I'm not certain this is the place for it but I'll give it a go anyway. If the mods see fit to make it it's own thread, leave it be, or delete it, I trust your judgment.
For nearly 20 years now you've frequented this site. You've bitched and complained and learned and met some friends. And you've done it really because of one man. The God father of this site is
@Hookem Horns.
I don't know what the cost is to run a site ,but I suspect most years he's done it out of his own pocket. And to me, that's bs. It's time to contribute.
I honestly don't know of a better resource for Texans information. If you want to use it going forward, it's time to contribute a few dollars.
I'm on board with organizing a deer hunt, a fishing trip, a garage sale, or bidding off my avatar. Whatever. It's time to give back.
Please post below and save this site. It shouldn't be one man's burden.