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Super Bowl XLII: New England Patriots vs. New York Giants

Very entertaining game, especially the 4th quarter. But I'm glad it's over and I'll be sure not to watch ESPN for at least a week. The New York/Boston, Brady/Belichick, Manning/Manning, '72 Dolphins/ Perfection narrative is nauseating.

Is anyone else thinking the Texans should draft another d-lineman? I'd welcome it. The Giants sold me.

Im down.....
Very entertaining game, especially the 4th quarter. But I'm glad it's over and I'll be sure not to watch ESPN for at least a week. The New York/Boston, Brady/Belichick, Manning/Manning, '72 Dolphins/ Perfection narrative is nauseating.

Is anyone else thinking the Texans should draft another d-lineman? I'd welcome it. The Giants sold me.

Its been proven once again...defense wins championships!

And I am proud to say we are adding a lot of pieces to our defense and our offense ain't too shabby either.

Hopefully one day our players can actually be on the field instead of in the commercials.
Its been proven once again...defense wins championships!

And I am proud to say we are adding a lot of pieces to our defense and our offense ain't too shabby either.

Hopefully one day our players can actually be on the field instead of in the commercials.

though it was an excelent commercial....
Its been proven once again...defense wins championships!

And I am proud to say we are adding a lot of pieces to our defense and our offense ain't too shabby either.

Hopefully one day our players can actually be on the field instead of in the commercials.

It will come. Tonight was a good example of when you have key pieces in place even being an underdog is pretty meaningless.

i like the cue card.
I couldn't get on last night after the party. Great win for the Giants. I wasn't cheering for them but they deserved it.

I'm not agreeing with what I hear on the radio right now about this being one of the best games. The game was horrible until the last 5 minutes. even the worst played game can have a last minute 2 minute drive but it doesn't make it great. The drive and the plays made were great.
The spygate scandal and the loss to the Giants hurts Belichik's legacy. Him leaving the field before the clock reached :00 and leaving his team on the field DESTROYED his legacy. That was such a punkass move. No class at all. Oh and dumbass not going for the field goal was just stupid. So 10 yards of field position was worth not going for a field goal? It couldn't happen to a nicer guy err bigger jerk.

Belichoke is back and its a great thing. I would congratulate the Giants but they are a New York team so they can bite me for all I care.

Belichek slithered away before the final play of the game, just like Moss did a few years ago. How apropo (SP?). Show some class and take it like a man. Sore losers. I wanted to be a witness to history, but after seeing this bum act like a baby I'm glad I didn't. Congrats NYG.
I couldn't get on last night after the party. Great win for the Giants. I wasn't cheering for them but they deserved it.

I'm not agreeing with what I hear on the radio right now about this being one of the best games. The game was horrible until the last 5 minutes. even the worst played game can have a last minute 2 minute drive but it doesn't make it great. The drive and the plays made were great.

I agree that it wasn't one of the best games, but it was a nice defensive showing the first 3 quarters. As a defense guy, I thought the Giants front 7 were outstanding. The DB's were even crashing hard against the run. The front 4 were giving Brady nightmares. The Pats D did well against the run.:)
I couldn't get on last night after the party. Great win for the Giants. I wasn't cheering for them but they deserved it.

I'm not agreeing with what I hear on the rasio right now about this being one of the best games. The game was horrible until the last 5 minutes. even the worst played game can have a last minute 2 minute drive but it doesn't make it great. The drive and the plays made were great.

It wasn't great just for that though. The historical context alone puts it right up there with Colts/Jets, Titans/Rams & Pats/Rams.

2) this was the #1 scoring offense of ALL-TIME that was held to just 14 points. Brady hadn't seen pressure like this EVER in his career, at least for a whole game anyway, & that Giants front 7 made him & that offense just look average.

3, at least for me, You saw a kid grow up in the toughest circumstance imaginable. 2 & some change left & you absolutely have to score a TD to win & he puts together a 12 play 83 yard drive to seal the deal against a top 5 defense. That play he got away from that sack was just ridiculous.

You add in the spygate crap &.......
Belichek slithered away before the final play of the game, just like Moss did a few years ago. How apropo (SP?). Show some class and take it like a man. Sore losers. I wanted to be a witness to history, but after seeing this bum act like a baby I'm glad I didn't. Congrats NYG.

