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Peyton Manning Derby (Signs with Broncos)

Totally off topic, but funny, so I thought I'd share.

@Cardschatter: Nice. RT @KidStallyn: @Cardschatter Cardinals just changed their Relationship Status on Facebook with Kevin Kolb to IT'S COMPLICATED.
The stealthy 49ers are in the chase for Peyton Manning. The Dolphins and Cardinals are out. And the Broncos and Titans want to make sure the four-time NFL MVP is healthy.

Got all that?

After a brief lull, the pursuit of Manning sure got interesting in a hurry Friday.

The year's top free agent, who has been rehabbing in North Carolina after a string of neck surgeries, threw the football at Duke's athletic facilities for Hall of Fame QB turned Broncos executive John Elway along with Denver coach John Fox.

The workout lasted a little under two hours, and when it was over Elway seemed convinced that Manning is still Manning.

"We enjoyed visiting with Peyton today in NC," he wrote on his Twitter account. "He threw the ball great and looked very comfortable out there."

A few minutes later, Elway posted: "Watching him throw today was the next step in this important process for our team and Peyton. It was a productive visit and went well."

Whether San Francisco executives and coaches feel the same way, they weren't saying. But they also have shown interest in the man who led Indianapolis to a Super Bowl victory in 2007. A person familiar with the situation said that Manning worked out for 49ers' coach Jim Harbaugh on Tuesday night at Duke. ESPN first reported on the session.
i honestly couldn't see why noone ever thought that they were an option....its just too damn a perfect fit. All the posturing by SF regarding Alex Smith was just ludicrous to me. They literally have EVERYTHING already in place for Manning.
I turned on Sports Center earlier .... Breaking News , Bronco's owner's jet lands in R NC.

Then they have a chopper following a van filled with the Bronoc's staff going down the highway .... It reminded me of OJ in the Bronco. :rake:

Note to ESPN - The plane landing isnt "Breaking News" neither is a vandriving down the freakin highway (unless it contains OJ). Breaking news is when Pey_Me_A_Ton signs on the dotted line you jackholes.

Im so sick of the "Peyton Watch" its worse than Favre already! :cutthroat:
I turned on Sports Center earlier .... Breaking News , Bronco's owner's jet lands in R NC.

Then they have a chopper following a van filled with the Bronoc's staff going down the highway .... It reminded me of OJ in the Bronco. :rake:

Note to ESPN - The plane landing isnt "Breaking News" neither is a vandriving down the freakin highway (unless it contains OJ). Breaking news is when Pey_Me_A_Ton signs on the dotted line you jackholes.

Im so sick of the "Peyton Watch" its worse than Favre already! :cutthroat:

Not even close. Favre was the biggest attention whore in the world and did this for like 3 or 4 offseasons in a row. He was public with his garbage, and he was a wishy washy *****. That dude created his own freakin' bed and thrived off it. It was all about him, all the time.

Peyton's handled this absolutely professionally, and oh, he's only the biggest FA in football history. "No big deal", right?

The way to solve it? Don't watch ESPN. Seriously. Just don't. Life is MUCH better when you don't watch ESPN. And if you do, then watch ESPNews. It's a bit better. But really, just watch the league-specific channels. Or if you're sick of any of these media outlets, then just control your consumption and get your **** online.
I certainly understand why Denver, the Titans, the Cards, and Miami are in the hunt for Manning, buy why SF since they were just a single play, a fumble away from playing the Pats in the SB ?
I concede your point, man. My perception is certainly influenced by dislike of both parties. Being Manning's punching bag for a decade comes with it's share of dark underside, especially watching him run up the score in the 4th quarter of a blowout game to pad his stats. Obviously, the Bud angle speaks for itself.

