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Last Drive Before the Half

Carr is the highest rated passer in the NFL and he is a 5 year veteran, why should confidence and how to manage a two minute drill be an issue? At what time do we take the training wheels off of this NFL offense?

I think it is obvious that Carr's passer rating is a direct cause of Kubiak. It isn't about knowing how to manage the two minute drill but more like the game. We have 2 possessions at this point. We have them beat, why gamble it? What happens if they intercept it and score...then we come out in the second half and score? Thats even. Kubiak gives them no chance to score before the half by running the clock. 3-3, with the ball after the half looks pretty good to Kubiak going into this half as opposed to his other games with this team. Why give them a chance to go up on you.
Wahhh Wahhh. Dude stop crying on every thread I read please. You think that we should always be aggressive? Im glad your a fan and not part of the staff.

You might wish to avoid flaming people if you want any respect on the forum. Otherwise, telling people they are "crying" because they have a different take is nothing but troll bait.

Again I dont think you guys are understanding how fragile our team is.

"Fragile" :um:

yeah, that's a word I want associated with my FOOTBALL team....not.

These dudes are PROFESSIONAL football players. They make millions of dollars to play a freakin' game. Like Porky said, if we have to put dresses on them and give them hugs while singing kumbaya around a campfire roasting marshmellows, they might want to find another line of work.

And where do you get this "fragile" take anyway? Are you in the locker room?

Like I said, we can play "what if" all day long. But this is a FOOTBALL forum, and this is a legitimate question to ask. If you persist in trying insult anyone that questions your own fragile state-of-mind, then you might not make too many friends here, y'know. :)

Porky said:
Are they as fragile as glass dolls? If that's the case, they need to man up and grow a pair, or they are nothing but a bunch of sissies if that is going to bother them. This is Pro-Football. I suspect at least 28-30 teams, and maybe even 31 teams would have tried to make hay given the exact same scenerio yesterday, and I for one want to know why we are the two or so that wouldn't. It didn't cost us yesterday, but next time we might not be so lucky.

yep :howdy:
Do that to a better team than the Dolphins and we lose. It's that simple.

& we didn't do this against a better team. Against Indy, we tried to score, against Philly, we tried to score, & against Washington, we tried to score.

Everybody is acting like this is the new trend........ I'm not seeing that.

He took an opportunity to work on a part of the game that we need to work on.

I didn't like to see it, but to hear all those boos from a bunch of fans who say they support Kubiak........

I don't know what he was thinking, but I'm sure it was the right decision.
Wahhh Wahhh. Dude stop crying on every thread I read please. You think that we should always be aggressive? Im glad your a fan and not part of the staff.

Again I dont think you guys are understanding how fragile our team is. We have won 3 I REPEAT 3 games out of the last 20 we have played. (not counting preseason of course). It is a process. Sometimes you've got to make a decision like the one Kubiak made at the end of the half in order to build confidence. Dont give me that BS about it shows NO confidence in the O. Maybe it just shows some confidence in the D which has been struggling alot this year. Did you not notice how our D played in the 3rd quarter. They played much better than they have all season in that quarter. I think that part of this is the result of Kubiak trusting them this game.

Kubiak put the Dolphins in a situation that it would be very difficult to score b4 the half by running the clock. Then we get the ball to start the 2nd half. You have to pick your spots on when to be conservative and aggressive.

Positives of going for it: We score and have the lead with a little bit of O confidence.

Negatives of going for it: We can possibly turn the ball over and let the other team score before the half on OUR HOME FIELD, therefore taking the fans out of game at that point. Carr's confidence goes downward as well as the teams. The Dolphins gain confidence. Then we go out after the half and get stopped again!? Then what? Then Carr has got to be thinking he isnt gonna score for the rest of the game.
oh please. I like how you name like only 1 positive thing and 5 negatives. That is ridiculous. That's the same kind of thinking that has led this team to bad records the last 2 confidence. Hide in your shell and just give up.

