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Nick Caserio - New GM

unless you think trevor is a franchise QB ..??? u trade a franchise qb for a franchise QB alla one that is younger and cheaper ...and who says Watson is a franchise QB anyways hes never led us to the AFC championship game
The same people saying this makes sense for Jacksonville are saying it didn’t make sense for us to trade for & pay Tunsil
there is reason to not believe them b/c Florio is a known troll. He puts out SEVERAL pieces like this every year on pretty much every team. Someone in another thread posted his track record on the whole Prescott thing with the Cowboys. Piece after piece of him just wildly speculating on what's going on...& none of that **** came close to being true and/or accurate. He is a pawn that agents use to their clients advantage to stir up ****....Nothing more. Aside from that, DW4 put in a no trade clause in his contract and b/c he just reupped for 156 million literally last year. And if anyone knows about the dysfunction in the org, he does. Dude has had a front row seat to it for quite a few years before he actually did reup.

and the national guys ESPECIALLY Florio aren’t as connected to each and every local team as they purport themselves to be. Often times it’s just 1 guy like him putting some garbage out & the rest pick it up and it spreads like wildfire. Plus we have seen time and time again these guys getting it wrong. It’s funny b/c the biggest trade all of last year with Nuk, we didn’t hear a peep out of any of these guys prior to was only when it actually happened that they jumped on it. You would think that something that huge they’d be plugged in & they'd have broken it open beforehand....but they didnt. So now b/c a hack like Florio floated a he-said she-said story about him wanting to be traded b/c of the Caserio hire, we’re supposed to take that as “smoke” to the proverbial fire?

I have no doubt DW4 said something to somebody about something having to do with the word "trade" in it that was somehow relayed to Florio, but we don't have a clue as to what was actually said, nor the circumstances nor when it was actually said. So this whole ruckus was much to do about nothing b/c some guy with a national podcast got out in front of his skis.
Like it or not these national guys have contacts in the locker room, outside the locker room, the front office. I get you're in denial because you love Watson and you don't want him to be traded. Truth be told you're much more bias than the national media. These guys like Rapoport, Schefter, Breer, Glazer, Eisen and Florio wouldn't be around long if they were peddling lies and promoting a bunch BS. Like you they've their reputations to protect.
The same people saying this makes sense for Jacksonville are saying it didn’t make sense for us to trade for & pay Tunsil
The only way this makes sense for JAX is if they DO NOT like Lawrence. JAX trade vs Tunsil trade is apples and oranges, QB vs LT. The general consensus is Texans paid way to much for Tunsil, Miami took Houston to the cleaners.
I watch Florio daily for the pure entertainment value as an NFL fan. But, I also completely understand that his show is his and Simms' opinions and "analysis". And we all know the quotes about everyone having an opinion. Florio's job is keeping Mike Florio relevant in a sea of opinion shows. He does a LOT of "what if" scenarios. This sounds like one of them. Take a small seed and create a massive imaginary tree from it. Throw a lot at a wall and see what sticks sort of thing.

Either Watson is a diva or he's not. So far, I have seen nothing in his four years here to indicate that he's a diva that will do those diva things. Because if he takes it to extremes - i.e. holding out, going public, pouting, etc. - it's a bad look for a QB. Other positions can get away with it. QB, not so much.

I think Caserio is going to try to smooth it over. His first priority will be to placate Watson. This will be an interesting story to follow.
On the other hand.....Watson has yet to make a public statement debunking these rumors which is a little surprising since the story seems to be growing legs pretty fast. When will Waston step forward and squash the rumors? Watson has been mum since the trade demand stories broke.

Watson is a 25 year old kid who had no business being in on the GM decision since it would have no bearing on him. Secondly, what knowledge does he have in regards to what makes a sound NFL GM? Caserio did a great job in NE and Watson should be excited in the knowledge that this guy played a big roll in being an architect along with Bill in building those 6 Super Bowl winners.

Since the Texans appear to be interviewing HC' many of those interviews has Watson been invited to sit in on? This is where I think Watson could offer some insight since it will be the HC's offensive philosophy that needs to work with Watson's skill-set.

Based on all these trade demand stories in circulation.....I'd imagine Caserio and Cal's phones are blowing up with teams calling to confirm the possibility that they would be willing to move Watson.

I believe the next decision would be the one that will either stop the rumors or escalate them. The Texans and Caserio absolutely have to nail the HC selection. If the HC and Watson hit it off, things will be great.

At the end of the day, I hope Watson's tweet was just taken out of context. He'll have to step forward at some poin to clarify.
What would those presents look like? At least ONE 1st rounder, possibly 2? He should be able to haul in at least 3 or 4 picks, don't you think?
Oh yeah, I think a team or two or three will be frothing at the mouth at a chance for Watson. There will be a feeding frenzy. I can see a MINIMUM of 3 first rd picks being offered. On top of that imagine if the Jets hire Eric Bienemy as their head coach.
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Brian T. Smith: Deshaun is frustrated, you traded Hopkins, Watt said he’s frustrated. You gave Bill GM/HC power. All I ever see on twitter is sell the team or Fire Easterby . How can you tell the city/fans you’re committed to excellence?