If he does sign with the Titans, I do think that he's pandering to his ego, though. He's not interested in rings by signing with Tennessee. They simply do not have the talent right now to make a run, even with the 'Greatest QB In The History of the World'. And hey, that's fine. It's his career and definitely his right to end it wherever he desires. I just refuse to entertain the delusion that some might have that he thinks he's going to the best team available to win championships.
yeah, I can get on board with your end comments as well. I didn't mention that Manning just had twins, and his wife is from TN to boot (more reasons for him to go to TN). Frankly I think it would be great if he stayed in the division. I hear so many people saying that the media doesn't pay attention to us....TN vs Hou is a National attention game with Manning. TN vs Houston isn't the same National game with Jake Locker and the .500 Titans rolling into town. Try to look on the bright side...there is a silver lining with Manning in TN. I ain't afraid of no ghostseses.

I certainly understand why Denver, the Titans, the Cards, and Miami are in the hunt for Manning, buy why SF since they were just a single play, a fumble away from playing the Pats in the SB ?
because Alex Smith still sucks despite the 9er playoff run.

However, I feel like the 49ers pursuit of him will reignite the argument that the home team should take a look at him as well. People argue their situations are similar, but SF doesn't have a starting qb under contract right now. We do. Cap room is also another big difference.

Still, I think there's something to be said about the 49er's interest in him, and the home team's complete disregard of his availability(assuming they were never interested in him in the first place).

I think the 49ers, since they haven't re-signed Alex Smith, are hoping Manning can be their QB.

The only complication, IMO, is the amount Bud Adams might be offering #18.

I think without the Titans as a contender in the race for #18, we'd have seen Manning signing with the 49ers by now. Or Broncos. Bud is muddying the waters, like he always does. It's who he is.
The Broncos, the 49rs and now the Titan have all remarked how well Peyton has thrown the ball during his visits.

Now take a look at the short video linked below, of his demonstration to the Titans. See if you can pick up what I am picking up.

Titans say Peyton Manning is throwing the ball wellPosted by Michael David Smith (PFT) on March 17, 2012, 3:03 PM EDT

Another team has been allowed inside the curtain and permitted to view more than 27 seconds on YouTube of Peyton Manning throwing, and the verdict is, once again, that he looks good.

Today Manning threw for the Titans, just as he threw for the Broncos yesterday. And just as John Elway was impressed with Manning’s arm, Titans General Manager Ruston Webster said the same.

“This morning we traveled to Knoxville and had a workout with Peyton,” Webster said in a statement released by the team. “I thought he looked comfortable throwing the ball and we had a good visit. This is another important step in the process.”

Webster’s statement and Elway’s statement use almost identical language about Manning looking comfortable and taking important steps in the process, to the point where you get the sense the Manning camp has told teams exactly what they’re supposed to say publicly if they want to stay in the Manning sweepstakes.

And the Titans do want to stay in the Manning sweepstakes, just as the Broncos and 49ers do after seeing Manning throw. Whether he can throw as well in 2012 as he did before his neck procedures remains to be seen, but he’s throwing well enough that the teams that have seen him like what they see.
...See if you can pick up what I am picking up.
No pass rush.
I've always felt like the 49ers would be the best place for Manning to land. He'll have one of the league's best defenses, a very good running attack, and good receivers to throw too. With the addition of Randy Moss it'll make guys like Vernon Davis even more effective and with Manning throwing, it'll make those guys look like hall of famers. The NFC West is probably the weakest division in football and the 49ers will be contenders for a long time to come. The second best place for him would the Texans but obviously that's not going to happen.
The Astros may be interested in Manning’s services.


I was a pitcher in college. A pitcher’s mechanics does not only rely on his shoulder, elbow and wrist strength alone. He strongly utiilizes his entire body to maximize the force behind his delivery as reflected by his follow through motions.

A QB, in contrast, mostly relies on arm strength......specifically in most part, dictated by cervical nerve root 7 (Peyton’s weakened C7 nerve) which controls elbow extension, wrist flexion and grip strength, i.e., all the important actions for an accurate and strong release. When you see that back foot lift off the ground as high as you see in Peyton's video (best examples ~ the 10 second and ~ the 23 second mark) and with a swing-around, you know that adequate strength for release of the football is not there.

