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O'Brien gained respect

Whoever wrote it was no expert in physics. He would be right the ball were travelling in a vacuum. Air resistance enters into it. Laces to the right, ball curves to the right. Laces to the left has the opposite effect.

Never read or talked to anyone who felt that lace position right or left had any significant effect on the trajectory of the's always the way the ball is hit.
It was actually the Lions the week before. They didn't get the win, but they showed how to do it. Colts did the same thing, got the win. We did it today, got the win. KC goes to Denver on a short week. I'm curious to see how they look.

This is a big win for Bill O'Brien. But it may fall under the putting away a bad team category more than beating a good team when it's all said & done. The Chargers may be the best in the West this year.
Have to disagree with the second paragraph friend.
Beating KC in Arrowhead is a big deal. Sure they have their injury woes but so did we to a degree.
The "next man up" philosophy was embraced by the Texans moreso in this one.
Btw, Panthers are 4-2 now. Does that make them decent?
Gonna need a link for that one Doc. As someone who's actually kicked a football, you catch the laces and it can most certainly get weird when it otherwise wouldn't to the average viewer. Obviously the goal isn't to hit where the laces are anyway (measuring in millimeters), but that's not how the real world works, if it was nobody would ever miss.
Have to disagree with the second paragraph friend.
Beating KC in Arrowhead is a big deal. Sure they have their injury woes but so did we to a degree.
The "next man up" philosophy was embraced by the Texans moreso in this one.
Btw, Panthers are 4-2 now. Does that make them decent?
Think what he means is mahomes injury could derail them over season.
Panthers are solid. I would be in no hurry to bring cam back. McCaffrey is the train there
I think 2 calls that you have to give O'Brien credit for are :

1) The challenge on the no-call for offensive pass interference on the 50 yard swing pass to the Chiefs RB. Clearly a pick play, and should have reversed a huge gain. It's also apparent that the refs in NY don't like the new PI challenge, and aren't going to bother getting the play right.

2) Going for putting the game away on 4th & 3 with 2 minutes left in the game. Put the ball in the hands of your superstars and let them decide the game. Hopefully, this continues.

The Colts gave the league the blueprint to beat the Chiefs. Though the Texans didn't play a perfect game, they stuck to the plan of ball control offense and pressure defense. It worked. Keep up the good work.
Colts fan here. We can't take credit for that. The Patriots laid out the blue print last year. Good win Texans. Now you have a shot at the 1st or second seed provided someone beats the Patriots two or three times.
You know, I don't say much around here, but I'm sick of this talk about Mahomes not being 100%. It's the NFL. You take what you get every single week. Players drop like flies. It's not uncommon.

When Watson wasn't 100% last year, with a punctured lung, no less, did anybody throw out that excuse for Watson? Hell no! A player has to thrive in less than optimal conditions. If you can't do that, then you're a buttercup.

In fact, Watson has been playing in less than optimal conditions since he was drafted. Mahomes, and incredibly gifted player, was gifted an entire team and coaching staff that he could thrive in, yet Watson has been neck and neck with this dude despite it all.

Now, the first sign of injury for Mahomes and two weeks in a row he folds like a lawnchair. If he was "all that" he would have pulled an Aaron Rodgers or a Ben Roethlisberger...or a Deshaun Watson.

No excuses. You win because you win in a game of inches.

Damn fine post. Mahomes continues to be coddled.
Colts fan here. We can't take credit for that. The Patriots laid out the blue print last year. Good win Texans. Now you have a shot at the 1st or second seed provided someone beats the Patriots two or three times.

I think as a Texans fan that had to play Manning twice the blue print was made with him and Brady. When you have such a talented passer you do everything you can to keep them off the field.

