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Where are all these BANDWAGON Muff-huggas coming from?!


Hall of Fame
The same idiots who a couple of years ago would ask: "Who's your team?" then would reply "Man they SUCK!" when you said the Texans, are now walking around with jerseys and jackets on acting as if they've ALWAYS been here. :headhurts: Sorry I'd rather be around some straight up Texan HATERS than the fair weather fans who only love them because they're winning. The REAL fans are the ones who've been here since that first win against the Cowgirls. REAL fans remember holding on to hope in the David Carr, Dom Capers Charlie Casterly days, we remember the under 500 seasons and REMAINED and will no matter HOW the rest of this season turns out. The fair weather fans need to just keep their mouths shut, because if the Texans blow a playoff game they'll be the first ones going on channel 11, 13 and 2 and saying "I knew they weren't gonna win...".
In my opinion if you've ever sat next to Either Joe or Bill during a can hold your head high and call yourself a true Texan fan.
Haven't done that last part but I've done the rest thats for damn sure. The more the merrier as far as I'm concerned, maybe they'll start to be on tv more so I won't have to get the ticket...naah, that will never happen here, damn cowgirl lovers.
Haven't "ever sat next to Either Joe or Bill during a game" but I sat by JB and close to SheTexan in the bullpen and have hung with the Blue Crew 1/2 dozen times.

Can I still post? :worm:
I was a fan of the Texans before they even existed. I religiously followed the development of the Texans organization when it was just a gleam in Bob McNair's eye---before it was even known as "the Texans" organization.

I was a member of an online forum that was created in in the late 90's in anticipation of the choice the NFL was going to make between Los Angeles and Houston as the recipient of the next expansion franchise. I loved giving L.A. fans crap, telling them they didn't stand a chance.

Having said all that, I'm not going to crown myself one of the holy arbiters of anyone else's commitment to the Texans. Whoever wants to cheer for my team is a friend of mine.

And I'm sure Bob McNair loves him some bandwagon fans.
Sat Next to Joe or Bill? That is the requirement? Hmm... How about driven from shreveport to catch an average of 4-5 games a year for the last 4 years?

How about the fact that I still have emails from 2002 at my email address, "texansfan4life@....."? Do I qualify?

in my opinion if you've ever sat next to either joe or bill during a can hold your head high and call yourself a true texan fan.

lmao...I had to wake up at 2am to watch the Texans 1st ever regular season game against the Cowputas when I was stationed in Germany. I thought I was a pretty good fan to do that since
I didn't have to go to work until 7am later that day. However, I've been to many games with my best friend Joe so I guess then that makes me a true fan. There were a few times too, that the guy
sitting next to me looked like a Bill. Does that count?
I say we grant amnesty. Some of them are bound to jump off the bandwagon when things don't go right but some are getting in for keeps. No way to tell for sure at this point which ones fit each category. And as long as we remember our roots who really cares?
Ehh, get used to it, houston is a fairweather fan town....Always has been.

yep, I was going to say the same thing. We have always had a small group of hardcore football fans, but Houstonians have a history of being front runners. Show up when teams are good, but fade away when they suck.

I chuckle at all my FaceBook "friends" who now wear the gear and post pics of themselves at the games and tailgating. I don't care where they were during 2-14. I know their nature and it is what it is.

The NFL needs these casual fans to pay for it's product. That's just the way it works, and the rest of us devoted fanatics have to learned to accept it and live with it. I don't understand the gripe.
I say we grant amnesty. Some of them are bound to jump off the bandwagon when things don't go right but some are getting in for keeps. No way to tell for sure at this point which ones fit each category. And as long as we remember our roots who really cares?

Could be ex-cowgirl fans.

We will have them around until the girls start winning again.

Looks like they will be here for awhile.

The same idiots who a couple of years ago would ask: "Who's your team?" then would reply "Man they SUCK!" when you said the Texans, are now walking around with jerseys and jackets on acting as if they've ALWAYS been here. :headhurts: Sorry I'd rather be around some straight up Texan HATERS than the fair weather fans who only love them because they're winning. The REAL fans are the ones who've been here since that first win against the Cowgirls. REAL fans remember holding on to hope in the David Carr, Dom Capers Charlie Casterly days, we remember the under 500 seasons and REMAINED and will no matter HOW the rest of this season turns out. The fair weather fans need to just keep their mouths shut, because if the Texans blow a playoff game they'll be the first ones going on channel 11, 13 and 2 and saying "I knew they weren't gonna win...".
In my opinion if you've ever sat next to Either Joe or Bill or SHAFT75 in the shady endzone during a can hold your head high and call yourself a true Texan fan.

Fixed it for you.

& PREACH on bro!
Texans fandom should be measured by regdates. Not post counts or rep points.

