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Training Camp Practice Updates - 2011

Terrence Toliver
And today marks the beginning of our annual "So and so is getting beat in that pic. We need to cut him and replace him" posts!
And today marks the beginning of our annual "So and so is getting beat in that pic. We need to cut him and replace him" posts!

This is what happens:

We are so starved for football by this point, that we over-analyze every photo or video that we see. This last about the first 4 or 5 days, max.

After that, people stop trying to read into everything. Because it's too hard to keep up with the daily grind of it all. By the time we reach day 6, 7, 8, and so on and so forth, everything begins to become stale and repetitive.

You can only analyze so many mundane drills for so long.

My early observations, though:

1. Mario is carrying less weight. Unless I am incorrect, when you carry less weight you can gain some stamina and are able to recover and sustain periods of all-out activity better. You're body is sending less blood to muscles, since the muscles are not bulky and not requiring as much oxygenated blood to keep up with the demands and rigors of all-out action. In short: A leaner Mario means a faster Mario, which is what Wade probably wants if Mario is to be a LB role in this 3-4 defense.

2. Brooks Reed made an interception today. That's good news. Our LBs have got to increase their awareness and be more willing to get that football when they can. On day 1, Brooks Reed is finding a way to contribute.

3. DeMeco is active. He's not on a bike. He's not standing around. He's running through drills inside the bubble, and he looked good at quarter speed. I hope he can come back at even 80% of his original effectiveness.


In terms of the photos, this is what I see:

A. Wade Phillips is barking out commands and pointing things out, and in a pic or two he's smiling and looks good in Texans gear. I don't think we understand yet what an impact he's going to have this year. I have a really good feeling, but mostly because he's been given two premiere DBs to work with--He can guide them, but spend most his time on the rooks and 2nd-year guys that need his help the most.

B. Barwin looks good! He's what Babin should have been, and I think he comes out like gang busters this year. Big time.

C. JJ Watt is leaning HARD into his man, getting up under the pads and really driving with his legs. That photo looks awesome.

Overall, very pleased with what I am seeing. Just ready to see more.
Gary Kubiak said:
DeMeco (Ryans) went through the whole practice because of what we’re doing. I think if we had been out there today two hours or two hours and 15 minutes full-go, we would have had to pull him off at some point.

Looks like DeMeco is being Demeco. The only way he comes out is if you take him out.

I'm really excited about this season, especially that I hear JJ Watt is doing great.
From my blog:

Got credentialed through Houston Chronicle online this year. Thank you for everyone who comes by the blog and provided the traffic numbers that made that possible. This is the first year I've been credentialed through them. I hope that more online writers can get credentialed in the future, and I have tried to work with the Texans and the NFL to increase timely information to fans.

If you have any questions, please put them over there. I tried to answer questions in my Twitter feed, and I got a lot of repetitive questions and then my phone ran out of juice. Ha. I'm going to try to go to as many practices as I can this week. I think I need a clone or something.

Spent most of my drill time watching corners/WRs. Hoping to spend more time watching Dline and LBs next.
From my blog:

Got credentialed through Houston Chronicle online this year. Thank you for everyone who comes by the blog and provided the traffic numbers that made that possible. This is the first year I've been credentialed through them. I hope that more online writers can get credentialed in the future, and I have tried to work with the Texans and the NFL to increase timely information to fans.

If you have any questions, please put them over there. I tried to answer questions in my Twitter feed, and I got a lot of repetitive questions and then my phone ran out of juice. Ha. I'm going to try to go to as many practices as I can this week. I think I need a clone or something.

Spent most of my drill time watching corners/WRs. Hoping to spend more time watching Dline and LBs next.

Probably because the Chronicle, though they would never admit it, knows you're providing more meat than the gristle and fat that unnamed Chronicle reporters are offering in camps every year.

In short: Your stuff is getting lots of hits and they'd be dumb to NOT get you credentialed and into the training camp scene.

Let's face it: Old media (newspapers) didn't have to provide minute-by-minute, blow-by-blow updates like we have now with cell phone and social application widgets like Twitter and facebook. The old media reporters would stand out at camp, write down a few thoughts, and be done with it.

Now? People like Steph can go watch a practice and then leave the place and tweet and blog and have unlimited space to write her analysis.