Let try it this way:

  • We head into the halftime with a lead, first time this season.
  • We put the pressure on the Dolphins throughout the 2nd half
  • We keep the Dolphins offense off the field from taking a lead and demoralizing our team once again.
  • If we at least make a FG, there is not last play in the game for a tie
  • We moved the ball and kill the clock, not allowing the Dolphins a chance to come back
  • Our defense had played well, if an error occured, the Dolphins only scored 3 points against it.
  • If we lose the ball, Miami still has to try and score, it's possible our defense stops them and causes an interception or fumble as well.
  • We move the ball from our end in a few plays but have to punt, we've killed the clock and moved them way back.

  • We lose the ball and Miami tries to score another FG, we are only down by 3
  • Miami scores a TD, but we get the ball the 2nd half to tie right away

I mean anyone can play that what if game, but we will never know. What if Dayne fumbles the ball, what if on our punt it get's blocked. Those are risky gambles as well.
Positives of going for it: We score and have the lead with a little bit of O confidence.

Negatives of going for it: We can possibly turn the ball over and let the other team score before the half on OUR HOME FIELD, therefore taking the fans out of game at that point. Carr's confidence goes downward as well as the teams. The Dolphins gain confidence. Then we go out after the half and get stopped again!? Then what? Then Carr has got to be thinking he isnt gonna score for the rest of the game.

I thought Capers was fired, Kubiak was hired, and Carr's contract was extended because the negatives are not an issue. Sounds like the same old thing from the past few years. When are things going to change?

At some point, the concern about the offense being fragile has got to stop.

It needs to stop because this team isn't going to get better with that type of play and they are going to lose a lot of heartbreakers playing that way in the process.
I am glad we won, but I tend to agree with Vinny on this. I always say champions rise to the challenge. I hate playing soft, because when you are tentative and scared thats when mistakes can happen. I would rather play aggressive and lose, but I can understand why Kubes did what he did.

Anyhow we got the win, but I am of the mindset to stick it to the opposition anytime you can. I always think of Houston vs. Buffalo and the lead they blew, you can never have enough points...don't squander your opportunities, don't played scared and don't play conservative.

I probably wouldn't win as much as Kubes if I was coach, but at least I would be playing to win vs. playing not to lose.

Again don't take this the wrong way...I am happy with the win and I am looking forward to the Cowboys on the 15th!
You might wish to avoid flaming people if you want any respect on the forum. Otherwise, telling people they are "crying" because they have a different take is nothing but troll bait.

"Fragile" :um:

yeah, that's a word I want associated with my FOOTBALL team....not.

These dudes are PROFESSIONAL football players. They make millions of dollars to play a freakin' game. Like Porky said, if we have to put dresses on them and give them hugs while singing kumbaya around a campfire roasting marshmellows, they might want to find another line of work.

And where do you get this "fragile" take anyway? Are you in the locker room?

Like I said, we can play "what if" all day long. But this is a FOOTBALL forum, and this is a legitimate question to ask. If you persist in trying insult anyone that questions your own fragile state-of-mind, then you might not make too many friends here, y'know. :)

Every thread I go to this guy is bashing someone for what they are saying, I am just tired of seeing him bash xtruroyaltyx in every thread that xtruroyaltyx posts in.

I think its very obvious this team is fragile. Your taking the term too literally.
What I am sayin is that the team doesn't know what they are capable of yet. They lose all confidence after one bad play. Kubiak and the coaching staff have said this REPEATED times. And its very obvious that it is true. When you play football one of the first things they teach you is to forget the bad plays because you cant do anything about it after the fact. We have a hard time forgetting them. We have lost 3 out of the last 20 games! How is this hard to see? We need guidance, and obviously Kubiaks' is starting to pay off.

It is a legitimate question, but how do you ask it without a "what if"? Therefore you can't answer it without a "what if". If there was no "what ifs" in this convo everybody would be happy because we won.
Let's look at it. The D was actually playing well and pressuring Culpepper all day. The Offense had been doing at least some damage via the air. Yes, there were some protection issues.

That's another issue I've had with the old regime..... We've got protection problems, and they very rarely would do anything to ease the pain on David Carr.

Maybe, Kubiak didn't think it was worth a couple more hits to the young'n.... who everyone says was getting pummeled on every pass......

I haven't gone back to look at it though, so I don't know.