Yeah Moss did it in a regular season game that was a two score lead with seconds to go. Belichoke did it in a Super Bowl with the whole world watching and he is the head coach. I gave Moss a pass when he did it, but this is a different animal altogether. I lost any respect I had left for Belichoke and I know it ripped Boston fan's heart out to go out like that. No class, no perfection, no trophy. Sucks to be you Boston. No class and the football gods stepped in and made things right. Cheaters don't win and people who show no class suck.

I will say that if the Pats don't lose their starting LG they probably win. Almost all the pressure came through Cochenstein's gap. The guy just couldn't block anyone. I believe 4 of the 5 sacks were squarely on #71 Cochenstein and around 80% of the hurries could be attributed to him as well. Its called Karma. All the year of running up scores and not being class comes back to bite you.
Belichek slithered away before the final play of the game, just like Moss did a few years ago. How apropo (SP?). Show some class and take it like a man. Sore losers. I wanted to be a witness to history, but after seeing this bum act like a baby I'm glad I didn't. Congrats NYG.
As much as I hate Belichek, I disagree here.. He went and hugged and congratulated Coughlin. It just so happened that there was one second left, that by rule, they had to play out. Belichek had already given his congratulations and there was no need to go back across the field and do it again...

Again, I hate Belichek as much as anyone, but you can't blame the guy for that.. Thats reaching...

I agree that it wasn't one of the best games, but it was a nice defensive showing the first 3 quarters. As a defense guy, I thought the Giants front 7 were outstanding. The DB's were even crashing hard against the run. The front 4 were giving Brady nightmares. The Pats D did well against the run.:)

Agreed.. The defensive battle was great to see. The Giants front 7 put an a$$ whoopin' on what is supposed to be one of the best offensive lines in the league..
It wasn't great just for that though. The historical context alone puts it right up there with Colts/Jets, Titans/Rams & Pats/Rams.

2) this was the #1 scoring offense of ALL-TIME that was held to just 14 points. Brady hadn't seen pressure like this EVER in his career, at least for a whole game anyway, & that Giants front 7 made him & that offense just look average.

3, at least for me, You saw a kid grow up in the toughest circumstance imaginable. 2 & some change left & you absolutely have to score a TD to win & he puts together a 12 play 83 yard drive to seal the deal against a top 5 defense. That play he got away from that sack was just ridiculous.

You add in the spygate crap &.......

See, I just don't look at it this way though. Maybe it is because I just think alot of these games will never stand the test of time like the older ones because of the era of football and watered down nature fo the league. As a kid, nothing compared to the talent and the games like Pitt v Dallas or even the 49ers v Cincy. I'll even put the Titans game up there because of the completeness of it.

I give the Giants a ton of credit. Their front 4 were all over the place and in Bradys face. But I never looked at the Pats as one of the greatest teams vs the 85 Bears, the Steelers or Cowboys of the 70s, The Cowboys of the 90s and the 49ers of the last 80s. Heck even some of the Skin teams. So I saw them as an overrrated 18-0. I agree the last drive was great but you can put icing on a turd and say it tastes good. Even the worst played games can end with a last second drive and it doesn't make it great. The end of the game made a pedestian my book...exciting.

The defense was great on the Giants side but I also thought that there was alot of sloppiness in play...dropped interceptions that could have sealed games, etc.
Agreed.. The defensive battle was great to see. The Giants front 7 put an a$$ whoopin' on what is supposed to be one of the best offensive lines in the league..

Right! Isn't their 3 or 4 Pats Olinemen going to the PB? Osi's the only Giant going.

LMAO, the Pats line was destroyed all night long. To me, that's proof the PB is BS.
I couldn't get on last night after the party. Great win for the Giants. I wasn't cheering for them but they deserved it.

I'm not agreeing with what I hear on the radio right now about this being one of the best games. The game was horrible until the last 5 minutes. even the worst played game can have a last minute 2 minute drive but it doesn't make it great. The drive and the plays made were great.

c'mon Houstonfrog, C'mon, you know it was, i dont buy that, it was a great great game, awesome defense played on THE BEST offense of all game, Eli started it of with a 9 minute drive for 3 points, they rattled brady, It was an excelent game from quarter 1!!!!
c'mon Houstonfrog, C'mon, you know it was, i dont buy that, it was a great great game, awesome defense played on THE BEST offense of all game, Eli started it of with a 9 minute drive for 3 points, they rattled brady, It was an excelent game from quarter 1!!!!

I don't thing Frog would say it wasn't a great game. It's just not one of the "best of all time". :)
See, I just don't look at it this way though. Maybe it is because I just think alot of these games will never stand the test of time like the older ones because of the era of football and watered down nature fo the league. As a kid, nothing compared to the talent and the games like Pitt v Dallas or even the 49ers v Cincy. I'll even put the Titans game up there because of the completeness of it.

