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Peyton Manning Derby (Signs with Broncos)

I disagree. Great defense, good run game, great LT, still great QB who'll make receivers work hard to be good. Great K, and no Jacoby ... check all the boxes.

Which of those teams do you think the Broncos can beat even with Peyton as those teams are constructed now? I'm just curious.
I really thought Peyton would sign with the 49ers, but was curious about how much influence the great former QB Elway could have in the decision as well.
Broncos already beat Steelers in playoffs w/Tebow
Broncos gave up 400 points last season...about a hundred more than everyone on that list sans the Pats (they still gave up 50 more points than the Pats though). They still need to fix that defense.
Agree with many that their D is the biggest obstacle. I actually like their WRs and have already heard rumors of Saturday and Dallas Clark looking at Denver.
Broncos gave up 400 points last season...about a hundred more than everyone on that list sans the Pats (they still gave up 50 more points than the Pats though). They still need to fix that defense.

While they can still improve the defense, just having Peyton Manning at QB should help (assuming healthy). Denver was 30th in 3rd down conversion last year and 27th in turnover margin. It only hurts the defense when the offense can't stay on the field.
Perhaps the Jags will go for Tebow now.

Dunno, they've got a lot of money in the position already. They just signed Henne to go along with Carr Jr

Broncos gave up 400 points last season...about a hundred more than everyone on that list sans the Pats (they still gave up 50 more points than the Pats though). They still need to fix that defense.

Yeah, but that D pretty much carried them towards the end of the season. But you're right, they need some work.

What do they have for WR's besides Decker and Thomas?
Anyone else laughing at Bud and the Titans right now? Congratulations on being a meddlesome owner and trying to go all in before you kick the can Bud. Read their forums for a good laugh. Muahah
Señor Stan;1911678 said:
I keep thinking they are calling it the Peyton Manning Derby because he looks like a horse.

Makes sense he would go to the Broncos. They also have a horse on their helmet. Plus, their team president looks like a horse. Add in Sarah Jessica Parker and its a done deal.

Check. Mate.
Anyone else laughing at Bud and the Titans right now? Congratulations on being a meddlesome owner and trying to go all in before you kick the can Bud. Read their forums for a good laugh. Muahah

Yep! Adams looks like a complete tool right now. That's why I don't like when FO's come out and publicly declare what they are thinking. Adams just gave Manning the royal treatment. "Titan for life"... anything he wanted, a blank check. Write your own salary and you can have it. Manning just spit in his face and said no.

It's like getting in front of the entire school and publicly telling a girl how much you love her and are obsessed with her and you ask her out. And she says thanks but no thanks... I'm gonna date this other guy. :roast:
lol @ titans....miss out on both manning and Mario

Great news. Bumbling Bud strikes again.

I wanted Peyton over Schaub but glad we didn't have to jump through hoops for a couple weeks only to get punked like Titans and 49ers did. That would have been a tough pill and could have damaged managements relationship with Schaub moving forward and hurt our ability to retain and acquire in FA.

Sucks to be Titans fan right about now...dreams have gone up in flames
I'm just glad the Manning watch is over...that almost took longer than OJ's Bronco coverage.
And....the Titans spent good coin on Hutchinson, which you think had to be part of luring Manning to the Titans. They got a good o-lineman but they're not better at QB now.

They really messed up by not tanking like the Colts did. I would have figured Bud would have tanked to get the #2 pick, which goes to show that he values sticking it to Houston more than playing a better strategy...he wanted us to not win the AFC South more than him getting a franchise QB in the draft.

Titans fans have to be depressed now.
And....the Titans spent good coin on Hutchinson, which you think had to be part of luring Manning to the Titans. They got a good o-lineman but they're not better at QB now.

They really messed up by not tanking like the Colts did. I would have figured Bud would have tanked to get the #2 pick, which goes to show that he values sticking it to Houston more than playing a better strategy...he wanted us to not win the AFC South more than him getting a franchise QB in the draft.

Titans fans have to be depressed now.

The Titans pushed us pretty hard until gone midseason though didn't they. Weren't a million miles off the playoffs last season and as much as no team can compete with the injuries they overcame, they did lose a lot of key pieces themselves.

But ye.....hahahahahahahaha!!!:lol:
You know, I think Tim Tebow would flourish here.

Tebow to the Texans. Has a ring to it! And McNair likes "good guys" at QB.


A contract between the two sides is expected to be a formality. Broncos vice president of football operations John Elway and Manning first discussed the parameters of a five-year, $95 million contract during their March 9 meeting in Denver, the first time the former Indianapolis Colts quarterback visited a team during his free agency

Screw the grainy video of him throwing at Duke, He must really look good in person for them to throw out that kind of coin to get him....
You know, I think Tim Tebow would flourish here.

