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Who else thinks the Texans are going to crash and burn in 2015

I don't think anyone was excited. I'm not getting where you're getting that from. Just about everyone said it was an ugly win. Just about everyone said, "It's the Bucs."

We've got several people complaining about how this team played overall in that win.

What is it that makes you think anyone here (& if you can point out a particular poster, that'd be great) is overly excited because we beat the Bucs?

I'm not saying anything different than anyone else, but somehow I'm just spewing rhetoric. Not sure how my posts are any different than anyone else that sees things as they are.
I think you're 100% right.

& I'm just starting to think that right now. After Bruce Arians whupped our butt with his rookie QB & 2-14 team, we should have chucked Kubiak right then & there & hired him as our HC.

Carson Palmer & Drew Stanton should be our QBs right now. We'd have won the Super Bowl by now, just like they did.

We'd have the Honey Badger instead of that bum Swagg.

We'd be starting 3rd & 4th round picks.

This is BS having to put up with these guys.

So true. Arians is a stud.
Like I said, you're not listening.

You are correct, we aren't... but not because we choose not to but because you aren't saying anything. They are a bad team, I think most of us here know this. But like I said, now what?

Mods - shut it down! nothing to see here, turn off the lights the message board is over - so sayeth the mridge01
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I'm not saying anything different than anyone else, but somehow I'm just spewing rhetoric. Not sure how my posts are any different than anyone else that sees things as they are.

You're saying a lot differently. You're saying we're losers. You are not the only one who wants Rick Smith fired, or Bob McNair to do something different.

You're not the only one that wanted the Texans to draft a QB in the last two drafts.

You're not the only one that did not/does not understand the Brian Hoyer thing.

You're also saying we're extremely pleased with where we are as a franchise when all we're doing is making the best of a bad situation.
You're saying a lot differently. You're saying we're losers. You are not the only one who wants Rick Smith fired, or Bob McNair to do something different.

You're not the only one that wanted the Texans to draft a QB in the last two drafts.

You're not the only one that did not/does not understand the Brian Hoyer thing.

You're also saying we're extremely pleased with where we are as a franchise when all we're doing is making the best of a bad situation.

I was responding to the thread winners and losers of the game. I pointed out that those on the losing end are the fans that think this win means something because the franchise consistently tries pulls the wool over our eyes and makes fans think this franchise is headed somewhere. I did not mean losers in the metaphoric sense. And don't be mad at me, be mad at the Texans franchise.
Don't get excited over the Texans beating the Bucs at home. They looked like a bad team beating another bad team. One was just made fewer plays than the other.

I will always celebrate Texans victories and be happy, regardless how they get it! If you're a pessimist and always sees the bad in everything, that's on you. Don't flame me for being happy for at least this week.
I will always celebrate Texans victories and be happy, regardless how they get it! If you're a pessimist and always sees the bad in everything, that's on you. Don't flame me for being happy for at least this week.

I ain't mad at ya. I'm saying a win over the Bucs doesn't mean this team is transitioning into a winning team.
I ain't mad at ya. I'm saying a win over the Bucs doesn't mean this team is transitioning into a winning team.
And who here is saying that? A win is a win, and the improvements of the running game, the OL, and the QB play were fairly obvious. The reasons for those improvements are certainly up for debate. And that's something you could have discussed, instead of just saying "I don't care if they won, they still suck." What's the point of that?
And who here is saying that? A win is a win, and the improvements of the running game, the OL, and the QB play were fairly obvious. The reasons for those improvements are certainly up for debate. And that's something you could have discussed, instead of just saying "I don't care if they won, they still suck." What's the point of that?

I discussed it plenty. Unfortunately, I have no confidence that this franchise is going to do anything about what needs to be improved.
I discussed it plenty. Unfortunately, I have no confidence that this franchise is going to do anything about what needs to be improved.
It's not like Bob McNair isn't trying hard. He is, extremely hard. McNair has said on many occasions I don't have this problem in any of our other businesses and we're going to fix this. We will get to the bottom of this and make it right. Unfortunately for McNair he doesn't understand that you can't run Houston Texans X and Os on a football field like you ran Cogen Technologies. The Cogen Technologies business plan simply doesn't work as a Houston Texans business plan. You can't throw money around, fall in love with your players and make for kumbaya. Football Players are commodities, they're a business. Until McNair hires a GM who knows the culture and understands the business of the NFL (Eliot Wolf) and stops meddling, Houston football will continue to be more of the same. The irony of the situation is McNair needs to do less, a lot less for Houston to be perennial playoff team. And that's not likely to happen.
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It's not like Bob McNair isn't trying very hard. He is, extremely hard. McNair has said on many occasions I don't have this problem in any of our other businesses and we're going to fix this. We will get to the bottom of this and make it right. Unfortunately for McNair he doesn't understand that you can't run Houston Texans X and Os on a football field like you ran Cogen Technologies. The Cogen Technologies business plan simply doesn't work as a Houston Texans business plan. You can't throw money around, fall in love with your players and make for kumbaya. Football Players are commodities, they're a business. Until McNair hires a GM who knows the culture and understands the business of the NFL (Eliot Wolf), Houston football will continue to be more of the same.

