuming he's "innocent" in the best light he can be) I like the way he's handled it so far. Here's a hypothetical series of events:

1. ESPN breaks news that Cushing tested positive for steroids and is supsended for the first 4 games of 2010 season.
2. Media/Fans go into a frenzy talking about this, debating about it, about steroid usage in general, some people become angry.
3. Then Cushing makes a statement that the substance was "non-steroidal" and that he's NEVER tested positive for them.
4. Media/Fans go into a frenzy again with new "facts". Some call B.S., some fears are alleviated, people's reactions start to waiver and aren't quite as worried about it. Suspension still happening but their ill feelings towards Cushing starts to subside.
5. It's reported that the test in question was from September 2009.
6. Media/Fans detract from attacking Cushing and start harping on the NFL and why its taking so long, etc etc. Still, the ill-feeling against Cushing on a personal level continues to subside.
7. It gets reported that the AP is going to re-vote for 2009's DROY award.
8. Media/Fans continue to detract from attacking Cushing and switch focus onto how DUMB the AP is. Reports are coming out that the writers will probably vote for Cushing again. The "humanizing" of Cushing continues as people are more "for him" and "against the AP".
9. Then his trainer writes a blog regarding how innocent Cushing is, how he works harder than any other person and isn't a cheater. Also talks about how Cushing is finding out his true friends/family vs. Glazer and those that instantly throw him under the bus.
10. Then news gets released that its this hCG stuff, which "proves" it wasn't a steroid.
11. Media/fans discuss what this 'drug' is for and it's effects and how Cushing apparently was "barely" over the limit they allow you to have. It's also reported that this 'can' be used at the end of a steroid cycle - causing some fans to requestion things. Still, apparently was tested throughout the season and never failed another test for any reason.
*** Now we're at present day. There's still turmoil, people still want to know what Cushing took exactly, and why, etc etc. But right now Cushing is MUCH more humanized, he has more people not 'quite' as worried about this (other than the suspension) than when it first broke wind. After this happens is when another announcement typically goes over better. When people's emotions are still at an all time high, an announcement RARELY carries the same weight as when things start to calm down.

Chances are the 4 game suspension is set and there's nothing he can do about that. Right now, it's all about trying to preserve his image to the Media and Fanbase. I think he's going about this the right way, I expect an announcement from him but I think it's best to wait until more people aren't ruffled by this. He told us it was non-steroidal, that's the best thing he could do at the beginning. Not to mention he's apparently having some family issues with a sick/dead aunt??? If that's the case, he needs to approach that first.
There are lots of things on the PED list which are not themselves PEDs. Anything associated with masking or recovering from PEDs is on the list. This substance can evidently raise testosterone levels which have been reduced by steroid use so that is why it is on the list.

Okay that's what I figured. So in my mind (not that it matters) I rank it as follows:

1. Steroid - Worse case scenario
2. PED - Not as bad as Steroid but still fails the test b/c its a performance enhancer
3. Anciallary Drugs - Are on the list solely as 'red flags' or 'triggers' that a Steroid or PED may have been used. Does not prove either were used. There are also typically other reasons why that particular drug could have been used.

Obviously if it's on the list, it's on the list and its a violation of rules. But I think categories 1 and 2 are automatic fails. Category 3, to me, just raises a suspicion but it doesn't prove anything and there can be tons of mitigating reasons why the test found this.

Cushing apparently felt like there were sufficient mitigating factors of why Cat 3 popped up but the NFL felt differently. To me, this is like getting a speeding ticket going 8 mph over. Sucks, you got caught, you're guilty, you still have to pay the fine... but it's not like you were involved in a hit and run going double the speed limit. eh?
The NFL under Fuhrer Goodell has become a punitive, lack of common sense league with way too much of a bullshit "get tough" faux tough guy attitude IMO.

Obviously, the NFL is not a criminal court and doesn't have to abide by "no reasonable doubt" burden of proof.

Nevertheless, there is enough doubt IMO that Brian Cushing 2009 Defensive Rookie of the Year and supreme badass needs to be given a pass and this suspension needs to be rescinded ASAP.

Look, I remember a snowboarder in the 1998 Winter Olympics had his gold medal taken away and later returned for having weed in his system. He said he was at a party before the Olympic where marijuana was being smoked and got second hand smoke. The IOC which is MUCH tougher when it come to testing and suspensions bought his excuse.

