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Sexual Assault Suits Against Watson

yes because it shows he has a pattern and each story corroborated the others. Most guys have a pattern for how they approach sex even if they think they don't. One guy I dated would always start with my ears, another would lay behind me on the coach, another would come up behind me and grab my boobs. The fact that each girl is recounting a similar story passes mustard as guys have sex patterns that they use over and over again.

I'm feeling very attacked right now.
yes because it shows he has a pattern and each story corroborated the others. Most guys have a pattern for how they approach sex even if they think they don't. One guy I dated would always start with my ears, another would lay behind me on the coach, another would come up behind me and grab my boobs. The fact that each girl is recounting a similar story passes mustard as guys have sex patterns that they use over and over again.

on Coach O'Brian? That's pretty freaky.
I do not know how instagram works. If users are required to use their real name etc... then it should be fairly simple for DWs team to figure out who they are. If however you can use a "handle" like on this board it could be next to impossible at least on many of them. One of the things I would be looking for is if an accuser had sued a dozen other people in last couple years. Civil litigation has become a very lucrative industry in our country. I readily conceed that the results of many of these cases lead to great and needed changes in our society. But I would also think somone would be foolish to believe the system was never taken advantage of. I also think it would be naive to think as many cases have been filed that these are the only instances that DW had massages etc... We've already seen one lady come forward and state she had seen Watson on multiple times with no issues. The point being, as often as it may have occured, how in the world could Watson even remember all the details and which occasion they applied to?
From everything I've been told, your real name is never required to be used.
yes because it shows he has a pattern and each story corroborated the others. Most guys have a pattern for how they approach sex even if they think they don't. One guy I dated would always start with my ears, another would lay behind me on the coach, another would come up behind me and grab my boobs. The fact that each girl is recounting a similar story passes mustard as guys have sex patterns that they use over and over again.
You're a welcomed refreshing new point of view.
Haven’t read the cases since early on, but among the first 9 or so the cases were 90% boilerplate and 10% small changes. One lawyer is preparing all the complaints and there is precious little difference from one to next. Does this make them more persuasive?
More than that. If Buzbee can convince the authorities that this was a pattern and all the cases were related, Watson will have to face all of the plaintiffs in one trial. If he can't Watson will be able to fight each case individually. He said, she said is much easier to beat than he said, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she said etc...
That's why his filing are so similar.
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No, grand juries are for criminal felony charges.

Not just felony charges, they can be requested by any DAs just they often aren't because of everything involved. However, they are often used in high public interest cases, which I'm sure we all agree this would be, because it lets a DA test the witnesses and evidence before a full trial so he knows where his case might be weak.
I’ve said from the get go that timing of this is suspicious, that’s all. And if you’re the least bit objective about it, it should be a little suspicious to you, too.

I don't believe it's a coincidence, if that's what you're saying. I believe this is the underlying issue behind Watson wanting out of Houston at all cost. The issue was brought up to him in January, this we know.

I believe he took it to the Texans & they did not support him 100% the way his agent & the people he pays did. I assume they wanted to address the situation the way most NFL teams would & he wasn't good with that. "Loyalty is everything"
I don't believe it's a coincidence, if that's what you're saying. I believe this is the underlying issue behind Watson wanting out of Houston at all cost. The issue was brought up to him in January, this we know.

I believe he took it to the Texans & they did not support him 100% the way his agent & the people he pays did. I assume they wanted to address the situation the way most NFL teams would & he wasn't good with that. "Loyalty is everything"

And if this is indeed the chief reason behind him wanting out, i've lost all respect for this dude b/c it's simply ILLOGICAL to ask your employer to put themselves in a position like that for you when they like the rest of america don't have a clue of what's the truth and what's b.s.. If Arthur Blank had taken Vick's word that he had nothing to do with that dog fighting mess & came out and blindly supported that dude (which he in essence winded up doing anyway) it would've put him in a bad way with not only the league, but his team's fanbase.

In essence, he's asking them to have the same "loyalty" to him that folks who only work for him like his agent and marketing manager have & its just not fair to the franchise...A. b/c they don't work for him & b, they've got much more to consider. The thing too is that even if he did sort of warn them of "something coming down the pipe" against him and they refused to back him 100%, Not only did the FO still come out and say that he was still their guy, they didn't/haven't waivered in that since all this has dropped. They for once are handling things exactly the way it should be handled.
I don't believe it's a coincidence, if that's what you're saying. I believe this is the underlying issue behind Watson wanting out of Houston at all cost. The issue was brought up to him in January, this we know.