I give the Giants a ton of credit. Their front 4 were all over the place and in Bradys face. But I never looked at the Pats as one of the greatest teams vs the 85 Bears, the Steelers or Cowboys of the 70s, The Cowboys of the 90s and the 49ers of the last 80s. Heck even some of the Skin teams. So I saw them as an overrrated 18-0. I agree the last drive was great but you can put icing on a turd and say it tastes good. Even the worst played games can end with a last second drive and it doesn't make it great. The end of the game made a pedestian my book...exciting.

The defense was great on the Giants side but I also thought that there was alot of sloppiness in play...dropped interceptions that could have sealed games, etc.

Lots of Cowboy games there HF, j/jk.. i know you grew up & have lots of fam still up that way but hey, 18-0 is 18-0 & i don't know if there is such a thing as being overrated if you win that many games in a row.

It's tough to win in this league period (as us texans fans know) let alone win that many times & i agree with Chalie P in that you would've had to put them as the GOAT if they would've prevailed yesterday. To each there own i guess. Many in here thought the Pats/Panthers was one of the GOAT SB games but i thought, ehhh.

in my opinion it's one of the greatest mainly b/c all of the history that was made by the pats. that makes what the Giants did just that much more of :woot2.
Congrats to the Giants for playing with heart. I was pulling for the Pats but I am happy for the Giants.

Defense definitely wins Championships.

c'mon Houstonfrog, C'mon, you know it was, i dont buy that, it was a great great game, awesome defense played on THE BEST offense of all game, Eli started it of with a 9 minute drive for 3 points, they rattled brady, It was an excelent game from quarter 1!!!!

No, I don't. You seem very young, so you might. But compared to many of the games in the mid to late 70s and in the 80s, it wasn't. Everyone that I was watching with said the same thing. The Pats offense was great but not the greatest of all time IMHO and same with their team...not even close. The two teams battled and I thought it ended up being a really great ending and a fun game but nowhere near a Top 5 game. People are too "new" these days where anything can make a Top 10.

I don't thing Frog would say it wasn't a great game. It's just not one of the "best of all time". :)


Lots of Cowboy games there HF, j/jk.. i know you grew up & have lots of fam still up that way but hey, 18-0 is 18-0 & i don't know if there is such a thing as being overrated if you win that many games in a row.

Agree and I didn't mean to take away from them. I just thought throughout the year their defense showed holes against better talent. I never looked at them and thought, "Wow, best I've seen." Their offense was a machine but I also liked other offense. I just take some of the records in thsi league with a grain of salt now because of the amt of teams and the talent pool. Alot fo parity. I think what they have done in this day and age as a franchise is off the charts incredible though. One of the best! I also thought many teams were better than some Cowboy teams. Heck one of my favorite SBs was a Cowboy loss to Pitt, XIII. It was incredible!

I also want to say that I'm not a guy who thinks everything in the past is great compared to now. I think the talent today in some cases would kill a team in say the 60s or like that 72 Dolphim team or some others. Hard to put teams in eras up against each other. I do look at collection of talent though.
16-0 and 8-8 mean the same come playoff time; no one cares how you get into the playoffs. Win all your playoff games and there is no doubt who the best team of the year was. This year it was the NYG. End of story.
16-0 and 8-8 mean the same come playoff time; no one cares how you get into the playoffs. Win all your playoff games and there is no doubt who the best team of the year was. This year it was the NYG. End of story.

Agreed. They played the best ball when it counted. Defense and Eli.

I do think their roll will end next season though and there will be a post SB 8-8with Eli having some hiccups. Just seems to happen yearly to runner up or champs...mostly runner ups but I don't see it with the Pats.
posted by HoustonFrog
No, I don't. You seem very young, so you might. But compared to many of the games in the mid to late 70s and in the 80s, it wasn't. Everyone that I was watching with said the same thing. The Pats offense was great but not the greatest of all time IMHO and same with their team...not even close. The two teams battled and I thought it ended up being a really great ending and a fun game but nowhere near a Top 5 game. People are too "new" these days where anything can make a Top 10.

Good point, i am, it is honestly the best superbowl Ive ever seen, I dont think any footbal game will beat out Texas Vs. Usc. I can't say it was the best in history, nor did i mean to come off like i was suggesting it. But it was an AWESOME end to a good Footbal season and was glad to have witnessed this game. I dont like the NFL, and football is probably 3rd-5th on my favorite sports list, but i got nothing on that game, what an awesome show Eli and the Giants put on against "arguably" one of the best offenses in history....