Cushing can legitimately claim that he ****ed a girl right before his piss test. Slightly elevated levels of HCG are present right after sex.

All I am saying there are plausible NATURALLY OCCURRING reasons for his test results. It's a joke that in today's NFL something like that can cause a player to lose a QUARTER of their salary and cause the team to suffer as well.
Cushing can legitimately claim that he ****ed a girl right before his piss test. Slightly elevated levels of HCG are present right after sex.

I'm not an expert on this stuff, so can this really be used as a legitimate excuse for the elevated levels of HCG?

There is a lot of evidence in Cushing's favor at this point, and to me it's seeming more and more plausible that he didn't use roids.
I hope Cushing and the Texans sue the NFL and get an injunction lifting the suspension like in the StarCaps case. The NFL under Goodell are acting like complete pricks IMO. The players were ****ed in the StarCaps case and it looks more and more like Cushing is getting screwed too.
Rey said:
I'm not an expert on this stuff, but can this really be used as a legitimate excuse for the elevated levels of HCG?

There is a lot of evidence in Cushing's favor at this point, and to me it's seeming more and more plausible that he didn't use roids.

The Mighty Gwinn and Matt Thomas are saying this on the air today on 790.
The NFL under Fuhrer Goodell has become a punitive, lack of common sense league with way too much of a bullshit "get tough" faux tough guy attitude IMO.

Obviously, the NFL is not a criminal court and doesn't have to abide by "no reasonable doubt" burden of proof.

Nevertheless, there is enough doubt IMO that Brian Cushing 2009 Defensive Rookie of the Year and supreme badass needs to be given a pass and this suspension needs to be rescinded ASAP.

Cushing has said nothing beyond "non-steroidal". The NFL has said nothing because they can't. The Texans have said nothing because they don't know. That leaves internet speculation, and unsourced statements from Adam Schefter.

How can you possibly say there is enough doubt to rescind the suspension given that we know virtually nothing that's confirmable?
I hope Cushing and the Texans sue the NFL and get an injunction lifting the suspension like in the StarCaps case. The NFL under Goodell are acting like complete pricks IMO. The players were ****ed in the StarCaps case and it looks more and more like Cushing is getting screwed too.

How is he getting screwed?He tested over the limit on levels that were set by the NFLs standards. It's that simple. He did that. There has been nothing to show that he accidentally took something that wasn't labeled correctly, etc.
Well of course it is discretionary. Look at the testosterone/epi ratio we were talking about. Cycling chose 4-1. The NFL chose 6-1. Tomorrow they could choose 3.459-1. There isn't an objectively correct answer. It's discretionary.

I can't speak for exact numbers, but the differences of acceptable ratios between the NFL and Cycling entities have a solid basis. Studies have shown that athletes that are lean and thin and involved in long distance continuous exercise such as cycling and marathon running will have as much as half the testosterone levels as a couch potato, and still significantly decreased levels compared to other non-continuous exertive sports such as weightlifting and football where testosterone experiences a boost. With epitestosterone essentially being constant, this would explain the discrepancy of the higher testosterone tolerance limits set for the NFL vs Cycling ratios
CloakNNNdagger said:
I can't speak for exact numbers, but the differences of acceptable ratios between the NFL and Cycling entities have a solid basis. Studies have shown that athletes that are lean and thin and involved in long distance continuous exercise such as cycling and marathon running will have as much as half the testosterone levels as a couch potato, and still significantly decreased levels compared to other non-continuous exertive sports such as weightlifting and football where testosterone experiences a boost. With epitestosterone essentially being constant, this would explain the discrepancy of the higher testosterone tolerance limits set for the NFL vs Cycling ratios

You almost make it sound like these governing sports bodies aren't just a bunch of doofuses (spelled correctly, I checked). At least it appears they try to base their standards on science.