But I know Miami should've been expecting us to pass the ball, opening the running lanes, but it didn't work out that way.
  • We head into the halftime with a lead, first time this season.
  • We put the pressure on the Dolphins throughout the 2nd half
  • We keep the Dolphins offense off the field from taking a lead and demoralizing our team once again.
  • If we at least make a FG, there is not last play in the game for a tie
  • We moved the ball and kill the clock, not allowing the Dolphins a chance to come back
  • Our defense had played well, if an error occured, the Dolphins only scored 3 points against it.
  • If we lose the ball, Miami still has to try and score, it's possible our defense stops them and causes an interception or fumble as well.
  • We move the ball from our end in a few plays but have to punt, we've killed the clock and moved them way back.

  • We lose the ball and Miami tries to score another FG, we are only down by 3
  • Miami scores a TD, but we get the ball the 2nd half to tie right away

I mean anyone can play that what if game, but we will never know. What if Dayne fumbles the ball, what if on our punt it get's blocked. Those are risky gambles as well.

Are you serious? Your whole argument is a "what if". Everything you are saying here is a "what if"? Don't be so hypocritical. How are people going to defend Kubiak's choice without using "what ifs"? Please tell me.
I thought Capers was fired, Kubiak was hired, and Carr's contract was extended because the negatives are not an issue. Sounds like the same old thing from the past few years. When are things going to change?

At some point, the concern about the offense being fragile has got to stop.

It needs to stop because this team isn't going to get better with that type of play and they are going to lose a lot of heartbreakers playing that way in the process.

I think it is really a situational thing. At first I didn't agree but when the 2nd half started, I started to realize what he did.
Every thread I go to this guy is bashing someone for what they are saying, I am just tired of seeing him bash xtruroyaltyx in every thread that xtruroyaltyx posts in.

That's cool, man. They've got history with each other, and xtruroyaltyx can take care of himself. I understand opposing opinions and heated debate. It's just the name calling that we try to avoid, as that makes it personal.

I think its very obvious this team is fragile. Your taking the term too literally.

yeah, I understand the "fragile state of mind" angle. But honestly, I think it is more about getting them to play together as a team more than anything else. Individual mistakes like blown assignments and penalties are what they have to fix. Overcome themselves.

But their quotes - from the coaches on down to the players - during the first three losing games indicate that they are not so much fragile as they are unorganized.

But it is a matter of perspective on our part as fans, so I can understand your take even in disagreement.

What I am sayin is that the team doesn't know what they are capable of yet. They have lost 3 out of the last 20 games! How is this hard to see? They need guidance, and obviously Kubiaks' is starting to pay off.

I agree with you on this. Kubiak's guidance will take us to a winning season, IMO, but it will take some time.

It is a legitimate question, but how do you ask it without a "what if"? Therefore you can't answer it without a "what if". If there was no "what ifs" in this convo everybody would be happy because we won.

yep. That's what I've been saying. :howdy:
I have no clue whether the answer is in here already - I didn't read the entire thread - but when asked about the last drive before the half, Kubiak basically said that the runs on 1st and 2nd down were per plan. Then on 3rd he said that if they made a 1st down then they would be "aggressive." (insert head scratcher icon thingy here because that 3rd down ended with only 0:30 left on the clock).

Anyway, then the real reason came out. He said he was mindful of the Dolphins having only one TO remaining and *basically was afraid of something bad happening just before half (and bleeding the Phins of their final TO being part of the strategy). He said they felt they had played fairly well in the 1st half and essentially didn't want to screw anything up in their own end going into the locker room.

He did marvel at the fact that Daunte threw it 72 yards in the air on the Hail Mary.

* my interpretation of his words. Not that I agree or disagree with the strategy - because I know there are legions of cats from 'both sides' with paws on mouses ready to pounce on anything and everything in here ..... just relaying what I heard.
I think it is obvious that Carr's passer rating is a direct cause of Kubiak. It isn't about knowing how to manage the two minute drill but more like the game. We have 2 possessions at this point. We have them beat, why gamble it? What happens if they intercept it and score...then we come out in the second half and score? Thats even. Kubiak gives them no chance to score before the half by running the clock. 3-3, with the ball after the half looks pretty good to Kubiak going into this half as opposed to his other games with this team. Why give them a chance to go up on you.