They got some stones, some big stones those G men. And to quote my man Rudy T "dont EVER underestimate the heart of a Champion".
As much as I hate Belichek, I disagree here.. He went and hugged and congratulated Coughlin. It just so happened that there was one second left, that by rule, they had to play out. Belichek had already given his congratulations and there was no need to go back across the field and do it again...

Again, I hate Belichek as much as anyone, but you can't blame the guy for that.. Thats reaching...
That, and Belichick might want the Giants to enjoy their time in the spotlight. I can fault the man for MANY things, but not that one. If he'd never gone to midfield & shook hands, that'd be beyond classless, but that isn't what happened here.
I don't see how they didn't give the MVP to either Justin Tuck or Osi..
Manning didn't look very good at all, the only decent looking pass he made on the final drive was for the touchdown.
I don't see how they didn't give the MVP to either Justin Tuck or Osi..
Manning didn't look very good at all, the only decent looking pass he made on the final drive was for the touchdown.

I disagree. I personally believe that Brady looked terrible up until the final drive. Eli looked better, and he was the better leader it seems.
sadly there is going to be a ton of manning brothers commercials too.

that was my biggest problem with the outcome. so now we get double the amount of manning...we already had enough.

as an older brother, I did like seeing Peyton's little brother step up and make it happen. i could relate to that a lot from watching my own little brother make strides and meet goals in his life. makes you feel proud, almost like a father. the giants were classy across the board....

...can't say the same for Belichoke. Why he is getting a free pass on him walking off the field, I will never know. That was one of the most bush league things I have ever seen. yeah, he gave love to Coughlin but his act was really lame once it became known they had to snap the ball one more time. leave the field with your team, Bill. I hope that guy never gets another sniff of anything. cheaters never win.
that was my biggest problem with the outcome. so now we get double the amount of manning...we already had enough.

I enjoy seeing Peyton in commercials because of his sense of humor. I look forward to see what Eli will be marketing.

cheaters never win.

That isn't true. Some cheaters do indeed get caught and lose, but many don't get caught and win. Some we hear about, others we don't.
I don't see how they didn't give the MVP to either Justin Tuck or Osi..
Manning didn't look very good at all, the only decent looking pass he made on the final drive was for the touchdown.

I thought Eli looked pretty good the whole night. He made some really really great throws throughout the game, some not so good ones, the INT was obviously not his fault and Smith should have caught that. (inside the 10 yard line too!)

Bottom line is Eli didn't really make any serious mistakes. Drove his team down the field all night long. Had two scoring drives at the end of the game to lead his team to Victory over an 18-0 team. Perfect throw to Tyree for the TD, well played for the Plax TD that they practice religiously (seems only play Plax practices)...Basically it's eli marching down the field twice in under 5 minutes to score TD's.

If you could give it to a group- the real MVP's of the game is the Giants entire DL. It's hard to give it to only one on the DL: Strahan vs. Umenyiora vs. Tuck

Unit: Giants DL
1 Person: ELI
I'm sweating like a horror in church at work right now with all the alcohol that was consumed by me last night. I can almost taste the beer as it seeps out of my pours.
I'm sweating like a horror in church at work right now with all the alcohol that was consumed by me last night. I can almost taste the beer as it seeps out of my pours.

I've never gotten wasted to that extent, did u down a whole keg or something?
cheaters never win.

Actually, they do win. I recently watched an NFL Films documentary about the 1970's-era Oakland Raiders, and their cheating is now part of NFL lore. They had signs on the lockerroom that said "If you aren't cheating, you aren't trying" and "Do whatever it takes to win". They not only encouraged cheating, but reveled in it. As a result, they won three Super Bowls in that era ('76, '80, '83).

And let's not forget that Roger Clemens and Andy Petite have rings.

I'm sure we could list many more known cheaters with championships. The name of the game is getting an advantage....not that I'm trying to make it right. It is what it is.
the Patriots aren't cheats. and they didn't win.

so i guess they took away the 1st Round pick and fined people around a million dollars for not cheating? oh ok. i get it now.

filming the opposing coaches is cheating, watching the opposing coaches with your own eyes is not cheating. they filmed it. that means cheating.

Belichoke cheated and they lost a #31st overall pick because of it..I guess he will take solace in the #6 overall pick though...