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Where are all these BANDWAGON Muff-huggas coming from?!

I don't care much about the 'hardcore fanatic' vs. the 'bandwagon fan' discussion. To each his own and all that jazz.

But, I will say that 31-10 last Saturday meant a helluva' lot more to those of us that experienced 2-14 for every excruciating second than those that just started following the team.

That doesn't make me better or worse than anyone else as a fan, but it certainly makes for much, much deeper appreciation.

Those that have not paid their dues as fans will be unable to comprehend the depth of emotion inside those of us who have paid them. That's just the fundamental nature of dedication to a cause.

Bandwagon fans do not feel heartbreak, because they quit. It's the nature of the beast.
I don't care much about the 'hardcore fanatic' vs. the 'bandwagon fan' discussion. To each his own and all that jazz.

But, I will say that 31-10 last Saturday meant a helluva' lot more to those of us that experienced 2-14 for every excruciating second than those that just started following the team.

That doesn't make me better or worse than anyone else as a fan, but it certainly makes for much, much deeper appreciation.

Those that have not paid their dues as fans will be unable to comprehend the depth of emotion inside those of us who have paid them. That's just the fundamental nature of dedication to a cause.

Bandwagon fans do not feel heartbreak, because they quit. It's the nature of the beast.

^This. Well said, and yes 31-10 did exorcised those demons quite well didn't it.
I don't care much about the 'hardcore fanatic' vs. the 'bandwagon fan' discussion. To each his own and all that jazz.

But, I will say that 31-10 last Saturday meant a helluva' lot more to those of us that experienced 2-14 for every excruciating second than those that just started following the team.

That doesn't make me better or worse than anyone else as a fan, but it certainly makes for much, much deeper appreciation.

Those that have not paid their dues as fans will be unable to comprehend the depth of emotion inside those of us who have paid them. That's just the fundamental nature of dedication to a cause.

Bandwagon fans do not feel heartbreak, because they quit. It's the nature of the beast.

MSR. ^^^^^^^^THIS explains how most of us that have been on the board from the beginning........or at least for years, feel. Finally getting that hot poker out of our asses feels better than anyone can ever imagine.:)
Yawn. This is the same useless post that runs rampant on the main board. So I'm not a "true" fan because I don't go to games and hang out with you and your buddies? It's like saying that Dirty's makes the best burgers but since you weren't the first one in line you have no right to say you enjoy them. What's the point? Enjoy the game, praise the team, and pray for victory!!

I'm a long suffering fan of the chili cheeseburger at Dan's. Dirty's is the bandwagon burger joint.
At the end of the day we are all fans. There is really nothing separating any of you to me even if i was a fair weather fan. Some people dont like to waste their time watching a season that will get them no where. You cant blame them. This whole fair weather fan thing is redundant. In the past many people would have liked to be hardcore texan fans...its just that the team never let them.

In all, i dont see why being a hardcore fan matters. Especially when we are all supposed to be hardcore and united right now. Isnt it time we all be hardcore.

I MUST find the post that got you so much neg rep!
^This. Well said, and yes 31-10 did exorcised those demons quite well didn't it.

Yes, yes it did. Just the season without a playoff win was fantastic. We finally have a double digit wins, finally won the division, and finally made the playoffs.

The win on Saturday was icing on a cake that was already delicious! Now I'm hoping that the iced cake has sprinkles on it!! :D

MSR. ^^^^^^^^THIS explains how most of us that have been on the board from the beginning........or at least for years, feel. Finally getting that hot poker out of our asses feels better than anyone can ever imagine.:)

Exactly! If they had lost to the Bengals, I would have been emotionally drained yesterday and most likely today. I would have looked at the 'bright side', as mentioned to Austex above, but I still would have felt the loss inside.

Now I've been on an emotional high for a couple of days and just giddy with excitement that OUR team is playing January football.

All this emotional investment does not make me better/worse than anyone else, but like I said, living the past decade as a Texans fan definitely makes this playoff run that much sweeter. And I know my fellow fanatics understand what I'm saying here.

I do have to say, though, that all those hugs and high fives with friends and strangers after the game was something I will never forget. So many diverse people united as fans is a beautiful thing, regardless of how long they've been a fan.
I do have to say, though, that all those hugs and high fives with friends and strangers after the game was something I will never forget. So many diverse people united as fans is a beautiful thing, regardless of how long they've been a fan.