I won't go into the political side of the testing and enforcement...
I can't speak for exact numbers, but the differences of acceptable ratios between the NFL and Cycling entities have a solid basis. Studies have shown that athletes that are lean and thin and involved in long distance continuous exercise such as cycling and marathon running will have as much as half the testosterone levels as a couch potato, and still significantly decreased levels compared to other non-continuous exertive sports such as weightlifting and football where testosterone experiences a boost. With epitestosterone essentially being constant, this would explain the discrepancy of the higher testosterone tolerance limits set for the NFL vs Cycling ratios

I said discretionary not irrational. Sure there are discussions and reasons but it remains discretionary. That's not a pejorative, just a description. .08 blood alcohol content is the same way. There are sound arguments for it but in the end it has no more inherent/objective merit than .079.
I said discretionary not irrational. Sure there are discussions and reasons but it remains discretionary. That's not a pejorative, just a description. .08 blood alcohol content is the same way. There are sound arguments for it but in the end it has no more inherent/objective merit than .079.

I understand what you're saying. Appreciate it.:handshake:
From what I can remember hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is produced naturally by human bodies, specially when women are pregnant, hCG is produced to protect the corpus luteum which produces progesterone. Progesterone is critical during pregnancies. Anyway, if an athlete is taking it, it is probably to reverse the cycle of not producing testosterone. If someone is taking anabolic steroids, it reverses the human body's negative feedback cycle and then once that treatment cycle is over, the player or person takes hCG or something like that to reverse the effects of your shrinking testicles. I think in this case Brian Cushing probably took steroids, but that it was probably before he got drafted into the NFL. He took this masking agent to reverse the effects of whatever he was taking. Literally to grow his balls back to their normal size.
From what I can remember hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is produced naturally by human bodies, specially when women are pregnant, hCG is produced to protect the corpus luteum which produces progesterone. Progesterone is critical during pregnancies. Anyway, if an athlete is taking it, it is probably to reverse the cycle of not producing testosterone. If someone is taking anabolic steroids, it reverses the human body's negative feedback cycle and then once that treatment cycle is over, the player or person takes hCG or something like that to reverse the effects of your shrinking testicles. I think in this case Brian Cushing probably took steroids, but that it was probably before he got drafted into the NFL. He took this masking agent to reverse the effects of whatever he was taking. Literally to grow his balls back to their normal size.

You certainly have a way with words.:spit:

It also stimulates the testis cells to produce more testosterone, and it tries to help to reverse gynecomastia ("man boobs") if present.
Let me start by saying that Cush has had this cloud following him a long time. I will also say that I'm completely biased because I don't want to lose hime for four games especially the four teams we play.

Why I don't want to lose to these teams:
Indy: It's obvious
Dallas: I hate Dallas fans in general, because about 75% do nothing but talk sh*t
Washington: Because it's that whole mentor/apprentice thing with Kubes and Shanny Sr., plos the Skins sucked last year and who want to lose to them
Oakland: I will cry if we lose to the Raiders.....

So admitting my bias leads me to my one in a million arguement. I'm not saying Cush didn't use PED's, but if Adam Schefter's reports are accurate about slightly elevated levels then there is a chance that Cush is getting screwed.

I'm sure these tests in the NFL are highly accurate, but we don't have a 100% understaning of the human body. It's like finger prints, yeh they are accurate, but not absolute. This means it's not likely that Cush is innocent, but have you ever been accused of something you didn't do, and were frustrated because you couldn't prove other wise. Impropable, but only Cush and Good Lord know the truth.

I guess my issue is slightly elevated issues, if that report is true. What if Cush just has a slightly different body chemistry.

However if he didn't rub one out before the test, then it's very likely and hopefully likely that Cush was using something after quitting Roids. If that is the case then hopefully that means he played like a Bad Ass clean for the most part, and hopefully his body can maintain the mass since he's in his 20's now. I know I couldn't get past 160 lbs until I got in to my 20's, now I'm a consistant 225.

Sosrry for the rambling, but I had'nt put my two cents in yet and there has been a lot to come out since Friday, when I heard about this and cried for 2 straight hours.
You certainly have a way with words.:spit:

It also stimulates the testis cells to produce more testosterone, and it tries to help to reverse gynecomastia ("man boobs") if present.

Didn't look like Cushing had that problem but who knows...I just had this horrible image of Cushing in a Victoria's Secret bra. I think I'm going to go visit the babe thread for a while.
man im so tired of this already.... is just loving this story and thats all they have been talking about!!!!

