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Sexual Assault Suits Against Watson

So a woman who posts pics of herself in a bikini means touch me with your penis. Gotcha.

Please explain why any legit massage therapist would present him/herself in a bikini, or dainty underthings, or anything in any way suggestive? The only point was that if such images were used in the IG advertising, those particular cases would probably not prevail.
I think you are confusing the yelling of "guilty" from the top of the mountain versus the idea that until there's a court case where both sides present or defend their case, I'm holding off on saying "guilty".

I've stated multiple times that Watson is an idiot for putting himself in a situation like this....but by no means does that make him guilty b/c that's what I want to see. I want a trial and a verdict, nothing more, nothing less.

What level of punishment would you like to dole out based on allegations?


But best case is bringing in massage therapists from out of state and having sex is racketeering. We do have 1 thing in common, we both want this to go to court. Difference is, I want this to go to court for the entertainment value. You actually believe DW4's innocent even though it's pretty clear he broke a federal law by shipping women in from Atlanta.

Hey, hope you're right and he's proven innocent so the Texans can trade him. (Maybe next off season or even the season after that) Because it probably will take a yr for the legal system to take its course, the God'ell probably will suspend him for a yr. He will have to give most of his signing bonus over because he wont have played for 2 yrs. But atleast he doesn't have to worry about holding out anymore.
So was he racketeering by shipping prostitutes across state lines?

Or worse was he sexually assaulting women for sport?

Who held the gun to the head of these women and forced them to cross state lines? Next, I have no evidence at this point to call anything as matter of fact or factually proven at this point.....just allegations. You cannot put a man in front of a firing squad on allegations alone.
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You're going deep-end of pathological hatred. Your absolute hatred of Watson (far before you knew anything about this guys personal life) makes me see you as a rabid foaming at the mouth human when his name is mentioned. You are using this current situation to go hatred overload and you're basing this on "accusations" at the moment.

I prefer to wait sand see what happens when everyone involved is hauled into a court room and both sides are presented. Until then, I want to explore both sides of the story to determine what's fact or fiction. Now how in the duck does that make me a sufferer of some (Watson) pathological disorder that you want to use to slander member(s) on this board that don't jump on your bandwagon?

Your hatred is way off base cowboy.

Exactly, I really don’t think it’s cool to kick a person while they’re down. And to parade like you knew this all along, I’m like dude stop it. Watson messed up big time starting with his demands to be traded and with all these accusations. What’s crazy is he’s still treating the Texans like they took a dump on him.

But best case is bringing in massage therapists from out of state and having sex is racketeering. We do have 1 thing in common, we both want this to go to court. Difference is, I want this to go to court for the entertainment value. You actually believe DW4's innocent even though it's pretty clear he broke a federal law by shipping women in from Atlanta.

Hey, hope you're right and he's proven innocent so the Texans can trade him. (Maybe next off season or even the season after that) Because it probably will take a yr for the legal system to take its course, the God'ell probably will suspend him for a yr. He will have to give most of his signing bonus over because he wont have played for 2 yrs. But atleast he doesn't have to worry about holding out anymore.

You whiffed once again. I never once said my desire was to see Watson set free. That would only be acceptable if he's found innocent. If he is found guilty, then a slap on the wrist would not suffice. He should then be shown the inside of a jail cell and pay restitution to these women he victimized. The Texans will have to settle on having his contract voided and get in line with the rest of the victims to collect their signing bonus.

Having said this......does this make me believe he's automatically guilty? No. I have my opinion but I'll wait until a verdict is handed out.
You whiffed once again. I never once said my desire was to see Watson set free. That would only be acceptable if he's found innocent. If he is found guilty, then a slap on the wrist would not suffice. He should then be shown the inside of a jail cell and pay restitution to these women he victimized. The Texans will have to settle on having his contract voided and get in line with the rest of the victims to collect their signing bonus.

Having said this......does this make me believe he's automatically guilty? No. I have my opinion but I'll wait until a verdict is handed out.

So you dont believe those women who claimed he shipped them in from Atlanta? That's a crime.
Who held the gun to the head of these women and forced them to cross state lines? Next, I have no evidence at this point to call anything as matter of fact or factually proven at this point.....just allegations. You cannot put a man in front of a firing squad on allegations alone.