I believe he took it to the Texans & they did not support him 100% the way his agent & the people he pays did. I assume they wanted to address the situation the way most NFL teams would & he wasn't good with that. "Loyalty is everything"
I don't understand the "wanting out of Houston at all cost" theory. Even if he's traded, he still has to return to Houston to deal with these charges. It wasn't going to disappear. In fact, it might be worst because he would have angry Texans fans in Houston for forcing the trade, media scrutiny and speculation in two instead of one city and angry fans of his new team questioning why their team gave up so much capital for a guy with these problems.
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I don't understand the "wanting out of Houston at all cost" theory. Even if he's traded, he still has to return to Houston to deal with these charges. It wasn't going to disappear. In fact, it might be worst because he would have angry Texans fans in Houston for forcing the trade, media scrutiny and speculation in two instead one of city and angry fans of his new team questioning why their team gave up so much capital for a guy with these problems.

He knows what he means to fans here & he knows that if he forced his way out of here via a trade it would anger alot of fans & they'd take it out on Cal & the FO who were already being dragged in the streets by fans due to the Easterby thing. After all, he'd already gotten his money & there was really no need on his part to play coy anymore.

So I don't think it was necessarily about avoiding the charges so much as it was about trying to screw the Texans organization over whom he may have felt like was leaving him out to dry.
And if this is indeed the chief reason behind him wanting out, i've lost all respect for this dude b/c it's simply ILLOGICAL to ask your employer to put themselves in a position like that for you when they like the rest of america don't have a clue of what's the truth and what's b.s.. If Arthur Blank had taken Vick's word that he had nothing to do with that dog fighting mess & came out and blindly supported that dude (which he in essence winded up doing anyway) it would've put him in a bad way with not only the league, but his team's fanbase.

In essence, he's asking them to have the same "loyalty" to him that folks who only work for him like his agent and marketing manager have & its just not fair to the franchise...A. b/c they don't work for him & b, they've got much more to consider. The thing too is that even if he did sort of warn them of "something coming down the pipe" against him and they refused to back him 100%, Not only did the FO still come out and say that he was still their guy, they didn't/haven't waivered in that since all this has dropped. They for once are handling things exactly the way it should be handled.
I don't understand the "wanting out of Houston at all cost" theory. Even if he's traded, he still has to return to Houston to deal with these charges. It wasn't going to disappear. In fact, it might be worst because he would have angry Texans fans in Houston for forcing the trade, media scrutiny and speculation in two instead one of city and angry fans of his new team questioning why their team gave up so much capital for a guy with these problems.

Not to defend DW4, but if he manages his way out of this without admitting guilt (I don’t think that’s possible) then I can see him holding it against the Texans for not taking his word.

If he’s able to prove he’s innocent beyond a shadow of a doubt, it justifies his stance.
Name one QB better that the Texans can get ....

Him not wanting to be here is irrelevant , if the Texans winning football games is the ultimate goal you want the best player you can get .... and right now , That's Watson.

Him wanting to be here vs not wanting to be here will eventually translate into how much effort he puts into wanting to win on and off the field.
Not to defend DW4, but if he manages his way out of this without admitting guilt (I don’t think that’s possible) then I can see him holding it against the Texans for not taking his word.

If he’s able to prove he’s innocent beyond a shadow of a doubt, it justifies his stance.

he just better be careful what he wishes for is all. Anything short of him being completely exonerated & all 16+ of these women being found to be part of some major conspiracy against him, He's likely going to be placed on the NFL's exempt list for 2021 b/c you just can't have this guy on a football field right now & this is most likely not going to be resolved anytime soon...This isn't even counting what suspensions might come down from the NFL. After all that, he still might likely be traded, but after a what might effectively be a year out of ball, he'll still have to contend with the FO holding his rights for the next 4 years & i doubt he'd want to potentially sit out another year trying to force his hand to a team he wants to go to. So in that regard, he'd have to play ball with the Texans............. or play ball with them in just getting him out of here, i.e. lifting that no-trade clause. & if that happens, he's likely to end up in a less favorable situation than he perhaps would've been in if none of this sexual assault stuff happened. He'd better talk to his boy Clowney about how it can all turn on you in 1 year.