Peyton has never been known to have a canon for an arm, and has compensated heavily by concentrating on his smarts and accuracy. Now, faced with truly inadequate throwing strength, his typical compensatory mechanisms must be entirely reconstructed......if it can even be successfully accomplished at all while maintaining elite performance. If his nerve does not fully regenerate, trying to change his compensatory mechanics in a major fashion beyond what he has already been doing pre-injury will not be any easy task if even possible, and is likely to ultimately destroy his ability to be “Peyton” ever again.
I've always felt like the 49ers would be the best place for Manning to land. He'll have one of the league's best defenses, a very good running attack, and good receivers to throw too. With the addition of Randy Moss it'll make guys like Vernon Davis even more effective and with Manning throwing, it'll make those guys look like hall of famers. The NFC West is probably the weakest division in football and the 49ers will be contenders for a long time to come. The second best place for him would the Texans but obviously that's not going to happen.

and they added manningham
When you see that back foot lift off the ground as high as you see in Peyton's video (best examples ~ the 10 second and ~ the 23 second mark) and with a swing-around, you know that adequate strength for release of the football is not there.
I looked at this 2010 highlight reel of Manning, and he already was going with the exaggerated follow-through. He may have been compensating for awhile. Dungy theorized that Manning's injury was the result of a 2006 hit in a game against Washington.

I think the question is, can Manning take a shot to the back, shoulder, or neck and hold up? He's a QB and he will get hit. What are the long term dangers? I realize that Manning has been "medically cleared" and all. No offense, and I think you'll agree that if you ask enough doctors, you'll find one that will tell you what you want to hear.
I looked at this 2010 highlight reel of Manning, and he already was going with the exaggerated follow-through. He may have been compensating for awhile. Dungy theorized that Manning's injury was the result of a 2006 hit in a game against Washington.

I think the question is, can Manning take a shot to the back, shoulder, or neck and hold up? He's a QB and he will get hit. What are the long term dangers? I realize that Manning has been "medically cleared" and all. No offense, and I think you'll agree that if you ask enough doctors, you'll find one that will tell you what you want to hear.

No studies have accurately produced NFL re-injury rates following cervical fusion. Even though there was only 1 level fusion in his case, that still translates, with hardware and all, to at least 10% loss of range of neck motion, and additional stress to the vertebrae above and below that fused segment. By this season's opening, the fusion will be a strong as it ever will be, but noone can predict what "the right" hit may do to its integrity or that of the neighboring segments. And that is on top of the fact that the extent of the return of nerve function/muscle strength has not returned to even pre-operative level........and may never. If I were Manning, I'd now be at least equally if not more concerned about the latter problem.
Not even close. Favre was the biggest attention whore in the world and did this for like 3 or 4 offseasons in a row. He was public with his garbage, and he was a wishy washy *****. That dude created his own freakin' bed and thrived off it. It was all about him, all the time.

Peyton's handled this absolutely professionally, and oh, he's only the biggest FA in football history. "No big deal", right?

The way to solve it? Don't watch ESPN. Seriously. Just don't. Life is MUCH better when you don't watch ESPN. And if you do, then watch ESPNews. It's a bit better. But really, just watch the league-specific channels. Or if you're sick of any of these media outlets, then just control your consumption and get your **** online.

Its not Manning making it "Favre Like" its the media doing it .... Like we really give a rats ass if the plane has landed or the van is driving down the damn highway ..... ugh.
This thing with the 49'ers could be getting serious.

In a nutshell Smith has already flown to Miami and talked with the Dolphins. His agent is the same as Manning which could mean his agent told Smith "hey, here's the deal" prompting Smith on a plane.

The Niners can't be faulted for going after Manning and I doubt Smith, after all is said and done, would (actually should) be too butthurt if they tried and failed to get Manning.

Yes, the Niners could end up with neither, or no Manning and a pissed off QB, or Alex Smith after Harbaugh tells him all the disses he endured over the course of his career. I think if Harbaugh could talk Smith off the ledge of the future, it would be Harbaugh. Oh yeah, they could end up with Manning. An upgrade barring the grossest of misjudgments.

This thing with the 49'ers could be getting serious.