I love Bob McNair and am grateful to him for bringing the NFL back to Houston, but he is loyal to a fault.
I love Bob McNair and am grateful to him for bringing the NFL back to Houston, but he is loyal to a fault.
I think everyone here would say the same thing.
However it ain't gonna get fixed this season
Texans have their cards and gotta play them.
Carolina game showed me what this team is. I'm not betting on them vs Atlanta this week but I'll wake up excited thinking we have a chance. Beating Atlanta will change alot of attitudes around hear.
It's one thing to want to see it and another thing to be the miserable fan.
We've all been through that phase.
I love Bob McNair and am grateful to him for bringing the NFL back to Houston, but he is loyal to a fault.

How long would you give a coach to develop an expansion team to a winning season?

Bob McNair gave Capers 4 years. I don't think that was loyal to a fault, especially when we hired & fired assistant coaches under Capers in his third & 4th year.​

How long would you give a coach to develop a failed expansion team to a winning season?

Bob gave Kubiak 4 years. Maybe you expected play offs. Maybe Bob did as well, I don't know. But Kubiak missed on a tie breaker loss that occured week 1. So I wouldn't be surprised if McNair expected a play off season, but didn't hold it against Kubiak enough to fire him for missing by so small a margin. Especially since Kubiak was sending players to the pro bowl. Three consecutive years, Kubiak coached the league's leading rusher, it's leading receiver, & it's leading passer.
How long would you give a coach to take a winning team (only one losing season in Kubiak's first four years) to the play offs?

I don't know how many years McNair gave Kubiak, but Kubiak did it in the second season after his extension. (Yeah, there was that 6-10 season in 2010) & did it again the third year. Most likely McNair was expecting a Super Bowl appearance... maybe an AFC Championship game appearance in that 4th year & as you know, it didn't happen. McNair fired him before that 4th season was over.​

How long would you give a coach to take a winning team (we won in two of the three years prior to hiring O'Brien) to a Super Bowl?

It's only been a season & a half since McNair hired O'Brien. & if McNair was being honest about "retooling" & not "rebuilding" he's probably expecting an AFC Championship before O'Brien gets an extension.​

I'm not getting this "loyal to a fault" thing. I know Bruce Arians took a 5-11 team to 10-6, 11-5, & 12-4... but remember Mike McCarthy was 8-8 his first season & he's the one with the hardware.
I love the people that have all the answers and anyone that doesn't listen to them or offers any kind of different opinion is an idiot.


Ok just so I have this straight:

Rick Smith sucks.

Bob McNair will never make the right decisions.

Bob McNair only cares about the brand not winning.

Obrien is an idiot.

We should have drafted Aaron Rogers instead of Travis Johnson.

Did I miss anything?
His loyalty faults are with Rick Smith. Also, giving extensions before he needs to with coaches and players (i.e. Matt Schaub).

Again, it won't hurt my feelings one bit if Rick Smith was fired today. I would have completely understood if we laid 2013 at his feet & fired him that year.

However, several of the players he drafted has gone on to start on other teams. & a few of his acquisitions have gone to pro bowls.

I don't think we're a talentless team & it's obvious McNair doesn't think so either, having fired the coach presumably for not getting acceptable performance out of the players he was given. Even though he had a lot of say in the players we went after.

Maybe it's going to take McNair a little longer to figure out what you already know. Like I said, his attempt to fix this was firing Kubiak. We're one season & three games into the "Rick without Gary" phase.

& remember, most of us aren't happy about the situation. It is what it is. All we can do is hold our nose while it plays out.
What's the fun in constant ineptitude? The only thing that gets under my skin is people thinking beating the Bucs, in a game they could have easily lost, is equivalent to winning a playoff game.
But you're right, that's just me.
Critique is helpful. Criticism is not. If you want to really go negative, get into politics and leave us fans alone.
Nah, now I kinda enjoy getting you guys riled up by offering reality checks. That wasn't my intention initially, but now since y'all are putting me in the position, I'll bite. Y'all are so sensitive. You act like this franchise is something when it has never won anything.

Your version of "reality check" is taking the blue pill and believing that you, or any of us for that matter, have even the slightest influence on how Houston Texans, Inc. operates its business. How about taking the red pill and waking up to the little fact that it's just entertainment and the only two options is to be a customer/viewer or not.

You're not saying anything that has not been discussed, debated, argued, agreed upon, etc., countless times in this Texans Nazi board.

However, I do appreciate your admittance to being an internet troll, so you've got that going for you.
I love the people that have all the answers and anyone that doesn't listen to them or offers any kind of different opinion is an idiot.


Ok just so I have this straight:

Rick Smith sucks.

Bob McNair will never make the right decisions.

Bob McNair only cares about the brand not winning.

Obrien is an idiot.

We should have drafted Aaron Rogers instead of Travis Johnson.

Did I miss anything?