I dunno about that. There are some people on this board who were part of the old texans talk. Not only that but I go back to now that is way back.

Just ask them what they thought of Charles Hill or Ramon Walker.

Personally, I'm OK with them. Ever since I decided to stop paying the Texans money, I need people to subsidize the product so I can see it on TV.
Texans fandom should be measured by regdates. Not post counts or rep points.

Texans fandom should be measured by a test about the '05 season.If you sat through that monstrosity (sec 323), you earned your stripes. If you were the last dumbass sitting in the entire section (sec 323) in the 4th quarter of the Pittsburgh game (the Sun Bowl), you earned your stripes.

If you were smart enough to avoid ruining your Sundays that season, you are worthy of esteem and respect for your intelligence.
yep, I was going to say the same thing. We have always had a small group of hardcore football fans, but Houstonians have a history of being front runners. Show up when teams are good, but fade away when they suck.

I chuckle at all my FaceBook "friends" who now wear the gear and post pics of themselves at the games and tailgating. I don't care where they were during 2-14. I know their nature and it is what it is.

The NFL needs these casual fans to pay for it's product. That's just the way it works, and the rest of us devoted fanatics have to learned to accept it and live with it. I don't understand the gripe.

i do....mainly b/c its these fairweather fans that call the local radio shows and ask dumb ass questions or make stupid statements & make it obvious that they don't know what the hell they're talking about &/or haven't been following the team until now.

Nothing worse than riding into work on a Monday morning & hearing:

If we win....." Man, schaub tore them up yesterday, Outside of Brady & Manning, i think schaub's right there in that top 5 qb class!"............:rolleyes:

Now, If we lose.......... "I don't care that schaub threw for 465 yds & 3 TD's.......he still sucks b/c...."

:brickwall: i swear my head is about to explode sometimes listening to that drivel.
I was a fan of the Texans before they even existed. I religiously followed the development of the Texans organization when it was just a gleam in Bob McNair's eye---before it was even known as "the Texans" organization.

I was a member of an online forum that was created in in the late 90's in anticipation of the choice the NFL was going to make between Los Angeles and Houston as the recipient of the next expansion franchise. I loved giving L.A. fans crap, telling them they didn't stand a chance.

Having said all that, I'm not going to crown myself one of the holy arbiters of anyone else's commitment to the Texans. Whoever wants to cheer for my team is a friend of mine.

And I'm sure Bob McNair loves him some bandwagon fans.

I'm just glad they decided NOT to go with the "Rough-necks" as you KNOW everyone would have called us the "rednecks".
A Texans fan is someone who will talk Texans with me and share a moment of emotion whether elation or depression. I could care less how long they have claimed to be a fan. I have been so disgusted I swore I'd never watch another game after last season. I have been so elated that many of you call me a dreamer.

Being a Texans fan is not about how much you spend on clothing or banners or foamy fingers, tickets, or how drunk you get at a tail gate event. It's not about whether you stand the entire game or just when the wave comes by. It isn't even about going to the game. Being a fan is what each individual decides for himself it is.
The REAL fans know who they are. I mentioned Joe and Bill as yard sticks. Didn't know so many people would take a brotha literally.
I've been a Texans fan since the 2006 season; thats when I moved here. My neighbor is a season ticket holder and took me along to a game, been hooked ever since.
Well I don't know about you guys but I have been a fan of the Texans since before football even existed. I don't think you can judge fandom based on rep points, join dates, or how many times you have posted. Just because someone is new to the forums doesn't mean they have sat at home, gone to games, or gone to a bar to have their hopes crushed week after grueling week for a decade of miserable football and heinous mental errors.

But seriously here, I don't really give a crap if people are starting to jump on the Texans bandwagon, I would rather see some Texans bumper stickers on cars instead of the two brand new Saints flags after they won the Superbowl or have to deal with ridiculous Romo apologizers.
Texans fandom should be measured by a test about the '05 season.If you sat through that monstrosity (sec 323), you earned your stripes. If you were the last dumbass sitting in the entire section (sec 323) in the 4th quarter of the Pittsburgh game (the Sun Bowl), you earned your stripes.

If you were smart enough to avoid ruining your Sundays that season, you are worthy of esteem and respect for your intelligence.

lol! Funny about your last sentence. I'm a glutton for punishment and sat through every second of 2-14 home games. Muttering something about it paying dividends down the road and convincing ourselves that this is what fans do. We'll be old men shaking our wrinkled fists when the Texans finally make it, but we were true to our team and all that jazz.

i do....mainly b/c its these fairweather fans that call the local radio shows and ask dumb ass questions or make stupid statements & make it obvious that they don't know what the hell they're talking about &/or haven't been following the team until now.

