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Sexual Assault Suits Against Watson

I've been on 2 criminal juries and 1 civil jury. When the judge gave us instructions in the civil case she stressed that guilt was not based upon "beyond a shadow of a doubt" but about "the preponderance of evidence". She implied that someone that would not be convicted of a crime could lose a civil suit.

Gd. Somone with a crumb of understanding shouldn't stand out but he does.
Announcing he was taking the case and encouraging others to join if they have a story to tell is wildly different than the storytelling and flaunting of Jane Doe's like he has been doing. He went on a Watson smear campaign knowing Watson had zero ability to do anything since he didn't know which girls were accusing him. Now you will see Watson's team take a more aggressive stance as the names start to roll out.

And everyone keeps getting hung up on the "consensual" sex claim. I don't know why that matters. He is a grown man who hooked up with his massage therapist. It certainly isn't that abnormal for a pro athlete. That doesn't make him innocent or guilty.

And for him being naked during a massage, again that's not that abnormal. Many people remain naked. They literally tell you to undress to your comfort level. If Watson didn't have the sheet covering him, they could have covered him. Maybe they did, maybe they tried, maybe he refused. We need wayyyyy more info before conclusions can be reached on that. Hopefully we get them.

You are right that it’s not abnormal for people to hook up, and some people remain naked while getting a massage.

It is abnormal for people to go see 40+ different massage therapists through Instagram. Especially when some aren’t even licensed. And this guy is a professional athlete to better access to quality therapists. It is abnormal to to have 20+ women have similar stories of harassment.

And the consensual part is the biggest part of a sexual relationship. Both people must consent. End of story.
Evidently, the average citizen is completely f'ed in trial judging by the Phoenix University law grads here.

I was stupid for thinking otherwise.

I served on a jury in a criminal trial one time in my life in Dallas county. The jury selection process and the actual deliberation after the trial was an eye opening experience for me. People make up their mind too early and then it takes a LOT to change it.
I served on a jury in a criminal trial one time in my life in Dallas county. The jury selection process and the actual deliberation after the trial was an eye opening experience for me. People make up their mind too early and then it takes a LOT to change it.

Sounds applicable to dw.
I served on a jury in a criminal trial one time in my life in Dallas county. The jury selection process and the actual deliberation after the trial was an eye opening experience for me. People make up their mind too early and then it takes a LOT to change it.

Yall act like this is new stuff. I remember when I first joined this forum. People went to judging me because I used the word pimpn. They quickly reported me to the mods and I got a direct message asking me not to use that particular word. Freedom of speech right.

It was just a classic saying from Kat Williams. So of course a certain percentage will form a verdict before the court does.

Again Watson shouldn't have put himself or those women in that type of compromising position.
I've been on 2 criminal juries and 1 civil jury. When the judge gave us instructions in the civil case she stressed that guilt was not based upon "beyond a shadow of a doubt" but about "the preponderance of evidence". She implied that someone that would not be convicted of a crime could lose a civil suit.
And that's why I never said beyond a shadow of a doubt. The instructions I've been given were a "reasonable" doubt. And there is no question Watson could be found innocent or even not charged in a criminal proceeding and still lose in civil court. But even if that's the case, if he is found innocent criminally, the damages against him could be much less because of it. Just think how different you would feel if someone has been convicted of rape compared to being found innocent of all criminal charges. It would make a difference to me. And I hope all this information is available to the jury. I prefer 12 jurors deciding whats relevant than a judge spoon feeding them what he/she thinks is relevant.
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Yall act like this is new stuff. I remember when I first joined this forum. People went to judging me because I used the word pimpn. They quickly reported me to the mods and I got a direct message asking me not to use that particular word. Freedom of speech right.

It was just a classic saying from Kat Williams. So of course a certain percentage will form a verdict before the court does.

Again Watson shouldn't have put himself or those women in that type of compromising position.

Pimpn ?

Lemme try that.
In a word yes if you count those that read the indictment and automatically convicted him. Hardin read off a slew of twitter and instagram posts to him and his mom's facebook page calling dude a rapist and threatening his life. So at the end of the day, Buzzbee made it fair game with his antics and now his clients will unfortunately have to endure some of that as well.
I read somewhere, two wrongs don't make a right. & you getting death threats in no way mean I will stop getting death threats.

Outing the accusers & publicly dragging their names through the mud doesn't help Watson imho. It's not going to get Nike back & Nike is not going to refuse to sell the accusers a T-shirt.
I read somewhere, two wrongs don't make a right. & you getting death threats in no way mean I will stop getting death threats.

Outing the accusers & publicly dragging their names through the mud doesn't help Watson imho. It's not going to get Nike back & Nike is not going to refuse to sell the accusers a T-shirt.

You disagree with him getting names?
I read somewhere, two wrongs don't make a right. & you getting death threats in no way mean I will stop getting death threats.

Outing the accusers & publicly dragging their names through the mud doesn't help Watson imho. It's not going to get Nike back & Nike is not going to refuse to sell the accusers a T-shirt.

It surely doesn't. It's actually makes his team look desperate.
When that happens I'll be watching. Otherwise 22 is a number.
It's already begun. These women have already filed lawsuits with the court in which their statements are very similar in many respects. Furthermore they are already providing sworn affidavits. I think it's a little more than just a number at this point.
I read somewhere, two wrongs don't make a right. & you getting death threats in no way mean I will stop getting death threats.

Outing the accusers & publicly dragging their names through the mud doesn't help Watson imho. It's not going to get Nike back & Nike is not going to refuse to sell the accusers a T-shirt.
That’s all well and good but the accusers are supposed to get the benefit of the doubt the same as the accused. Buzzbee tried and in some respects has taken away DW4’s presumption of innocence with his tactics...again HE introduced this element not Hardin. So it’s only fair to both parties that they get to experience what he and his family has had to experience due to Buzzbee’s “wrong”.
As far as internet lawyering goes, I haven't had a law class in almost 20 years. And I was drunk for about a 3rd of them. Nice to keep some things sharp.
It's already begun. These women have already filed lawsuits with the court in which their statements are very similar in many respects. Furthermore they are already providing sworn affidavits. I think it's a little more than just a number at this point.

Are you suggesting he's guilty prior to trial?
Yall act like this is new stuff. I remember when I first joined this forum. People went to judging me because I used the word pimpn. They quickly reported me to the mods and I got a direct message asking me not to use that particular word. Freedom of speech right.

It was just a classic saying from Kat Williams. So of course a certain percentage will form a verdict before the court does.

Again Watson shouldn't have put himself or those women in that type of compromising position.

If cuck can be used why not pimpin?
Carefully chosen words. If your not impartial you bought snake oil from one side or the other. Let it play out.
No one has any choice but to let it play out... that's a given. Doesn't mean there isn't 70 pages of posters opinions, there's nothing wrong with that. What would be the fun of a message board if all we did was "let it play out".
That was me trying to avoid NSZ

Let's just say a lawyer pushed a case with "hundreds of sworn affidavits." Got laughed out of court, and is currently being disbarred and sued for hundreds of millions of dollars.

And a few dozen posters have no idea how the process works.