Yes ... Aaron Rogers or at the very least Derek Johnson .
It's only been a season & a half since McNair hired O'Brien. & if McNair was being honest about "retooling" & not "rebuilding" he's probably expecting an AFC Championship before O'Brien gets an extension.
You're darn right McNair never considered the Texans in rebuilding mode. McNair was emphatic at the Kubiak firing conference that they were a playoff caliber team and that they were NOT Rebuilding. (He has since relented and revised his statement) In fact that is the reason McNair refused to trade Andre Johnson last year even when it was rumored 3-4 teams were offering as much as 2nd or 3rd draft picks for Andre. Obviously McNair believed the Texans were a playoff team with Andre and didn't have a chance without him. This year they cut AJ due to no trade offers. This is another perfect illustration of how McNair's meddling is an obstacle and detriment to the success of the Texans.
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Still want to know where the unlike button is.
It's there, it's just spelled wrong. Click Ignore. It works the same as unlike.

I can't believe you guys are feeding this troll. I finally blocked him, it's just not worth the aggravation.
I love the people that have all the answers and anyone that doesn't listen to them or offers any kind of different opinion is an idiot.


Ok just so I have this straight:

Rick Smith sucks.

Bob McNair will never make the right decisions.

Bob McNair only cares about the brand not winning.

Obrien is an idiot.

We should have drafted Aaron Rogers instead of Travis Johnson.

Did I miss anything?

What on this list other than O'Brien is an idiot isn't true? I would've taken Derrick Johnson as a consilation prize and said so at the time.

Let me tell you how I think this is going to turn out and I know that you may disagree with me, as the Rockets/Astros improve with young talented winning teams more fans will turn to them when it comes to spending their entertainment $$$$. This gives the Texans about 3 yrs grace period to be able to compete and build a winning org before the fanbase turns.

Do you see Rick Smith building a winner in this time frame?

The Texans are the pig that's getting fat right now.
What on this list other than O'Brien is an idiot isn't true? I would've taken Derrick Johnson as a consilation prize and said so at the time.

Let me tell you how I think this is going to turn out and I know that you may disagree with me, as the Rockets/Astros improve with young talented winning teams more fans will turn to them when it comes to spending their entertainment $$$$. This gives the Texans about 3 yrs grace period to be able to compete and build a winning org before the fanbase turns.

Do you see Rick Smith building a winner in this time frame?

The Texans are the pig that's getting fat right now.

You say this as if you think I'm a Rick Smith fan.
A consolation prize for what?

I may have misstated

I wanted Derrick Johnson when TJ was picked. Looking back on that draft Rodgers would've been the pick but D.Johnson would've been a nice consolation prize. The T.Johnson pick was crap and most people knew it at the time.

Wouldn't D.Johnson have looked pretty good playing next to Ryans/Cushing for a decade?
You say this as if you think I'm a Rick Smith fan.

See: I didn't mean to frame that post as a Rick Smith post. I was more interested in getting your opinions on where the franchises in Houston are currently and where you think those franchises may be headed, particularly if Rick Smith remains in charge of the on the field product for the Texans.
I may have misstated

I wanted Derrick Johnson when TJ was picked. Looking back on that draft Rodgers would've been the pick but D.Johnson would've been a nice consolation prize. The T.Johnson pick was crap and most people knew it at the time.

Wouldn't D.Johnson have looked pretty good playing next to Ryans/Cushing for a decade?

I'm with you on wanting Derrick Johnson, but he was gone when we finally picked.

That trade down was a huge bummer.
See: I didn't mean to frame that post as a Rick Smith post. I was more interested in getting your opinions on where the franchises in Houston are currently and where you think those franchises may be headed, particularly if Rick Smith remains in charge of the on the field product for the Texans.

Rick Smith is doing exactly what he is being asked to do as far as I can tell.

I think he should have been gone with Kubiak personally, but I'm just a fan.
Rick Smith is doing exactly what he is being asked to do as far as I can tell.

I think he should have been gone with Kubiak personally, but I'm just a fan.

Where do you think the teams are headed?

I remember when the fans thought McNair was a hands off owner and would fight you tooth and nail if you disagreed with them.
Jeezus guys, you all know this franchise sucks. There's a new thread out there by Atlanta fan everyone is laughing at because they rag on the Texans and the memes are true. Stop giving my **** for just speaking truth.
You said don't get excited about the win. Can I be happy that they won? I imagine not because to be happy means I was pleased with their performance, and they sucked but sucked less than TB. If I can't be excited, or happy, then I must be disappointed in the win. Ergo, winning was not a good thing.

Pretty sure I took your statement to it's most logical conclusion.
See now, your first mistake was attempting to find logic anywhere in his post.
Stop that.
I love the people that have all the answers and anyone that doesn't listen to them or offers any kind of different opinion is an idiot.


Ok just so I have this straight:

Rick Smith sucks.

Bob McNair will never make the right decisions.

Bob McNair only cares about the brand not winning.

Obrien is an idiot.

We should have drafted Aaron Rogers instead of Travis Johnson.

Did I miss anything?
Rick Smith sucks. That should be repeated often and loudly by as many people as possible until the joyous day on which he gets fired.
Jeezus guys, you all know this franchise sucks. There's a new thread out there by Atlanta fan everyone is laughing at because they rag on the Texans and the memes are true. Stop giving my **** for just speaking truth.

just laughing at you really.