If i were in his position & depending on how he comes out of his, i'd be maybe revising my stance on the Texans simply b/c they are his ticket back to playing ball the fastest, he's wanted here (at least now) & he would've thankfully not had to play thru the rebuilding/retooling year of 2021. he would also be in a position to come in and play savior to a team that would be in theory on the ascent again. He'd effectively get to play for/with a "new" team without actually leaving the Texans b/c they'd be in a better position in 2022 than they were this offseason & could really start to build something around him then.
I keep trying to post some thoughts on this over the past several days and keep deleting. I have no sympathy for Watson. He is a person of low character, possibly sick. But I keep looking at the charges against him and I can't help thinking these women are weak. A popular description is "snowflake".

Just look at the most serious set of charges, by one Jane Doe 15 : 1) She saw Watson naked; 2) Watson moved his penis so as it touched her hand; 3) Although Watson had pre-ejaculated, he still had some discharge which got on 15's hand; 4) She felt sick, confused and upset.

Considering the profession these women are engaged in, none of this should constitute behavior which should be totally unexpected and which these women should be capable of handling. These women supposedly are licensed, which means they have had 500 hours of supervised training and passed a national certification exam. Perhaps I'm overthinking, but I would think at least a few hours of this training would have touched on unruly clients, what is to be anticipated and expected, and how to handle themselves in such a situation.

None of this excuses Watson's behavior, but professionals in any profession should be expected to be capable of handling themselves, and situations which may arise, when performing the duties of that profession.

Perhaps this affair is a reflection of our culture and our society; not only Watson's behavior, but also the behavior of these women. And for someone of my generation is representative of our nation's decline.
I don't understand the "wanting out of Houston at all cost" theory. Even if he's traded, he still has to return to Houston to deal with these charges. It wasn't going to disappear. In fact, it might be worst because he would have angry Texans fans in Houston for forcing the trade, media scrutiny and speculation in two instead one of city and angry fans of his new team questioning why their team gave up so much capital for a guy with these problems.

The thing is, though, Watson did want out at all cost before this sexual allegations surfaced. Everything leaked from his camp is that he was willing to sit out as long as he had to and even forfeit income. If that's not "at all cost", then I'm not sure what would be.

The thing none of us could figure out is WHY? He just signed a massive contract a few months prior that guaranteed him $111 million. The only thing that made any sense at the time was to point fingers at the Texans front office/ownership for some alleged promise they made and some SI stories about Easterby. But that's all we had, and even then many of us did not see it as justification for his demands.

NOW, however, there appears to be a LOT more to the story, and it's not hard to ascertain (and assume) that it's all related and connected.

Watson has had some dirty little secrets. That much is clear. And maybe his loyalty tweet was more about who was willing to look the other way vs. those that might hold him accountable. I doubt Cal, Jack, Caserio, and Culley, were ever going to look the other way to an obvious two-faced superstar and a potential sexual predator. If that's the kind of loyalty he requires, it all starts to make sense why he wanted out "at all cost".

As a Texans fan, I'll just be glad when he's gone. The sooner the better, but I know this process is going to take some time.
I don't understand the "wanting out of Houston at all cost" theory. Even if he's traded, he still has to return to Houston to deal with these charges. It wasn't going to disappear. In fact, it might be worst because he would have angry Texans fans in Houston for forcing the trade, media scrutiny and speculation in two instead one of city and angry fans of his new team questioning why their team gave up so much capital for a guy with these problems.

It's the fight or flight instinct that you can run away from your problems-if I can just get away this gitt try l will drop it. Or maybe **** the Texans for their god speak and not having my back on this. Or Miami/Jets will be cool on this. Or if someone team pays a kings random got me you know they'll have my back. Or if I turn around a bad team then no one will touch me.

but most likely Easterly wasn't down with cheating, run and rubs, or assault and wanted to help and counsel DW or told him to stop and therefore didn't have DW back-hence loyalty.

Granted this is only one person but I do have a friend that is a massage therapist (and she's a freaking dime) and I asked her how common this was.

She said it happen to her one time when she wa training. It was an older gentlemen and he didn't whip it out he just told her he liked watching and it creeped her out and scared her. She said if any guy whipped it out she would be horrified.

So maybe if you work at a strip center 7-11 discount place it would be expected but not at nice licensed locations.
Granted this is only one person but I do have a friend that is a massage therapist (and she's a freaking dime) and I asked her how common this was.

She said it happen to her one time when she wa training. It was an older gentlemen and he didn't whip it out he just told her he liked watching and it creeped her out and scared her. She said if any guy whipped it out she would be horrified.