Supposedly he had sex with them and paid them. You can call that whatever you want. But that's a crime.
So you dont believe those women who claimed he shipped them in from Atlanta? That's a crime.

Did he buy them an airline ticket? Did they board the place, train or drive willfully?
Did he have his henchmen load them on a cattle car at gunpoint and ship them to his desired location?
Just FYI, I realize sexual assault is no laughing matter. When I joke in this thread, it's just to add some relief from the weighty subject. And I'm not even sure there was an assault made on these Jane Doe's by Watson, but I have first hand knowledge the kind of carnage sexual assault can have on someone's life; it lasts forever.

Now back to your regular scheduled programming.

You don't need to clarify this. Most of us are not a product of this bullshit 2021 society.
Supposedly he had sex with them and paid them. You can call that whatever you want. But that's a crime.

Has the State of Texas legalized prostitution? If they accepted money for stated service, wouldn't that doom them to being prostitutes who disguised their true business as licensed masseuses' for hire?
Unfortunately, it may matter in a court of law.

It's going to matter alot and most likely he's going to jail. That's the real reason Hardin was hired and the reason Hardin is being so quiet. Forgetting about the civil suit DW4 needs to be worried about criminal charges. One of our MB members that would know told me they're doing background work on whether the DA should bring charges as we speak.
It's going to matter alot and most likely he's going to jail. That's the real reason Hardin was hired and the reason Hardin is being so quiet. Forgetting about the civil suit DW4 needs to be worried about criminal charges. One of our MB members that would know told me they're doing background work on whether the DA should bring charges as we speak.
SteelB, do you think Buzbee and his clients are more interested in DW serving time or a big cash settlement?
SteelB, do you think Buzbee and his clients are more interested in DW serving time or a big cash settlement?

It can be both, if the DA brings charges forward, even if he isn’t convicted, it pretty much guarantees a heavy civil settlement, just look at OJ. Buzbee doesn’t have to get Watson convicted of criminal charges, that’s the DA’s job, his goal is to just get it to a trial.

Now the interesting part is this is actually a risky strategy because if the DA won’t touch it at all means that it could hurt the civil case. The fact Buzbee took this route, even though he really didn’t need to, should be worrisome for Watson IMO.
I understand your point of view but I still think as did that attorney that Watson will play somewhere just not in Houston in 2021. I also realized Cobb has little Draft worth but I would like to dump his contract.

I don't think he plays this year .... The league can't have him if he's fighting criminal charges for multiple sex crimes. He's either suspended or on the exempt list.

Can the state of Texas charge him with a crime?

Yes , that's the job of the DA and the process begins with a grand jury indictment which if we are to believe Buzbee is in the works.

I expect multiple felony charges in the near future.
You know I’ve had massages before, sports, Swedish, deep tissue, even a Japanese one with a woman weighting 90 lbs soaking wet walking on my back, etc. I have chronic back pain from an old injury and other issues that come from being a fat SoB. Some of these were by very hot women and I can honestly say never once did any of them see me naked , never once did they have to worry about getting my bodily fluids of any nature on them, hell only once did I get any kind of an erection and that had more to do with the very soft and fluffy towel I had wrapped around me (a towel I asked if I could buy and it was worth every penny of the 30 dollars. Manager even grinned said they have that question asked a lot)

Point is you are making it sound as though dealing with naked, erect men leaking fluids is a part of their normal job. If it’s a real massage they are not strippers and they don’t handle male junk on a daily bases. And while everyone is different most men this happens to get embarrassed, say sorry, pay out (leaving a massive tip no pun intended) and never get another massage. They don’t try and rub themselves on her or contact her to set up another round.

The "timing" of these charges only means something if you jump to a conclusion that someone - anyone - must be behind all of this. It certainly cannot be the simplest explanation, that Watson could be an arrogant little horndog that feels entitled to women.

So at what point do you open your eyes and accept the reality that Watson might not be the person you thought he was?

