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The Johnny "Football" Manziel NFL thread

The news is not getting any better for Manziel.

Manziel likely to be indicted in domestic violence case, report says
Published April 22, 2016

Embattled quarterback Johnny Manziel reportedly will be indicted Monday by a Dallas grand jury hearing his domestic violence case.

The Dallas County district attorney’s office told The Dallas Morning News Thursday that a decision not to indict Manziel – called a “no bill” – would be announced Thursday but a formal indictment is expected to come Monday.

The former Cleveland Browns quarterback is accused of kidnapping, hitting and threatening to kill ex-girlfriend Colleen Crowley earlier this year. Dallas authorities handed the case over to a grand jury instead of making an arrest.

Dallas defense attorney Toby Shook told The Morning News the district attorney’s office is following the typical procedure for an indictment. “No bills” are usually announced when a grand jury comes to a decision on an indictment, according to the paper. Indictments are announced two working days after the decision.
I don't want to have this thread hijacked. But I will leave you with some thoughts.

Without knowing your history of what caused the 1st transplant failure and the timing of your 2 transplants and if the removal of your anti-rejection medications was gradual (under physician's monitoring) or abrupt, or to know your recent laboratory values (especially your liver function tests, it would be impossible to even hazard a guess as to when your body calls it quits.

Surprisingly, over the first 3-5 years, survival rates of those that go back to moderate drinking demonstrate only 30% mortality, but after that it can quickly reach 50% depending on various factors, and certainly more as time goes on.

As far as discontinuing your rejection meds, implications can be much more severe. If it done progressively over a very long period of time with careful monitoring and with maintaining stabilization of clinical and laboratory testing, patients have been known to survive 10-15 years (typically in patients that have also not practiced abstinence). If done abruptly or over too short a period of time, it is a matter of playing Russian roulette, the end could come quickly.

Pneumonia/heart failure/liver failure/cancer/respiratory failure are the most common reasons that causes death in non-compliant liver transplant patient.

I tried to pull away from hijacking this thread by editing out what I wrote. If anything, we addicts are selfish. It's hard to be different.

Russian roulette, yeah that's it. I stayed sober, followed all directions, lost about 50 pounds, became healthy and rejected my first transplant. I became despondent after the rejection and after the 2nd liver transplant, I can't kill this thing. No matter how I try.

Some people are bent on dying. Live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse. That's Johnny. That's me. I'm nearly 50 and I swear to God I won't die before I'm 80. I know it.
I tried to pull away from hijacking this thread by editing out what I wrote. If anything, we addicts are selfish. It's hard to be different.

Russian roulette, yeah that's it. I stayed sober, followed all directions, lost about 50 pounds, became healthy and rejected my first transplant. I became despondent after the rejection and after the 2nd liver transplant, I can't kill this thing. No matter how I try.

Some people are bent on dying. Live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse. That's Johnny. That's me. I'm nearly 50 and I swear to God I won't die before I'm 80. I know it.

I noticed that I had a typo in my response to you..........please note the correction ("not" should not have been in there).:

If it done progressively over a very long period of time with careful monitoring and with maintaining stabilization of clinical and laboratory testing, patients have been known to survive 10-15 years (typically in patients that have also practiced abstinence).

Despite your experience with your first transplant, I would hope you would reconsider abstinence or at least significant moderation in your alcohol intake to not squander a gift that is not offered to many. Whatever you choose, I truly wish you the best.
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I noticed that I had a typo in my response to you..........please note the correction ("not" should not have been in there).:

Despite your experience with your first transplant, I would hope you would reconsider abstinence or at least significant moderation in your alcohol intake to not squander a gift that is not offered to many. Whatever you choose, I truly wish you the best.

Thank you. I appreciate your responses. I'm embarrassed by my candor in this subject.
Manziel Indicted By Dallas County Grand Jury
April 24, 2016 8:42 PM

DALLAS (KRLD-AM) – Sources in the Dallas County District Attorney’s office tell L.P. Phillips of KRLD-AM, Johnny Manziel has been indicted by a Dallas County Grand Jury on a misdemeanor assault with bodily injury charge.

The grand jury reviewed evidence in the assault case against former NFL quarterback Manziel, Thursday, April 21.

The 23-year-old quarterback is accused of hitting his ex-girlfriend Colleen Crowley several times while driving from an uptown Dallas bar back to her home in Fort Worth.

According to police records, Crowley tried to jump out of the moving car and get to safety, but Manziel stopped, dragged her back into the car and hit her.

Crowley told the valet at Hotel Zaza, “Please don’t let him take me,” according to her police report, “I’m scared for my life!”

Instead of arresting Manziel, officials with the Dallas Police Department decided to present evidence to the grand jury to decide if they should pursue a misdemeanor case.

