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Sexual Assault Suits Against Watson

You tell me. Why banty about when you've determined guilt before trial?
Because I have an opinion based on what I've already heard. I understand it's based on all sorts of information and disinformation but I don't turn my brain off and wait to form an opinion at whatever the appropriate time is. My opinion can change at any time, but it's an ongoing process. If I were on the jury I would make my decision based on what was presented in the trial, not my opinion of what happened before the trial.
Because I have an opinion based on what I've already heard. I understand it's based on all sorts of information and disinformation but I don't turn my brain off and wait to form an opinion at whatever the appropriate time is. My opinion can change at any time, but it's an ongoing process. If I were on the jury I would make my decision based on what was presented in the trial, not my opinion of what happened before the trial.

Works for me.
Folks chime in like their educated.

Powda, buddy, if the rules of this thread were we've got to let it play out before we can post an opinion... wouldn't be much of a thread. I bet even as fair as you are, deep down in the recesses of that fertile gray matter of yours, you may even have a few "leanings" yourself... no?

I like you. Don't ever change.
Tony Buzbee fires back at Rusty Hardin’s claims on behalf of Deshaun Watson
April 9, 2021, 10:21 PM EDT

During his first press conference on behalf of Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson, attorney Rusty Hardin made a significant admission. Hardin acknowledged that some of the massages Watson arranged eventually became consensual sexual encounters.

On Friday night, attorney Tony Buzbee, representative of the 22 women suing Watson in civil court, responded on social media.

I respect attorney Rusty Hardin,” Buzbee said. “He’s one of the best lawyers our great state has to offer. He’s a true legend. He is a colleague, and I consider him a friend. I hope he agrees. But today he conceded that his client gets two to three massages a week — that equates to more than a 150 massages yearly — outside the vast Texans organization that has trainers and massage therapists, etc. Watson sought these women out, according to the admissions of Mr. Hardin, via social media, particularly Instagram. Most if not all of the different women Watson reached out to by direct message. I think we can all agree that is a bit strange.

“But here is my problem: Mr. Hardin, in his press conference, also stated that, from his client’s perspective, some or more of these massage interactions with my clients, both licensed and unlicensed therapists, became sexual because they were ‘consensual.’ NO.

“I can tell you from my clients’ perspectives THESE INTERACTIONS WERE NOT CONSENSUAL. ‘No’ means no. That’s all.”

The public back and forth between Buzbee and Hardin undoubtedly will continue. Despite some missteps of his own, Buzbee for the most part has been winning the battle in the court of public opinion.


I guess in Watson's and Hardin's eyes, Watson (and his alter ego) gave it was consensual.............
Because I have an opinion based on what I've already heard. I understand it's based on all sorts of information and disinformation but I don't turn my brain off and wait to form an opinion at whatever the appropriate time is. My opinion can change at any time, but it's an ongoing process. If I were on the jury I would make my decision based on what was presented in the trial, not my opinion of what happened before the trial.

why the big concern over the court of public opinion? Then why not turn off all social media devices, TV, radio, etc? I think it’s FAR more amusing of an issue to watch the lawyers use all kinds of antics to persuade the “public opinion” of the jurors in a trial who are trying to untwist the facts as presented only to exercise their opinions during deliberation.
Yeah and there is also alot of fraudulent and frivolous lawsuits in civil court. So you brushing it off as "norm" doesn't make the fact that they tried to extort him a good thing.

You know what's interesting though. I find it odd that, when it was being reported that Watson had 22 lawsuits (all Jane Does), we only heard about 1 of them privately demanded money to abandon to allegations. And now here we are weeks later, people are still saying 22 accusers, yet we only have 1 police report, only 1 person showed up to the press conference, and it turns out that person is the one who was reported weeks earlier as the one who attempted blackmail. Where are these other accusers at? Could it be that the number was inflated to make it more comfortable for, what appears to be Buzbee's only client, to file this lawsuit that wouldn't have much legs to stand on along, considering they tried to blackmail Watson prior to filing it? Could it be that they are now trying to discourage Watson's legal team from revealing their identities, because it will reveal that they don't exist, or perhaps they lying? These are just things running through my mind as the legal process takes hold.

It could be that DW4 likes hoeing around with massueses.

This is what trials are for. 22 cases filed and it hasn't even been a month.

I hope in a very short period of time the Oily Watson will be leaving Kirby,
People have jumped to so many ridiculous conclusions here, all because of the antics of one sleezebag lawyer.

And I'm NOT defending Watson here. I'm just waiting for this to develop, so I could have an informed opinion.

22 women are waiting for justice.

On an unrelated note, you think right now DW4 wishes Buzbee had won the mayoral race?
The main point other "high profile" athletes should take away from the Watson circus is this............Play dumb games, Win dumb prizes.

Whether or not Watson is guilty, or the accusers are money hungry women jumping on their chance to extort him......this one simple fact remains. People with a large amount of money should not put themselves into positions where their character/motives can be questioned. It was dumb of Watson to pursue therapists outside of those provided by the organization. It was dumb of Watson to pursue so many as well. If it was purely for therapeutic reasons, hiring that many was uncalled for. He created this problem whether he is guilty or not. He has no one to be upset with but himself and hopefully other athletes learn the lesson Buzzbee is teaching Watson.
The main point other "high profile" athletes should take away from the Watson circus is this............Play dumb games, Win dumb prizes.

