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Last Drive Before the Half

Most people around me at the stadium were booing. I was one of the few clapping. It was super important for those players (especially the defensive players) to go into the locker room without being behind for the first time. I thought it was a good call by Kubes. When this offense goes an entire half without turning the ball over or putting it on the ground Kubiak will go for it in situations like that. I can't blame him one bit for wanting to make sure he had a share of the lead at halftime.
The consensus of everyone I talked to in the Bull Pen was the same as mine at the half....had DC snuck back over to our sidelines?

Yes, I'm VERY happy we won the game, but this isn't the Colts we're talking about here. You take your shots when you get them. That was a PERFECT, case-study layout to run a 2:00min. drill and we resorted to giving up and PRAYING that there wouldn't be enough time left for the Fins to air it out & get in range.

That's the first time I've truly been PI**ED w/ Kubiak's decision-making, though last week's clock management wasn't too wonderful either.

I still support the Texans and Kubiak 100%, but to call that move OK would simply stretch reality too far.
Second guessing even after a win.....sad. If we pass and it's intercepted the complaint would be "why didn't we run out the clock, we're getting the ball to start the second half." Some of you people just feel the need to bit@# don't you?

Thanks Nederland.

I was beginning to think I was just dreaming that we won the game.

I am beginning to think that some posters will always find a way to hang a criticism on Carr, even when we win. Delusional comes to mind.

It was Carrs fault that Kubiak decided to run out the clock at the end of the half.

Kubiak didn't trust Carr not to turn the ball over.

Carr does have a boat load of turnovers this year.:rolleyes:

Seems Carr should not have thrown the int. Oh wait, it was everybodys' hero Andre who had the ball taken out of his hands.


Someone quote me Andres' stats from yesterday and tell me how good he is. Just remember, if stats work for AJ they also work for Carr.


We had PLENTY of time to try to score. We just decided to say skroo it and go into the half at 3-3. This is as pathetic as it gets and this is a brutal brand of football. The Dolphins get the ball with .23 seconds and feel they have enough time to score. At least they play some football....we are scrimmaging.

It put us in a particularly foul mood whilest smoking a stogie during halftime. Where was the attack mentality? two minute drill? I guess they are playing not to lose until they get some confidence.
Thanks Nederland.

I was beginning to think I was just dreaming that we won the game.

I am beginning to think that some posters will always find a way to hang a criticism on Carr, even when we win. Delusional comes to mind.

It was Carrs fault that Kubiak decided to run out the clock at the end of the half.

Kubiak didn't trust Carr not to turn the ball over.

Carr does have a boat load of turnovers this year.:rolleyes:

Seems Carr should not have thrown the int. Oh wait, it was everybodys' hero Andre who had the ball taken out of his hands.


Someone quote me Andres' stats from yesterday and tell me how good he is. Just remember, if stats work for AJ they also work for Carr.



This is the type of mantra that settles for mediocrity and prefers to protect individuals rather than call out a blunder by the offensive unit. A commitment to excellence is what I expect from my team.
it worked out well...but not taking a shot at scoring with 2 mins left shows no confidence at all (probably justified). I'm not a big fan of playing not to lose.

yay teem worked out.

yeah I dont know what's up with you, you dont seem to be a big fan of anything lately, who messed in your cheerios? why all the anger? what favorite player of yours is doing bad or is not on the texans? really, I'd like to know. because since training camp you have been one of the biggest team detractors on this board, no matter what positive happens, you find a way to make it a negative. what gives? cant you just give it a break? the team is what the team is, if it's bad it's bad, you still have the choice to support it or not support it, if you dont support it, why are you here?
Listen to the Gary Kubiak Show today. donbmt says he's going to ask Coach about the playcalling to end the first half.
Well we won so who cares now right? At least we are not going to start 0-6 like last year.:cowboy1:

Yes we won, but win or lose, you always look for ways to improve. My opinion is that we should have pushed it at that time, for reasons I've already stated.

I'm quite happy that we won but IMO it's perhaps even more important to critically analyze a winning performance -- in that time where you'd rather just be celebrating -- rather than to treat it complacently. We made plenty of mistakes against a bad team and if you're too busy throwing a party to analyze and correct those mistakes, then you're going to lose to someone else who will take advantage of them.
It reeked of Capers; might've been his presence in the stadium. Caution has its place but the Miami D hadn't really come up with anything yet, and I thought Carr has performed relatively well in hurry-up to this point. Plenty of time and getting the ball back tied is well and good, but getting it back up 7 is even better.