So maybe if you work at a strip center 7-11 discount place it would be expected but not at nice licensed locations.

Thank you for your perspectives. Great insights.

I've got a friend who has been a licensed massage therapist for at least 25 years. She works for a local country club. This behavior by Watson is so frowned upon that members can be kicked out of the club for doing it even once (i.e. asking for a happy ending).

She said it's one thing for the body to respond to touch. Professional therapists understand natural reactions. It's what the customer does with that reaction that is clearly a freewill decision. No man can claim a boner caused him to do anything (apologies for the rather crude statement, but ultimately it's what this comes down to).
I don't understand the "wanting out of Houston at all cost" theory. Even if he's traded, he still has to return to Houston to deal with these charges. It wasn't going to disappear. In fact, it might be worst because he would have angry Texans fans in Houston for forcing the trade, media scrutiny and speculation in two instead one of city and angry fans of his new team questioning why their team gave up so much capital for a guy with these problems.
Can you give Watson credit for how he has dealt with any of the associated subjects from day one. Whatever the reasons or the outcomes, Watson thus far has handled his issues like an immature 13 year old spoiled kid.

I don't understand the "wanting out of Houston at all cost" theory. Even if he's traded, he still has to return to Houston to deal with these charges. It wasn't going to disappear.

It might have "disappeared." His agent/fixer/lawyer at the time probably told him most of these cases go nowhere, which for the most part they do for a whole lot of reasons already discussed.

The victim might not want this to be public knowledge. What lawyer would take this case with no evidence (remember his agent/fixer/lawyer only has Watson's side of the story). & is she willing to pay $450/hr to even get the lawyer's attention. Then most lawyer's work on a retainer, so you'd have to pay up front.... a case like this could easily require a $10,000 retainer.
I don't understand the "wanting out of Houston at all cost" theory. Even if he's traded, he still has to return to Houston to deal with these charges. It wasn't going to disappear. In fact, it might be worst because he would have angry Texans fans in Houston for forcing the trade, media scrutiny and speculation in two instead one of city and angry fans of his new team questioning why their team gave up so much capital for a guy with these problems.

Yes and no, if this becomes criminal then yeah it doesn't matter but seeing as its civil if Watson was traded and he moved to wherever they traded him then any lawsuit has to follow the rules and laws for the state he lives and not Texas.

"The basic rule is that state courts–including small claims courts–only have the power to hear cases involving individuals who live in or are present in the state. Lawyers call this jurisdiction.

If you want to sue someone who lives in another state, you will have to sue in the state where the person lives, not in the state where you live. Often you can file papers with the court by mail, but you’ll have to follow the state’s rules when serving the court papers on the defendant.

Also, you should expect to show up in person on court day. However, some states allow people on active duty in the military—and occasionally others—to present their case entirely in writing."


For this reason in most cases its not worth it sue someone in another state because you also have to get a lawyer licensed in that state. So odds are Watson could have avoided Buzbee and most of these women wouldn't have the finical means to chase him across state lines. Even if they did still go after him they have to be able to show up in court so a good lawyer will just have the court date continuously changed so the person either has to stay in the state and away from home, work and everything else or constantly travel back and forth or risk the case being thrown out for failure to appear. Yeah in reality Watson could have possibly avoided a lot of this if he had gotten traded.
Anybody remember the Banks / Gibson case? Banks a promising HS football star who was headed to USC to play LB. What happened, he was accused and convicted of rape and instead of going to USC, spent the next 6 years in prison. Finally, Gibson let it be kn own on Facebook that she had fabricated the whole story.......which got Banks released from prison.

Wanetta Gibson got off this whole situation with 2.6M dollars in damages and fees......which I doubt she could ever pay in full. That's why we can't just jump to conviction without fully understanding both sides of the story.
Anybody remember the Banks / Gibson case? Banks a promising HS football star who was headed to USC to play LB. What happened, he was accused and convicted of rape and instead of going to USC, spent the next 6 years in prison. Finally, Gibson let it be kn own on Facebook that she had fabricated the whole story.......which got Banks released from prison.

Wanetta Gibson got off this whole situation with 2.6M dollars in damages and fees......which I doubt she could ever pay in full. That's why we can't just jump to conviction without fully understanding both sides of the story.