HEY NFL.COM... PAC MAN JONES IS BACK IN THE LEAQUE just thought i'd let you know since your so busy talking about cush!!!!
I can't speak for exact numbers, but the differences of acceptable ratios between the NFL and Cycling entities have a solid basis. Studies have shown that athletes that are lean and thin and involved in long distance continuous exercise such as cycling and marathon running will have as much as half the testosterone levels as a couch potato, and still significantly decreased levels compared to other non-continuous exertive sports such as weightlifting and football where testosterone experiences a boost. With epitestosterone essentially being constant, this would explain the discrepancy of the higher testosterone tolerance limits set for the NFL vs Cycling ratios

I knew it would pay off one day.
On ESPN they said he tested positive for HCG a non-steroidal and non-PED drug.

According to the doctor on ESPN it's a hormone naturally produced in the body. He said that its usually taken after a cycle of steroids.

But Mark Schlereth said that you could also use it to after marijuana use or other reasons.

So im not too sure what to make of this so if anybody else saw it feel free to chime in.
11. Media/fans discuss what this 'drug' is for and it's effects and how Cushing apparently was "barely" over the limit they allow you to have. It's also reported that this 'can' be used at the end of a steroid cycle - causing some fans to requestion things. Still, apparently was tested throughout the season and never failed another test for any reason.

That's where I am at, on a personal level (since, obviously, MY feelings are so important. LOL.)

I re-question several things:

1. Why is he over the limit: Masking or weight loss/miscellaneous substances?

2. How MUCH is he over the limit, and if it is marginal...then how often can someone be over the limit in a marginal manner?

3. IF he was on a substance that made his cHG levels out of whack, why is he playing with fire? Assuming he WAS, indeed, warned as has been alleged.

That's my big three re-questions. I don't see how he gained any more ground after all of what has transpired thus far. He's passed tests? OK, but he failed THIS one. Was it a slip-up? I dunno. But questions, in my mind, remain.
I guess my issue is slightly elevated issues, if that report is true. What if Cush just has a slightly different body chemistry.

Meant to say something about this. I've always wondered about these ratios and levels and whether they are set based on ordinary people or athletes or the particular type of athletes. But there are athletes that are way off the norms. Miguel Indurain had a resting heart rate of 19 bpm. As a teenager Lance Armstrong was measured to not produce ordinary levels of lactic acid. It almost seems like they should test everyone when they join a team to establish an individual baseline and then set the standard off % change.

As an aside - Mark Schlereth just said on the medical marijuana/cancer site he looked at they listed false hcg positives were a risk from smoking.
Meant to say something about this. I've always wondered about these ratios and levels and whether they are set based on ordinary people or athletes or the particular type of athletes. But there are athletes that are way off the norms. Miguel Indurain had a resting heart rate of 19 bpm. As a teenager Lance Armstrong was measured to not produce ordinary levels of lactic acid. It almost seems like they should test everyone when they join a team to establish an individual baseline and then set the standard off % change.

As an aside - Mark Schlereth just said on the medical marijuana/cancer site he looked at they listed false hcg positives were a risk from smoking.

I really didnt wanna go here.. but didnt it also say that it can give false readings if the person just ejaculated?

As an aside - Mark Schlereth just said on the medical marijuana/cancer site he looked at they listed false hcg positives were a risk from smoking.


Surely he never had access to weed in Southern California all those years? :kitten:

Man, this is nuts. Do other fans on other boards go this crazy after something like this? I can't stay of this board for long, or I miss so much.
I really didnt wanna go here.. but didnt it also say that it can give false readings if the person just ejaculated?


Smoking a joint AND ejaculation = hCG off-the-charts

"It's science." (Ron Burgundy in "Anchorman")
As an aside - Mark Schlereth just said on the medical marijuana/cancer site he looked at they listed false hcg positives were a risk from smoking.

This is what I said two pages ago:

"As far as I know, many of these natural methods of raising test levels are banned by fiat because of the ratio deal. Since hCG is also a naturally produced compound, isn't it possible, if not likely, that a slightly elevated level could be caused by some combination of herbal/chemical supplements?"
But Mark Schlereth said that you could also use it to after marijuana use or other reasons.

So im not too sure what to make of this so if anybody else saw it feel free to chime in.

I'm going to go ahead and say the Sclereth is talking out of his bum here. Nobody I've ever read has ever talked about using hormones (hCG is hormones right? It's seminal I know that, and it helps ball production) to successfully mask a pee test ever (even in an environment where such things would not be tested for in the first place). Most masking agents are tested for now as well as samples coming back abnormal are usually flagged for further testing and analysis which is usually bad for masking agents.

