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The Johnny "Football" Manziel NFL thread

As tacky and pretentious as it gets. Watch someone knock a couple out for a souvenir.



Geez, what chick looks at a dude wearing this goofy **** and thinks "I wanna get with that! "

Yeah yeah I know either the ones that are payed too or the ditzes that are blinded by the money and fame.
Jonny is like a lot of other dudes that peacock to get attention. Getting attention is his best talent now. It sure isn't football.
The Grim Reaper won't let it.
The Grim Reaper went down to Cleveland he was looking for a drunken soul to steal.
Grim Reaper bet a football of gold against his soul and said he's drunker than you.
The boy said, "My name's Johnny
And it might be a sin to waste this bottle of of gin
But I'm gonna take your bet, you're gonna regret
I'm the best drunk there's ever been"
The Grim Reaper went down to Cleveland he was looking for a drunken soul to steal.
Grim Reaper bet a football of gold against his soul and said he's drunker than you.
The boy said, "My name's Johnny
And it might be a sin to waste this bottle of of gin
But I'm gonna take your bet, you're gonna regret
I'm the best drunk there's ever been"

And fire flew from his fingertips as he rosined up his scalpel.....
Manziel ought to seriously consider being a party animal character for life now. He might as well start looking for sponsorship gigs from party life products like liquor companies, pot companies from legalized states, beer bong products, and etc. He might as well just ride this "party guy" lifestyle thing on out, and go all in! He could be known that as that athlete that left the league for the good life of drugs and Rock N Roll. He likes that lifestyle any way, so he might as well rub it in everyone's noses and tell everyone to embrace it. He'd probably be happier that way, and then he wouldn't have the pressure to behave.

Personally I don't see that he has really any other options. His football career is completely over in the NFL whether he realizes it or not.
Manziel ought to seriously consider being a party animal character for life now. He might as well start looking for sponsorship gigs from party life products like liquor companies, pot companies from legalized states, beer bong products, and etc. He might as well just ride this "party guy" lifestyle thing on out, and go all in! He could be known that as that athlete that left the league for the good life of drugs and Rock N Roll. He likes that lifestyle any way, so he might as well rub it in everyone's noses and tell everyone to embrace it. He'd probably be happier that way, and then he wouldn't have the pressure to behave.

Personally I don't see that he has really any other options. His football career is completely over in the NFL whether he realizes it or not.
He could be good pitching products like booze or anti-hangover remedies and other crap like that. But he doesn't have to do that since he's probably never gonna go broke. His reputation for slapping his ex girlfriend hurts him too. He's basically Rob Gronkowski if Rob Gronkowski was a bust of a football player. Gronk seems like a party animal goof ball off the field like Manziel but Gronk is actually good at his job which is why he gets attention off the field. Manziel on the other hand is just a flame out that we're all just expecting will have a tragic end.
He could be good pitching products like booze or anti-hangover remedies and other crap like that. But he doesn't have to do that since he's probably never gonna go broke. His reputation for slapping his ex girlfriend hurts him too. He's basically Rob Gronkowski if Rob Gronkowski was a bust of a football player. Gronk seems like a party animal goof ball off the field like Manziel but Gronk is actually good at his job which is why he gets attention off the field. Manziel on the other hand is just a flame out that we're all just expecting will have a tragic end.

Yes, you are getting exactly what I am saying. And yes, Gronk is a great comparison except that Gronk can still be a great player even though he is a party animal.

Manziel may be rich already, but he loves the limelight and the cameras. He could endorse different vodkas or the hangover products like you said. I really do think that would be his best bet at this point. He doesn't seem like a guy who is obsessed with football at all, so I don't see coaching or mentoring in his future ever. I don't see him lasting in Canada either. He can be an ambassador at A&M, but we all know that wouldn't last 6 months before he'd have some other drunken criminal case.

He might as well just embrace himself as this party animal where he can do club appearances and take body shots off of women at bars or host wet T-shirt contests beach towns and on Spring Break vacations or endorse different Vegas night clubs. I think that is where his niche is at this point.
Yes, you are getting exactly what I am saying. And yes, Gronk is a great comparison except that Gronk can still be a great player even though he is a party animal.

Manziel may be rich already, but he loves the limelight and the cameras. He could endorse different vodkas or the hangover products like you said. I really do think that would be his best bet at this point. He doesn't seem like a guy who is obsessed with football at all, so I don't see coaching or mentoring in his future ever. I don't see him lasting in Canada either. He can be an ambassador at A&M, but we all know that wouldn't last 6 months before he'd have some other drunken criminal case.

He might as well just embrace himself as this party animal where he can do club appearances and take body shots off of women at bars or host wet T-shirt contests beach towns and on Spring Break vacations or endorse different Vegas night clubs. I think that is where his niche is at this point.[/QUOTE]

There are worse ways to make a living. For instance Being a crack whore or assistant crack whore.
He could be good pitching products like booze or anti-hangover remedies and other crap like that. But he doesn't have to do that since he's probably never gonna go broke. His reputation for slapping his ex girlfriend hurts him too. He's basically Rob Gronkowski if Rob Gronkowski was a bust of a football player. Gronk seems like a party animal goof ball off the field like Manziel but Gronk is actually good at his job which is why he gets attention off the field. Manziel on the other hand is just a flame out that we're all just expecting will have a tragic end.

