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The New New JaDeveon Clowney Thread

Does the distinction improve Clowney's prognosis? If not, screw Nitro. LOL :sarcasm: on the last part.
August 17 is when Jadeveon Clowney will return.

He won't play vs. the 49ers on Saturday Night but he'll be practicing all next week. It would be nice to see him take some snaps in a few preseason games just to get some game conditioning before Week 1 against the Chiefs.

August 17 is when Jadeveon Clowney will return.

He won't play vs. the 49ers on Saturday Night but he'll be practicing all next week. It would be nice to see him take some snaps in a few preseason games just to get some game conditioning before Week 1 against the Chiefs.

Temper your expectations. Remember what Cushing was doing last offseason. He was medically cleared, but he wasn't taking active snaps with the defense. He was working on the sideline. I agree, it would be nice for Clowney to get some snaps in the preseason, but it most likely won't happen until after the final preseason game.

If (& that's a big if) he takes any snaps against KC, it would be limited. I'm guessing between three & five. & that's if we're lucky & don't experience any setbacks.
August 17 is when Jadeveon Clowney will return.

He won't play vs. the 49ers on Saturday Night but he'll be practicing all next week. It would be nice to see him take some snaps in a few preseason games just to get some game conditioning before Week 1 against the Chiefs.

My modest hopes for JD starting out here on the 17th is that he gets a few snaps in during the remaining 3 preseason game if he's able to show some promise during practice, and notice I didn't even say a single complete series on defense. So then going into the season opener vs the Chiefs maybe he's in there for, once again a "few snaps" in passing/nickel situations strictly as an edge-rusher. Then we will take it from there as he continues to be monitored and managed very closely practice by practice and week to week.
August 17 is when Jadeveon Clowney will return.

He won't play vs. the 49ers on Saturday Night but he'll be practicing all next week. It would be nice to see him take some snaps in a few preseason games just to get some game conditioning before Week 1 against the Chiefs.

That video is from August 2.
We’re going to get him back out there and he’ll be in the walkthroughs,” O’Brien said Sunday. “He’ll be in the dynamic stretch period and then he’ll be in individual period. We’ll take it from there. We’ll talk to him every single day, add a little bit more every single day, try to ramp him up as we move through the week to see where he’s at by the end of the week and then evaluate it at the end of the week for the following weeks.”
“He’s come a long way," O'Brien said. "He’s worked really hard to get back to where he is right now. We’re all looking forward to seeing him back out there on the field because we know he can help us. So, it will be a good day Monday for him to put the gear on and get back out there.”​

He walks. He jogs. He jams little sleds. He pirouettes:
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Interesting note that if Clowney's injury re-occurs the team can move him back to PUP, but would be in the PUP/Reserve category. Learn something new everyday.
You sure about that? Got a link and/or source?

I questioned the author on Twitter as I didn't think it was accurate either. I thought once you practiced you couldn't go back to PUP at all. I haven't dug into the CBA to see if there is anything there on this, which I doubt there is. I'll keep asking around with my other sources to see if anyone can confirm this. But this author is usually spot on, and NFP is a good site. However the article explanation confused me more than answering my question. So I asked the doctor directly, and he said if it is the original injury the player can go back to PUP but on reserve. If I get another confirmation, will let you know.


Check-in physicals are performed upon arrival at every camp and a player must pass before any conditioning tests or practice starts. If there is any question on an injury or the possibility of a setback, the player is typically failed on physical and the active/PUP designation is used to preserve the right to later enact the reserve/PUP status in the regular season.

If a player passes the initial physical and practices for even one minute without having been on active/PUP first, a team loses the ability to use the roster spot saving reserve/PUP designation. This is why you will see teams freely apply the active/PUP status as training camps open. This is also why you will see many players pass a physical a day later and begin practice. If the original injury flares up, this allows the team to save the roster spot later. However, it can’t be used if a new unrelated injury occurs.
I wonder if he's considered wearing a brace prophylactically to reduce the chance of recurrence. It could even become a signature much like JJ's arm brace which has gone from injury protection, to prophylactic to a trademark, even though he has said it is uncomfortable.
OLB Jadeveon Clowney
(on how he felt at practice) “I felt pretty good. I’m just happy to be back out here with my teammates. Taking
it one day at a time.”

(on what it means to him to get back out on the field after being injured) “It means a lot to me, you know, to
be out here, practicing with the guys. It’s been a long time, so I was very excited to be out there today.”