In a nutshell Smith has already flown to Miami and talked with the Dolphins. His agent is the same as Manning which could mean his agent told Smith "hey, here's the deal" prompting Smith on a plane.
That makes sense. Though why the agent (Tom Condon) didn't tell Alex Smith that he needed to sign the Niners offer is a mystery. Or a conflict of interest.
That makes sense. Though why the agent (Tom Condon) didn't tell Alex Smith that he needed to sign the Niners offer is a mystery. Or a conflict of interest.


Imagine Manning doesnt sign with the 9ers .... while Smith is entertaining multiple offers.

Imagine Manning doesnt sign with the 9ers .... while Smith is entertaining multiple offers.
Smith is the booby prize. If the Niners offer is still on the table, he should jump on it. I seriously doubt it is.
Chris Mortensen ‏ @mortreport Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
Manning to Broncos...more coming on Espn

merge into other topic, please :)
@AdamSchefter: From @mortreport and me: Peyton Manning will become the next quarterback of the Denver Broncos, barring unexpected snag in contract talks.

@AdamSchefter: Peyton Manning has informed the other teams of his decision.

@AdamSchefter: More filed to ESPN: And now that Peyton Manning has directed his agent to get deal done with Denver, Broncos will try to trade Tim Tebow.
I was hoping San Fran, just in case he steal has those Manning powers, to stay outta the AFC. Oh well, pretty sure I'll be making the trip up to Denver for the game this year, should be fun.
lol Broncos.

Good luck getting out of the AFC with that group.

Texans, Ravens, Pats and Steelers will still be better.
lol Broncos.

Good luck getting out of the AFC with that group.

Texans, Ravens, Pats and Steelers will still be better.

I'm not so sure about that. The Broncos have a legit defense and running game. They won a weak division with the worst QB to start an NFL game in a long time...
They have some decent receivers, too.
Some more details here.

Peyton Manning will become the next quarterback of the Denver Broncos, barring a snag during intensified contract negotiations that have commenced under the instruction of the four-time MVP to his agent Tom Condon, according to multiple sources.

Once the Manning deal becomes official, Denver will try to trade Tim Tebow, according to sources.

A contract between the two sides is expected to be a formality. Broncos vice president of football operations John Elway and Manning first discussed the parameters of a five-year, $95 million contract during their March 9 meeting in Denver, the first time the former Indianapolis Colts quarterback visited a team during his free agency
I'm not so sure about that. The Broncos have a legit defense and running game. They won a weak division with the worst QB to start an NFL game in a long time...
They have some decent receivers, too.

They'll easily win their division, being as weak as it is anyway.

I don't think they're good enough as constructed right now to beat the Ravens, Texans or Patriots.

This all really depends on who they bring in though and how good Peyton really is but I just don't see it.
They'll easily win their division, being as weak as it is anyway.

I don't think they're good enough as constructed right now to beat the Ravens, Texans or Patriots.

This all really depends on who they bring in though and how good Peyton really is but I just don't see it.

Interesting that you used Pittsburgh as an example of teams that will be better than the Broncos next year in your earlier post, but left the Steelers off the list of teams the Broncos are constructed to beat.
Is that because the Broncos already beat the Steelers (without Peyton Manning)?
I don't think they're good enough as constructed right now to beat the Ravens, Texans or Patriots.
I disagree. Great defense, good run game, great LT, still great QB who'll make receivers work hard to be good. Great K, and no Jacoby ... check all the boxes.
This is the perfect storm for me. Manning screws Pud Adams and the Tinnbreds offseason while at the same time stirs the old Tebow hornets nest! AWESOMENESS!!!!
Interesting that you used Pittsburgh as an example of teams that will be better than the Broncos next year in your earlier post, but left the Steelers off the list of teams the Broncos are constructed to beat.
Is that because the Broncos already beat the Steelers (without Peyton Manning)?

No, not really. I don't think they could've beat a healthy Steelers team last season. That wasn't the real Steelers defense they played in the post season, mainly because they're dinged up. I left them out of my 2nd post because I don't think the Steelers are really a contender per se, but you can never count them out because they're the Steelers... they're always contending. I think the top 3 teams right now would be those 3 that I listed though.