Whether or not Watson is guilty, or the accusers are money hungry women jumping on their chance to extort him......this one simple fact remains. People with a large amount of money should not put themselves into positions where their character/motives can be questioned. It was dumb of Watson to pursue therapists outside of those provided by the organization. It was dumb of Watson to pursue so many as well. If it was purely for therapeutic reasons, hiring that many was uncalled for. He created this problem whether he is guilty or not. He has no one to be upset with but himself and hopefully other athletes learn the lesson Buzzbee is teaching Watson.
Well if you follow this board, among many it’s a joke and bumbling if the FO seeks good character players. plus You are an idiot if you have a spiritual side. Problem is all of us maintaining traditional values are paying for most of those who find them archaic.
The main point other "high profile" athletes should take away from the Watson circus is this............Play dumb games, Win dumb prizes.

Whether or not Watson is guilty, or the accusers are money hungry women jumping on their chance to extort him......this one simple fact remains. People with a large amount of money should not put themselves into positions where their character/motives can be questioned. It was dumb of Watson to pursue therapists outside of those provided by the organization. It was dumb of Watson to pursue so many as well. If it was purely for therapeutic reasons, hiring that many was uncalled for. He created this problem whether he is guilty or not. He has no one to be upset with but himself and hopefully other athletes learn the lesson Buzzbee is teaching Watson.
This is all well and true. Still doesn’t make him guilty or innocent of what he’s being accused of. Definitely a lack of judgement but the process needs to play out with facts.
Well if you follow this board, among many it’s a joke and bumbling if the FO seeks good character players. plus You are an idiot if you have a spiritual side. Problem is all of us maintaining traditional values are paying for most of those who find them archaic.
Yet here we are.. "We're all Bozo's on this Bus"
sexual assault is basically rape without a rape kit...if you don’t have money you can’t prove it
That's far from accurate because IMU technically the basis for a SA accusation could be something as gentle and harmless as an unwelcome
touch on the accusers thigh. Now of course SA could also be something very physical and even brutal, maybe painful.
But rape and SA are worlds apart from what I read, but just know that when one is dealing with a sleeze-bag like Buzzbutt he will play the language to suit his own narrative.
And that's why I never said beyond a shadow of a doubt. The instructions I've been given were a "reasonable" doubt. And there is no question Watson could be found innocent or even not charged in a criminal proceeding and still lose in civil court. But even if that's the case, if he is found innocent criminally, the damages against him could be much less because of it. Just think how different you would feel if someone has been convicted of rape compared to being found innocent of all criminal charges. It would make a difference to me. And I hope all this information is available to the jury. I prefer 12 jurors deciding whats relevant than a judge spoon feeding them what he/she thinks is relevant.

Many judges have shown themselves to be despots.

That's far from accurate because IMU technically the basis for a SA accusation could be something as gentle and harmless as an unwelcome
touch on the accusers thigh. Now of course SA could also be something very physical and even brutal, maybe painful.
But rape and SA are worlds apart from what I read, but just know that when one is dealing with a sleeze-bag like Buzzbutt he will play the language to suit his own narrative.
no sir. Many times in Harris County rape cases are charged as sexual assault
In a word yes if you count those that read the indictment and automatically convicted him. Hardin read off a slew of twitter and instagram posts to him and his mom's facebook page calling dude a rapist and threatening his life. So at the end of the day, Buzzbee made it fair game with his antics and now his clients will unfortunately have to endure some of that as well.

Watson is also a public figure, now that in no way excuses death threats and him being a public figure does not mean his mother is but there are certain risks you accept when you become a public figure. I promise you he was getting death threats when he was just a QB, particularly from Bills fans, and he has the money and systems in place to insure those threats are investigated and protected against.

On the flip side the accusers are not public figures and no under the law filing a lawsuit does not make you a public figure. Likewise who do you think has more people defending them and more people attacking them, Watson or the accusers?
To add onto your post because it’s clear some don’t understand consent -

If a women says no and then you are having to talk or pressure a women into any sexual favors it ain’t worth it. She has a good chance on filing against you and winning.

If a women is drunk, and even if you are too it ain’t worth it. She has a good chance on filing against you and winning.

If a women says no during anything sexual, even during penetration, you better stop. She has a good chance on filing against you and winning.

Sexual harassment or sexual abuse. Either way don’t do it.

World has changed. It is what it is. Get used to it.

Best two pieces of advice my dad gave me.

“It’s not enough to want to sleep with a woman you better want to wake up with her to.”

“Son every time you put your **** in a woman you are putting your life in her hands.”

Essentially it is 22 women saying Watson did this and Watson saying he sort of sometimes did it but not in the way all the women recall it.

“When I told him, he was in disbelief,” Hardin said. “He asked me two or three times, ‘I forced her?’ And then he just started crying. That’s his reaction. And that’s the thing for you all to remember. We don’t cry about things we did.”

That has got to be one of the dumbest statements I have ever heard a lawyer make as a defense. Starting to think either Hardin has lost his touch or this case is like trying to go UP Niagara Falls in a barrel.
And if you were on jury would it effect your judgment without weighing all sides?

Powda you seem to think that anyone with a preformed opinion could get on a jury. Law firms hire lawyers who literally have one job and that jury selection because it is such a vital part of any case. Trust me by the time a jury is selected, particularly one as high profile as this would be, they have gone through dozens if not hundreds of candidates weeding out anyone that has even the start of an opinion.

By the way your “innocent until proven guilty stance” would most likely get you eliminated by the prosecution because it indicates you would have to be shown hard proof and in most sexual assault cases there is no hard proof. The prosecution wants a jury that can be swayed by feelings and sympathies. The defense would love you to be on the jury, the prosecution would say Hell no.
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By the way your “guilty until proven innocent stance” would most likely get you eliminated by the prosecution because it indicates you would have to be shown hard proof and in most sexual assault cases there is no hard proof. The prosecution wants a jury that can be swayed by feelings and sympathies. The defense would love you to be on the jury, the prosecution would say Hell no.

You mean my innocent until proven guilty stance.