I've said it before, and will probably get slapped for saying it here. but our Offense has gotten simpler from Day one. I know folks will like to say I think it's because of David Carr, but I don't believe it is solely because of David.

David's ability to think, and our lines in-ability to block I think is what made Capers ball so hard to watch. He didn't have that problem in Carolina.

Hopefully Kubiak has got a grip on the problem, and will rectify it.

But I don't think David has had a problem in the 2minute drill..... I really think that is one area he does shine. Not much thinking, get to the line, call a play, throw the ball..... get to the line, call a play, throw the ball....
This IS a GLARING issue, that scares me a bit with the new staff. Ladies and Gentleman, when you have 2 time outs and almost 2 minutes to go in the game in the NFL, college or high school or pee wee football, you TRY to make something happen. It is called an offensive possesion, they are precious, you have to cherish each one for what it is, a chance, an opportunity to score.

That is the object of the game, to try to win, not try to lose. It was waaaay to conservative for me. Yes, sometimesin this situation (with Domanick Davis) a run on 1st down might break for 10-15 yards, but to plunge Dayne over left guard 3 times is TOTALLY INEXCUSABLE.

It's called the "2 minute drill". Carr and Andre had barely been stopped all day. This is scary and I really want to hear Coach Kubiak's explanation on this, so I hope somebody can call in this afternoon to his show on 610 and ask the question. WHY?

Folks, the best news is, WE WON!!! But that sweating it out there on the 2 point conversion would have been pointless had we driven the ball 35 yards and let Brownie nail a 50 yarder to end the 1st half.
This is the type of mantra that settles for mediocrity and prefers to protect individuals rather than call out a blunder by the offensive unit. A commitment to excellence is what I expect from my team.

Al Davis has a copyright on that. :jk:

I really don't understand your response. :hmmm:

I think that we had time to try and score, bur realisticly we didn't have momentum. Carr and the offense as well schooled in the no huddle and 2 minute offense so that shouldn't have been an issue. This one is on Kubiak and the offensive coordinator. Kubiak needs to take more chances and get a gut check from his players to see where they are at.
I think that we had time to try and score, bur realisticly we didn't have momentum. Carr and the offense as well schooled in the no huddle and 2 minute offense so that shouldn't have been an issue. This one is on Kubiak and the offensive coordinator. Kubiak needs to take more chances and get a gut check from his players to see where they are at.

Are you suggesting that he test players instead of doing what he thinks will help us win???

As a fan I wanted them to go for it....As a realist...I didn't....If we had passed the ball and had three incompletions...we punt....David was getting harrased all game...could have taken a sack...fumbled....anything could have happened at that don't want to have anything negative happen going into half time, and in that situation mor negative could have come from it than good....but We won...So IMO kubes made the right call...
Then accept the challenge and create some momentum. I doubt if anyone is going to just give it to you.

If we were the colts I could understand that logic...but we have a lot of players with fragile mental states....anything negative going into the half could have thrown us off...
Are you suggesting that he test players instead of doing what he thinks will help us win???

As a fan I wanted them to go for it....As a realist...I didn't....If we had passed the ball and had three incompletions...we punt....David was getting harrased all game...could have taken a sack...fumbled....anything could have happened at that don't want to have anything negative happen going into half time, and in that situation mor negative could have come from it than good....but We won...So IMO kubes made the right call...
We played not to lose....and almost ended up being tied at the end of the game, we were one play away from going into OT. If we had marched down and kicked at least a FG, it wouldn't have been an issue. Besides, our defense isn't known for stopping the pass, we put the pressure all on defense (the worst in the league mind you) to stop them from scoring. Now you can say that Kubiak WANTED to let our defense gain some confidence just as much as scoring would have done for the offense, but I'd find that a little speculative.
We played not to lose....and almost ended up being tied at the end of the game, we were one play away from going into OT. If we had marched down and kicked at least a FG, it wouldn't have been an issue. Besides, our defense isn't known for stopping the pass, we put the pressure all on defense (the worst in the league mind you) to stop them from scoring. Now you can say that Kubiak WANTED to let our defense gain some confidence just as much as scoring would have done for the offense, but I'd find that a little speculative.

