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Texans after Garcia? (Bucs sign Garcia) not seeing how that puts us any closer to AP in the draft. that just means that AP moves up on Oakland's draft board if they have a FA qb.

I'd guess that Oakland would take a serious look at Calvin Johnson and trade either Porter (who Cleveland has been talking about) or Moss. Cleveland could look toward Thomas or Russell or Quinn....and with TB not landing Plummer, then perhaps they start looking at whichever QB Cleveland doesn't take.

The next few teams go DT/DE or WR and we get Adrian!!!!
he doesnt sound upset--but said that garcia to oakland "doesnt" make sense.
Because McClain said that the Raiders had a terrible o-line and organization.

So, why would Garcia in Houston make sense, John?

can someone repeat what McClain just said about Plummer and the Broncos and three years?

Plummer's contract runs through '09. But, the Broncos would have to carry Plummer's cap hit the entire time in order to retain those rights. With the Broncos hot & heavy over so many FA's, that would surprise me. All they were getting out of Plummer was a 4th round pick, anyway. The Broncos will cut Plummer...eventually.
Sorry to get off track, but I my whole understanding was if Clevland did not take AP, then no one in between them and us would be interested in him. To me the only prospect that the Browns would want more than AP is OT Thomas and if Raiders take WR Johnson and if Lions take QB Russel, then $$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Raiders taking Garcia could bring us AP
McClains wonders aloud why the Raiders would use their #1 on Russell and
not Calvin Johnson, who he says is being rated by some as one of the greatest prospects ever. I dunno, maybe because he's not a QB, and Russell is ?
I see your topless Garcia and raise you his wifey


Man I think I would have to sign her to a PERSONAL SERVICES contract......Sorry somebody had to say it!:shades:
Man I think I would have to sign her to a PERSONAL SERVICES contract......Sorry somebody had to say it!:shades:
So, McClain thinks the Texans will replace David Carr with a QB whose wife/girlfriend has her own porno site? :hmmm:

Maybe when :pigfly:
That is a whole other discussion to get into...
What "whole other discussion"? We're discussing the possibility of Jeff Garcia signing with the Texans. You don't think his wife's profession would be a consideration?
What "whole other discussion"? We're discussing the possibility of Jeff Garcia signing with the Texans. You don't think his wife's profession would be a consideration?
No I dont, and I also dont consider what she does porn, which was the other discussion I was refering to.
So, McClain thinks the Texans will replace David Carr with a QB whose wife/girlfriend has her own porno site? :hmmm:

Maybe when :pigfly:

Since when does a player's wife/girlfriend matter? I would hardly call having a spread in Playboy pornography? She is a nude model and a damn good one at that I might add. It's not like she is doing donkey shows or gonzo porn. She like MANY women has posed in Playboy....big f'in deal. All you self righteous losers need to realize that your morals are just that YOUR MORALS. Don't force them or expect our franchise to live up to your religious or moral restrictions. It's a woman's body which is God's most beautiful creation. Grow up and get out of the Middle Ages. Garcia would be a great addition but something tells me he wants to go to Oakland and be back in Northern California.

It doesnt matter anyway, because we are getting Plummer. It's in the cards and Plummer knows we want him thus the 'retirement'.

40-18 as Bronco's starter. Best record of NFL starter in NFL last 4 years except Brady and Manning. Why wouldn't we want him for next to nothing?

Anyways, with Garcia's wife she could wear a white t-shirt to games and fans could pour beer on her and we could have impromptu wet t-shirt contests....
they’re trying to sign Garcia, who would replace David Carr as their starter.

Man I hope this happens. We need a serious kick and this could just be it. Fantastic news. This gives me hope that the new coaches and GM know what they're doing and I can't wait for the draft.

Well, it's softcore pornography. I bet Bob McNair would agree with that.

I bet Bob owns a subscription to Playboy for crying out loud. It's nude modeling and surely far from pornography. She didn't pose in Big 'Uns, Cheri, Hustler, Barely Legal, or even Penthouse. She did Playboy just like many celebrities, movie stars, models, and fine young women have done over the past 60 years.
What "whole other discussion"? We're discussing the possibility of Jeff Garcia signing with the Texans. You don't think his wife's profession would be a consideration?

