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Should we trade Watson?

Should we trade Watson?

  • Yes, without a doubt.

  • Yes, depending on compensation (please list your trade scenario).

  • No, never.

  • No, unless he plays hardball and sits.

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No one does. Every single person reporting or commenting is speculating. And half this board is loving it and hope we ship Watson out of here with very little context or information to make up their mind.

Do you think KC, Bills, GB, Seattle, Chargers, or any other team with a bonafide franchise QB would consider trading them, no matter the circumstance?

There you go stating things that simply are not true. Only one person, maybe two, is actively hoping we ship Watson out. Everyone is just adopting the Boy Scout motto of hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Even if they enjoy the discussion of “what if” doesn’t mean they are hoping for it. I know historians that enjoy discussing what if Germany won WWII but they doesn’t mean they wish the Nazi’s had won.

As far as if the other teams would consider it, yes you better believe they would. Every team is, or at least should be, playing the what if game with all their players all the time. You don’t think KC would trade Mahomes if we came to them and said we’ll give you Watson, JJ, the next three years of 1st, 2nd and 3rd round picks. Mahomes would be wearing a Texans uniform inside a week, not that it would help us.
He signed his extension with a team with no GM and a no trade clause before outmaneuvering said team one year later with the contract he wanted in place. Additionally the way it is structured, he can re-up or move in 3 years if needed. Masterful play by his agent and DW4. Hate the business of the game, not the players and agents.

Cuck sold the farm to keep DW4 happy.

Cuck's getting what he deserves. He should've known better.
I don't think that they'll do better than 2 firsts (1 in the top 3) and 2 seconds (1 in top 3 of the 2nd) and that's enough for me. Total rebuild with a new coach. And no to Frazier. He's plain vanilla. Give me Bienemy and at least a chance for some innovation.
I did do the research, I think I first presented this argument though I rounded up to 15% to keep it simple. Then @Corrosion pointed out that it was 13.2% to be exact and I further researched and he’s right. So yeah I’ve repeated it because people keep acting like it’s made up but it’s not, the math is the math.

Yep, Lucky doesn't like it because I'm using other guys I trust stats.

The truth is the truth and math doesn't change regardless of how much Lucky wishes it would. This is just another pathetic attempt by Lucky to try to discredit me. What the smartest man in the room doesn't realize is that he's not discrediting me he's trying to discredit you and Corrosion. It's really kind of pathetic.
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@powda, what's being left out is, this was AFTER that Chiefs loss. Before the Hopkins trade. Before O'Brien got fired. Before Easterby became interim GM and before whatever went on in the building after BOB was fired.
How about after the Hopkins trade brother? Here you are
Yep, Lucky doesn't like it because I'm using other guys I trust stats.

The truth is the truth and math doesn't change regardless of how much Lucky wishes it would. This is just another pathetic attempt by Lucky to try to discredit me. What the smartest man in the room doesn't real is that he's not discrediting me he's trying to discredit you and Corrosion. It's really kind of pathetic.
That doesn't say much. Based on if it fits your narratives, you seem to cherry pick the stats and opinions of the guys you trusts.
I know who did the research, you do too.

You dont trust his research? I do.

Some on here just dont like what the research is saying.

BTW, The streak lives another yr.
It’s not that I don’t trust the “history” only how you latched on to it. At one time we weren’t going to ever win a Super Bowl because Watson doesn’t stand in the pocket & make tough throws, then it’s because he doesn’t see the whole field & now it’s because he makes too much money on a team that pays Whitney Mercilus $13.5M/yr

But yeah, he goes to NYJets & they’re a contender even giving up multiple 1st & 2nd round picks.

It’s not that I don’t trust the “history” only how you latched on to it. At one time we weren’t going to ever win a Super Bowl because Watson doesn’t stand in the pocket & make tough throws, then it’s because he doesn’t see the whole field & now it’s because he makes too much money on a team that pays Whitney Mercilus $13.5M/yr

But yeah, he goes to NYJets & they’re a contender even giving up multiple 1st & 2nd round picks.


My thoughts on this entire post hasn't change one bit.

I still think DW4's a good not top 5 QB.

Hopefully the NYJ/Dolphins dont think like I do.
Watson sucked O'Brien dong for a while there.

Maybe his sticking around too long is partly his fault.

He wanted to be involved well, maybe he was.
I never cherry pick Corrosion's stats.

That's a flat out lie and your attempt to try to change the facts is to put it mildy, (Pathetic)

Not a flat out lie. When it comes to this threshold, you're all in because it fits your narrative. However, when it comes to Corrosion's opinion on Watson, you ignore his experience and opinions. You don't even entertain the idea, that his opinion on Watson might be correct. That is cherry picking.
And your ok with 16 more years of stop gap qbs before we find someone legit?

I believe if they make the trade with the NYJ they will draft a QB with #2 and have him on his rookie deal for 5 yrs instead of having their QB taking up a cap killing 40 mil per yr during these Covid times. You must not have faith in NC's ability to draft well.