'cept librals...

i don't care much about the 'hardcore fanatic' vs. The 'bandwagon fan' discussion. To each his own and all that jazz.

But, i will say that 31-10 last saturday meant a helluva' lot more to those of us that experienced 2-14 for every excruciating second than those that just started following the team.

that doesn't make me better or worse than anyone else as a fan, but it certainly makes for much, much deeper appreciation.

those that have not paid their dues as fans will be unable to comprehend the depth of emotion inside those of us who have paid them. That's just the fundamental nature of dedication to a cause.

Bandwagon fans do not feel heartbreak, because they quit. It's the nature of the beast.

argh! Msr!!!!!!
I just joined the forum recently, but I've been following the Texans since 2002. Before then, I've always watched the NFL, but I hadn't really followed a team. Being from Canada, I always followed my home provinces CFL team, and figured that it was time I picked an NFL team to follow. Naturally, since the Texans came into the league when I decided to follow a team, I began to pay attention to them.

Being from Saskatchewan, I've had a lot of "Why on earth do you follow the Texans?" when I've been asked who my team was. It's almost as if I was expected to follow the Packers, Steelers, Vikings, Seahawks or Colts, since those are the most popular teams up here.

But whatever... I've been with this team through the lows, and it's sure nice to be a fan now. For the first time I actually got a positive comment when wearing my Texans hat around my city.

One of my goals in life is to eventually make it down to Houston to catch a Texans game in person... Sure, I could probably drive to Minneapolis to watch them play the Vikings, but I'd rather sit in Reliant with 70,000 Texans fans.

You picked the right team :) Here's why I cheer for the Texans:

I cheered for the Oilers since the '70's, but when Adams moved the team, it was over. As a Canadian, I have little patience for people who hate that Winnipeg & Quebec lost their hockey teams, but have no problem cheering for Indianapolis or Tennessee. That's a contradiction right there; actually a double standard. I keep telling people that up here. Now it's taken a while, but I've gradually seen some Texans hats around Ottawa, so we're getting there :thumbup

So really, as a Canadian, there's no other team worth cheering for :gotexans1
Yawn. This is the same useless post that runs rampant on the main board. So I'm not a "true" fan because I don't go to games and hang out with you and your buddies? It's like saying that Dirty's makes the best burgers but since you weren't the first one in line you have no right to say you enjoy them. What's the point? Enjoy the game, praise the team, and pray for victory!!

:thinking: "The main board?" I thought this was it...

Hell I RARELY go to games (cause I'm broke). My point is this I'm not a fan of people who treated the Texans with indifference and just plain scorn and ridicle when they were an expansion team and had a season with only two wins who are now driving around with Texans banners on their cars, wearing hats and sweat shirts and acting as if they are the greatest thing since sliced bread.
It's EASY to love a winner but the "fans" I'm ragging on aren't the guys who watch games at home. Hell I do that. Not the guys who own no merchandise. I own little. I'm trippin' on the guys who ONLY love the Texans when they win and don't associate with them. There is a guy who frequents the barbershop I go to. Every football season since the Texans inception he's shown up in Tennessee Titans gear saying how GREAT his team was while dissin' the Texans. Last week he showed up wearing a Texans hat saying how he'd been with the Texans all along. Cha...l'm talking about guys like THAT.
Got no beef with you.
I don't care much about the 'hardcore fanatic' vs. the 'bandwagon fan' discussion. To each his own and all that jazz.

But, I will say that 31-10 last Saturday meant a helluva' lot more to those of us that experienced 2-14 for every excruciating second than those that just started following the team.

That doesn't make me better or worse than anyone else as a fan, but it certainly makes for much, much deeper appreciation.

Those that have not paid their dues as fans will be unable to comprehend the depth of emotion inside those of us who have paid them. That's just the fundamental nature of dedication to a cause.

Bandwagon fans do not feel heartbreak, because they quit. It's the nature of the beast.

Exactly! I couldn't have said it better. :bravo:

I was harassed, f'ed with about being a Texans fan for so long, seeing them win that first playoff game was just awesome!
Exactly! I couldn't have said it better. :bravo:

I was harassed, f'ed with about being a Texans fan for so long, seeing them win that first playoff game was just awesome!

It felt very surreal to me. I keep having this strange feeling that I'm going to wake up...and don't want to.
It felt very surreal to me. I keep having this strange feeling that I'm going to wake up...and don't want to.

