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Who Starts at QB in Carolina? - Mallett

Both of those players started on their respective teams before joining the Texans.

yes. you are right. they started on the 2-14 titans and the 3-13 jaguars.

i should have stated starting on winning teams had i known we were going to bicker over semantics.
I'm not saying it's true, but I think it's a little more than a rumor. Besides, as other people have said, the game was still winnable by Hoyer if he could walk on water. Why then expect a miracle by your also-ran, if you don't think he's your savior in clipboard clothing?

1) Let's hope that the decision to yank Hoyer did not come from upstairs. Undermining your coach's authority like that can be irreversible. It's Jerry Jones ****.

2) Even if Mallett isn't going to win the game for you, putting him in answers some questions: It creates a comparison for evaluating both QB's. It helps you root-cause the dysfunction in your offense (Is the problem QB's? Line? Receivers?). It tells you if you can rely on Mallett to be ready for game 2.

Outside of giving you a puncher's chance to take the game to OT, putting Mallett in was absolutely the right call.

Plus, they owe it to the fans to prove that they are not complacent about giving them a total **** show.
yes. you are right. they started on the 2-14 titans and the 3-13 jaguars.

i should have stated starting on winning teams had i known we were going to bicker over semantics.

You asked which of our starters would start on other teams. We told you. We use words for a reason. If you want certain words in your sentence, freaking put them there, don't leave us to just mind read.

And Washington and Shorts could easily start on "winning" teams (whoever that means since it's a new year now)
yes. you are right. they started on the 2-14 titans and the 3-13 jaguars.

i should have stated starting on winning teams had i known we were going to bicker over semantics.

Let's not constrain it to coming from winning teams. What, if JJ had been a free agent after 2013 he would have been worthless?
You asked which of our starters would start on other teams. We told you. We use words for a reason. If you want certain words in your sentence, freaking put them there, don't leave us to just mind read.

And Washington and Shorts could easily start on "winning" teams (whoever that means since it's a new year now)

my point is that if washington and shorts are starters on your team, you are going to have trouble moving the ball. this team just does not have talent on the offensive side of the ball outside hopkins and a healthy foster.
my point is that if washington and shorts are starters on your team, you are going to have trouble moving the ball. this team just does not have talent on the offensive side of the ball outside hopkins and a healthy foster.

Washington is stopgap.

Shorts was largely misused in Jax and could be an excellent slot.

Sometimes players coming from shitty teams reflects on the team rather than the player. Wes Welker wasn't good enough for the 6-10 Dolphins.
I think Mallett gets the start after thinking about it.

I don't believe OB is going to be slow to react. Games are real now.
I enjoyed Mallet's post game presser. Hope he gets the start in week 2

Just watched it. I normally hate watching athlete interviews, but he handles himself well.

O'Brien, on the other hand, was pissed. He just got finished chewing out his team (and blaming himself), then walked straight into the press room. He was in no mood for questions.
It's going to be a really tough decision, but I think BOB gives Hoyer another shot. I'm just thinking about last season and he gave Fitz a longer leash than most fans would have liked.

Both Mallet & Hoyer missed so many throws that it made me really miss pre-injury Schaub. That's how bad I think it is.
Jayson Braddock ‏@JaysonBraddock 7m7 minutes ago

Tom Jackson "I credit Rex with allowing a real QB competition. He could of easily given the job to Matt Cassel" Bills/Texans compared a lot

Jayson Braddock ‏@JaysonBraddock 5m5 minutes ago

One of those teams had a real QB competition & won week 1. The other had a sham competition & benched the "winner" in a loss.

Man....O'Brien is going to be torn apart by the media this week.
Man....O'Brien is going to be torn apart by the media this week.

He'll have to operate by one of his own tenets: "Ignore the noise."

I'm rooting for O'Brien, because I do like him and I think he's a good coach, but I want to see what he learns from this. Hoyer had too much vet experience to be playing like Curtis f'ing Painter, so I want to see definitive closure to the Hoyer era.
He'll have to operate by one of his own tenets: "Ignore the noise."

I'm rooting for O'Brien, because I do like him and I think he's a good coach, but I want to see what he learns from this. Hoyer had too much vet experience to be playing like Curtis f'ing Painter, so I want to see definitive closure to the Hoyer era.

Oh I agree. I just want to know if pride with alter his judgment. Havent seen one person anywhere say that Hoyer should start again next week. Not a single person.
Man....O'Brien is going to be torn apart by the media this week.

It's going to be hard to explain why the guy he defended as consistent and gives them the best chance to win, fell flat on his face, and benched him for the "loser" of the competition.

I like O'brien, but really felt like Hoyer got the job as soon as he signed because he's older and has been in the league longer, even though his resume is unimpressive. Chances are Mallett isn't the guy, but let him prove it on the field like Hoyer has had a chance too.
It's going to be a really tough decision, but I think BOB gives Hoyer another shot. I'm just thinking about last season and he gave Fitz a longer leash than most fans would have liked.