I didn’t expect it to be something new.
Whoever wrote it was no expert in physics. He would be right the ball were travelling in a vacuum. Air resistance enters into it. Laces to the right, ball curves to the right. Laces to the left has the opposite effect.
Wanted to follow up and say I went back and checked with one of my sources who informed me that you are correct under some restrict circumstances............a long FG in windy conditions.......otherwise, the effect should be minimal.
Wanted to follow up and say I went back and checked with one of my sources who informed me that you are correct under some restrict circumstances............a long FG in windy conditions.......otherwise, the effect should be minimal.

Missed quoting you in my previous post, I ask now that you provide a link to your original assessment.
BTW, as far as the lace thing, if you want to get technical, it's the long-snapper's job to try to get the ball to the holder with laces in the "correct position." If this doesn't occur, then it's the holder's job to do so.
Congrats O'Brien ... the less we look like your team, the better we become. We just beat one of the top teams in the AFC!
I think O'Brien is learning to let Watson be Watson and has stopped trying to transform him into a pocket passer. I applaud O'Brien for sticking with the running game and applaud the defense for stepping up big - after the first qtr KC only scored 7 pts.

No dissin' O'Brien from me this week.
I think O'Brien is learning to let Watson be Watson and has stopped trying to transform him into a pocket passer. I applaud O'Brien for sticking with the running game and applaud the defense for stepping up big - after the first qtr KC only scored 7 pts.

No dissin' O'Brien from me this week.

I'm going to diss, because after 6 years of O'Brien's fail offense, we went sideways to something completely different - even from Watson's rookie season. Someone finally getting the balls to point out how crappy he is and take the reigns doesn't make O'Brien less crappy ... nor does it speak to any lasting success. NOT being a hindrance isn't a talent or something to be praised for.
I'm going to diss, because after 6 years of O'Brien's fail offense, we went sideways to something completely different - even from Watson's rookie season. Someone finally getting the balls to point out how crappy he is and take the reigns doesn't make O'Brien less crappy ... nor does it speak to any lasting success. NOT being a hindrance isn't a talent or something to be praised for.

Not to mention this is it. We don't have much capital to get better. They need to win now.
Don't know if this has already been said but i feel if OB was calling games like he has the last 2 games we would be undefeated right now. Hopefully he has seen the light.
I think O'Brien is learning to let Watson be Watson and has stopped trying to transform him into a pocket passer. I applaud O'Brien for sticking with the running game and applaud the defense for stepping up big - after the first qtr KC only scored 7 pts.

No dissin' O'Brien from me this week.


But this does open Watson up to more injury situations.
He's getting sacked and hit much less now

That's all fine right now but when a QB runs with the ball he's setting himself up for pain. It only takes one hit and look at his injury history. It will happen again but hopefully not this yr.
Sure. Of course.

I just think it's comical that it's the guy's sixth year and we're still dying for and hanging on to any semblance of competence, cohesion, positive play, and evolved performance. As if this is his second year.
I think it may be because of the forgiving nature of people who just want to perhaps remember the failures of the past but move on into what could be truly rewarding. It may be okay to visit the past but I certainly don't want to live there. Of course every silly play that makes us groan will probably project us back into I Told You So mode. Have we ever had a young offensive line and QB combo that matches this current roster? I have doubted O'Brien's ability to either coach or provide coaching to our younger players. Having said that, something seems to be working. I am excitedly cautious. It will be interesting to see how RAC does rehab and Readjustment for his side of the ball especially with our corners.
Except, you know, he’s been injured in the pocket more than out of it

Really tell me about the play where he got his lungs punctured last yr.

I like the new offense and called for BOB to use it. But there's a downside to using this offense.
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BTW, as far as the lace thing, if you want to get technical, it's the long-snapper's job to try to get the ball to the holder with laces in the "correct position." If this doesn't occur, then it's the holder's job to do so.

Nah, no way this is on Weeks. I don’t know how much I buy into the laces mattering all that much, but Fairbairn was good last year. Yeah he missed 5 but he kicked an NFL high 42, made his last 15 in a row, missing just 1 kick overall, a PAT, in his last 8 games including the playoff game and week 1 this year. The only thing that’s changed since week 1 is the holder, and he’s looked like crap since that change was made.
Really tell me about the play where he got his lungs punctured last yr.