To each his own.

This ain't Pop Warner football trying to hold on to the Harris County championship. This is the NFL. I can't wait until the first time we need to run a two minute drill and we look like Keystone Cops running it. All I want this year to be is a casting call for next year's run at the playoffs. Not taking advantage of on field opportunities in order to preserve a win, by an action in the first half, is a take one step up, one step back situation in my opinion.

I have never recalled being a fan of a team that took this line of thinking and I hope that this is the last time we have this conversation around this subject matter.
That's cool, man. They've got history with each other, and xtruroyaltyx can take care of himself. I understand opposing opinions and heated debate. It's just the name calling that we try to avoid, as that makes it personal.

Fair enough.

yeah, I understand the "fragile state of mind" angle. But honestly, I think it is more about getting them to play together as a team more than anything else. Individual mistakes like blown assignments and penalties are what they have to fix. Overcome themselves.

But their quotes - from the coaches on down to the players - during the first three losing games indicate that they are not so much fragile as they are unorganized.

I think the fact they are so unorganized leads to mistakes, which leads to lost confidence and overthinking their mistakes during the game. (They should be thinking about them afterword, but during the game is something coaches try and teach you NOT to do). I think this cycle has been continuing the last few years. Any mistake made and they feel the old team coming back. The losing team. I think Dunta said it best when he said that something needs to change fast or they are going to be the laughing stock of the NFL AGAIN. I think Kubiak wants to get them out of that mindset, cut down on their chances of making mistakes, so this team can take a step forward.

What I am sayin by fragile is, in my mind they are getting to that turning point of a team that makes mistakes to a team that executes well (due to Kubiak). So he doesn't want them falling back into that mindset that they are a team that makes mistakes, and nothing goes right for. Thats why I say fragile. I think his gameplan at this point was he does not want to lose BECAUSE of mistakes, because that sticks with you.
To each his own.

This ain't Pop Warner football trying to hold on to the Harris County championship. This is the NFL. I can't wait until the first time we need to run a two minute drill and we look like Keystone Cops running it. All I want this year to be is a casting call for next year's run at the playoffs. Not taking advantage of on field opportunities in order to preserve a win, by an action in the first half, is a take one step up, one step back situation in my opinion.

I have never recalled being a fan of a team that took this line of thinking and I hope that this is the last time we have this conversation around this subject matter.

I understand both sides. I just tend to agree more with what Kubiak did. Now if we did not have the ball to start the second half and he did that...thats a whole new story.

The point you bring up about experience in running the 2 minute drill is interesting, I hadn't thought of that yet.
This is what Kubiak says about the subject:

“Yeah, as I said yesterday, my thought right there was if we get a first down there we have our timeouts to use and try to do something with the ball. We had two left; they used two of them. They had one left from going into our third down. We made sure they had to use it, and also to be honest with you, the way our ends of the half had went for a couple weeks, I was very concerned with our team’s mentality going in at halftime. And I wanted to make sure that we did not make a mistake right there. Had we got the first down we could have been aggressive, but we didn’t. We made sure they used their time out; we got off the field feeling good about three to three, and came out and played better in the second half. I was a little concerned about our frame of mind after what I had seen happen the past couple of weeks.”

I know people want the team to grow a set, but Kubiak is just being honest. End of the half has been ungood to the Texans, and it could have been ungood to the Texans had the very close Hail Mary screwed the team, but I am guessing the team has to earn the coaches' confidence, and at least at situations involving the end of the first half, it hasn't yet.

Check out that link. Lots of really good information in it.

(on if he was a Cowboys fan growing up) “No I wasn’t a Cowboys fan, I was an Oilers fan. I worked for the Oilers remember? I worked for them for a couple of years.”

(on whether he hates the Cowboys) “Do I hate the Cowboys? I don’t hate anybody.”

(on whether he hates the Texas Longhorns) “I told you, I don’t hate anybody.”

(on growing up an Oilers fan and how he felt about the Cowboys then) “I told you guys, I don’t hate. My mom and Dad told me not to hate. I worked for the Oilers when I was a kid.”