(on wrapping up this past year) “Long. You know I went through a lot. It was hard work, but we’re pulling it
off. I had a lot of help, a lot of assistance from guys, from my teammates, from the trainer s, my family.
Everybody supported me through the whole thing, so still a little ways to go but we’re in the right direction.”

(on going through practice with Linebackers Coach Mike Vrabel and doing drills with the team) “It was great,
you know, I haven’t done some of that stuff in a long time and just to be back out here was a good feeling.
Just, like I said, taking it one day at a time and just building up for when I start back playing.”

(on the work he put in to get to the point he is at right now) “More than I’ve worked in my whole life probably
but it was worth it. Just to be back out here. It was all worth it, man.”

(on his soreness) “No soreness today. We’re just building up. I hope we just stay like that, maintain, keep
going forward.”

(on what percentage he would say he’s at physically) “I feel better than I did last year after my first surgery,
so that’s all I’m going to say on that. I feel great, just saying what they tell me. Everyday we’re going to build
up from what I did today, so tomorrow will be more than what I did today, so just building to hopefully stay
where I’m at.”

(on if it’s tough to hold back at practice) “Yeah, I was like ‘Coach, let me get some pass rush today.’ He
was like ‘No, it’s your first day out here, we’re going to take it slow.’ I was like, ‘Man, what am I going to do
now this whole time?’ Take it slow, you’re going to have plenty of opportunity, so just wait.”

(on Head Coach Bill O’Brien talking to him about the surgery) “The first day before surgery, he wa s like,
‘We’re going to have to grind this out. You’ve got to just put your head down and plow forward. You’re going
to have a long rehab, long surgery’ and I was like, ‘I’m ready to do it.’ And we came out, we put a plan
together and we followed it up with the plan and it’s working out for me.”

(on any pleasant surprises he had during rehab and out at practice) “No, not really. After everybody was
telling me about the surgery, on how hard it was going to be and a lot of guys don’t do this after the surgery,
don’t do that, I was like, ‘I’m going to try to beat the odds.’ I’ve always been that way my whole life, so I was
going to work hard and just try to push for a good time to come back and I’m feeling great.”

(on the best part of being out at practice today) “Just being out there with my teammates. Laughing and
giggling with the guys. They gave me a hard time today, first day back. They were like, ‘New kid on the
team,’ so you know, it’s fun.”

(on Jets CB Darrelle Revis being a motivation for him to come back) “I’m going to say, I was already
determined I was going to come back. I wasn’t really worried about it, I was just really going to work hard
and just do what I had to do. Listening from other guys that have been through it was a big help. I talked to
some guys and it helped me a lot. I started taking little notes and doing what they had, what they planned
together and followed my plan and it helped me.”

(on who gave him the hardest time at practice today) “Today? Probably (Brian) Cushing, like alway s. You
know, he always ‘New kid on the team.’ A lot of guys, you know, but it was fun being out here with the guys
today. I’m just looking forward to moving up.”

(on who he talked to who went through the same surgery) “Jon Beason from the Panthers, when he was at
the Panthers and Giants. I talked to him a few times. He told me to put together a routine. He told me the
stuff he was using and I started finally doing what he did and it helped me out a lot and leading up to
practicing. I’m back.”

(on if he feels a sense of relief that he’s finally back) “Oh man, it’s very relieving. I had a hard time. Some
days I was like, ‘I don’t feel like doing this, I feel like doing that.’ It was hard some days, so being out here
with my teammates is the best feeling.”

(on if he still feels somewhat like a rookie since he didn’t get to play much last year) “You know I was talking
about that. I don’t know. I say, ‘Yeah, I do feel like kind of a rookie because I didn’t get to play more than
what, four games?’ So yeah, it’s kind of like a rookie season all over again for me.”

(on what it means to hear Head Coach Bill O’Brien say that he can help the team) “It’s great to know that
he believes in me. He put his trust in me, and I do the work and come out here, be a leader, help lead this
team to wins, and that’s what I’m going to do, try to do what I can do to be the best player I can be.”