I believe in Occam’s Razor as much as you do. But then reason I’m even here, is because of this Michael Avenatti wannabe Buzbee character. I don’t trust a word that’s coming out of his mouth.
You know, I don’t know what goes on between Watson & his masseuse. But after reading the complaints (the first nine anyway) I’m pretty sure it’s his masseuse’s finger with the smell.

Disclaimer: I’m still a Watson fan until he’s found guilty.
This thread needs a Barry White audio button 💩
It can be both, if the DA brings charges forward, even if he isn’t convicted, it pretty much guarantees a heavy civil settlement, just look at OJ. Buzbee doesn’t have to get Watson convicted of criminal charges, that’s the DA’s job, his goal is to just get it to a trial.

Now the interesting part is this is actually a risky strategy because if the DA won’t touch it at all means that it could hurt the civil case. The fact Buzbee took this route, even though he really didn’t need to, should be worrisome for Watson IMO.
There is another interesting factor. If Buzbee isn't careful he could provide the DA with a case that could land DW in jail. If that were to happen, it could jeopardize Watson's career. That's why I asked which is more important because if Watson's contract is voided and the Texans go after his signing bonus, all of a sudden DWATM can't pay as much if at all. I think the criminal aspect of this is Buzbee turning up the heat but trying to avoid burning down the house.
There is another interesting factor. If Buzbee isn't careful he could provide the DA with a case that could land DW in jail. If that were to happen, it could jeopardize Watson's career. That's why I asked which is more important because if Watson's contract is voided and the Texans go after his signing bonus, all of a sudden DWATM can't pay as much if at all. I think the criminal aspect of this is Buzbee turning up the heat but trying to avoid burning down the house.

Its not like Watson was or is dirt poor without that new contract. He still got paid all his rookie contract, the various endorsements and other sources. I mean he apparently had money to fly women out of town for a 1 day massage, or whatever, so yeah even without that yeah they can still get a nice chuck of change from him even if he goes to jail.
I understand your point of view but I still think as did that attorney that Watson will play somewhere just not in Houston in 2021. I also realized Cobb has little Draft worth but I would like to dump his contract.

NFL is already catching a lot of flak for not putting him on the exempt list. Keep in mind the NFL doesn't have to have any proof or really care if you are guilty or innocent they can suspend him just for embarrassing the league which I expect them to do. No the last thing the league wants is to be caught in the S show of Watson taking the field for any team on game 1 while the nation is currently having the next phase of the #metoo movement. Ultimately the people that might have screwed Watson over the most are Cosby, Weinstein and Cuomo.
I believe in Occam’s Razor as much as you do. But then reason I’m even here, is because of this Michael Avenatti wannabe Buzbee character. I don’t trust a word that’s coming out of his mouth.

You clearly know nothing about Buzbee, if anything Avenatti was a wannabe Buzbee only without the skill and success. He has taken on some huge cases and won, he is one of the few lawyers in Texas that can play on Hardin's level. This "media circus" as Hardin put it is a very carefully planned and executed strategy that has been used many times in the past when filing against a public figure that has endorsements and other incomes that rely on their public image. What is unusual is that Hardin and the defense are sitting back and being passive players in this with nothing but a few weak jabs at one lawsuit and then trying to make it sound like questions about that one puts all of them in doubt. It was particularly weak because they said themselves they THINK its one of the defendants which means they're not sure and they wanted to be careful not to accuse the wrong person.

My personal opinion is this passive approach means that either Hardin thinks Watson has not told him everything or Watson has told him everything and they want to see what Buzbee actually has rather than risk giving him more information. I also think they are waiting to see what the DA does because if this becomes criminal that's a much bigger and more important fight than any of the civil cases.
If Watson settles with all of the suing women, and even if Buzbee would agree to not take on any more cases, there is not anything stopping other attorneys taking on new cases.
I dunno but would guess the only thing that guarantees a halt to the litigation vs DW4 is the statute of limitations.
Its not like Watson was or is dirt poor without that new contract. He still got paid all his rookie contract, the various endorsements and other sources. I mean he apparently had money to fly women out of town for a 1 day massage, or whatever, so yeah even without that yeah they can still get a nice chuck of change from him even if he goes to jail.
I’m willing to bet he does not have $27 million in the bank right now. Or in assets for that matter. He seems to have been spending like there was another $120 million coming over the next 4 years.
That's why I asked which is more important because if Watson's contract is voided and the Texans go after his signing bonus, all of a sudden DWATM can't pay as much if at all. I think the criminal aspect of this is Buzbee turning up the heat but trying to avoid burning down the house.