Sources also said there was an out-of-court civil settlement between Manziel and Crowley over the issue. But at this time there isn’t any indication what the settlement may be.
For what? Do they need someone to slurp spilt beer or snort excess flour?
Actually, if Manziel loses his NFL opportunity, he may find that a taco establishment may be the only type of job he would be qualified for. Leaving school early and actually only completing 2 years of his college education (the third was never completed due to logistics involving him trying to take and complete a limited amount of online courses to substitute his nonattendance of classroom courses).
Actually, if Manziel loses his NFL opportunity, he may find that a taco establishment may be the only type of job he would be qualified for. Leaving school early and actually only completing 2 years of his college education (the third was never completed due to logistics involving him trying to take and complete a limited amount of online courses to substitute his nonattendance of classroom courses).
It's more likely, with daddy's money, that Manziel will buy a taco chain rather than work at one
When Crowley reported that she screamed out to the valet, "Please don't let him take me. I'm scared for my life." some were not convinced that this happened. Now CNN reports that it appears that the Grand Jury was presented with an affidavit that the valet didn't know what to do and allowed Manziel to leave with Crowley.
Ok this is the most repugnant thing I have seen about Manziel:

He likes Bieber.

As the saying goes, you can't fix stupid. Just as a side note on his other companion on the trip........Joe Haden.

Worst players at every position this season (PFF)

Cornerback Joe Haden (2nd worst in the NFL in 2015)

Haden hasn’t played in many games this year, but when he has, the Browns would have been better off with him not suiting up. Haden is averaging just 6.2 cover snaps per reception, which is the fourth-lowest in the NFL. What’s more, his 2.60 yards per cover snaps allowed is the most in the NFL. Quarterbacks targeting Haden are 24-for-31 for 387 yards and four touchdowns. That’s a QB rating of 158.2. Quarterbacks in the NFL this season have been 0.1 point off of being absolutely perfect throwing at Joe Haden.
Seriously, as a grown ass man if Bieber is a concert you voluntarily attend (I understand if taking a daughter and just have to deal with it)...well there is no hope.
well in his defense it would be fertile hunting ground for chicks that are of age. they are beiber fans too. beiber works them up into a lather and manziels b-list stardom swoops them up.
He is a better alcoholic than football player. It may be time to retire this thread to the Entertainment forum.
My money is on this thread being merged into the Darwin Award thread after Jonny meets his demise by choking on his own puke after butt chugging a box of cheap wine that he endorses.
Ryan Leaf on Johnny Manziel: 'It's like holding up a mirror sometimes'

By: Nina Mandell | May 2, 2016 11:35 am

Could Johnny Manziel be heading down a similar path to Ryan Leaf, the former NFL quarterback who ended up in jail after a short NFL career?

Leaf said watching the former Browns quarterback is sometimes “like holding up a mirror.”

In an appearance on Fox and Friends on Monday morning, Leaf spoke about Manziel and what he learned from his own experience down what could be a frighteningly similar path. Leaf, a first-round pick, had a career that spanned only four years. He got into coaching but resigned after being accused of breaking into a player’s house. In 2010, he pleaded guilty to seven counts of obtaining a controlled substance by fraud and one count of delivery of a simulated controlled substance.

“This happens to anybody who’s addicted to anything,” he said of Manziel’s freefall. “It’s about substance abuse, it’s about whatever you use as a maladaptive behavior … it helps them numb whatever they’re feeling. And I can relate totally to what he’s going through.”
Booked and released on bond stand before the judge later this morning.


Would make a great cover for Madden.

Idiot!.......deleted his post right after strong negative response.

He was shirtless when his mugshot was taken.


The following is from the Associated Press on Manziel's arrest in 2012:

When officers asked Manziel for an ID, he produced a phony Louisiana driver's license that showed his birthday as Dec. 6, 1990. Police checked Manziel's wallet and found two more ID cards -- a fake Texas driver's license and Manziel's real driver's license that listed his date of birth as Dec. 6, 1992.
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Manziel lawyer reels in other Manziel lawyer’s “kiss and make up” remark
Posted by Mike Florio on May 6, 2016, 12:18 PM EDT

On Thursday, one of the lawyers representing unemployed quarterback Johnny Manziel said that the preferred solution to his pending charge of assaulting an ex-girlfriend would be for both sides to “kiss and make up.” Many regarded that comment as unfortunate — including the other lawyer representing Manziel.

Said Manziel lawyer Jim Darnell (pictured with Manziel), regarding the comment from Manziel lawyer Robert Hinton: “Mr. Hinton certainly misspoke and his comment does not reflect either the feelings of Mr. Manziel or his legal team. I assure you we all recognize the seriousness of the situation.”

The lawyers may recognize the seriousness of the situation, but Manziel’s recent deleted tweet regarding his non-shirtless mugshot suggests otherwise.
From the Dallas Morning News:
Crime Blog
Lingering questions about Johnny Manziel’s domestic violence case, football career

Jennifer Emily Follow @byjenemily Email
Published: May 6, 2016 7:00 am

He’s heading back to Los Angeles “just to go about his life,” his attorney Bob Hinton said after Manziel appeared in a Dallas courtroom this week.

Manziel, 23, is accused of kidnapping, hitting and threatening to kill his ex-girlfriend, Colleen Crowley, in January at Hotel ZaZa in Uptown Dallas during a fight over another woman. They broke up in December after dating for two years.