(on what got him through the days when he didn’t want to do it anymore) “I’m going to say my support, my
family, my teammates, the training staff, they push me every day. My mom, my girl, it was just like, ‘Hey,
you’ve got to get up and go,’ and I was like, ‘Man, I don’t know about today, I’m calling in today.’ They were
like ‘No, man, don’t do it.’ So they got me out of the house, and I just got up here, and once I was done I
was like, ‘Man, I’m glad I did it today.’ Got the work in and it helped me, (Coordinator of
Rehabilitation/Assistant Athletic Trainer) Roland (Ramirez) and them stayed on me the whole time through
my rehab. He never let me quit. He was like, ‘Man, you’ve got to finish, you’ve got to do this, you’ve got to
do that. I’m like, ‘I’m tired.’ He’s like, ‘Go, go’ and I’m like, ‘Alright, let’s do it.’”

(on if he felt like there was a turning point in his rehab where it started getting easier) “Probably after OTAs.
Before OTAs, I was a little worried, there was a little swelling here and there, but after OTAs it started
coming around, it started feeling great. And I was just like, (Coordinator of Rehabilitation/Assistant Athletic
Trainer) Roland (Ramirez) let’s push for a good date to come back, and he’s like, put down the 17th.”

(on his emotion when he heard his start date) “I was like, I was just happy, I was like, ‘Let’s do it, let’s see
where we can get.’ We aren’t going to set on 17th, but if I can go by the 17th,
I’m going to come out here and be with my teammates.”

(on if he talked to RB Marcus Lattimore during this process) “I didn’t really talk to him. I just heard his story
about how hard it was for him, and I was like, ‘I know how that feels, can’t take this for granted.’ Now I’m
out here, I’ve worked hard to get back, I just want to stay out here and push harder.”

(on how he thinks it’ll feel to go full speed) “Man, I’m very anxiou s. It’s going to be great to be out there,
rushing the passer and just putting my hands on other guys. I’ve been hitting these dummies for so long
and nobody hits back. So we’re going to see how it goes.”

(on if there’s anything he can’t do now that he could do before the injury) “No, before I was hurt? No.
Everything is coming along. I can pretty much do just about everything.”

(on if he has more comfort in the system now than last year) “Yeah, learning the calls and stuff, I think I
know a lot more this year than I did last year. Once I learned something it kind of sticks to me, about the
system, so it was a big help for me from last season to come in and know the calls and stuff. Now I just
have to go out there and play and put them together on the field.”

(on how much Linebackers Coach Mike Vrabel helping him with his recovery) “Vrabel might be the smartest
coach I ever had. He just, he talks so fast, he’s so smart, he gets us lost sometimes in the meeting. We’ll
be like, ‘What? Slow down coach, you know you can’t talk like that so fast.’ He’s a smart coach, he’ll put
you in the right places to make plays, and you need a guy like that to help you.”

(on if he will play when the regular season starts) “We’ll see, we’ll see.”
Clowney on rehab process, more
Jadeveon Clowney spoke to the media following his first day back at practice.

Worth a watch if you forgot who he is or want to see how he handled his first-in-a-long-time presser.
Yea that was some good stuff because it's a reminder about how much JD really likes football and what a gregarious person he is and how he enoys mixing it up and hanging out with his teammates. He's a likable kid. I'm actually surprised that Billy let him trot out there all by himself and just BS with the media for close to 10 minutes.
Yea that was some good stuff because it's a reminder about how much JD really likes football and what a gregarious person he is and how he enoys mixing it up and hanging out with his teammates. He's a likable kid. I'm actually surprised that Billy let him trot out there all by himself and just BS with the media for close to 10 minutes.

Probably a situation of get Clowney out there answer all their questions, get it all done in one media session so that the team can move on.
“I feel pretty good,” Clowney said. “Just happy to be back out there and be with my teammates. Means a lot to me to be back with the guys.”

“[I worked] more than I’ve worked in my whole life, probably,” Clowney said, via John McClain of the Houston Chronicle. “It was worth it. Just to be back out here, it was all worth it.”

“I was like, ‘Coach, let me get some pass rush today.’ He was like, ‘We’re going to take it slow. You’ll have plenty of opportunities.’ I’m tired of hitting blocking dummies that don’t hit back. Now it’s like being the new kid on the team again. It was fun.”