Whether he can or cant draft well doesn't matter because they aren't going to win a championship with DW4 making 40 mil per yr anyway. So atleast by trading him there's hope.
How about after the Hopkins trade brother? Here you are
Nice! That is an excellent counter brother and you even provided a link. At this point, I think we can agree to disagree. All I can counter with is this tweet to back my position.

Not a flat out lie. When it comes to this threshold, you're all in because it fits your narrative. However, when it comes to Corrosion's opinion on Watson, you ignore his experience and opinions. You don't even entertain the idea, that his opinion on Watson might be correct. That is cherry picking.

No I just disagree with his opinion and he and I've discussed this many times and we respect each others differing opinions. Wish I could say the same about you and me.
You don’t know if Janice has ever met the man.

Again, I wish I knew what Watson wants & why. But NYJets & Miami at the top of his list. if that’s even true, makes no sense if he wants to get away from poorly run organizations.

When Rick left, it got increasingly worse. Clowney trade was the first doozy. Are we blaming Easterby for that?
Woody Johnson recently returned to USA. I wonder how or if that impacts Watson's decision if he is thinking of NYC? I cannot see a racial component if DW wants NYC. Perhaps he just wants to go to that market and area. As someone mentioned it is hot bed for modeling if that plays into it for Jilly and Deshaun also for that matter. Maybe she suggested a relocation as a late birthday present?

Just me but I would listen to her suggestions, ahem.
The best way to convince everyone that Easterby wouldn't go 'outside of the boundaries' again would be to let him go. Ownership is over their head.
perhaps Cal sees that as embarrassing and doesn't want to "cave". He could see that as snowball rolling down hill that could become avalanche. Out of sight, out of mind eventually..
I haven't calculated that far yet

beyond stupid, trading Hopkins... I agree

beyond stupid hiring Korn Ferry... eh, that’s what daddy did

beyond stupid... hire Caserio... I like that one

beyond stupid... not interview Bieniemy... couldn’t hire him sir six weeks at least anyway. Stupid probably so, beyond... not so much.

Am I missing any beyond stupid moves?
So now Ricky takes his shot?
I was thinking Amy Palcik?
Woody Johnson recently returned to USA. I wonder how or if that impacts Watson's decision if he is thinking of NYC? I cannot see a racial component if DW wants NYC. Perhaps he just wants to go to that market and area. As someone mentioned it is hot bed for modeling if that plays into it for Jilly and Deshaun also for that matter. Maybe she suggested a relocation as a late birthday present?

Just me but I would listen to her suggestions, ahem.

Where's their masks?
perhaps Cal sees that as embarrassing and doesn't want to "cave". He could see that as snowball rolling down hill that could become avalanche. Out of sight, out of mind eventually..
I agree. And I'm hoping with you that they have Easterby back in his initially intended role. But why hope when they could have addressed the situation definitively by firing him? Saves them from having to reassure coaching prospects, Watson and the rest of the team that things will be different moving forward. They're stumbling their way through this entire process. The only thing that makes sense to me for keeping him is needing to placate Janice. But even if it's Cal driving all of this, it doesn't really matter, they're stumbling nonetheless.
No one does. Every single person reporting or commenting is speculating. And half this board is loving it and hope we ship Watson out of here with very little context or information to make up their mind.

Do you think KC, Bills, GB, Seattle, Chargers, or any other team with a bonafide franchise QB would consider trading them, no matter the circumstance?
are any of the QBs of those teams "reportedly" wanting out? Until that happens we cannot know.

John McClain

If the Texans end up trading Watson, it should be to the Jets for their first- and second-round picks this year and next and Quinnen Williams. At the least. And use the Jets’ second overall pick on the second-best QB to replace Watson.

He has no clue
Why is he saying this? He has been exceptionally vociferous that no way Watson is traded. Come on John! If you changing your potato, at least say why you are.
I think JWLCasper provided pretty good context of what's going on. DW4's agent got Ramsey out of Jacksonville and to a major market for more marketing $$$$. Now he's trying to do the same thing with DW4 and placing DW4 in a major market. I suspect DW4's agent will be successful with getting DW4 out of Houston too.
Deshaun's NFL money is locked in and other markets should offer more dollars for him and Jilly.
I agree. And I'm hoping with you that they have Easterby back in his initially intended role. But why hope when they could have addressed the situation definitively by firing him?
So what if this is about Watson wanting to get his gf to NYC or Miami? Fire Easterby & Watson going to find another reason to be mad because he never said it was about Easterby.
Clicks...He is not on the McNair Xmas card list.
Perhaps but on various 610 programs he has been almost rude with the station's hosts including getting yelled at by Seth Payne last week because of McClain's stance on Watson and his "inside info". The incident with Seth was over Easterby making decisions and OBrien signing off on those. He has been insistent #4 going nowhere so it makes me wonder.