Tebow to the Texans. Has a ring to it! And McNair likes "good guys" at QB.


If you weren't just messing with our heads, it'd very easy to hate you for this. :lol:
You know, I think Tim Tebow would flourish here.

Tebow to the Texans. Has a ring to it! And McNair likes "good guys" at QB.

That would be like attracting David Carr fans on steroids. Just think of how many Hulk75's would hit the boards. I'm sure the Tebow boyband-like fans are all cutting Manning, Bronco management and the other Bronco football fans to shreds on the Bronco boards as we speak.
That would be like attracting David Carr fans on steroids. Just think of how many Hulk75's would hit the boards. I'm sure the Tebow boyband-like fans are all cutting Manning to shreds on the Bronco boards as we speak.

The Tebow fanclub is blowing up both he and Elway on Twitter
If you weren't just messing with our heads, it'd very easy to hate you for this. :lol:

I have to admit, I was chuckling very loudly as I typed out that post. I only did it because there will undoubtedly be 6 or 7 people who will HONESTLY propose the same idea.

That would be like attracting David Carr fans on steroids. Just think of how many Hulk75's would hit the boards. I'm sure the Tebow boyband-like fans are all cutting Manning, Bronco management and the other Bronco football fans to shreds on the Bronco boards as we speak.

There's going to be a stoning in Denver. And they got a LOT of rocks and boulders to toss there. Elway should stay away from Denver until about mid-October.
The Tebow fanclub is blowing up both he and Elway on Twitter

If they're going to be THAT butt-hurt about it, then it shows a level of ignorance beyond my comprehension.

If their guy is THAT good, then he should do well with any of the other 30 teams (since we won't be one of them). Let's see what he can do somewhere else.

Miami and Jacksonville are still my top two destinations for him. I actually think Jacksonville would be best, since he'd have MJD doing all the heavy lifting. They could built that offense around Tebow and have a cult following to drive up attendance. I mean, the Tebow college-era fans would flock and buy tickets to see their hero in an NFL game.

Miami would be OK, too, but I think Jax is better since they have a Grade A running back in MJD. That's worth its weight in gold when you have a QB who is also prone to run or needs pocket passing skills "masked" on game day.
I have to admit, I was chuckling very loudly as I typed out that post. I only did it because there will undoubtedly be 6 or 7 people who will HONESTLY propose the same idea.

There's going to be a stoning in Denver. And they got a LOT of rocks and boulders to toss there. Elway should stay away from Denver until about mid-October of 2015.

Fixed it for ya...
Fixed it for ya...

LOL. I literally laughed out loud.

Nicely played.

Winning cures everything. And they haven't lost anything by losing Tebow, so they should cheer up. All Tebow did was wait until the 4th quarter, then he'd run around and scramble so much that defense got tired...then one of the Broncos WRs or TEs would slip past defenders into a soft space in the zone and Tebow would throw an easy pass to them. Over and over.

Teams are going to figure Tebow out, much like the Pats did in the playoffs. That was the model of how you do it against him. Tebow will adapt or he will not overcome. He has to grow as a QB or he'll be out in 2 years.
This was a pretty fast move by Peyton all things considered...

If he is just 70-80% of what he was before he sat out the Broncos (He goes from one horse to another) are going to be a scary team to face...
This was a pretty fast move by Peyton all things considered...

If he is just 70-80% of what he was before he sat out the Broncos (He goes from one horse to another) are going to be a scary team to face...
Carson Palmer, Phillip Rivers and now Peyton Manning all in the AFC West. All of a sudden the divison has a different look going into next season.
Every patient following cervical fusion that I know has experienced fits in extremely cold weather.........many of those fits debilitating. The end of the season, if Manning makes it that far, will likely be far from pleasant for him.
Every patient following cervical fusion that I know has experienced fits in extremely cold weather.........many of those fits debilitating. The end of the season, if Manning makes it that far, will likely be far from pleasant for him.

Wow Cloak you would figure Manning would have been informed of this by his doctor or one of the many medical staffs that examined him. This could be a huge story in the 2012 season.
Every patient following cervical fusion that I know has experienced fits in extremely cold weather.........many of those fits debilitating. The end of the season, if Manning makes it that far, will likely be far from pleasant for him.

WOW Doc, that's exactly oppo of what I was thinking. Seriously, I would guess that a neck injury would be more in jeopardy in the cold, ERRR Brisk cold v. the heat & humidity of anywhere south (i.e. Florida, Carolina, etc that isnt under a climate controlled stadium...)