Really wish people would stop trying to hammer the "Innocent until proven guilty" point. Yes we all know that but the shear number of women with accusations is staggering. Even in your example that was he said, she said while with this case there are double digits of she said. Lets be honest if this was average person that had this many people accusing any average person no one would be talking about how we have to understand both sides of the story, everyone would be saying lock the SoB away.
I'm assuming even civil complaints come with dates.
Surely he's got a top of the line phone.
Most use social media through their phones & daily records are easily accessed.
At this point in time, the defense has no access to the victims' phone records, texts, etc...............this fact goes beyond trying to match dates to encounters.

Hardin can now be assured only of having access to the Watson side of the communications....especially if Watson has tried to manipulate/delete some of his messages/phone calls/entry dates, etc. Each victim will have data which likely goes far beyond what the defense at this time is aware of. That is what Buzbee has subtly alluded to. No doubt, Watson's camp is likely to be confronted with some troublesome "surprises" that they are not presently anticipating or prepared for.
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I thought I made it clear I didn't want him here long before these allegations broke.

This has been going on for yrs. Does the timing really matter?

Well yeah, everyone knows you’ve never wanted him here, but we just thought it was all football related. You should have spoken up long before now if your beef with him was all just about his sex life.

And if this has been going on for years, the timing is absolutely suspicious If this all of a sudden comes out at the same time he wants to be traded.

Here is my opinion for what it‘s worth, and granted, most of you aren’t going to like it. I think some of you, if not most of you, just have a chapped ass that he doesn’t want to play here anymore, and are conveniently using this sex scandal as a means of getting your little pound of flesh.
At this point in time, the defense has no access to the victims' phone records, texts, etc...............this fact goes beyond trying to match dates to encounters.

Hardin can only be assured of having access now to the Watson side of the communications....especially if Watson has tried to manipulate/delete some of his messages/phone calls/entry dates, etc. Each victim will have data which likely goes far beyond what the defense at this time is aware of. That is what Buzbee has subtly alluded to. No doubt, Watson's camp is likely to be confronted with some troublesome "surprises" that they are not presently anticipating or prepared for.

Which opens the question of if Watson is telling Hardin everything. One thing I learned long ago is that you confess sins to your lawyer that you wouldn't tell your priest because innocent or guilty nothing will sink you faster than your lawyer getting hit with a surprise you didn't tell him about. If Watson is smart he is telling Hardin absolutely everything good, bad or ugly.
Well yeah, everyone knows you’ve never wanted him here, but we just thought it was all football related. You should have spoken up long before now if your beef with him was all just about his sex life.

And if this has been going on for years, the timing is absolutely suspicious If this all of a sudden comes out at the same time he wants to be traded.

Here is my opinion for what it‘s worth, and granted, most of you aren’t going to like it. I think some of you, if not most of you, just have a chapped ass that he doesn’t want to play here anymore, and are conveniently using this sex scandal as a means of getting your little pound of flesh.

You know what gets me, it has been pointed out, in detail, to you how illogical the whole "suspicious timing" theory is along with how almost impossible it would be for the Texans to pull that off. Yet you continue to ignore those arguments and keep waving that banner. Then you want to throw stones at others because they want a "pound of flesh" but you won't address any of the points. So if we want a pound of flesh then I think its fair to say you want to ignore any facts because what we know paints Watson in a very bad light no matter how you look at it.
Which opens the question of if Watson is telling Hardin everything. One thing I learned long ago is that you confess sins to your lawyer that you wouldn't tell your priest because innocent or guilty nothing will sink you faster than your lawyer getting hit with a surprise you didn't tell him about. If Watson is smart he is telling Hardin absolutely everything good, bad or ugly.
That's exactly the purpose of my post. Watson has already demonstrated that publicly he has selective memory. His "memory" better be excruciatingly accurate with Hardin (I will reserve my doubts), or he is likely to quickly find that the consequences will be much more excruciating.
Well yeah, everyone knows you’ve never wanted him here, but we just thought it was all football related. You should have spoken up long before now if your beef with him was all just about his sex life.

And if this has been going on for years, the timing is absolutely suspicious If this all of a sudden comes out at the same time he wants to be traded.

Here is my opinion for what it‘s worth, and granted, most of you aren’t going to like it. I think some of you, if not most of you, just have a chapped ass that he doesn’t want to play here anymore, and are conveniently using this sex scandal as a means of getting your little pound of flesh.