Nothing worse than riding into work on a Monday morning & hearing:

If we win....." Man, schaub tore them up yesterday, Outside of Brady & Manning, i think schaub's right there in that top 5 qb class!"............:rolleyes:

Now, If we lose.......... "I don't care that schaub threw for 465 yds & 3 TD's.......he still sucks b/c...."

:brickwall: i swear my head is about to explode sometimes listening to that drivel.

yeah, well, that's a good point. I have avoided sports talk because of the doofus callers. I tend to get my updates and interaction from this forum, where folks have to hold their own - or at least try - because there is a feedback loop.

I find that music is much more enjoyable than listening to the people that you mention, so might I suggest a good Pantera cd for you? :fingergun:
I've been a fan since 03 or so and watched throughout the 2-14 season, and all the same family and friends who laughed at me then are now sporting gear and having watch parties.

And to that I say... more power to you. I wouldn't wish my kind of suffering on people. I'm masochistic I guess, but I'm not going to wish that kind of crap product on others :)

Good teams always pick up fair weather fans. If we start losing, they'll all just fall off the wagon and say "see I told you they suck." And thats fine.

As has been mentioned earlier, I'd rather have a stadium packed with half "die hards" and half "fair weathers" than half empty.

I don't like to grade people as "real" fans or not. It seems insecure. I know how much of a fan I am and thats good enough for me.
I'm just glad they decided NOT to go with the "Rough-necks" as you KNOW everyone would have called us the "rednecks".

Ha! I forgot that was one of the possible names.

Here's a video of the unveiling of the team name, colors, and logo at an event that took place in downtown Houston back in 2000.

At the 23 second mark, I can be seen front and center, standing next to my ex-wife---the woman with the Jackie-O sunglasses and the bare shoulders.

Bought my first Texans t-shirt there that day----the very moment they first became available.

If you had told me that day that my new team wouldn't sniff the playoffs for ten years, I honestly wouldn't have been too surprised and I'd still be a fan.
This thread reminds me of when Shaub said something along the lines of "if you'r a fan you would stay through out the 4th quarter" a few yrs ago.
1. I've been a fan since 03 or so and watched throughout the 2-14 season, and all the same family and friends who laughed at me then are now sporting gear and having watch parties.

And to that I say... more power to you. I wouldn't wish my kind of suffering on people. I'm masochistic I guess, but I'm not going to wish that kind of crap product on others :)

Good teams always pick up fair weather fans. If we start losing, they'll all just fall off the wagon and say "see I told you they suck." And thats fine.

As has been mentioned earlier, 2. I'd rather have a stadium packed with half "die hards" and half "fair weathers" than half empty.

3. I don't like to grade people as "real" fans or not. It seems insecure. I know how much of a fan I am and thats good enough for me.

1. Illustrates my point.
2. Valid point...
3. Duly noted. I wasn't trying to be a jerk, I'm just not a fan of bandwagon types.
This thread reminds me of when Shaub said something along the lines of "if you'r a fan you would still through out the 4th quarter" a few yrs ago.

My wife still hates Matt Schaub because of that statement. She makes no bones about it. Women are funny that way. She doesn't want him as our QB, she roots for the Texans to draft a QB, and she blasts Matt Schaub for every single mistake or incompletion. She hates him. Women can divest themselves of logic when they want.
I'm not gonna lie, i have a real bias towards fairweather fans B/c i think there's something to be said for hanging in there with your team when things aren't great ........That tells me that there's a real bond there & that you live & die with the team.
My wife still hates Matt Schaub because of that statement. She makes no bones about it. Women are funny that way. She doesn't want him as our QB, she roots for the Texans to draft a QB, and she blasts Matt Schaub for every single mistake or incompletion. She hates him. Women can divest themselves of logic when they want.

Hahaha. I was pretty pissed at his statement also but got over it quick.

I think it comes down to like gtexan02 said who or how do you determine who a true fan is or who is a fairweather one?

3. I don't like to grade people as "real" fans or not. It seems insecure. I know how much of a fan I am and thats good enough for me. Repped
Texans fandom should be measured by a test about the '05 season.If you sat through that monstrosity (sec 323), you earned your stripes. If you were the last dumbass sitting in the entire section (sec 323) in the 4th quarter of the Pittsburgh game (the Sun Bowl), you earned your stripes.

I wasn't sitting at the games during 2005, but rather at a watering hole about 10 miles outside of Boston every Sunday that season with either a "HWSNBN" or Sharper Jersey on. The local Pat's fans either commended me for dedication or thought I was a little slow in the brain.
I've also been a fan since they announced that Houston was getting another team (I'm glad they didn't go with the Centurions, I'm betting noone would have been able to say that one correctly too many times). I was stationed in Germany, was wearing a Texans hat and everyone kept asking me who the hell they were!