Social media frustrates the old media diehards who crave the days of writing down their thoughts on a pad, head back to the desk, crank out a column, and then be done for the day. They got their cheese moved, and they can't find it.

So I'm really REALLY glad that someone--one of OURS--got credentialed and is inside the mother ship, so to speak. You deserve it. I don't know what your lawyering gig pays, but damn you'd make a helluva' football reporter Steph.

Going to your blog RIGHT NOW!
I can't get through all of Steph's blog because I keep reading her Twitter feed off to the right side of the blog website page! LOL.

Here's a brand new tweet from Steph:

StephStradley RT @MJ4Sports: Texans DB coach Vance Joseph told me Jonathan Joseph was his highest graded free agent corner as in higher than Nnamdi. Full interview Tmrrw
From my blog:

Got credentialed through Houston Chronicle online this year. Thank you for everyone who comes by the blog and provided the traffic numbers that made that possible. This is the first year I've been credentialed through them. I hope that more online writers can get credentialed in the future, and I have tried to work with the Texans and the NFL to increase timely information to fans.

If you have any questions, please put them over there. I tried to answer questions in my Twitter feed, and I got a lot of repetitive questions and then my phone ran out of juice. Ha. I'm going to try to go to as many practices as I can this week. I think I need a clone or something.

Spent most of my drill time watching corners/WRs. Hoping to spend more time watching Dline and LBs next.

you are the main reason I hit the Blog section at the top of the chronicle. The other writers seem to be all the same, but if I read one of your articles I don't need to see the top on who wrote it, I can till by the contents of the story itself. If your trying to rise to the top stick with the way your doing it, don't look how the others are writing and try to change your style. I hope to be reading yours on the front page soon, you deserve and earned it. Good Luckl and thanks for the reports.
you are the main reason I hit the Blog section at the top of the chronicle. The other writers seem to be all the same, but if I read one of your articles I don't need to see the top on who wrote it, I can till by the contents of the story itself. If your trying to rise to the top stick with the way your doing it, don't look how the others are writing and try to change your style. I hope to be reading yours on the front page soon, you deserve and earned it. Good Luckl and thanks for the reports.

Thank you.

Like players, everybody has their own style, strengths and weaknesses. The blog is always a work in progress, but the best thing that I have going for me is that I care.
Congrats. Here's some stuff that's encouraging

Aug. 01, 2011 1:19 p.m. - by Brandon Williams - Mario Williams looks good at LB
If the opening day of practice is an indication, Mario Williams' conversion to OLB will be bad news for the AFC Central. The 6-6, 285-pounder looked surprisingly comfortable on the edge while retaining the quickness and speed that made him a two-time Pro Bowler at DE. The Texans think Williams can eclipse his career high of 14 sacks, set in 2007. Texans RapidReports
...but the best thing that I have going for me is that I care.

I would disagree with that statement as I believe you consistently offer incisive knowledge of football, both the business and game, and can put those sentiments across in a non-confrontational manner. I don't want to name any names, but Justice and Solomon could learn an extraordinary amount from people like you and Lance.

Long may it continue.
I would disagree with that statement as I believe you consistently offer incisive knowledge of football, both the business and game, and can put those sentiments across in a non-confrontational manner. I don't want to name any names, but Justice and Solomon could learn an extraordinary amount from people like you and Lance.

Long may it continue.

Thank you.

As for non-confrontational, my personal guidelines are that 1. I don't want to say anything I wouldn't say to someone's face because I think that is cowardly, unnecessary and I wouldn't want people to do that to me. 2. I think in sports talk radio in particular, I get a sense that some hosts take too much glee in being nasty about the failings of others. I don't like listening to that, and I don't like participating in that whether in sport or in life.

Also, I have a general bias that it is much easier to criticize something than it is to be in the process of building something. I've built successful things in my life and have participated in failures. Building, creating, problem solving is always harder than criticizing. That doesn't mean I don't or can't criticize but if it is being done, I think it is more effective if it is based on reasoning that is shown and isn't overly, unnecessarily personal and speculative.