All that is besides the point...You can say we were one play away from this or that...but that's all hindsight...we are strictly talking about Kubes making the decision to not go into a two minute offense...and If im not mistaken He gave the ball to Dayne 1 or 2 times....If Dayne could have picked up any yardage at all we probaly would have atleast tried for the field goal....But I like the decision because had we made a mistake at that point even if the dolphins didn't put points on the board THAT could have ruined us...Carr pointed out that last week when the skins tied the game a lot of guys started hanging their heads...Imagine what a mistake at that point would have done....

and I don't follow your last sentence...
If we were the colts I could understand that logic...but we have a lot of players with fragile mental states....anything negative going into the half could have thrown us off...

I can see your point of view, but I think that type of thinking led to last year's constant max protect packages with frequent one yard passes to Dre.

I just think we need to take the training wheels off. I much prefer watching a game we lose that is exciting because we tried to win than watch a game we lose where we never did anything in hopes not to lose.
We played not to lose....and almost ended up being tied at the end of the game, we were one play away from going into OT. If we had marched down and kicked at least a FG, it wouldn't have been an issue. Besides, our defense isn't known for stopping the pass, we put the pressure all on defense (the worst in the league mind you) to stop them from scoring.
That's a good point.
We had PLENTY of time to try to score. We just decided to say skroo it and go into the half at 3-3. This is as pathetic as it gets and this is a brutal brand of football. The Dolphins get the ball with .23 seconds and feel they have enough time to score. At least they play some football....we are scrimmaging.

I think this is a valid question, and it smells of a Capersish "play not to lose" mentality. Kubiak has always struck me as a "play to win the game" coach, so it is perplexing that he'd take the conservative approach in this situation. There is definitely a thought process at work here, we just don't know the exact details of his decision right now.

If the homers want to critize a valid question just because we won, then there is nothing to discuss the next two weeks. "Hey we won, let's all hug and sing kumbaya and roast marshmellows now. Don't be down on the team, we wooooon." :grouphug:

But the fact of the matter is that the majority of professional football teams would have run a two minute drill in that situation, but we did not. Why? It is not criticism to ask the question. It is critical analysis, and we have a right to ask for an answer as consumers of this product and fans of this team.
But the fact of the matter is that the majority of professional football teams would have run a two minute drill in that situation, but we did not. Why? It is not criticism to ask the question. It is critical analysis, and we have a right to ask for an answer as consumers of this product and fans of this team.[/QUOTE]

The Fact of the matter is the MAJORITY of professional football teams were not 2-14 last year, the MAJORITY of professional football teams have not forgotten how to win, and the MAJORITY of professional football teams don’t have a new coach, new defensive system, new offensive system and a complete lack of confidence! The MAJORITY of professional football teams have not been scored on in their first three games with very little time left in the first half. The only thing worse than feeling like we missed an opportunity to drive down and add points with 2 minutes left is if we had turned the ball over and given up points and let that "Here we go again feeling" creep back in! We are not just any professional football team; we are a 2-14 expansion team that needs to learn how to win! This team has yet to be a winner, and Kubiak is doing all he can to teach this team to win and be confident they can win facing a schedule that is a nightmare! We were a disgrace last year and that was more a reflection on our complete lack of confidence, leadership and knowledge of what it takes to be a winner than it was on our lack of talent.
The only thing worse than feeling like we missed an opportunity to drive down and add points with 2 minutes left is if we had turned the ball over and given up points and let that "Here we go again feeling" creep back in!
I'd rather go down swinging myself. "Keeping it close" so the defense can win it for you works when you have a good's a questionable decision when your defense is giving up 500 yards a game.
I would tend to agree with you if we were not a team that’s confidence could be so easily crushed! This team before yesterday had won 2 of 19 games! I am for making the drive 99% of the time but we are in a rough spot of trying to not only win but to build the confidence to win. Kubiak is a coach who has always lived by the run, a real ball control coach. It’s going to take some time for him to adjust to the fact we don’t have a good run game and our defense has been a sieve. The Texans have been the perfect example of Murphy's Law, anything that can go wrong it will go wrong. Once this team has some confidence and has one a few games I am all for going Balls to the wall and trying the drive but playing it safe as a team trying to learn to win is not as bad as you think! You can interpret it either way, you can say playing it safe is a sign of desperation and fear, but in our case I think risking a failure before the half on a team that has typically found a way to blow it is much more of a sign of desperation, as opposed to going in a half time when you get the ball first after the half. Don’t do anything stupid to lose confidence before the half against a team that needs you to make a mistake to beat you.
I would tend to agree with you if we were not a team that’s confidence could be so easily crushed!