By all accounts I'm aware of, Gronk is more like a legal version of Michael Irvin. He parties and plays and has a good time, but once the sun comes up he's all business. He's on the field working and practicing harder than everyone else. Besides, much of Gronk's off-field antics are during the off-season.
By all accounts I'm aware of, Gronk is more like a legal version of Michael Irvin. He parties and plays and has a good time, but once the sun comes up he's all business. He's on the field working and practicing harder than everyone else. Besides, much of Gronk's off-field antics are during the off-season.

Wow an Houston fan giving Michael some credit. Inside the lines nobody tried harder except Emmitt. Outside a bit sketchy.
Wow an Houston fan giving Michael some credit. Inside the lines nobody tried harder except Emmitt. Outside a bit sketchy.

Even as a kid, when my Dad kept attempting to make the Cowboys my team, I never really cared for Irvin. But, between then and now I've yet to hear anything other than how Michael outworked and outpracticed the rest of the team. Shitty guy, tons of issues like Manziel - but unlike Manziel he showed up and put everything he had on the field 7 days a week.
He could be good pitching products like booze or anti-hangover remedies and other crap like that. But he doesn't have to do that since he's probably never gonna go broke. His reputation for slapping his ex girlfriend hurts him too. He's basically Rob Gronkowski if Rob Gronkowski was a bust of a football player. Gronk seems like a party animal goof ball off the field like Manziel but Gronk is actually good at his job which is why he gets attention off the field. Manziel on the other hand is just a flame out that we're all just expecting will have a tragic end.

Personality wise, Gronk is goofy and likeable, where Manziel comes across as a little arrogant punk. Gronk is dedicated to football and is known for a first in/last out work ethic. Manziel has no passion for the game and appears to be completely out of touch with what it really takes to be a professional player.

A buddy of mine was with his son at the Manning camp when Manziel showed up drunk. He saw it firsthand, and he said Manziel's attitude and body language was truly apathetic. I would be shocked if Gronk ever showed up to a youth camp hungover, much less drunk.

And now finding out that Manziel is a woman beater just makes me despise him. He's pathetic.
Even as a kid, when my Dad kept attempting to make the Cowboys my team, I never really cared for Irvin. But, between then and now I've yet to hear anything other than how Michael outworked and outpracticed the rest of the team. Shitty guy, tons of issues like Manziel - but unlike Manziel he showed up and put everything he had on the field 7 days a week.

And he was an unquestioned leader in the locker room that not only led with his mouth, but with his big plays when they needed it. His teammates listened to Mike, because they knew he had everyone's back on the field.
I'm not the type to dislike any artist for being mainstream, but I can't get behind Bieber. They play his music every 5 or so songs here in Orlando, and I'm done with it. I'm changing the station immediately, every time.

I raaaaaareeely listen to music on the radio. It's either sports radio or some form of music where I can control what I'm listening to. A lot of FM radio stations play the same ish over and over again, Bieber and everyone else.
I raaaaaareeely listen to music on the radio. It's either sports radio or some form of music where I can control what I'm listening to

That's the way to go. I should have taken XM's offer for $5 a month back when we bought the Camry. Now, it's shitty sports radio and the same 12 songs on repeat with double the commercial time in between.
He's not an NFL quarterback... and never was

He's got the gaunt look of an east Texas tweeker. I would not be surprised if he never gets another chance with an NFL team. Stick a fork in it. It's done.
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Or a guy strung out on coke/meth.

Sad really
With all the drinking he's done over the past months, you would have expected him to have gained significant weight. But meth and coke are a likely culprits here. Meth is certainly an appetite suppressant. But coke is not only a strong appetite suppressant, but also actually blocks the ability of the body to store fat.
With all the drinking he's done over the past months, you would have expected him to have gained significant weight. But meth and coke are a likely culprits here. Meth is certainly an appetite suppressant. But coke is not only a strong appetite suppressant, but also actually blocks the ability of the body to store fat.

Now don't be trying to talk me into the coke diet plan, the only diet that actually sounds fun.
Even as a kid, when my Dad kept attempting to make the Cowboys my team, I never really cared for Irvin. But, between then and now I've yet to hear anything other than how Michael outworked and outpracticed the rest of the team. Shitty guy, tons of issues like Manziel - but unlike Manziel he showed up and put everything he had on the field 7 days a week.
Hilarious this thread still goes on, and on, and on, but had to respond to this post. As someone whose brother is on the inside of a lot of what goes on at A&M, especially with Aggie football, this is what has shocked me the most about Manziel and has caused me and most other Aggies to completely turn our backs on the guy.

At A&M, Johnny was a model football player. He worked hard, never had issues showing up on time, and gave it his all out on the field. Yeah, he partied just like he does now, but he did what needed to be done to be ready for game day.

Only conclusion I'm left with is instead of treating the pros like a new challenge for him to tackle head on, he collapsed under the pressure. Instead of upping his game, he chose upping his cocaine tolerance. Sad, but the dude has dug his own grave. I still believe if he ever really wanted to crawl out of it, he could, but I just don't see that happening within the next 5 years. He's better off, as others have mentioned, just becoming the face of a bunch of party products.
And damn. I responded before seeing the picture of Manziel above. Dude looks like a meth addict. At this point, it really wouldn't surprise me.
Is there an easy safe way to produce the same results?
Not really. Appetite suppressants are all essentially stimulants that carry their well-known problems. Pharmaceutical companies are trying to find a mixture that can control the satiety and fat storage hormone leptin............something that at present has been entirely elusive. Even if they develop such a drug its use is likely to carry its own significant dangers, as its hormonal effects would cascade into many body metabolic functions.