(on the importance of the Dallas-Houston game to fans) “Hey, you try to win them all.”

(on whether playing the Cowboys means more to him having grown up in Houston ) “Yeah, it means a lot.It does.There is no doubt about that. It will be a special, special game. I thought you guys were going to ask me questions about yesterday.”

No bulletin board material. :cool:
“Yeah, as I said yesterday, my thought right there was if we get a first down there we have our timeouts to use and try to do something with the ball. We had two left; they used two of them. They had one left from going into our third down. We made sure they had to use it, and also to be honest with you, the way our ends of the half had went for a couple weeks, I was very concerned with our team’s mentality going in at halftime. And I wanted to make sure that we did not make a mistake right there. Had we got the first down we could have been aggressive, but we didn’t. We made sure they used their time out; we got off the field feeling good about three to three, and came out and played better in the second half. I was a little concerned about our frame of mind after what I had seen happen the past couple of weeks.”

This is pretty much exactly what I have been saying in this thread.
Most people around me at the stadium were booing. I was one of the few clapping. It was super important for those players (especially the defensive players) to go into the locker room without being behind for the first time. I thought it was a good call by Kubes. When this offense goes an entire half without turning the ball over or putting it on the ground Kubiak will go for it in situations like that. I can't blame him one bit for wanting to make sure he had a share of the lead at halftime.

Finally someone with some sense! I would have never booed the decision that Kubiak made. POTD
“Yeah, as I said yesterday, my thought right there was if we get a first down there we have our timeouts to use and try to do something with the ball. We had two left; they used two of them. They had one left from going into our third down. We made sure they had to use it, and also to be honest with you, the way our ends of the half had went for a couple weeks, I was very concerned with our team’s mentality going in at halftime. And I wanted to make sure that we did not make a mistake right there. Had we got the first down we could have been aggressive, but we didn’t. We made sure they used their time out; we got off the field feeling good about three to three, and came out and played better in the second half. I was a little concerned about our frame of mind after what I had seen happen the past couple of weeks.”

Sounds very logical to me. This is why he is a Head Coach in this league.
This is pretty much exactly what I have been saying in this thread.

Yes, you have been parroting the coaches in the whole thread. Ever have an independent thought of your own, or do you want to join the rest of the homer brigade that goes around regurgitating everything the Texans say?

Just because Kubes is short a set of balls, doesn't mean that we as fans should have to put up with this kindergarten crap anymore. When are the training wheels finally going to come off this fanchise? Just a legit question. In year 10 might we see a legit freaking NFL offense, or do I have to go to my grave wondering if we will ever look like something better than my nephews 6th grade football team. I was so sick of this mentality in the previous regime. I was so hopeful when Gary came in and said he would play to win. So what does he do? He surrenders like a horde of school girls instead of running a 2 min drill. I say let's pack some friggin dresses, mascara, and ballet slippers for the fragile minds and egos of our Texans on their trip to Dallas. It might might come in handy at halftime when they hold hands, cry and talk about thier feelings. :brickwall
With 1:54 remaining we should have tried to score. Especially when we can't milk the clock anyway. Miami almost scored on the last play of the half. It was a high school coaching decision to try and kill the clock.
yeah I dont know what's up with you, you dont seem to be a big fan of anything lately, who messed in your cheerios? why all the anger? what favorite player of yours is doing bad or is not on the texans? really, I'd like to know. because since training camp you have been one of the biggest team detractors on this board, no matter what positive happens, you find a way to make it a negative. what gives? cant you just give it a break? the team is what the team is, if it's bad it's bad, you still have the choice to support it or not support it, if you dont support it, why are you here?
I probably don't need to explain why I'm here since I've been here for years and work here for the Texans and you fans. We aren't the same kind of fans and I can assure you that I'll never post like you do (I think that is very safe to say). I talk football and give opinions about what I see and you like to bash anyone who isn't a homer. What's up with me? What's up with you? imo you are a pollyanna fan who likes to bash other fans for speaking their minds for not being blind homers....that's not the kind of guy I am. Obviously you don't like that...but tough luck.
Yes, you have been parroting the coaches in the whole thread. Ever have an independent thought of your own, or do you want to join the rest of the homer brigade that goes around regurgitating everything the Texans say?