Those are strong accusations from a guy that no longer cares about the Texans, NFL, and rarely participates in the forum. :hmmm:

If you had bothered to pay attention and/or read the thoughts of forum members, you'd see most of us had already come to the realization that the Texans best option was to trade him and move on. Most here were putting the blame on the Texans front office and ownership. The Texans have been facing a PR nightmare for months.

Watson not wanting to be here was ultimately just business. Most fans thought he was sincere in his request. We trusted that his public persona was enough to trust his agenda to leave. Yeah, it was a bit of a chump move to act this way just a few months after signing a massive contract and getting emotional about it, but we figured there was more to the story and it was most likely something the front office did or did not do.

Now, however, it appears that your hero is potentially just a POS human being. Allegedly, of course.

The "timing" of these charges only means something if you jump to a conclusion that someone - anyone - must be behind all of this. It certainly cannot be the simplest explanation, that Watson could be an arrogant little horndog that feels entitled to women.

So at what point do you open your eyes and accept the reality that Watson might not be the person you thought he was?
Which opens the question of if Watson is telling Hardin everything. One thing I learned long ago is that you confess sins to your lawyer that you wouldn't tell your priest because innocent or guilty nothing will sink you faster than your lawyer getting hit with a surprise you didn't tell him about. If Watson is smart he is telling Hardin absolutely everything good, bad or ugly.

You have no interest in applying this recommendation to what the women may or may not be telling Buzbee? They are "all" 100% telling the truth and we should have zero doubts about their accusations? Is this the court of law or court of public opinion?
And if this has been going on for years, the timing is absolutely suspicious If this all of a sudden comes out at the same time he wants to be traded.

Here is my opinion for what it‘s worth, and granted, most of you aren’t going to like it. I think some of you, if not most of you, just have a chapped ass that he doesn’t want to play here anymore, and are conveniently using this sex scandal as a means of getting your little pound of flesh.
I would like for Watson to come out of this unscathed & play for the Texans for 18 years realizing they had his back the whole time.
You know what gets me, it has been pointed out, in detail, to you how illogical the whole "suspicious timing" theory is along with how almost impossible it would be for the Texans to pull that off. Yet you continue to ignore those arguments and keep waving that banner. Then you want to throw stones at others because they want a "pound of flesh" but you won't address any of the points. So if we want a pound of flesh then I think its fair to say you want to ignore any facts because what we know paints Watson in a very bad light no matter how you look at it.

Exactly how traumatized was the first alleged victim, if her first course of action was to seek a financial resolution for her silence? If she was fully aware that Watson was this sexual deviant, how could she live with herself knowing she took money for her silence and turned this sexual pervert loose on other unsuspecting masseuses'?

When the money wasn't paid.....the threat was to make this story public knowledge, which Buzbee did. Now that the story is public knowledge and the court of public opinion has determined Waston to be a guilty sexual pervert.....masseuses' are coming forward in mass knowing Watson just signed a 156M dollar contract. Sharks smell blood from miles away.....some folks smell money from a few headlines.
You have no interest in applying this recommendation to what the women may or may not be telling Buzbee? They are "all" 100% telling the truth and we should have zero doubts about their accusations? Is this the court of law or court of public opinion?

Give the details in the filings I'd say either they told him a lot or someone has a very good imagination. Tell me why you believe the word of one person who you have never met over the word of 20+ people who you have never met. Could it be because Watson is famous and a star player? Oh and by the way this isn't a court of law or a court of public opinion this is a damn football forum so stop talking as if anything we say here is going to have any affect on Watson or these filings.

Exactly how traumatized was the first alleged victim, if her first course of action was to seek a financial resolution for her silence? If she was fully aware that Watson was this sexual deviant, how could she live with herself knowing she took money for her silence and turned this sexual pervert loose on other unsuspecting masseuses'?

When the money wasn't paid.....the threat was to make this story public knowledge, which Buzbee did. Now that the story is public knowledge and the court of public opinion has determined Waston to be a guilty sexual pervert.....masseuses' are coming forward in mass knowing Watson just signed a 156M dollar contract. Sharks smell blood from miles away.....some folks smell money from a few headlines.

And now who is making assumptions and taking ones side's word over the other. You have no clue if that was her first course of action or if she went to the police and they laughed her out of the building. Just like how you believe the words of Watson over 20+ women police do the same if it is someone famous. Get these strange ideas of justice for all out of your head because thats not the real world. Rape cases are the least reported and least convicted of all crimes. Often times the best a victim can hope for is a civil suit because thats the only type of punishment their attacker will get.

