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Slaton's Fumbling

It bothers me that Kubiak has said that he will continue to run with Slaton. As it is, he isn't getting too many yards, and he is fumbling. I would be more forgiving if he fumbled it and still had several 100+ yard games, but it'd still bother me. Why not give someone else a shot. If nothing else it sends Slaton a message that he's not the golden boy here and CAN be replaced.
It bothers me that Kubiak has said that he will continue to run with Slaton. As it is, he isn't getting too many yards, and he is fumbling. I would be more forgiving if he fumbled it and still had several 100+ yard games, but it'd still bother me. Why not give someone else a shot. If nothing else it sends Slaton a message that he's not the golden boy here and CAN be replaced.

The problem is he can't be replaced. Who do you bring in and if you bring in someone else (Moats, Brown, Foster) do they really give us our best chance to win? I think you are nuts if you answer yes to that question. If we had someone else behind Slaton that looked like they could do better behind our terrible interior offensive line, then yes I would agree with you. Things being what they are, we have no other option.
The problem is he can't be replaced. Who do you bring in and if you bring in someone else (Moats, Brown, Foster) do they really give us our best chance to win? I think you are nuts if you answer yes to that question. If we had someone else behind Slaton that looked like they could do better behind our terrible interior offensive line, then yes I would agree with you. Things being what they are, we have no other option.

Agreed, and he is being productive. He scored two TDs last Sunday. I doubt very much we have another RB that can line up in the slot and make TDs like Slaton can. I do hope he gets past this though, because he just CAN'T keep the fumbling up and stay in the NFL for long.
I didn't realize there were so many experts on RB fumbling problems. think I just trust Steve & coaching staff, thanks :barman:

I didnt come back into this thread after I posted so excuse the late reply. Look, that comment doesnt really work here because any coach worth his salt is telling Steve exactly what I posted. I learned that in high school ball. Its just the way you are supposed to carry the ball period. Oh by the way that is the exact way Tiki Barber was taught how to fix his fumblitis by Tom Coughlin. So I got that going for me............
I didnt come back into this thread after I posted so excuse the late reply. Look, that comment doesnt really work here because any coach worth his salt is telling Steve exactly what I posted. I learned that in high school ball. Its just the way you are supposed to carry the ball period. Oh by the way that is the exact way Tiki Barber was taught how to fix his fumblitis by Tom Coughlin. So I got that going for me............

NFL > High School Football

I'm just tired of people ragging on Steve because teams are attacking him & trying to take the ball out of his hands as part of their game planning. Not trying to talk down High School Football or the big brewster (cool name) 2000 but what I saw in particular last Sunday against Singletary's 49er D was disturbing & even more shocking Texans fans don't understand reason as to why? It's a fumble but its a forced fumble. It's not like he just lost the handle because of his method of carrying the ball it's the NFL removing the ball from carrier 101 taught by great defensive coaches. Nothing wrong with that either, like to see the Texans use a little more of that, in fact leading up to that game Slaton had to run through line of players trying to knock out the ball in practice & still it happen'ed, maybe they need to practice that a little harder?

Like I said earlier we'll see this Sunday in Buffalo, pay close attention to end of plays & see if their focus is on a sure tackle or a strip.....:rake:
The 49ers were systematically standing Steve up on gangtackles and
punching at the ball. Everytime there was a stalemate, several 49ers
would stand Steve up, and punch the ball. It's on tape now as a viable
tactic, so they have to find a way to beat it. I'm sure they practiced on
it well. It shouldn't be a problem going into the game.
It's on tape now as a viable tactic, so they have to find a way to beat it. I'm sure they practiced on
it well.

Yeah, it's called the Kenny Rogers technique..... Steve Slaton needs to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to end the play, and know when to run.

He needs to learn when to keep on running and when to get his ass to the damn ground. There's no point in spinning your tires, wasting a god awful amount of energy going nowhere, while defenders are coming in from all different directions to strip the ball out.

That and it sure would help if he put two hands around the ball everytime he was in those piles as well.
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He needs to learn when to keep on running and when to get his ass to the damn ground. There's no point in spinning your tires, wasting a god awful amount of energy going nowhere, while defenders are coming in from all different directions to strip the ball out.

Thing is.. It's a double-edged sword. Last year, especially evident when we
beat the Titans, Slaton would get stood up, and Winston and Vonta would
go over and push the pile for 8 yards. Now, teams are going for the fumble
before Steve's help can get there. It's a slight, but major adjustment by
the defensive coordinators.
How about our players effectively blocking in front of Slaton instead of playing from behind him for the extra yards.:tiphat:

Here's the thing...
The only guards I've seen capable of moving his man off the line
of scrimmage, is Antoine Caldwell. NONE of our other guards, including
Chester Pitts, have had that quality. So, I see them running more
towards the Winston/Caldwell side of the line to make their money.