We keep talking about team confidence. Here is a question. What do you think the players' thoughts:

1) were when we sat on the ball?

2) would have been had we tried to run the two minute drill?

I think that NOT going for it does as little for the players' confidence as going for it and failing.
That is possible! You could also make the argument that it showed Kubiak believed there was no need for urgency and that he had faith that the defense could hold and that the offense could drive in the second half. Like I said before Kubiak is going to need to make some adjustments to his philosophy considering our inability to open running lanes and understand our defensive woes I just think he is used to playing a ball control style of football. Don’t get me wrong I am not advocating always running the ball and burning the clock to get into the locker room and play it safe, just understand the thinking all things considered. After all we were going to get the ball first after the half and had some good drives if we could eliminate our mistakes.
That is possible! You could also make the argument that it showed Kubiak believed there was no need for urgency and that he had faith that the defense could hold and that the offense could drive in the second half.

That is a possible thought, but given the aggressive mentality of the average football player I still think they were thinking along the lines of, "Why didn't he turn us loose? Doesn't he trust us?"
All good points! I hope we get to have this discussion for a long time after a lot of wins!

I was just kind of surprised how upset people seemed about that decision, like playing it safe was a complete screw up when it worked out like Kubiak expected it to. After the last four years I just keep waiting for the other shoe to drop! I am just happy it worked out, sometimes it seems like no matter which option we choose its always the wrong one. Lets hope that started to change on sunday!
That is a possible thought, but given the aggressive mentality of the average football player I still think they were thinking along the lines of, "Why didn't he turn us loose? Doesn't he trust us?"

Not neccessarily...You guys have to be realistic...We had only scored 3 points in the first half and we weren't really clicking that well offensively...Why take the risk of throwing the ball and then having to punt it away....and we know that our defense can give up a touchdown at any given moment...It wasn't worth the risk and I am glad Kubes doesn't think like a lot of you all....You guys are acting like we are an established team with a rich history of winning....His mindset was let's take it into the half basically 0-0...make adjustments, and come back out and try to win it in the second half and not give it away in the final minutes of the first....Had we made a mistake at that point we probably wouldn't have been able to recover....Instead of looking at it like he didn't trust the offense...Maybe he just had more trust in his second half adjustments and gameplan....There are so many reasons not to go for it, and really not many reasons to take that risk.....We won, so obviously the call wasn't detrimental...could it have been??? Who knows...we could have went for it gotten a field goal and still lost...Nobody knows what coulda, woulda and shoulda happened...

It's very easy as a fan to sit and yell about what the coach should have done...But it isn't Madden...It's his career....
Had Kubiak went for it and something costly had happened...this thread would be the exact opposite...People would be talking about how he shouldn't have gone for it....Personally I think he made the right decision and going for it IMO would have been a gamble that wasn't worth taking...
All good points! I hope we get to have this discussion for a long time after a lot of wins!

I was just kind of surprised how upset people seemed about that decision, like playing it safe was a complete screw up when it worked out like Kubiak expected it to. After the last four years I just keep waiting for the other shoe to drop! I am just happy it worked out, sometimes it seems like no matter which option we choose its always the wrong one. Lets hope that started to change on sunday!

The main reason I was upset with the decision is because I really wanted to see what this offense can do when the chips are down.

As a season ticketholder for 5 years, I think I deserve that.

Also, there is a lot of discussion on this board that the defense was the problem for the first 3 games. Maybe that was the case, but the offense doesn't do a defense any favors when it doesn't execute the 2 minute drill and can only get 1 first down to preserve an 8 point lead with about 5 minutes left. The offense should have at least got a field goal. Again, the chips were down and the offesne didn't come through.

Then I see a thread that states the Miami game was Carr's win. Just goes to prove the QB gets all the fame and blame, deserved or not.