In any event, thanks for the kind words. That sort of support helps when there's a blank screen in front of me, and I'm trying to figure out what to write. I wish I could do more but life intervenes.
BTW, there's a Twitter feed that few people follow that (so far) gets you quote sheets faster than other ways:!/TexansPR

This is new.

Also, if you aren't already on Twitter and you are a football fan, you should be. If you haven't experienced a football season on Twitter, you are missing out because it is fun and that's where the breaking news is.

You don't have to say anything like what you had for lunch, but it is a way to contact people that you might not chat with otherwise.

Think of it like a cell phone. Only follow folks you are interested in hearing from.
BTW, there's a Twitter feed that few people follow that (so far) gets you quote sheets faster than other ways:!/TexansPR

This is new.

Also, if you aren't already on Twitter and you are a football fan, you should be. If you haven't experienced a football season on Twitter, you are missing out because it is fun and that's where the breaking news is.

You don't have to say anything like what you had for lunch, but it is a way to contact people that you might not chat with otherwise.

Think of it like a cell phone. Only follow folks you are interested in hearing from.

Thanks for the link Steph...

I was anti-Twitter for the longest time...I was against anything whose biggest proponent was Ashton Kutcher.

But, it is what you make of it...I follow less than 20 people. I look to be informed or entertained...hopefully both. It made the free agent frenzy a lot more fun.
From my blog:

Got credentialed through Houston Chronicle online this year. Thank you for everyone who comes by the blog and provided the traffic numbers that made that possible. This is the first year I've been credentialed through them. I hope that more online writers can get credentialed in the future, and I have tried to work with the Texans and the NFL to increase timely information to fans.

If you have any questions, please put them over there. I tried to answer questions in my Twitter feed, and I got a lot of repetitive questions and then my phone ran out of juice. Ha. I'm going to try to go to as many practices as I can this week. I think I need a clone or something.

Spent most of my drill time watching corners/WRs. Hoping to spend more time watching Dline and LBs next.

D'oh... So when will you, McClain, and Anna-Megan be coming out with the newest "Big Bad Schaub" video?


Nah, congratulations! Living the dream! We definitely appreciate your blog and efforts.
Houston Texans
S Glover Quin: "I feel natural (at safety). I feel like that's what I was born to do...Right now I'm actually working at strong safety."

Question is, will he stay there after Manning can join practice?
Question is, will he stay there after Manning can join practice?

I think so.

Manning said they told him he'd play free when they brought him here.

I think I may actually like that. From everything I've read manning is better when he can sit back and view all the action and use his speed and athleticism to make plays.
Nick Scurfield
Rookie QB TJ Yates is running the 2nd & 3rd team offense since M. Leinart can't practice til Thurs. Made big improvements today, per Kubiak

Good for TJ, twice the number of expected reps for four days of training camp can only help.
S Glover Quin: "I feel natural (at safety). I feel like that's what I was born to do...Right now I'm actually working at strong safety."
S Glover Quin: "I feel natural (at safety). I feel like that's what I was born to do...Right now I'm actually working at strong safety."

not that we have to distinguish positions, being interchangeable & all but I've felt all along that Glover is a Strong Safety :chili:
Here's my 8/2 AM practice update:

On Andre Johnson’s finger injury, Texans special teams update

I was standing between the fields when AJ jammed his finger. Media wasn't supposed to tweet it because technically this wasn't an open practice (Toro Kids Club folks were there), but I got on 610 mid practice to try to let folks know factually what happened because I saw the alarm on Twitter and wasn't supposed to tweet.

Sorry the pictures in the above link aren't any better but I'm doing the best I can with the resources I have. Could have put up this blog post earlier except my kids killed my laptop last week. The dog, however, did not eat my homework.
Here's my 8/2 AM practice update:

On Andre Johnson’s finger injury, Texans special teams update

I was standing between the fields when AJ jammed his finger. Media wasn't supposed to tweet it because technically this wasn't an open practice (Toro Kids Club folks were there), but I got on 610 mid practice to try to let folks know factually what happened because I saw the alarm on Twitter and wasn't supposed to tweet.

Sorry the pictures in the above link aren't any better but I'm doing the best I can with the resources I have. Could have put up this blog post earlier except my kids killed my laptop last week. The dog, however, did not eat my homework.

So how do we get your blog app on an iPhone?