Cal: 2020 was a hard year for a lot of different reasons. ... We had 10 one score games, lost all but two. We do have a commitment to win and win the right way. ... Had 70,000 fans last year vs Buffalo. I wouldn’t say we’re far apart from where we were back then. We’re gonna build a wall, brick by brick, put the mortar around it. Day by day, making great decisions. We’re not far off from where we were. It’s a great day to be a Texan.
Brian T. Smith: Deshaun is frustrated, you traded Hopkins, Watt said he’s frustrated. You gave Bill GM/HC power. All I ever see on twitter is sell the team or Fire Easterby . How can you tell the city/fans you’re committed to excellence?

Cal: 2020 was a hard year for a lot of different reasons. ... We had 10 one score games, lost all but two. We do have a commitment to win and win the right way. ... Had 70,000 fans last year vs Buffalo. I wouldn’t say we’re far apart from where we were back then. We’re gonna build a wall, brick by brick, put the mortar around it. Day by day, making great decisions. We’re not far off from where we were. It’s a great day to be a Texan.
I am listening, he side stepped that **** out of that question lol

I had someone walk into my office when Caserio was asked about Easterby, what did he say?
I was literally just saying that. Sounds like OB on repeat
The ****ers are clones that have ridden belichek and Brady’s coattails. It is A total scripted autopilot response. He’s talking and talking but saying NOTHING. Cal really sounds like a freaking GOOF. He’s being asked tough but direct questions and he’s just babbling and trying to be folksy.
Unbelievable the run this is getting...with not a whole lot of anything...and it has gone from “might” to “irked” to “extremely unhappy”

When something grows like that in the span of a few hours it’s the tell-tell sign that it’s just a rumor based on a tiny itty bitty bit of truth....probably something he said to someone that was taken out of context to boot.
well he said to more than just 'someone' but the interpretation of what he said is the conundrum.
Wow I applaud the Houston media for continuing to press why Osteensterby is still around and what does casserio do that is going to be better than fat Travolta

I agree. First time I've heard the local media actually act like investigative reporters in a while.

Of course, the answers were well-rounded political replies, most likely pre-rehearsed. But that's to be expected. I do think some of our questions are answered to some small extent.
Nick Caserio on personnel decisions: 'Any personnel decisions to be made, will be made as a group

Some things never change....breakout the corporate boardroom round table

Ugh. I'm hoping that was just a political reply, but Texans history tends to support it.

That said, if Caserio is picking his own HC, I'd expect them to have group decisions to be in. . .a l i g n m e n t. . . :friends:
I agree. First time I've heard the local media actually act like investigative reporters in a while.

Of course, the answers were well-rounded political replies, most likely pre-rehearsed. But that's to be expected. I do think some of our questions are answered to some small extent.

agreed the fact that they couldn’t give ZERO concrete reason for explaining Osteensterby remaining is all I need to hear.
It reminded me a casserlys answer when they asked him why he gave Todd wade such a big contract

“see he’s not a really good pass blocker see. And he’s not a very good run blocker see”

WTF seriously someone please photoshop Cal’s face on that stupid buffalo dipschit or other fool that stormed the Capitol so he can be forced to sell the team.
Like it or not these national guys have contacts in the locker room, outside the locker room, the front office. I get you're in denial because you love Watson and you don't want him to be traded. Truth be told you're much more bias than the national media. These guys like Rapoport, Schefter, Breer, Glazer, Eisen and Florio wouldn't be around long if they were peddling lies and promoting a bunch BS. Like you they've their reputations to protect.

Lol it has nothing to do with my "love" of Watson & more to do with not wholeheartedly accepting the crap that's being spoon fed to me by a known troll. I get that you so want to believe that there's alot to this b/c its probably what you think they should do anyway, but if anyone's being biased its you. You're putting the credibility of this dude over what the actual facts are....which only Cal & DW4 are the only 1's who really know. The truth is it looking more & more like there isn't any more to this than DW4 wanting to be more included in the selection process. No trade request was ever imminent and the Texans never had any intentions of trading him anyway so....

A guy like Florio isn't connected inside the locker room like that, he's more connected to agents and local media types who purport to be connected on the inside... & for how large his platform is, he isn't & has never been on the level of guys like Glazer and Schefter......guys who really do have their ears to the ground. But even with them, they still have a tendency to overreach sometimes...At least Schefter had the compunction to roll his initial story back once he got real intel on the situation. Florio doesn't have the stones to do as much.

Don't confuse longevity in the business with credibility. McClain has been in the business for over 30 years yet you continously poop on any proclamations he puts out there about the Texans(& rightfully so), but are wholeheartedly ready to endorse a troll's story like Florio's b/c "he's been around a long time". Which is it bud, either it matters or it doesn't.
Didn't watch a single Texans game last season after they traded Hopkins away for nothing. Wherever Watson gets traded to, that's the new team I'll be following. Wasted too many years waiting for a competent QB to not enjoy Watson's career.

The Texans are not worth being a fan of with Cal's continued incompetence. Jack's going nowhere and will likely be way more involved in decision making then we're led to believe. Life's too short to waste any more time on this garbage franchise.
Ugh. I'm hoping that was just a political reply, but Texans history tends to support it.

That said, if Caserio is picking his own HC, I'd expect them to have group decisions to be in. . .a l i g n m e n t. . . :friends:
Relative to being Strong tough dependable relative to trusting the process relative to being a good teammate