I haven't lived in Texas since I joined the AF in '92 and finally got to attend my first live game last year (@ Redskins) and had a blast.

I've been rolling with "my" Texans, good or bad, since the beginning (I was never a really big computer guy-hence my late arrival at this site but now I'm religious about looking and reading).
I'm new to this forum (been kind of reading it since last year, but only joined this season), but I've been a Texans fan pretty much since the Oilers left. When the NFL announced that they would add another expansion team back then, I followed the stadium/team financing plans and was happy to see LA crap their pants which gave us a chance.

I'm excited about this season. Bandwagon fans show up with any successful team, so it's a good sign!
If your co-workers have given you **** for the collossal ways the Texans have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, noone can question whether you are a fan of this team.

That's me in late 2000 at an AAU meet deadlifting 435# in a Texans tee-shirt.

I didn't join Texans Talk until the Mario draft.

That's some of my evidence of fandom.
The same idiots who a couple of years ago would ask: "Who's your team?" then would reply "Man they SUCK!" when you said the Texans, are now walking around with jerseys and jackets on acting as if they've ALWAYS been here. :headhurts: Sorry I'd rather be around some straight up Texan HATERS than the fair weather fans who only love them because they're winning. The REAL fans are the ones who've been here since that first win against the Cowgirls. REAL fans remember holding on to hope in the David Carr, Dom Capers Charlie Casterly days, we remember the under 500 seasons and REMAINED and will no matter HOW the rest of this season turns out. The fair weather fans need to just keep their mouths shut, because if the Texans blow a playoff game they'll be the first ones going on channel 11, 13 and 2 and saying "I knew they weren't gonna win...".
In my opinion if you've ever sat next to Either Joe or Bill during a can hold your head high and call yourself a true Texan fan.

I gotta disagree with you here. I don't like the bandwagon fans, but their presence means the Texans are doing well. bandwagon fans only jump on a team that is playing well. The more bandwagon fans means the better the team is doing. I would rather have the team being super successful with millions of bandwagon fans than ineptitude.

Besides, remember this: as much as they cheer, as much money they spend on gear, as happy as they are when the team is successful, they will never equal your level of happiness when the team is successful. You have invested a lot in this team emotionally, and that can only be duplicated by a similar long term investment.
If you've ever complained about poor national media coverage, low availability of merchandise in stores or online, cheap owners, no national games, etc then bandwagon fans are the cure for you!
I have been a fan since they came out with the white helmuts.

But I have never sat beside anyone at a game. I have never been to a game, except in my own LR.

That's me in late 2000 at an AAU meet deadlifting 435# in a Texans tee-shirt.

I didn't join Texans Talk until the Mario draft.

That's some of my evidence of fandom.
Thanks for clarifying it is you. Saw the long hair and thought it was David Carr.
Been a PSL owner since Day 1 and still am! I've gone through the hard years of the David Carr, Caspers, Chris Palmer, DD, Jamie Sharper, era then we went from worst to just boardline good. Now that I am stationed overseas, I have to get up 4 in the mornings on Monday mornings to get online to follow the texans game via yahoo sports.

Anyways, you know what team reminds me of the terrible Texans from the Carr era. The browns and Jags. Solid Denfense and offense...
I am guessing anyone who is on this forum and took the time to register, signin etc, is a fan. You don't have to go to games or post to be a fan. But what gets me is when fans feel ashamed of being from Houston because of the allegiance.

I live in NY and I have stayed true to my Texas roots. For being a Texans fan in NY is akin to voting republican at a lesbian convention.

I am proud to be from Texas and even got my New Yorker wife to say "we" when referring to my Texans. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is new territory for all of us and lets say humble and win with grace because god knows we had to learn to lose with humility as well.

I am a Texan.
....and speaking of which, I work for the network that airs Hard Knocks. I am going to try my best to push for the Texans to be on next season.
Yeah thats just how it goes. It's a good thing though, it means your team is doing well.

Me as a Texan fan have never missed a game, it's mostly due to luck though but I hope to continue the streak for as long as possible.
yep, I was going to say the same thing. We have always had a small group of hardcore football fans, but TRANSPLANT Houstonians have a history of being front runners. Show up when teams are good, but fade away when they suck.

I chuckle at all my FaceBook "friends" who now wear the gear and post pics of themselves at the games and tailgating. I don't care where they were during 2-14. I know their nature and it is what it is.

The NFL needs these casual fans to pay for it's product. That's just the way it works, and the rest of us devoted fanatics have to learned to accept it and live with it. I don't understand the gripe.

Edited for a little clarity.