Intersting to say the least!
That's not how it's likely to play out for him to function very effectively when, as in this case, there is a combination of muscle spasm pain, bone pain and nerve pain working altogether in those conditions.........and that is without accounting for the additional trauma sustained during play.
I'm not sure if this has been posted..didn't see it...but Simmons did a podcast with Mike Lombardi who was saying Texans should have chased Manning but trading Shaub to Skins for pick....just a blurb in beginning


I don't see Redskins wanting to acquire Lisfranc Schaub. Now, if he had never been hurt...another story, but then again there'd be now way Kubiak would deal Schaub if Schaub had been healthy.

It's just a given that this team is going to stick it out with what we have at QB. Whether he is hurt, healthy, or not playing well...they were going to stick with Matt Schaub no matter what.

If Denver goes 13-3 in 2012, there will be chatter out there that the Texans missed an opportunity with Manning. Hopefully we'll also be rocking and rolling in 2012 and it won't be a problem. I can just see it now, though....

I don't see Redskins wanting to acquire Lisfranc Schaub. Now, if he had never been hurt...another story, but then again there'd be now way Kubiak would deal Schaub if Schaub had been healthy.

It's just a given that this team is going to stick it out with what we have at QB. Whether he is hurt, healthy, or not playing well...they were going to stick with Matt Schaub no matter what.

If Denver goes 13-3 in 2012, there will be chatter out there that the Texans missed an opportunity with Manning. Hopefully we'll also be rocking and rolling in 2012 and it won't be a problem. I can just see it now, though....

Yeah so basically they were saying Manning would have wantd to be with Texans if there was a chance. Then they discuss Schaub trading to Skins or Miami. Lombardi was saying it could/should have been done but was a little too complicated than staying pat, which they chose to do.
Yeah so basically they were saying Manning would have wantd to be with Texans if there was a chance. Then they discuss Schaub trading to Skins or Miami. Lombardi was saying it could/should have been done but was a little too complicated than staying pat, which they chose to do.

We couldn't come close to the amount of money offered by the Titans, 49ers or Broncos. Reportedly the Broncos will pay him up to 95 million over 5 years. Trading Schaub frees up about 7 million to use to sign Manning, cutting Jacoby would save about 4 more, not signing Myers would save about 5. So with 16 million, we were supposed to sign Manning and Saturday? We were too cash strapped for that, and probably couldn't get anyone else. It wasn't gonna happy without a lot of generosity on Peyton's part, and I don't think we would have been his top option in that case. Him and all his buddies are going to Denver now, which will make that team good.
LOL. I literally laughed out loud.

Nicely played.

Winning cures everything. And they haven't lost anything by losing Tebow, so they should cheer up. All Tebow did was wait until the 4th quarter, then he'd run around and scramble so much that defense got tired...then one of the Broncos WRs or TEs would slip past defenders into a soft space in the zone and Tebow would throw an easy pass to them. Over and over.

Teams are going to figure Tebow out, much like the Pats did in the playoffs. That was the model of how you do it against him. Tebow will adapt or he will not overcome. He has to grow as a QB or he'll be out in 2 years.

If Timmy has the work ethic his supporters (and Tebow himself) say he does, then he should beg Elway to let him play out my rookie contract behind the Peyton. Who better to learn from?

He could watch/study Manning's every move. Learn from him how to prep for an upcoming opponent. Learn from him how to read defenses at the line and study their tendencies and exploit their weaknesses. If he does that, when Manning calls it quits (I give him two good years) then he'll be ready - like Aaron Rodgers was ready - to step right in and take command.

He sure as heck won't learn how to be a proficient QB from John Fox.
We couldn't come close to the amount of money offered by the Titans, 49ers or Broncos. Reportedly the Broncos will pay him up to 95 million over 5 years. Trading Schaub frees up about 7 million to use to sign Manning, cutting Jacoby would save about 4 more, not signing Myers would save about 5. So with 16 million, we were supposed to sign Manning and Saturday? We were too cash strapped for that, and probably couldn't get anyone else. It wasn't gonna happy without a lot of generosity on Peyton's part, and I don't think we would have been his top option in that case. Him and all his buddies are going to Denver now, which will make that team good.

96, but hey, what's a mill here or there? :heh:
If Timmy has the work ethic his supporters (and Tebow himself) say he does, then he should beg Elway to let him play out my rookie contract behind the Peyton. Who better to learn from?

He could watch/study Manning's every move. Learn from him how to prep for an upcoming opponent. Learn from him how to read defenses at the line and study their tendencies and exploit their weaknesses. If he does that, when Manning calls it quits (I give him two good years) then he'll be ready - like Aaron Rodgers was ready - to step right in and take command.

He sure as heck won't learn how to be a proficient QB from John Fox.

While understanding the idea here I just think they are too polar opposite as QBs for that to work. Aaron Rodgers and Brett Favre started off as much more similar QBs. Tebow is never going to turn into the uber intellect uber short release QB that is Manning no matter how much he watches him. Sure he will learn something one would assume. Frankly Schaub would have a 1000% better chance of learning from watching Manning.