Some people even posted this game was won in despite of the defense's play. The defense held Miami to 6 points through 3 quarters.

I am going on and on. Actually, just venting a bit, so please don't take it personally.

My point is, the offense is being coddled, just like what Capers did. Call the best play and if someone screws up, let's go from there.

Texans won Sunday because the defense played a lot better and the offense played pretty much the same.

When are the Texans going to score more than 20 points in a game when the chips are down the entire game?
The plan worked out for Kubiak because the Dolphins didn't march all the way down the field and score. I'm not that giddy in putting too much faith in our defense considering the yards they give up in the pass. I'd love for us to score points and put our opponents away, not play it conservative and let the other team dictate to me when I need to score or not. If you have the ball, you try to score (see Indy). What is a 2 minute drill for if you don't use? I guess we need 4 minutes for a 2 minute drill. We had plenty of time and time outs to boot, it was just a bad call.
Kubiak lured them into a false sense of security. He didnt want them to start the second half in their hurry up offense.
Not neccessarily...You guys have to be realistic...We had only scored 3 points in the first half and we weren't really clicking that well offensively...Why take the risk of throwing the ball and then having to punt it away....and we know that our defense can give up a touchdown at any given moment...It wasn't worth the risk and I am glad Kubes doesn't think like a lot of you all....You guys are acting like we are an established team with a rich history of winning....His mindset was let's take it into the half basically 0-0...make adjustments, and come back out and try to win it in the second half and not give it away in the final minutes of the first....Had we made a mistake at that point we probably wouldn't have been able to recover....Instead of looking at it like he didn't trust the offense...Maybe he just had more trust in his second half adjustments and gameplan....There are so many reasons not to go for it, and really not many reasons to take that risk.....We won, so obviously the call wasn't detrimental...could it have been??? Who knows...we could have went for it gotten a field goal and still lost...Nobody knows what coulda, woulda and shoulda happened...

It's very easy as a fan to sit and yell about what the coach should have done...But it isn't Madden...It's his career....

Had Kubiak went for it and something costly had happened...this thread would be the exact opposite...People would be talking about how he shouldn't have gone for it....Personally I think he made the right decision and going for it IMO would have been a gamble that wasn't worth taking...

Y'all don't hear me tho'...
We had PLENTY of time to try to score. We just decided to say skroo it and go into the half at 3-3. This is as pathetic as it gets and this is a brutal brand of football. The Dolphins get the ball with .23 seconds and feel they have enough time to score. At least they play some football....we are scrimmaging.

Agree totally, but I have to disagree with your title of this thread (semantics). "Drive" implies we are moving the ball. That was hardly even a possesssion.
Y'all don't hear me tho'...
I know I don't hear you because that doesn't make sense either. I mean you are also inserting all kinds of coulda would shoulda's. What if we punt and Welker runs it back for a TD, demoralizing our defense going into the locker room. What if our defense melts again (it's happend) in the prevent defense and they march down and score? There are just as many scenarios. 1 more completion by Culpepper and they are within Mare's FG range. Do you get that, 1 MORE PLAY and they were about to score, just like at the end of the game, 1 more play and they tie this thing up. As Fans, we are tired of this because we saw that philosophy last year and it got us 2-14. Do that to a better team than the Dolphins and we lose. It's that simple.
I know I don't hear you because that doesn't make sense either. I mean you are also inserting all kinds of coulda would shoulda's. What if we punt and Welker runs it back for a TD, demoralizing our defense going into the locker room. What if our defense melts again (it's happend) in the prevent defense and they march down and score? There are just as many scenarios. 1 more completion by Culpepper and they are within Mare's FG range. Do you get that, 1 MORE PLAY and they were about to score, just like at the end of the game, 1 more play and they tie this thing up. As Fans, we are tired of this because we saw that philosophy last year and it got us 2-14. Do that to a better team than the Dolphins and we lose. It's that simple.

You are proving my point...sit back and listen to yourself....LMAO....

In order to get within scoring range we would have had to throw.....When you drop back to throw there are many more negative things that can happen than positive...Now suppose we don't complete a pass...Clock stops and now we gotta punt it back to em with a bunch of clock left...or Carr throws another pick....Or we get sacked.....It wasn't worth the risk....They would have looked foolish IMO, trying to do that....
You are proving my point...sit back and listen to yourself....LMAO....