The Texans are going to try to pace him, in hopes of having him play in the regular season opener, and the early signs are good.
After all the of off-season prognostications, I'd be lying through my teeth if I said I wouldn't be holding my breath when they do let him go full speed. Probably will be that way with a lot of people.
At this point who cares what this guys thinks he is ready to do or not do. Total and complete bust of a first round draft pick so far. We've got so many other good players on this team that I'm excited about. Clowney is not one of them.
After all the of off-season prognostications, I'd be lying through my teeth if I said I wouldn't be holding my breath when they do let him go full speed. Probably will be that way with a lot of people.
I'm excited to see Jadeveon Clowney back on the field. Seems like Week 1 versus the Chiefs is the unofficial target date even though the coaches seem to be taking a wait-and-see approach as they ease him back. It's a good sign that he felt good after the limited drills he completed today. No soreness to speak of. He'll do more and more each day until he's ready to see game action.
"JD how do your bone spurs impact your training and possible return to the field?"

answer: not one as no one asked.
After all the of off-season prognostications, I'd be lying through my teeth if I said I wouldn't be holding my breath when they do let him go full speed. Probably will be that way with a lot of people.
I fully expect a setback, but hope I'm wrong. I just hope it's temporary and minor rather than a career ender.
At this point who cares what this guys thinks he is ready to do or not do. Total and complete bust of a first round draft pick so far. We've got so many other good players on this team that I'm excited about. Clowney is not one of them.

I care. Forget to take your meds today did we? You would be in the minority if you say you do not care. How anyone with even a little of football knowledge could call a 2nd year player a bust is beyond me. Wait, it just dawned on me there were these fans that were calling for a QB to be drafted instead of Clowney. What was his name..?
I care. Forget to take your meds today did we? You would be in the minority if you say you do not care. How anyone with even a little of football knowledge could call a 2nd year player a bust is beyond me. Wait, it just dawned on me there were these fans that were calling for a QB to be drafted instead of Clowney. What was his name..?
Some fans declare players to be BUSTS as soon as they are drafted. I guess they think there are brownie points if you are the first to make such a declaration. But I'm unfamiliar with anyone who has ever gotten a real football job by doing so.
At this point who cares what this guys thinks he is ready to do or not do.

Before Arian got hurt, I was right there with you. Now for us to have a winning season, we need all the help we can get. For us to make the play offs... a very healthy Jd Clooney could go a long way.
PDS ‏@PatDStat
Clowney now working full speed on team defense. Cutting it loose some. #Texans

Looks like Clowney's working with the entire defensive team already. Nice to see there were no setbacks from yesterday's workout. Now I shall go back to knocking wood and throwing salt over my left shoulder...
PDS ‏@PatDStat
Clowney now working full speed on team defense. Cutting it loose some. #Texans

Looks like Clowney's working with the entire defensive team already. Nice to see there were no setbacks from yesterday's workout. Now I shall go back to knocking wood and throwing salt over my left shoulder...
I'm not sure whether to cheer or jeer. It all depends on whether he gets back without causing harm by absorbing contact too early. It's one thing to do it for a day or week, but quite another to do it for a season.

I suppose we have to have faith in the opinions of those professionals who have said he is good to go. Now whether that faith is justified or whether they are artists on timing the return is another matter. I'm certainly not qualified to second guess that part of the equation.

It is possible that he is as good as he will get from a health perspective and it is also possible he will fall prey to the inherent risk that even the healthiest players take playing a violent sport. But I want him to be all he can be (sounds like a marketing phrase) so I'm pulling for this to be successful and we will look back and say it was done just right. My fear is that he/we push too hard and take away that potential because of impatience.
I'm not sure whether to cheer or jeer. It all depends on whether he gets back without causing harm by absorbing contact too early. It's one thing to do it for a day or week, but quite another to do it for a season.

I suppose we have to have faith in the opinions of those professionals who have said he is good to go. Now whether that faith is justified or whether they are artists on timing the return is another matter. I'm certainly not qualified to second guess that part of the equation.

It is possible that he is as good as he will get from a health perspective and it is also possible he will fall prey to the inherent risk that even the healthiest players take playing a violent sport. But I want him to be all he can be (sounds like a marketing phrase) so I'm pulling for this to be successful and we will look back and say it was done just right. My fear is that he/we push too hard and take away that potential because of impatience.

I'm having the same fears. It could be just spending way too much listening to the offseason chatter about how it takes to recover from a surgery like that. But I'm glad he's doing so well in camp without any apparent problems.
I'm having the same fears. It could be just spending way too much listening to the offseason chatter about how it takes to recover from a surgery like that. But I'm glad he's doing so well in camp without any apparent problems.
I too feel that way. At least he's out there and making some progress even though it's very gradual. I'm thankful for that much !