Both Mallet & Hoyer missed so many throws that it made me really miss pre-injury Schaub. That's how bad I think it is.
We're not exactly in the same scenario as last year, though. Last year we were winning football games and had a healthy Foster to bolster the running game. You can be a bit conservative when you have Foster at RB. Mallett also just came to the team at the beginning of last year.

Right now we have no running attack to speak of & Mallett has been on the team for over a year, so he won't have to learn the offense on the fly. The reason I would have leaned Mallett over Hoyer is because you can't go conservative at QB when you don't have a running game. Until Foster returns we need a gun slinger at QB and Mallett is the gun slinger of the two.
We just need to be prepared for Hoyer to start next week. OB put in Mallett to try and spark something for this game, but I believe he still sees Hoyer as the guy because "turnovers can be eliminated".
We just need to be prepared for Hoyer to start next week. OB put in Mallett to try and spark something for this game, but I believe he still sees Hoyer as the guy because "turnovers can be eliminated".

Hoyer can't make the throws. I don't know how O'Brien couldn't see that before Sunday. But he has to see it now.
Hoyer can't make the throws. I don't know how O'Brien couldn't see that before Sunday. But he has to see it now.

We thought OB had to see it now back in OTA's, TC and Pre-Season. Those closed practices must be freaking amazing.
we can moan and whine about who should start at QB but the real fact is that this team just doesn't have much talent at all. and that my friends, is a front office problem.

how many texans players would start on other teams? would a second round pick like abdullah help out? (keep in mind we traded UP into the 2nd to get mckinney who warmed the bench this afternoon).

I disagree. The team has plenty of talent across the board. They laid an egg today but I've seen some of the most talented teams you could imagine lay an egg in a season opener. Remember when the Patriots run ended back in 2003 as the Bills destroyed them in the season opener 31-0? Yeah me neither because the same team went on to win 14 games that year and go to the Super Bowl.

The line screwed the pooch but they'll settle down and get it together. Adams will either pick it up or be a problem until X comes back and he either succeeds or he doesn't. We've played good seasons with a weak link on the line (and often in a worse spot than LG). That's going to improve as Jones settles in and they get some chemistry back. Our WR's are frankly kind of impressive. Washington was a revelation yesterday, Hopkins was as advertised and Shorts got involved too. That's the first three WR's catching 6, 9, and 4 balls respectively and that's in a bad losing effort. RB's didn't have the holes they needed (OL) but they did take advantage of the holes they got. 4.7 a carry on a day like that is not something I expected.

The OL needs to sort it out and the QB needs to elevate the play of those around him not drag it down with mistakes and turnovers. Pull Hoyer, insert Mallett, and get the OL more reps together and the offense will be OK.

The defense (also full of talent) looked rusty and slow at times. I know we have a lot of veterans but Wilfork and Joseph needed to play a little this preseason.

I wouldn't be surprised if KJo is opposite Kareem by the end of the year.

Again, they played poorly but there's talent there and they'll get it together. They just got embarrassed following their turn in Hard Knocks and they're going to play like it next week at Carolina. We'll be 1-1 this time next week.
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I don't think it's smart to treat RBs and QBs the same way. It may not seem fair but the circumstances are too different. A RB has to focus on one thing - hold onto the damn ball. A QB already has a million thoughts running thru his head. They need a groove, a rythm. Yank them too fast and you turn them into a coke snorting paranoid schizophrenic.

Wonder if this is what happened to Ryan Leaf at some point?
my point is that if washington and shorts are starters on your team, you are going to have trouble moving the ball. this team just does not have talent on the offensive side of the ball outside hopkins and a healthy foster.

Washington did quite well yesterday and so did Shorts. Both were assets and when Hoyer wasn't handing the ball over or sitting on his ass he was throwing to them and "matriculating the ball down the field."
Jayson Braddock ‏@JaysonBraddock 7m7 minutes ago

Tom Jackson "I credit Rex with allowing a real QB competition. He could of easily given the job to Matt Cassel" Bills/Texans compared a lot

Jayson Braddock ‏@JaysonBraddock 5m5 minutes ago

One of those teams had a real QB competition & won week 1. The other had a sham competition & benched the "winner" in a loss.

Man....O'Brien is going to be torn apart by the media this week.

He's got it coming. Hope he learns something from it.
We scored 9 points with Hoyer in almost the entire game. Mallett comes in and we score 11 points in 2 possessions. Yes, we need to start Mallett. I agree with Bob that Hoyer won the training camp and preseason competition. I DON'T CARE.

Hear, hear. One guy seems to get it done when it matters and the other seems to fall apart. I can't help but think about the Brown's game last season when these two were up against each other in a real game, there was no comparison. Mallett dominated compared to Hoyer. That game was also convincingly won without Arian. Here's the box score FWIW:
Kansas city had a very good defense last year, total points, against the pass, & in points. Our team struggled on ST, the run game, & defense. We had two receivers with 100 yard days. Nate Washington & DeAndre Hopkins. Brian Hoyer had some bad drives, he had some decent drives, he had two scoring drives against a very good defense.

I don't want Hoyer to start another game for the Texans, but I don't see OB making a QB change based on yesterday's game.

Yes, I know I mentioned KC has a good defense twice.