In order to get within scoring range we would have had to throw.....When you drop back to throw there are many more negative things that can happen than positive...Now suppose we don't complete a pass...Clock stops and now we gotta punt it back to em with a bunch of clock left...or Carr throws another pick....Or we get sacked.....It wasn't worth the risk....They would have looked foolish IMO, trying to do that....
That is weak. Seems Saban didn't have ANY problems in trying to win and he was coming out throwing. Indy comes out against us when they are up by infinity and they pass it. if...if...if... We didn't have a single 3 and out series in the first wait...THE WHOLE FREAKIN GAME!!, so really I you are reaching at straws with no backup.
That is weak. Seems Saban didn't have ANY problems in trying to win and he was coming out throwing.
Where'd that get him....

Indy comes out against us when they are up by infinity and they pass it. if...if...if... We didn't have a single 3 and out series in the first wait...THE WHOLE FREAKIN GAME!!, so really I you are reaching at straws with no backup.

We also weren't trying to go 80 yards in limited time the rest of the you get it??? We would have had to pass to make it in scoring range....
Where'd that get him....
Oh about to the 50 and 1 play away from a demoralizing FG...that's all.

We also weren't trying to go 80 yards in limited time the rest of the you get it??? We would have had to pass to make it in scoring range....
I get that we have a passing efficiency of over 70% of our passes and only have 2 interceptions in 4 games. I get that our offense doesn't have too much trouble move the ball and didn't have a single 3 and out yesterday. I get that if we are moving the and the clock is ticking, it's a double good in our favor because if there is a slip up on the offense, the other team wouldn't have had the time they did to march down and only miss one play to get a FG.
That is weak. Seems Saban didn't have ANY problems in trying to win and he was coming out throwing. Indy comes out against us when they are up by infinity and they pass it. if...if...if... We didn't have a single 3 and out series in the first wait...THE WHOLE FREAKIN GAME!!, so really I you are reaching at straws with no backup.

Seems like Saban didn't have any problems other than the fact that he LOST. :twocents:
Herman Edwards said:
You play to win the game!

We can play the "what if..." game all day long.

What if our running back had fumbled the ball and Miami ran it back for a TD?

I'm just curious what Coach Kubiak's perspective was, because it is what it is. I'm interested as a fan of football, not to roast the guy.
Seems like Saban didn't have any problems other than the fact that he LOST. :twocents:
yep, just like we've been doing for so long by not being aggressive. And really, they were 1 play away from a tie so I wouldn't put out the chest too much.
I'm still upset with this a day later. I see a lot of people saying don't complain because we won, which is funny, because I bet that many of those same people would be the first to say we gave up a good chance at 3 or even 7 points at the end of the first half had we lost. If they had hit that 2 pt conversion to tie, and won in OT, that's all we would have heard about. But, no, we won, so we cannot have dissent or question any decision, as if every decision in a win is perfect, and every decision in a loss is wrong. It doesn't work like that in the real world folks, and it sure as hell doesn't in football.

Let's look at it. The D was actually playing well and pressuring Culpepper all day. The Offense had been doing at least some damage via the air. Yes, there were some protection issues. So, they could have gone to some quick hitters, some dumpoffs, or gotten Carr out on the edge to lesson those chances until we got on their side of the 50. Carr has been very stingy throwing picks this yr. Why assume he was going to throw one now? There was almost 2 full minutes, 2 TO's, and we had decent field position. In addition, what's the difference if you throw one now, or with 5 minutes left in the 3rd qtr? Or with 10 min left in the 4th qtr? I don't get this we have to go in tied at the half. Why? So, when they stand at the urinal they can prooudly say we are tied at the half? Who gives a flying flip. It's the score at the end of the game that goes into the record books. Are we trying to be the worlds best half time team?

Are they as fragile as glass dolls? If that's the case, they need to man up and grow a pair, or they are nothing but a bunch of sissies if that is going to bother them. This is Pro-Football. I suspect at least 28-30 teams, and maybe even 31 teams would have tried to make hay given the exact same scenerio yesterday, and I for one want to know why we are the two or so that wouldn't. It didn't cost us yesterday, but next time we might not be so lucky.
Given Kubiak's credentials, you go with the 2 minute offense when you are on are on your own 20 with 1:57 and tied with a 3-3 ball game.