Just because Kubes is short a set of balls, doesn't mean that we as fans should have to put up with this kindergarten crap anymore. When are the training wheels finally going to come off this fanchise? Just a legit question. In year 10 might we see a legit freaking NFL offense, or do I have to go to my grave wondering if we will ever look like something better than my nephews 6th grade football team. I was so sick of this mentality in the previous regime. I was so hopeful when Gary came in and said he would play to win. So what does he do? He surrenders like a horde of school girls instead of running a 2 min drill. I say let's pack some friggin dresses, mascara, and ballet slippers for the fragile minds and egos of our Texans on their trip to Dallas. It might might come in handy at halftime when they hold hands, cry and talk about thier feelings. :brickwall

:yawn: Sometimes Porky, I wonder if you have problems at home. Your posts seem to be more and more angry, not matter what the subject is.
Yes, you have been parroting the coaches in the whole thread. Ever have an independent thought of your own, or do you want to join the rest of the homer brigade that goes around regurgitating everything the Texans say?

Chill out Porky--the guy had his viewpoint before Kubiak gave his explanation on Monday afternoon.
“Yeah, as I said yesterday, my thought right there was if we get a first down there we have our timeouts to use and try to do something with the ball. We had two left; they used two of them. They had one left from going into our third down. We made sure they had to use it, and also to be honest with you, the way our ends of the half had went for a couple weeks, I was very concerned with our team’s mentality going in at halftime. And I wanted to make sure that we did not make a mistake right there. Had we got the first down we could have been aggressive, but we didn’t. We made sure they used their time out; we got off the field feeling good about three to three, and came out and played better in the second half. I was a little concerned about our frame of mind after what I had seen happen the past couple of weeks.”

Spin all you want coach, that is lame. You extend a QB who has done nothing in his previous four years, you sign Moulds, you bring in your old TE, you bring in Dayne, you trade Morency, you cut last years starting LT for one of your old LT's and you are worried about the mentality of a team that went 2-14 last year after you made wholesale changes? Go get your self a public speaking coach or hire yourself some better assistants. That is an unacceptable excuse as a head coach. Maybe ok for an offensive coordinator, maybe.
Spin all you want coach, that is lame. You extend a QB who has done nothing in his previous four years, you sign Moulds, you bring in your old TE, you bring in Dayne, you trade Morency, you cut last years starting LT for one of your old LT's and you are worried about the mentality of a team that went 2-14 last year after you made wholesale changes? Go get your self a public speaking coach or hire yourself some better assistants. That is an unacceptable excuse as a head coach. Maybe ok for an offensive coordinator, maybe.

Well said.

I didn't like the call at all but wow some of you folks are worked up.

I guess so.
Yes, you have been parroting the coaches in the whole thread. Ever have an independent thought of your own, or do you want to join the rest of the homer brigade that goes around regurgitating everything the Texans say?

I'm sorry if my interpretation of what our coach was trying to do correlated with what he was actually going for. I really dont have anything else to say to you about it.

On another note, I doubt this will happen much at all in the future.
We had PLENTY of time to try to score. We just decided to say skroo it and go into the half at 3-3. This is as pathetic as it gets and this is a brutal brand of football. The Dolphins get the ball with .23 seconds and feel they have enough time to score. At least they play some football....we are scrimmaging.

Okay, Lets say Carr throws an interception and they return it for a TD. The tide changes in there favor and we lose. Guess what, you are still gonna whine and complain. We won the freakin game and its all that matters. Wether you win by 1 pt or 30, a win is a win. Enjoy it dude and stop complaining. You obviously have to much time on your hands to be so critical of one drive. The way things have gone for the Texans this yr. i would have done the same thing. Now i'm just looking forward to kicking some Cowboy Azz!!
Okay, Lets say Carr throws an interception and they return it for a TD. The tide changes in there favor and we lose. Guess what, you are still gonna whine and complain. We won the freakin game and its all that matters. Wether you win by 1 pt or 30, a win is a win. Enjoy it dude and stop complaining. You obviously have to much time on your hands to be so critical of one drive. The way things have gone for the Texans this yr. i would have done the same thing. Now i'm just looking forward to kicking some Cowboy Azz!!
You may think a football message board is a big cheerleading session...I think it is a place to talk/share about what we are thinking our views and our opinions. I know we won the game...but that wasn't the topic of this thread.