Crowley, 23, told police that Manziel had invited her to his hotel room to talk and that he slapped her head, rupturing her eardrum and causing her to lose her hearing. She said he then dragged her by the hair and forced her into a car, which he drove to Fort Worth, where she lives.

Here are three lingering questions about the former Heisman Trophy winner and his future:

1. Why is the domestic violence case against Manziel a misdemeanor and not a felony?

“The misdemeanor all comes down to serious bodily injury,” said Dallas defense attorney Toby Shook, a former top Dallas County prosecutor who is not involved in the Manziel case.

That means, he said, death, substantial risk of death or “protracted loss or impairment.”

Shook said he doesn’t believe that applies.

“The fact that she got her hearing back, I don’t think they could prove serious bodily injury,” Shook said. “They were weaker on that, so that is probably why they went with the misdemeanor.”

Had Crowley’s hearing loss been permanent, Shook said, the charge might have been a felony.

Crowley also accused Manziel of kidnapping her by forcing her into the car. But Shook said “it’s not a strong case” for kidnapping. He suggested the alleged act could be interpreted as unlawful restraint — but that is also a misdemeanor.

2. Will Manziel’s case go to trial?

“I think there’s a good chance it goes to trial because of the effects it could have on his professional football career,” Shook said.

If Manziel wants to play again, Shook said, he will want a chance to clear his name if his attorneys can’t get the case dismissed.

3. Will Manziel play in the NFL again this year or ever?

From Dallas Morning News reporter Brandon George, who covers the Dallas Cowboys:

It’s unlikely Manziel could regain the trust of an NFL team in time to see the field in 2016.

He is free to sign with any team, but why would an organization take on a player who has consistently shown his priority is partying over practicing? Furthermore, most NFL teams addressed their quarterback needs in last week’s draft and would be less willing to take a chance on Manziel.

Quarterbacks who can’t make it work in downtrodden Cleveland — and there have been several — usually don’t resurrect their careers elsewhere.

Even if a team took a big chance on Manziel, he is facing the possibility of a lengthy suspension when he returns to the NFL because of his involvement in a domestic violence case. Manziel doesn’t have to be convicted for the NFL to suspend him for a violation of the league’s personal conduct policy.

Bottom line: It’s almost a certainty that Manziel won’t play professional football in 2016.

And, after being dropped recently by two agents, Manziel faces a long road back to the NFL at any point.
Johnny Manziel’s high school coach: ‘I really don’t know that guy’

By Cindy Boren May 8 at 11:41 AM

Add Johnny Manziel’s high school coach to the list of people concerned about the erstwhile NFL quarterback.

Manziel, whose partying ways led to his release by the Cleveland Browns and helped cause sponsors and two agents to drop him, was indicted Thursday on a misdemeanor domestic violence charge. Mark Smith, who coached Manziel in high school in Kerrville, Texas, told Sharon Ko of KENS-TV in San Antonio that he has tried repeatedly to contact his former player, who was spotted at three Los Angeles clubs the night after his court appearance, according to TMZ.

“I really don’t know that guy. I think they’re two different people,” Smith said. “Somehow I wish Johnny could find himself back to being Johnny Manziel.”

Manziel was ordered to return to court June 24 on the domestic violence incident, a Class A misdemeanor that carries a possible punishment of up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine for a conviction. Manziel was ordered by a judge to have no contact with Colleen Crowley and to have no firearms. However, he is under no alcohol or travel restrictions.

” ‘Your actions speak so loud I can’t hear a word you’re saying.’ That was something we shared with our kids a lot in Kerrville,” Smith told KENS. “And that’s one of the things I talked with him when he was in rehab [during the 2015 NFL offseason]. Right now, his actions are a little bit different than what he said he was going to do.”

In April, Manziel issued a statement in which he sounded hopeful of landing with an NFL team in 2016. So far, there have been no takers and he could face punishment under the league’s personal-conduct policy.

“I’m hoping to take care of the issues in front of me right now, so I can focus on what I have to do if I want to play in 2016,” Manziel said. “I also continue to be thankful to those who really know me and support me.”

Last month, agent Drew Rosenhaus gave Manziel an ultimatum: Get treatment or lose his representation. For the first time in 27 years, Rosenhaus fired a client. In February, Manziel’s own father told the Dallas Morning News, “I truly believe if they can’t get him help, he won’t live to see his 24th birthday” in December.

“I get kind of emotional about it because he’s very close to me,” Smith said. “He’s really a great kid. And it’s a shame that he’s been categorized like he has, but he’s brought that on himself. We’re always going to be there for him. We’ll continue to love him just like I love the people in my family.”

"Your actions speak so loud I can’t hear a word you’re saying."
Smith's advice to all of his young men was obviously not a lesson learned by Johnny Football.
An interesting cerebral exercise.
Manziel with his NFL money is rich and those funds will be exhausted. But Manziel and his family assets make him wealthy. Financially hitting rock bottom is probably nowhere in sight. He might be better off if football was his only source of income because it could force him to get his life in order but since he's always been wealthy there's no reason for him to straighten up. He's likely run into legal woes but not financial woes.