Studdard is only good when he's able to get a good cut on a guy, but
when he misses, HE MISSES! I look for the Texans' run game to come
up, as the Bills LB group has been HORRIBLE. Slaton gets by the D-line,
it's ON.
OK, kickoff pending. We have a back that is among the worst fumblers this year, and we're facing a defense that is among the best at coming up with turnovers. This should be interesting.
I'm speechless.... What happened to him?!?!? He was so great last year and now is garbage. #&$*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But he's such a great "playmaker" that it's okay if he fumbles all the time.

I know you are trying to be clever, but this actually is a factual statement. Lately, we have been "running" the ball using HB Screens. With Moats in there, we can't really do that. Slaton is 10x the playmaker Moats is. I'll take Moats running the ball right now, but Slaton still needs to get in there and catch some passes and keep the defense on their toes.
I agree with that completely. He puts two on the ground every game, so he was gonna get another one.
If it was Mike Tomlin, Slaton would have been benched 3 games ago.

We aren't the Steelers. We just lost our starting TE and big time playmaker. We need all our playmakers on the field if we want to get out of Buffalo with a win.
We aren't the Steelers. We just lost our starting TE and big time playmaker. We need all our playmakers on the field if we want to get out of Buffalo with a win.

Right now Moats is running harder than i've seen Slaton run all year, he's got over a > 5 yard average per carry right now.. I'll take that any day, week, month of the year in the NFL.
Right now Moats is running harder than i've seen Slaton run all year, he's got over a > 5 yard average per carry right now.. I'll take that any day, week, month of the year in the NFL.

I have to agree with you. As I said in the gameday thread, Moats is really making a case for himself. I still say Slaton should be out there some in a close game like this. That being said, Moats should be the starting RB until Slaton proves otherwise.

The guy is freaking shifty too! He has burst, some strength, and his legs look like rubber.

And almost another TD for Moats!!!
I have to agree with you. As I said in the gameday thread, Moats is really making a case for himself. I still say Slaton should be out there some in a close game like this. That being said, Moats should be the starting RB until Slaton proves otherwise.

The guy is freaking shifty too! He has burst, some strength, and his legs look like rubber.

And almost another TD for Moats!!!

He is the prototypical back you want in the ZBS, just hit a hole and hit it HARD and FAST.. and that's what you are getting to see. At this point IMHO it's Moats job to lose right now.
The Texans will need Slaton's explosiveness and shiftiness back into the offense this season. But it looks like today is the day for Moats, and I hope this shows Slaton that if he wants to be a feature back in the NFL he needs to stop coughing it up so much.
Also, this looks a whole lot like New Orleans' game against the Bills earlier this season. Bills' D plays well in the 1st half using a lot of deep zone coverage, then the opponent makes the adjustment in the 2nd half and runs all over them after halftime. Their run D looks pretty bad.
Over 100 yards and 3 TD's for Moats. Yeah Gary is a dumbass.

I'll gladly eat crow. Moats really impressed me today. Wow!

He seems quicker and more elusive than he was last year. He really looks like he could be a complete RB. Wow!
i've already caught negative rep in this thread and will repeat my stance. sit his ass down. brown and moats are better RUNNING BACKS this season. in slaton's only run today he had a lane you could land a plane on and somehow only managed 1 yard. slaton is mirroring reggie bush's second year failures and until he figures it out and gets out of his slump, should be used as such. bring him in on 3rd downs as a receiver, screen, draw, or blocking back and allow him to earn his job back. until then, give the job to the guys who are earning it.
I've said that Slaton's problem is not knowing when to go down; when to cover up and just end the play.

Same thing on today's fumble: He breaks a tackle, and loses his mind in the middle of making a move. Result: Loosens grip on ball, and it gets stripped.

This team is going to need all three RBs to contribute if we continue our winning streak. If, at any point, it's one or the other, or the other, then I'm good with whoever it is.
I don't have to start my Fire Slaton thread now, because Kubiak did what good coaches do. He held his player accountable. We won this game without Slaton's "playmaking" ability (which could be a play for either team at any given time), and on the road to boot.

Moats isn't as good as today showed, but he isn't bad either. He and Chris Brown can do a good enough job if they just get positive yardage and hold onto the ball. Fumble issues aside, I honestly think those two are better options at RB right now anyway. The running game just looks better when they are in there. Slaton gets too many negative plays. Moats and Brown just hit the hole hard and take everything they can get. They won't bust off the long TD, most likely, but I'll take a string of positive plays over drive killers any day.

Cheers Kubiak!

I was arguing all game with the announcers. They never did acknowledge me, damn then.

I totally agreed with Kubiak's decision to sit Slaton, he has given Slaton several 2nd chances. This was the right time and place to make a point. We didn't need him today, let Moats have his chance to show what he can do.

We will need Slaton next week, he needs to make a serious commitment to protecting the ball this week.