this thread was started at the .23 second mark of the second half btw (with the Dolphins taking shots at our end zone)...not after the game.
Spin all you want coach, that is lame. You extend a QB who has done nothing in his previous four years, you sign Moulds, you bring in your old TE, you bring in Dayne, you trade Morency, you cut last years starting LT for one of your old LT's and you are worried about the mentality of a team that went 2-14 last year after you made wholesale changes? Go get your self a public speaking coach or hire yourself some better assistants. That is an unacceptable excuse as a head coach. Maybe ok for an offensive coordinator, maybe.

He cut Victor Riley? :shades:

Would you prefer that he lied? The team is fragile. I know it, you know it, they know it. That aint spin, that is just telling it like it is. It coulda blown up in his face but what are you wanting him to say?

He is slowly giving Carr more responsibility and allowing him to do more things, but creating confidence is more of an art than science. And maybe he wants his offense to show him that he should be more confident in them.

I guess I'm just not bunch up on this coaches decision. I was actually more freaked at how we covered the Miami 4th down play, to be honest. It seemed overly aggressive to me.
I didn't like the call at all but wow some of you folks are worked up.

Yeah I am. I just have never identified with that mentality in my sports life as a player, coach or agent. That was an opporunity to get better and if you do not have the players to execute in that situation then you sit them or you expose them to your personnel folks in order to get rid of them and get your type of players in. We had 2 wins in our last 20 starts up to that point and the best you can come up with is three runs and take the ball out of the top ranked passer in the game's hands?

I am happy with the win? Yes. But after that I am worried about where this staff and personnel team is taking us. The players won that game, which is great, but it was against another bad team and the coach's poor decision in the first half almost came back to haunt us. We are not good enough to squander 1:54 seconds at home when the franchise just not needed a win, but needing to find an identity. One of the reasonse Capers was canned was because of that stale conservative identity he trumpeted.
I didn't like the call at all but wow some of you folks are worked up.

It's football, my friend. :fans: eat/drink/sleep FOOTBALL!

I'm glad to hear Kubiak's explanation, though. I respect his decisions as the head coach, even when I might not agree with it.

However, this does indicate to me that we are taking baby steps, and after 4.25 seasons of mediocrity - and our first game still being our best - I can certainly understand the frustration, animosity, and general bad disposition about losing from fanatical individuals (speaking as one myself).

But the fact of the matter is....Kubiak inherited a franchise suffering from bad decisions and in disarray from the top on down. Even a genius can't fix stupid overnight. It will seriously take him a couple of seasons to get his team in place.

It sucks!, but we're just going to have to be...patient. :wild:
But the fact of the matter is....Kubiak inherited a franchise suffering from bad decisions and in disarray from the top on down. Even a genius can't fix stupid overnight. It will seriously take him a couple of seasons to get his team in place.

It sucks!, but we're just going to have to be...patient. :wild:

Yeah, I agree. It's going to take him that long to get the fans to trust him aswell. I think the Texans fanbase can be pretty big when we start making the playoffs.
He cut Victor Riley? :shades:

Would you prefer that he lied? The team is fragile. I know it, you know it, they know it. That aint spin, that is just telling it like it is. It coulda blown up in his face but what are you wanting him to say?

He is slowly giving Carr more responsibility and allowing him to do more things, but creating confidence is more of an art than science. And maybe he wants his offense to show him that he should be more confident in them.

I guess I'm just not bunch up on this coaches decision. I was actually more freaked at how we covered the Miami 4th down play, to be honest. It seemed overly aggressive to me.

Nice catch on Riley. Until you did I may have erased the OLine completely from my memory in 2005.

Lie? No. Tell us and the team you made a mistake and you and the team are learning on the fly. But, he just came out and told his offense they are soft mentally. With that being said, we better bring another Olineman in quick, because all of the skill position players are his. In other words he owns the mental state of this offense.