Besides, with the climate of the sports world these days, I'd think a player like Cushing wouldn't be under such direct scrutiny if his performance enhancing drug was weed. The NFL treats it the same, but the media and public for certain do not.

EDIT: As an aside, a masking agent is not doing it's job if it's on the banned list and showing up in pee tests.

Grid said:
Jacking off in the cup
Yes, but I'm pretty sure the guy you handed the sample to would politely ask for a less semen-filled sample and hand you a new cup.
Let me start by saying that Cush has had this cloud following him a long time. I will also say that I'm completely biased because I don't want to lose hime for four games especially the four teams we play.

Why I don't want to lose to these teams:
Indy: It's obvious
Dallas: I hate Dallas fans in general, because about 75% do nothing but talk sh*t
Washington: Because it's that whole mentor/apprentice thing with Kubes and Shanny Sr., plos the Skins sucked last year and who want to lose to them
Oakland: I will cry if we lose to the Raiders.....

So admitting my bias leads me to my one in a million arguement. I'm not saying Cush didn't use PED's, but if Adam Schefter's reports are accurate about slightly elevated levels then there is a chance that Cush is getting screwed.

I'm sure these tests in the NFL are highly accurate, but we don't have a 100% understaning of the human body. It's like finger prints, yeh they are accurate, but not absolute. This means it's not likely that Cush is innocent, but have you ever been accused of something you didn't do, and were frustrated because you couldn't prove other wise. Impropable, but only Cush and Good Lord know the truth.

I guess my issue is slightly elevated issues, if that report is true. What if Cush just has a slightly different body chemistry.

However if he didn't rub one out before the test, then it's very likely and hopefully likely that Cush was using something after quitting Roids. If that is the case then hopefully that means he played like a Bad Ass clean for the most part, and hopefully his body can maintain the mass since he's in his 20's now. I know I couldn't get past 160 lbs until I got in to my 20's, now I'm a consistant 225.

Sosrry for the rambling, but I had'nt put my two cents in yet and there has been a lot to come out since Friday, when I heard about this and cried for 2 straight hours.

This seems to be a stumbling block or leaves a significant question mark with many posters. However, it really shouldn't. I'll try to explain why.

Males share the same HCG normals as women that are not pregnant, i.e., 0-5 mIU/ml. This is blood levels. Urine levels, if anything, are normally lower than blood levels. The typical HCG blood test can detect down to 5 mIU/ml. The best HGC urine test can only detect down to as low as 20 mIU/ml. There is already a very significant "buffer" built into the limitations of the urine test to clock a "positive." And just as in women, who we warn when checking for pregnancy, get a first morning's urine (which is the most concentrated) and don't drink anything before the test, or the urine sample will be so diluted as to not show lowly elevated HCG levels consistent with early pregnancy. You should see I'm not too impressed with the statement that Cushing's test came just back "a little bit positive." Under any "normal" circumstances, the HCG urine test should have come back entirely "negative"............unless, of course, he can prove that he is pregnant.
Another thing that keeps getting me is that apparently Cushing and the Trainer were warned that this substance could trigger something on a test. Then Cushing is now upset after the failed appeal process because he thought he had convincing evidence that would make the league rescind the suspension.

So maybe (puts on rationalizing glass half full cap), just maybe Cushing new whatever 'it' was he was taking, possibly for his injury rehab might contain this substance hCG that might or might not show up on a test. He knows he's going to get tested, he knows he's innocent and hasn't taken Steroids/PEDs and he and the Trainer feel like they have indisputable evidence to show (i) what it was he was taking (ii) why he was taking it (iii) and that if it resulted in a failed test why it was okay that it was taken and how it wasn't taken for the reason its on the banned substance list "masking agent".
What if a player does take a Steroid and then hCG to hide it...and fails a test administered days after. Would this test show any sign of the Steroid/PED? Even if he took this hCG stuff, would it completely wipe away any evidence of the Steroid from days earlier???

I ask because what if he were to have a Test #1: a completely clean test that passes and shows no signs of anythin bad. Then the next week has another test, Test #2. This time it shows hCG levels are above the acceptable amount. Can that drug completely mask any effects of a Steroid that soon? or does it take time? Or is it instant? In other words, how does it work? how does it hide/mask the use of other things?