His wife gets naked. Eye of the beholder and all, but I don't call that porno and would think it pretty ridiculous if the Texans let that stop them from signing a player.
His wife gets naked. Eye of the beholder and all, but I don't call that porno and would think it pretty ridiculous if the Texans let that stop them from signing a player.
Well, she has a paysite where she charges for nude pics. Maybe movies. And I not taking into account what you or I might consider pornography. I just think Bob McNair would. Ridiculous or not.
Well, she has a paysite where she charges for nude pics. Maybe movies. And I not taking into account what you or I might consider pornography. I just think Bob McNair would. Ridiculous or not.
Considering the Texans are seeking Garcia's services, it would seem not.
It's almost flat-out obvious the Texans are trying to get rid of David Carr. They want Jake Plummer here, but they look like they're going to wait until he's cut and if he doesn't retire. They are also interested in Jeff Garcia and have "entertained" trade talks about David Carr. I'm guessing Carr will be traded for something this offseason. Yes yes I know, what a far-fetched idea.
Well, she has a paysite where she charges for nude pics. Maybe movies. And I not taking into account what you or I might consider pornography. I just think Bob McNair would. Ridiculous or not.

maybe movies? she is not a porn actress. something tells me Garcia can manage to have a monogymous partner without having to 'loan' her out to make money. I think the bills are getting paid already. I will say I find it surprising that she is selling pics of herself naked on her website. Who the hell pays for porn on the internet anyway (much less topless photos)? what noobs :)
Considering the Texans are seeking Garcia's services, it would seem not.
That's John McClain's report. Doesn't make it true.

BTW, McClain just reported via 610 AM that Garcia is close to signing with Oakland. That also may or may not be true.
They are just trying to upgrade positions. They bring in Plummer or Garcia and immediately there is competition at the QB position. They are not guaranteeing that they will be the starter, which may be a factor in why they are not coming here.

McClain and 610 are two peas in a pod when it come to hating Carr, this is root of all the dissention. If Carr would have beat out those two in camp, somehow those two would have found a way to say that it was because we didn't pick Vince Young. :stirpot:
McClain just said on the radio that Garcia is close to closing a deal with Oakland.

exactly. plummer is probably 48 hours away from being our new starting QB and Carr is probably 48 hours from a new team and 1 season away from the Arena League or NFL Europe. The universe is finally fixing itself.

OT - Peyton Manning is gonna be on SNL. The dude is a huge cheater and I hate him but he is actually pretty talented/funny in front of a camera. Can't wait to check it out.
His wife gets naked. Eye of the beholder and all, but I don't call that porno and would think it pretty ridiculous if the Texans let that stop them from signing a player.
C'mon, get real. McNair does not allow this kind of stuff in his squeeky clean organization.
Back to football: McClain says the Texans are settled and happy with Eric Winston at RT (no more talk of moving him inside I guess), and they have resigned Salaam.
If the Texans think like this we will always be a sorry team...
McNair will stick to his convictions and conduct business his way. I think there is something to be said for that.
Why the heck do we want Garcia? The guy is OLD. He's a good QB for a team that ONLY needs a QB. We have a ton of needs. A QB is alone is not going to put us over the top.... Let another team overpay him...
McNair will stick to his convictions and conduct business his way. I think there is something to be said for that.
So what other players has McNair turned down because of their wife's profession? Obviously there has to have been a precedent for you to feel this strongly about it. not seeing how that puts us any closer to AP in the draft. that just means that AP moves up on Oakland's draft board if they have a FA qb.

IF Garcia at Oakland then {
......C.Johnson = 1.01;
......J.Russell = 1.03;
} step closer to AD.
But it is all much ado about nothing: someone will trade up to get AD even if 1.01 - 1.03 go as above.
Obviously there has to have been a precedent for you to feel this strongly about it.
Precedent? Have you been following the Texans very long? Take a little time and read this interview with McNair. I think you can get a feel for who he is.

HBJ: You mentioned tattoos. Do you have a rule on your team against them?

McNair: No, no. We have some players who have tattoos. But, I mean, if they had one tattoo, so be it. But if players show up and their whole body is tattooed, I mean, everybody looks at them, like that is the extreme. Like that's a freak. What is that?

HBJ: Would you not sign a player like that?

McNair: Oh, I wouldn't judge it on the basis of a tattoo, but probably that would not be the only sign of their personality. What we look for is the behavior of the players, and, you know, I just use the tattoo -- the tattoo is not a big thing. I don't want to make it appear that way, because it's not. What we are looking for are players who recognize they are role models, whether they want to be or not. The people in the community, and youngsters in the community, are going to be watching them, and it's important they behave in a way that brings credit to our team and to the community. I think if you do that, then the fans love you. If you bring discredit to the team and discredit to the community, then it's a turnoff.

HBJ: What about a player with a checkered past?

McNair: We avoid 'em. We avoid 'em. We don't want 'em.

HBJ: If there is a player who violates the league's substance abuse policy?