I like the new offense and called for BOB to use it. But there's a downside to using this offense.
He was running it into the end zone. This offense with Russell Wilson hit avoidance should be what DW4 is told. Too much hero ball got his lungs hurt. Carlos and short passes have been used to get that yard more than hero ball, he needs to trust them too like 4th down to ice it. DW4 last year tries to run
I'm going to diss, because after 6 years of O'Brien's fail offense, we went sideways to something completely different - even from Watson's rookie season. Someone finally getting the balls to point out how crappy he is and take the reigns doesn't make O'Brien less crappy ... nor does it speak to any lasting success. NOT being a hindrance isn't a talent or something to be praised for.
I do agree that not being a hindrance is not a talent but I'm not going to agree on it not be something to be praised for. I would say that in any Endeavor that has either a chain-of-command like military, police, fire department or a business with any type of Workforce that knowing the capabilities of your people and then getting out of the way and not micromanaging is definitely something to praise.

O'Brien has been a hindrance to his team in many ways over the years. It does seem to me like he is trying to at least reduce that hindrance. that perhaps should be a given but in this situation I have to give the man praise for doing that.
O'Brien has been a hindrance to his team in many ways over the years. It does seem to me like he is trying to at least reduce that hindrance. that perhaps should be a given but in this situation I have to give the man praise for doing that.

I really like this post except for 2 things. He's still a hindrance based on crucial calls and overall tendancies. The second is "bless your heart" the biggest asshole in the room driving out the entire organization to become GM, HC, OC and grand ufcking poobah doesn't get a golden cookie when he deigns to give someone else a job that he's failed to do (and has fired everyone else because of).
Not to mention this is it. We don't have much capital to get better. They need to win now.
But if this team continues to develop and Roby and Joseph not too banged up that would be really nice. Then we would not need much capital 2020 with at least three picks in the top 100 and 80 million dollars in cap space to go after. We actually might be getting to the place where we have good depth behind Young starters
I really like this post except for 2 things. He's still a hindrance based on crucial calls and overall tendancies. The second is "bless your heart" the biggest asshole in the room driving out the entire organization to become GM, HC, OC and grand ufcking poobah doesn't get a golden cookie when he deigns to give someone else a job that he's failed to do (and has fired everyone else because of).
But like I said with each win and each week going by all those true things that he did become part of the past. I am not saying to forget or necessarily overlook what you say but if the grand poobah does what he says he's going to do he can have a whole box of golden cookies.
I would love to. Did you read my original post..........I had the quote on file from years ago without a link. Sorry if that's not acceptable, but I can't make up the link now. Feel free to ignore my post if you would prefer.

Some people you just cant please.

I'm loving the direction the Texans are heading in.
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I would like to meet some of these people. I'm sure they're the life of the party.

Sadly no. It's only here that one person hangs on my every word, and I doubt He's pretty enough to be the life the party. Unfortunately nobody wants to hang out with someone able to combine that level of 'angry all the time' and 'beat you into submission with one opinion'.
Sadly no. It's only here that one person hangs on my every word, and I doubt He's pretty enough to be the life the party. Unfortunately nobody wants to hang out with someone able to combine that level of 'angry all the time' and 'beat you into submission with one opinion'.

I'm loving it that this is the best team the Texans have had talentwise since 2011, maybe ever and you cant stand it.

BTW, you probably would like hanging out with me. Many on this MB have. I'm looking forward to seeing them again soon at an away game meet up.

I'm going to stay above the fray and just put you back on ignore.
This was the single most impressive win in BoB's tenure here, maybe in franchise history. This team has major potential if he can continue to improve and learn. He has made impressive changes over the past two weeks and has earned the right to some respect. I hope he continues to run this offense and help Watson grow. He's earned the right to be praised...for now. Just keep it going

Lets revisit this when he does the same thing in the playoffs ….

Two good games do not a season make.