Carolina gave up 20 ppg last season. They gave up 225 ypg (7.0 ypa) & a passer rating of 89.5. Hoyer will have a better game next week.
Kansas city had a very good defense last year, total points, against the pass, & in points. Our team struggled on ST, the run game, & defense. We had two receivers with 100 yard days. Nate Washington & DeAndre Hopkins. Brian Hoyer had some bad drives, he had some decent drives, he had two scoring drives against a very good defense.

I don't want Hoyer to start another game for the Texans, but I don't see OB making a QB change based on yesterday's game.

Yes, I know I mentioned KC has a good defense twice.

Carolina gave up 20 ppg last season. They gave up 225 ypg (7.0 ypa) & a passer rating of 89.5. Hoyer will have a better game next week.
If OB does the same thing with Hoyer by giving him more games to kind of get into a rhythm like he did with FItz, I may jump on the pink soap this early.

I don't understand why he has Hoyer starting at all when 31 other teams probably wouldn't unless their Qbs were out for the season.
I was just thinking.... I could be absolutely completely wrong with my take on Bill O'Brien.

I just heard his comments after the game, when asked who his starting QB will be going forward & he said he has to look at the film.

If he were thinking, like I was thinking he was thinking.... he wouldn't have to think about it. So that's a good sign, if you want Mallett to start.
If mallet is not starting I'll feel like Obrien is really not trying to win. Mallet is clearly the better option.
O'Brien is really shitting the bed in how he's handled the QB situation. Even the "OB can do no wrong" crowd has to admit that much.
You pretty much have to start Mallett because Hoyer can't handle a blitz. That was the worry during preseason and it jumped out huge in the 1st half yesterday. KC backed off when Mallett came in, no idea if they didn't want to blitz him or just went prevent but the team moved the ball much more effectively with him in. Might as well give him a shot.

I've never really liked Hoyer and was willing to give him a shot because of my faith in OB but seeing him mope around on the sideline after getting pulled just drove me insane. He has such a weak attitude.
Kansas city had a very good defense last year, total points, against the pass, & in points. Our team struggled on ST, the run game, & defense. We had two receivers with 100 yard days. Nate Washington & DeAndre Hopkins. Brian Hoyer had some bad drives, he had some decent drives, he had two scoring drives against a very good defense.

I don't want Hoyer to start another game for the Texans, but I don't see OB making a QB change based on yesterday's game.

Yes, I know I mentioned KC has a good defense twice.

Carolina gave up 20 ppg last season. They gave up 225 ypg (7.0 ypa) & a passer rating of 89.5. Hoyer will have a better game next week.

Hoyer was in for 11 possessions. 3 ended on turnovers. 6 ended on punts with three 3 & Outs and none lasting longer than 6 plays. 2 scoring drives that were actually decent drives, along with the drive that ended on downs. But 3 out of 11 drives? That's a tough one to spin.
You pretty much have to start Mallett because Hoyer can't handle a blitz. That was the worry during preseason and it jumped out huge in the 1st half yesterday. KC backed off when Mallett came in, no idea if they didn't want to blitz him or just went prevent but the team moved the ball much more effectively with him in. Might as well give him a shot.

I've never really liked Hoyer and was willing to give him a shot because of my faith in OB but seeing him mope around on the sideline after getting pulled just drove me insane. He has such a weak attitude.

Me neither. I don't think anyone here actually liked Hoyer. So to most of us, it's a no brainer. You start Mallett. But O'Brien never liked Mallett. & that's the way I think we should look at this, if we're trying to figure out what he's going to do.
you can bet your ass OB will do everything to rush Arian back if Hoyer is still back there next week. He's trying way to hard to make this work w/ Hoyer, even risk the health of Arian for the rest of season.

You would think there would be no way Hoyer would start next week, after the fans booed and demanded Mallett and he gave in to that at the end of game. But who knows.

One thing that makes me sick is someone said he put in Mallett because he 'didn't want Hoyer to get hit anymore'. If that's true than OB's a *****. Live with your decision *****.

I like that, where'd you get it?
This is what happens when you start a season with nothing but backup QBs on the roster. I "like" Mallet, but I'm not convinced that he's a long term solution.

At some point the "genius QB guru" is going to have to draft a rookie and show what he can really do with unproven potential. Trying to make chicken salad out of chicken **** is bush league and .500 expectations.
This is what happens when you start a season with nothing but backup QBs on the roster. I "like" Mallet, but I'm not convinced that he's a long term solution.

At some point the "genius QB guru" is going to have to draft a rookie and show what he can really do with unproven potential. Trying to make chicken salad out of chicken **** is bush league and .500 expectations.

Yep. I don't want to seem unreasonable or impatient but Mallett needs to get on the field and demonstrate that he's more than a backup QB or... "He isn't".

OB better hope he can do it too because grace periods don't last very long around here at this point. I have no problem with OB passing on all those QB's but he better have a plan and it better work or he'll pay the price.
Where did the QB guru thing originate with OB? Did he call himself that? Media? Some other coach or player?

And I'm not saying he should be called one or not, I've just never quite got where people always mock him as one.