Bill O’Brien doesn’t know how much, but he’s certain the outside linebacker will make an impact.

All offseason and preseason, the head coach repeatedly praised the discipline and determination Clowney showed in the return from knee microfracture surgery. But in a Monday press conference, O’Brien was talkative about Clowney’s smarts.

“I’ve always felt good about him mentally, as far as the X’s and O’s,” O’Brien said. “He’s a very bright football player.”

At 6-feet-5 inches and 266 pounds, Clowney ran a 4.53 in the 40-yard dash at the 2014 NFL Combine. His ‘measurables’ are often the first thing mentioned when his name is discussed. But O’Brien’s been impressed with what he’s seen from the former South Carolina Gamecock in the meeting room with linebacker coach Mike Vrabel.

“When he fires questions at Jadeveon, the guy knows the answers,” O’Brien said. “Our defense, it’s not always the easiest thing to pick that thing up, especially when you’re not practicing. Clearly, he has good football intelligence.”

Clowney appeared in four games in 2014, as he was slowed and then ultimately shut down, because of a knee injury. He’s practiced with the Texans since August 17, and said he’s not feeling any pain in his knee.​
Yup, he doesn't love the game. Doesn't work hard. Nothing but one highlight.

Yep, he could of counted his millions and not taken his rehab seriously. I am sure the haters will find a way to spin it anyway. I think the way he busted ass on this rehab alone shuts down any argument he has a bad work ethic. Too bad it took an injury like this to prove it. I would have rather seen him light it up last year and remain healthy only to turn it up even more in 2015.
I'm not sure whether to cheer or jeer. It all depends on whether he gets back without causing harm by absorbing contact too early. It's one thing to do it for a day or week, but quite another to do it for a season.

I suppose we have to have faith in the opinions of those professionals who have said he is good to go. Now whether that faith is justified or whether they are artists on timing the return is another matter. I'm certainly not qualified to second guess that part of the equation.

It is possible that he is as good as he will get from a health perspective and it is also possible he will fall prey to the inherent risk that even the healthiest players take playing a violent sport. But I want him to be all he can be (sounds like a marketing phrase) so I'm pulling for this to be successful and we will look back and say it was done just right. My fear is that he/we push too hard and take away that potential because of impatience.

After reading some of CND's posts it appears that y'all share the same fears.

I'm pulling for J.D. too. On the bright side he does have age on his side.
Okay. I was bad mouthing Clowney last year for getting injured ding the FIRST quarter of the FIRST NFL game in which he played. I made light of his spending more time correcting analysts on the correct pronunciation of his name that he did striking fear in quarterbacks. This year, I'm going to give the guy a hell of a break and the benefit of the doubt. Break a leg Jadeveon...NOT YOUR OWN!
Cak, come on man. It was the first game that counted. You don't count the first three or any game before the big injury. Everybody knows that.
Pretty sure it was right before the half, Cak.

Supposedly blamed the field per a conversation with.. Hopkins (I think), whom passed that info along to the media. Then JC thought better of that and just let it lie.

Another pun. :dance2:
Pretty sure it was right before the half, Cak.

Supposedly blamed the field per a conversation with.. Hopkins (I think), whom passed that info along to the media. Then JC thought better of that and just let it lie.

Another pun. :dance2:

It was Swearinger.
Jayson Braddock ‏@JaysonBraddock
In my opinion from what I've seen, the only thing that will prevent Jadeveon Clowney from being a star is health.

Don't take that to mean that Clowney is already there, technique wise, but it shouldn't be a concern.

Coaches rave about Clowney's football IQ. Due to working w/ Vrabel, his hunger for knowledge & physical abilities, I would check that off.

Coming out of college, Jadeveon Clowney had questions surrounding technique & work ethic. He's now worked back from microfracture.​
Jadeveon Clowney is more equipped to succeed entering Week 1 this year, and that's coming off a serious surgery and rehab, than he was entering Week 1 last year. I felt last year he solely relied on his athleticism but this time around his football IQ and technique is so much better. He still learned while he wasn't playing and he had time to study the game for a year's time. People tend to overlook that. They just think Clowney was out for so long. Being out that long actually benefited his game. I expect him to have a nice second season in the NFL.