McNair: If there was a player who had been involved in spousal abuse, we don't want 'em. That's just being a bully. That's not being a sportsman. We want people who are good sportsmen, good athletes. Not bullies.

HBJ: So it's not "Just win, baby."

McNair: No. Not at all. We believe strongly that character counts, and it counts in your performance, and it counts when the going gets close, because to have character you have to be disciplined, and if you are disciplined, then under pressure you still perform, and you won't make that mental error. Those who are undisciplined are the ones who tend to break down. I think it shows on the playing field, just as it does off the field.
Why the heck do we want Garcia? The guy is OLD. He's a good QB for a team that ONLY needs a QB. We have a ton of needs. A QB is alone is not going to put us over the top.... Let another team overpay him...

...a QB affects the play of everyone on the offense and the attitude of the entire team
I respect your opinion, I just dont think that Jeff Garcia has been anything other than a stand up guy his entire career. So if McNair cares so much as to say they won't sign a player based on their spouses career choice, its going to be a long time before this team is competitive.
...a QB affects the play of everyone on the offense and the attitude of the entire team

BINGO. You get a 'get out of jail free' card. Let's hope the owner, coach, and GM get it too.
This McNair quote is what really concerns me about the Texans.

From Lucky's post:

McNair: No. Not at all. We believe strongly that character counts, and it counts in your performance, and it counts when the going gets close, because to have character you have to be disciplined, and if you are disciplined, then under pressure you still perform, and you won't make that mental error. Those who are undisciplined are the ones who tend to break down. I think it shows on the playing field, just as it does off the field.

Being a Bible thumper or a Dirt Bag has nothing to do if you can do certain things in life, for example, run a business, dunk a basketball, pass a test, and so on. If McNair thinks someone is going to make less mistakes because they are a better person, he is really mistaken. The two have nothing to do with one another.

This is getting off topic from the thread, but I think the biggest problem the Texans have is McNair and these stupid rules or logic ideas he has. Which in turns translates into the Carr situation. Applying the quote above to Carr, you can totally understand why Carr will be the Texans QB for his entire career, or has lasted as long as he has.

To get back on topic, how is Garcia a better person than Carr? He isn't. Therefore, Carr is a better a player than Garcia. Which is the logic according to McNair and why the Texans won't land Garcia, for other reasons as well. Unless, Kubiak is getting McNair to stop putting his influence in personnel using logic that doesn't work.

Honestly, though I don't know if Garica is really such a good idea, but it should be judged what happens on the field.

When coach Gary Kubiak was the offensive coordinator at Denver, the Broncos tried to acquire Garcia but couldn’t pull it off.

That says a lot. Go ahead and count on this happening....
Garcia ain't no Pacman. Adults can do adult stuff on their own time so long as it's legal and consenting, no on gets hurt, etc.

A thread on this stuff should be somewhere else. The topic was Garcia. And I hope we get him. We need SOMETHING to get jazzed about. At least show the fans that the team is willing to make bold moves to right the ship. I'm sick of the boring, losing attitude.

Nothing against Carr personally but I've seen enough. It's not TOTALLY the fault of the O-line.
Isn't it ironic that we have a need at QB and RB. Hmmmmm.............

Oh, to go back in time........
Well, she has a paysite where she charges for nude pics. Maybe movies. And I not taking into account what you or I might consider pornography. I just think Bob McNair would. Ridiculous or not.

That's as ridiculous as the comments saying that McNair has only kept Carr because he has a secret love interest for him.
Why the heck do we want Garcia? The guy is OLD. He's a good QB for a team that ONLY needs a QB. We have a ton of needs. A QB is alone is not going to put us over the top.... Let another team overpay him...

This may come as a shock to you but replacing 80% of our roster with better players wouldn't "put us over the top". We're a long way from even seeing the top (it's up there if you look real hard and if the clouds don't cover it). What we need is a "caretaker" QB who can hold the job down for a year or two, play at a reasonably high level (higher than anything David's come close to in 5 years at least), and keep the seat warm while a young QB develops behind him.

It should be a blinding flash of the obvious that Jeff Garcia is literally a perfect answer to that need.

He is old but he's also in amazing shape and he still clearly loves the game and the competition (even after stints in Cleveland and Detroit if you can believe that). Find me a 37 year old player at any position who still plays like Garcia did last year and I'll show you a guy I want on my team.
I completely forgot about Garcia.. I don't know if anyone mentioned it but Garcia is supposed to meet with the Texans.. I'd rather him over anyone that's on the market QB wise..
What we need is a "caretaker" QB who can hold the job down for a year or two, play at a reasonably high level (higher than anything David's come close to in 5 years at least), and keep the seat warm while a young QB develops behind him.