I'll tell you this your post and those like it are exactly why people with money and fame get away with crimes because if they are accused it must just be someone after their money right? Oh and by the way, no the court of public opinion is firmly on Watson's side with most actually saying that this was a big conspiracy by the Texans.
I haven't posted in this thread for a week, mainly reading now but at this point wouldn't DW be better to just tell Hardin to get with Buzbee and let's settle? The sheer volume of cases and the plantiffs leverage seems to say you're not getting off anyway so let's settle and move on.

"Both parties had misunderstandings of what was expected in these visits and to that point today we've reached a settlement to avoid court proceedings"
I keep trying to post some thoughts on this over the past several days and keep deleting. I have no sympathy for Watson. He is a person of low character, possibly sick. But I keep looking at the charges against him and I can't help thinking these women are weak. A popular description is "snowflake".

Just look at the most serious set of charges, by one Jane Doe 15 : 1) She saw Watson naked; 2) Watson moved his penis so as it touched her hand; 3) Although Watson had pre-ejaculated, he still had some discharge which got on 15's hand; 4) She felt sick, confused and upset.

That's not the most serious set of charges , there are multiple complainants stating he forced them to perform oral sex.

As for diminishing JaneDoe#15's accusation to a snowflake like she should expect that because of her profession .... that's just wrong. No , she shouldn't expect people to treat her like a whore , she should expect people to act with some dignity and respect.

Bet you'd feel just as violated of someone forced you to touch their junk.
It might have "disappeared." His agent/fixer/lawyer at the time probably told him most of these cases go nowhere, which for the most part they do for a whole lot of reasons already discussed.

The victim might not want this to be public knowledge. What lawyer would take this case with no evidence (remember his agent/fixer/lawyer only has Watson's side of the story). & is she willing to pay $450/hr to even get the lawyer's attention. Then most lawyer's work on a retainer, so you'd have to pay up front.... a case like this could easily require a $10,000 retainer.

Lawyers in these type of cases don't charge anything up front , they get a percentage of the settlement if its successful.

So either Buzbee is working for free on a case he has no chance of winning or he's working for a percentage of each woman's settlement he represents.
What Is Mesothelioma and Asbestos?
The advertisements you see about mesothelioma and lawsuits target people who worked around asbestos. Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that was once used extensively in a variety of industries. Because of unique qualities, asbestos was used for decades in things like construction materials, ship building, and the automobile industry.
When asbestos fibers become airborne, they can be ingested or inhaled by anyone in the vicinity. Asbestos fibers are tiny and sharp. Once they enter the body, they can become lodged in tissues, causing damage and irritation over time. Some people exposed to asbestos later develop serious illnesses, including pleural mesothelioma, a rare but aggressive deadly cancer.[1]
This is basically the same approach that Buzzbutt used to solicit his potential clients except he said if you worked around DW4 as a massure
maybe you've got some problems and if so you could contact my office there's an opportunity to make it worth your time.
Or better yet maybe it was more like what Carville said about Paula Jones, Clintons accuser: "Drag a 100 $ thru a trailer park, you never know what you'll find". These litigation lawyers will do whatever it takes to drum up plaintiffs.
Nothing noble about Buzzbutts approach, he's just a hustler.
You know what gets me, it has been pointed out, in detail, to you how illogical the whole "suspicious timing" theory is along with how almost impossible it would be for the Texans to pull that off. Yet you continue to ignore those arguments and keep waving that banner. Then you want to throw stones at others because they want a "pound of flesh" but you won't address any of the points. So if we want a pound of flesh then I think its fair to say you want to ignore any facts because what we know paints Watson in a very bad light no matter how you look at it.

I think people don't want to admit that they were wrong about the Texans being so stupid .... Everything is their fault ,Cal's a moron and Easterby's a snake oil salesman .... They harmed Deshaun somehow.

When the reality is Deshaun cut himself and the team did what they could to try to protect him from himself.
I keep trying to post some thoughts on this over the past several days and keep deleting. I have no sympathy for Watson. He is a person of low character, possibly sick. But I keep looking at the charges against him and I can't help thinking these women are weak. A popular description is "snowflake".

Just look at the most serious set of charges, by one Jane Doe 15 : 1) She saw Watson naked; 2) Watson moved his penis so as it touched her hand; 3) Although Watson had pre-ejaculated, he still had some discharge which got on 15's hand; 4) She felt sick, confused and upset.