If a court orders him to pay reparations, that will come out before the Texans can even attempt to get that $27M back. Unless he files appeals, which he probably will.
I dunno but would guess the only thing that guarantees a halt to the litigation vs DW4 is the statute of limitations.
I think you better go back and review Tx statute of limitation for sexual assault. (I've previously posted on that very subject) That is not going to protect Watson. If he relies on that tactic, he is likely to throw a football again only from the comfort of his rocking chair.

Are text messages key in Deshaun Watson lawsuits? Attorney has used tactic before
Brent Schrotenboer

Houston super-attorney Tony Buzbee knows how to get to the bottom of an NFL player’s personal life.

It often starts with their phones – text messages, Instagram messages, photos and more.
This time his target is Houston Texans star quarterback Deshaun Watson, who is being sued by Buzbee on behalf of 16 women who have accused Watson of sexual misconduct.

But eight years earlier, Buzbee had a different NFL opponent and a strategy that is expected to be similar to his against Watson.

In 2013, Buzbee’s law firm hired a digital forensic expert to retrieve 1,794 text messages between the phones of Buzbee’s client and NFL star Mario Williams, according to court records obtained by USA TODAY Sports. Buzbee then used some of the text messages he found from the former Houston Texans No. 1 draft pick to turn the screws on him in a civil lawsuit over a diamond engagement ring.

You might want to research Buzbee .... he's not the joke you believe him to be. He's a very successful lawyer.
Oh, he is a very successful lawyer, no doubt, but likable, I question. How long did he annoy his neighbors when he parked that military tank on the street in front of his house? I also wonder with everything coming out about Watson now, did he come out as a good guy when walking the street in a blanket to bring attention to the homeless although most if not all had some kind of shelter during those nights, or rushing to take the case for the family of the child that died during the freeze. Was that to soften the hearts before going for the kill? The other thing I question is "if" Watson had paid his clients, would that have freed him to go on with his life? If so, isn't that taking a payoff without regard to confronting the behavior and leaving Watson free to continue behavior that is criminal and future women at risk?

Saying this does not mean that if his evidence is true about Watson, then he should face the consequences of his behavior.
Oh, he is a very successful lawyer, no doubt, but likable, I question. How long did he annoy his neighbors when he parked that military tank on the street in front of his house? I also wonder with everything coming out about Watson now, did he come out as a good guy when walking the street in a blanket to bring attention to the homeless although most if not all had some kind of shelter during those nights, or rushing to take the case for the family of the child that died during the freeze. Was that to soften the hearts before going for the kill? The other thing I question is "if" Watson had paid his clients, would that have freed him to go on with his life? If so, isn't that taking a payoff without regard to confronting the behavior and leaving Watson free to continue behavior that is criminal and future women at risk?

Saying this does not mean that if his evidence is true about Watson, then he should face the consequences of his behavior.
Just an FYI...An NDA or civil contract cannot be enforced to conceal a criminal activity.
Are text messages key in Deshaun Watson lawsuits? Attorney has used tactic before
Brent Schrotenboer

Houston super-attorney Tony Buzbee knows how to get to the bottom of an NFL player’s personal life.

It often starts with their phones – text messages, Instagram messages, photos and more.
This time his target is Houston Texans star quarterback Deshaun Watson, who is being sued by Buzbee on behalf of 16 women who have accused Watson of sexual misconduct.

But eight years earlier, Buzbee had a different NFL opponent and a strategy that is expected to be similar to his against Watson.

In 2013, Buzbee’s law firm hired a digital forensic expert to retrieve 1,794 text messages between the phones of Buzbee’s client and NFL star Mario Williams, according to court records obtained by USA TODAY Sports. Buzbee then used some of the text messages he found from the former Houston Texans No. 1 draft pick to turn the screws on him in a civil lawsuit over a diamond engagement ring.

Like him or not, the guy is a shark.
Watson is F’d.