Search for TexansChick or something?
On NFLN Total Access at 6:00 CT tonight, between the 25th and about the 30th minute of the 1-hour program, they show actual footage of the incident where AJ's finger was dislocated.

I think it replays tonight at 10:00 pm Central Time. So you can record it and watch it. Like I said: Somewhere between minute 25 and 30 of the 1-hour show.

Carmichael had pretty good coverage, though he was using both hands a lot and sort of hooking AJ as AJ made moves downfield.
On NFLN Total Access at 6:00 CT tonight, between the 25th and about the 30th minute of the 1-hour program, they show actual footage of the incident where AJ's finger was dislocated.

I think it replays tonight at 10:00 pm Central Time. So you can record it and watch it. Like I said: Somewhere between minute 25 and 30 of the 1-hour show.

Carmichael had pretty good coverage, though he was using both hands a lot and sort of hooking AJ as AJ made moves downfield.

So GP, you're saying Roc's rockin' vet moves already? And on AJ none the less?
Really cool.

Go Roc!
So GP, you're saying Roc's rockin' vet moves already? And on AJ none the less?
Really cool.

Go Roc!

AJ went up field and Carmichael was playing press on him from the beginning of the play. After about 10 yards, AJ swam to the inside and was trying a slant.

Early on, about the first few yards, Carmichael was hand-fighting with AJ and staying with him with what looked like good footwork. But when AJ swam to the inside, Carmichael was about to lose some ground to AJ and so Carmichael started using both hands and forearms and sort of hooking or blocking his core and chest as AJ tried to swim.

It wasn't BAD. Some refs might not even call it on Carmichael, but some refs might feel inclined to do so. The ball glanced off AJ's hands, so that could have made a ref throw a flag--AJ didn't have a chance at the pass because Carmichael had been right there to break it up...but yet Carmichael might not have been there to break it up unless he pushed the envelope right up to when AJ made his inside move.

Hell, Carmichael's coverage looked tighter than anything I have ever seen Kareem Jackson provide.

It's 10:00 right now, you guys can catch it at about 10:25-10:30 CT tonight on NFLN Total Access (if it's a replay from their 6:00 pm show).
AJ went up field and Carmichael was playing press on him from the beginning of the play. After about 10 yards, AJ swam to the inside and was trying a slant.

Early on, about the first few yards, Carmichael was hand-fighting with AJ and staying with him with what looked like good footwork. But when AJ swam to the inside, Carmichael was about to lose some ground to AJ and so Carmichael started using both hands and forearms and sort of hooking or blocking his core and chest as AJ tried to swim.

It wasn't BAD. Some refs might not even call it on Carmichael, but some refs might feel inclined to do so. The ball glanced off AJ's hands, so that could have made a ref throw a flag--AJ didn't have a chance at the pass because Carmichael had been right there to break it up...but yet Carmichael might not have been there to break it up unless he pushed the envelope right up to when AJ made his inside move.

Hell, Carmichael's coverage looked tighter than anything I have ever seen Kareem Jackson provide.

It's 10:00 right now, you guys can catch it at about 10:25-10:30 CT tonight on NFLN Total Access (if it's a replay from their 6:00 pm show).

Some guys might call that interference but he didn't really seem to slow AJ down or re-direct him in anyway... I think that might have been good coverage.

But it's been so long since I've seen good coverage from a Texans DB that I'm really not sure.

A pretty impressive showing for a kid in his 2nd day of practice at the professional level.
Some guys might call that interference but he didn't really seem to slow AJ down or re-direct him in anyway... I think that might have been good coverage.

But it's been so long since I've seen good coverage from a Texans DB that I'm really not sure.

A pretty impressive showing for a kid in his 2nd day of practice at the professional level.

To me, it almost seemed like AJ was on a route and couldn't get free to make the sort of move he wants to make. Because even as the ball was coming at him, you could tell by his body language that he felt he had lost position and didn't have a great shot at that pass.

In short: Carmichael was so tight on him, and stayed with him so long, that it disrupted the pattern a bit.

I'm going to re-watch tonight and see if Carmichael had turned his upper body back toward the QB (which would make his positioning legal since he's facing back upfield and not flailing away with his back to the QB).