Considering the profession these women are engaged in, none of this should constitute behavior which should be totally unexpected and which these women should be capable of handling. These women supposedly are licensed, which means they have had 500 hours of supervised training and passed a national certification exam. Perhaps I'm overthinking, but I would think at least a few hours of this training would have touched on unruly clients, what is to be anticipated and expected, and how to handle themselves in such a situation.

None of this excuses Watson's behavior, but professionals in any profession should be expected to be capable of handling themselves, and situations which may arise, when performing the duties of that profession.

Perhaps this affair is a reflection of our culture and our society; not only Watson's behavior, but also the behavior of these women. And for someone of my generation is representative of our nation's decline.

15 is also a personal trainer, not a massage therapist, and is said to have told Watson so. He then told her that didn’t matter, and the appointment was made. 15 is also reported to have immediately called her mom and a friend afterward, and told them about it, and Watson is also said to have sent messages asking if she was OK. So I don’t know what’s snowflake about that.

It seems some here, and I assume we’re mostly men, think it’s a little overdramatic for a woman to react the way some are said to have reacted. Uncomfortable at the very least, to the point of feeling like vomiting. I don’t know, I guess you think that half naked women on IG, or anyone who gives massages, are just all supposed to be horn dogs? It’s no wonder women refraining from reporting this kind of stuff is so high.
The thing is, though, Watson did want out at all cost before this sexual allegations surfaced. Everything leaked from his camp is that he was willing to sit out as long as he had to and even forfeit income. If that's not "at all cost", then I'm not sure what would be.

The thing none of us could figure out is WHY? He just signed a massive contract a few months prior that guaranteed him $111 million. The only thing that made any sense at the time was to point fingers at the Texans front office/ownership for some alleged promise they made and some SI stories about Easterby. But that's all we had, and even then many of us did not see it as justification for his demands.

NOW, however, there appears to be a LOT more to the story, and it's not hard to ascertain (and assume) that it's all related and connected.

Watson has had some dirty little secrets. That much is clear. And maybe his loyalty tweet was more about who was willing to look the other way vs. those that might hold him accountable. I doubt Cal, Jack, Caserio, and Culley, were ever going to look the other way to an obvious two-faced superstar and a potential sexual predator. If that's the kind of loyalty he requires, it all starts to make sense why he wanted out "at all cost".

As a Texans fan, I'll just be glad when he's gone. The sooner the better, but I know this process is going to take some time.

Well he made it seem as if something’s never changed.

1. He found out about the Hopkins trade through social media. He again supposedly heard about the GM Caserio hiring through social media.

This is after Cal told him at a lunch meeting that he would keep him in the loop.

2. Loyalty: they didn’t take his particular GM and HC list seriously. So he probably felt they lied to him. And when they did look at those that were on his list, it was after the fact.

But like you stated, it’s time cut all ties with Watson. If guilty his NFL career should be done.
What Is Mesothelioma and Asbestos?
The advertisements you see about mesothelioma and lawsuits target people who worked around asbestos. Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that was once used extensively in a variety of industries. Because of unique qualities, asbestos was used for decades in things like construction materials, ship building, and the automobile industry.
When asbestos fibers become airborne, they can be ingested or inhaled by anyone in the vicinity. Asbestos fibers are tiny and sharp. Once they enter the body, they can become lodged in tissues, causing damage and irritation over time. Some people exposed to asbestos later develop serious illnesses, including pleural mesothelioma, a rare but aggressive deadly cancer.[1]
This is basically the same approach that Buzzbutt used to solicit his potential clients except he said if you worked around DW4 as a massure
maybe you've got some problems and if so you could contact my office there's an opportunity to make it worth your time.
Or better yet maybe it was more like what Carville said about Paula Jones, Clintons accuser: "Drag a 100 $ thru a trailer park, you never know what you'll find". These litigation lawyers will do whatever it takes to drum up plaintiffs.
Nothing noble about Buzzbutts approach, he's just a hustler.

If DW was just some guy off the street would you think 20 women all got together to lie? Do you really believe a high profile lawyer, who could be disbarred and sued for hundreds of millions of dollars if that was true, cares that much about your QB to do that?
Everything is their fault. Cal being a moron and the Pastor a snake oil salesman happened long before Watson had tight groins.

I think you missed the point ....

We believed that because of Watson's demand to get out.

What we were led to believe wasn't based in reality , reality was Watson wanted to escape the situation because of his misdeeds not anything to do with Cal or the preacher man.