Really is unbelievable, in my opinion, with both feet in mouth.
Nice catch on Riley.

I was too polite to say anything.

Until you did I may have erased the OLine completely from my memory in 2005.

The Texans played in 2005? I don't remember that...

Lie? No. Tell us and the team you made a mistake and he and the team are learning on the fly. He just came out and told his offense they are soft mentally. With that being said, we better bring another Olineman in quick, because all of the skill position players are his. In other words he owns the mental state of this offense.

Yep, yep, yep, and yep.
Pretty much, he makes the decisions. He calls the plays. Hopefully he can get them in a winning state of mind, however he manages to do it.

And my point is, is that after 9 months with his 1x1's with players, acquisitions, releases, training camps, pre season and 3.45 games he had not made a difference from the lampoon we had last year as a team and staff. I bet you a beef rib and a Big Red that Bob McNair was nonplussed.
I frankly don't know why some of you aren't creating "Fire Kubiak" threads already. It's been a long time since I've seen such a fatalistic thread.

To take such a dim view of Kubiak this early on . . . and to give up on him this fast . . . frankly makes me sick.

"Fanatical" DB? heh . . I'd say "going off the deep end" is more like it.
I frankly don't know why some of you aren't creating "Fire Kubiak" threads already. It's been a long time since I've seen such a fatalistic thread.

To take such a dim view of Kubiak this early on . . . and to give up on him this fast . . . frankly makes me sick.

"Fanatical" DB? heh . . I'd say "going off the deep end" is more like it.
This isn't a fire anyone thread...this was started at the .23 mark of the second quarter after we tried to let the air out of the ball when we got it with two mins left and two time outs. That was amazingly frustating....I heard the boos on TV. Could you?

Some of you guys have a hard time reading.
I frankly don't know why some of you aren't creating "Fire Kubiak" threads already. It's been a long time since I've seen such a fatalistic thread.

To take such a dim view of Kubiak this early on . . . and to give up on him this fast . . . frankly makes me sick.

"Fanatical" DB? heh . . I'd say "going off the deep end" is more like it.

Who in their right mind would want to fire Kubiak? And who in their right mind would even bring up that notion?
This is why I rarely start threads...people have zero ability to comprehend what they are reading.
This is why I rarely start threads...people have zero ability to comprehend what they are reading.
I comprehend exactly what you're saying. You've repeated it about 50 times in 50 different ways. And you act like you've completely forgotten what other things he's done with the team, but you and Kaiser act like you're gonna hold a grudge against him for the rest of the season no matter what else happens.

I realize the frustration, but damn, you act like you''re about to flip your wig over it! Chill for chrissakes!
I comprehend exactly what you're saying. You've repeated it about 50 times in 50 different ways. And you act like you've completely forgotten what other things he's done with the team, but you and Kaiser act like you're gonna hold a grudge against him for the rest of the season no matter what else happens.

I realize the frustration, but damn, you act like you''re about to flip your wig over it! Chill for chrissakes!
I don't act like anything. This thread is a discussion about our 2 min drill at the half...or lack of one. It was started at the half and it's discussing a relevant topic about the team.

Case in have no ability to comprehend what you are reading.
I comprehend exactly what you're saying. You've repeated it about 50 times in 50 different ways. And you act like you've completely forgotten what other things he's done with the team, but you and Kaiser act like you're gonna hold a grudge against him for the rest of the season no matter what else happens.

I realize the frustration, but damn, you act like you''re about to flip your wig over it! Chill for chrissakes!

I call like it like I see it, just as you do. However, one providing a take on a situation does not mean that it scales to everything around the subject of that issue. I am a Kubiak fan and like what he is doing. I do strongly believe he needs to coach them like professionals, not like Pop Warner.
I think it is really a situational thing. At first I didn't agree but when the 2nd half started, I started to realize what he did.

I agree, I dint like it at first but then I saw he was protecting his young team that has shown a propensity for letting one mistake change the course and momentum of the game. but it's like going for it on 4th and inches, if you make it your a hero if you dont its "why didnt we punt the ball and have confidence in our defense" so you cant win on decisions like that, but in hindsight kubiak made the right choice for the team. I support his decision.