I keep having this feeling that I'm going to wake up and we are going to be in the Super Bowl.

Then there's this small feeling that we are going to get close and......
I gotta' say one great thing about bandwagon fans: you see a lot more Texans gear everywhere you go these days, and that's a positive feeling to me.

Now, I cannot judge an individual and know if they've been around for awhile or if they just jumped on, and that's not my concern. I'm just seeing a LOT more Texans logos these days, and I know that this happens because the bandwagon is filling up.

And seeing a Texans logo is 1,000,000x better than seeing that blue star or flaming meatball in our city.
Standing in Bubba's parking lot and ran into a bandwagon fan in a Texans T-shirt who was calling them "losers" who exemplified my point. Great season no matter HOW you look at it.
I was going to bring up this thread. One gripe I have about bandwagon fans is that they bought all the AFC Championship hats and now I can't find one anywhere!! :mad:

Called the Texans store and was told that Reebok only made a limited number of them. So looks like I'm out of luck. Too bad. That's the one thing that I really wanted to get my hands on, especially being the first division championship in team history.
I was going to bring up this thread. One gripe I have about bandwagon fans is that they bought all the AFC Championship hats and now I can't find one anywhere!! :mad:

Called the Texans store and was told that Reebok only made a limited number of them. So looks like I'm out of luck. Too bad. That's the one thing that I really wanted to get my hands on, especially being the first division championship in team history.

nevermind. nfl shop is out of them too.
nevermind. nfl shop is out of them too.

I 'found' one on, but when I ordered it, the receipt mentioned:

Delivery estimate: Mar. 6, 2012 - Apr. 5, 2012

I don't think they will send it. Probably see them popping up on Ebay for $50+ soon. Bastids.
I 'found' one on, but when I ordered it, the receipt mentioned:

Delivery estimate: Mar. 6, 2012 - Apr. 5, 2012

I don't think they will send it. Probably see them popping up on Ebay for $50+ soon. Bastids.

What really sucks about it is, you know there are people out there that have them that really could care less about them...people that only know the popular players names, and still get them wrong, lol. :bat:
What really sucks about it is, you know there are people out there that have them that really could care less about them...people that only know the popular players names, and still get them wrong, lol. :bat:

yep. I've seen some of them on FB, folks that I knew from high school. Never mentioned the Texans until December 2011. Even saw one dude mention that he bought out an Academy store when the truck arrived. WTF? I mean, why does a store let someone buy all the stock?

I just don't get it, but figured that once the market was saturated I could find them. I did not know until today that the hats were limited numbers. If I'd know this, I would have figured out a way to make it to the Texans store at Reliant somehow / some way.
yep. I've seen some of them on FB, folks that I knew from high school. Never mentioned the Texans until December 2011. Even saw one dude mention that he bought out an Academy store when the truck arrived. WTF? I mean, why does a store let someone buy all the stock?

I just don't get it, but figured that once the market was saturated I could find them. I did not know until today that the hats were limited numbers. If I'd know this, I would have figured out a way to make it to the Texans store at Reliant somehow / some way.
Website shows: "Currently Not Available Online"

I've called about 5-6 stores in my area, and none of them are in stock. One manager said that they do not expect any more.

Such is life.

that sucks. i was shocked to see so many at the cedar park store up here in the austin area. no way they sold them all. they must have moved them online. dont worry bro, i'm holding out for the superbowl champ shirt. it will be way cooler. didn't understand the frenzy over a division champ shirt.
that sucks. i was shocked to see so many at the cedar park store up here in the austin area. no way they sold them all. they must have moved them online. dont worry bro, i'm holding out for the superbowl champ shirt. it will be way cooler. didn't understand the frenzy over a division champ shirt.

I like your optimism! :thumbup

Yeah, the frenzy is a funny thing, but thirsty man in desert and cup of water stuff for me. :D
What really sucks about it is, you know there are people out there that have them that really could care less about them...people that only know the popular players names, and still get them wrong, lol. :bat:

I still can't find a Matt Shoob jersey. :pissed:
Hey DB, this will sound strange but pop into a Valero some time. I don't recall if they had the hat you're looking for but they've been selling Texans stuff the last month or so including the division champion car flags. I'll drop by one tomorrow and see if they're still selling Texans stuff.
Nononono, we traded Shoob for Schwab and a 5th. Get it right.

Aaaah... but a 5th of what?