The defense was playing well and the offense needed to score points. Plus, the Texans were getting the ball first in the third quarter. It was a big opportunity that he passed on.

The question is why did Kubiak pass on the 2 minute drill?

I think there is an easy answer. He doesn't have confidence in the offense with their execution with limited time on the clock.

Personally, I want to see where this offense really stands with the chips on the line. From what I have seen thus far, this offense is being coddled just like what Capers did. Meanwhile, the defense is being nailed for poor play (fans want Smith's head) and the offense only scores 3 points in the first half and doesn't run the 2 minute drill, and no one really cares that much. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Like I said last week, I am skeptical of the offense and mortified by the defense.

Back on track though, Carr has the highest QB rating in the NFL and a lot people on this board tout that as great for thing of importance. Yet, Kubiak elects not to implement the 2 minute drill with the highest rated passer in the NFL.


Something smells real fishy here...
I'm still upset with this a day later. I see a lot of people saying don't complain because we won, which is funny, because I bet that many of those same people would be the first to say we gave up a good chance at 3 or even 7 points at the end of the first half had we lost. If they had hit that 2 pt conversion to tie, and won in OT, that's all we would have heard about. But, no, we won, so we cannot have dissent or question any decision, as if every decision in a win is perfect, and every decision in a loss is wrong. It doesn't work like that in the real world folks, and it sure as hell doesn't in football.

Let's look at it. The D was actually playing well and pressuring Culpepper all day. The Offense had been doing at least some damage via the air. Yes, there were some protection issues. So, they could have gone to some quick hitters, some dumpoffs, or gotten Carr out on the edge to lesson those chances until we got on their side of the 50. Carr has been very stingy throwing picks this yr. Why assume he was going to throw one now? There was almost 2 full minutes, 2 TO's, and we had decent field position. In addition, what's the difference if you throw one now, or with 5 minutes left in the 3rd qtr? Or with 10 min left in the 4th qtr? I don't get this we have to go in tied at the half. Why? So, when they stand at the urinal they can prooudly say we are tied at the half? Who gives a flying flip. It's the score at the end of the game that goes into the record books. Are we trying to be the worlds best half time team?

Are they as fragile as glass dolls? If that's the case, they need to man up and grow a pair, or they are nothing but a bunch of sissies if that is going to bother them. This is Pro-Football. I suspect at least 28-30 teams, and maybe even 31 teams would have tried to make hay given the exact same scenerio yesterday, and I for one want to know why we are the two or so that wouldn't. It didn't cost us yesterday, but next time we might not be so lucky.

Porky, you are nailing it!

I just want to add that the offense also could only get one first down with about 5 minutes left to protect an 8 point lead. The offense should have at least gone downfield and kicked a fieldgoal.

The defense played pretty good all day by holding the Dolphins to 6 points through 3 quarters. The offense played like it always does, has a couple of good drives, this time they did it in the fourth quarter, which is good but very unusual.

When is the offense going to play a complete game and score more than 20 points in a game that means something? This offense every week does about 17 points, 200 yards passing, and 90 yards rushing. Not much has changed since Capers guys!
I find more fault in us sitting on the ball with 2 minutes to go in the half, than I do with the 2 point attempt call from Saban. At least his play had a chance (however slim) of scoring points.
The question is why did Kubiak pass on the 2 minute drill?

I think there is an easy answer. He doesn't have confidence in the offense with their execution with limited time on the clock.

Bingo. This is the only explanation that makes logical sense.

How's that for "building confidence"?
yep, just like we've been doing for so long by not being aggressive. And really, they were 1 play away from a tie so I wouldn't put out the chest too much.

Wahhh Wahhh. Dude stop crying on every thread I read please. You think that we should always be aggressive? Im glad your a fan and not part of the staff.

Again I dont think you guys are understanding how fragile our team is. We have won 3 I REPEAT 3 games out of the last 20 we have played. (not counting preseason of course). It is a process. Sometimes you've got to make a decision like the one Kubiak made at the end of the half in order to build confidence. Dont give me that BS about it shows NO confidence in the O. Maybe it just shows some confidence in the D which has been struggling alot this year. Did you not notice how our D played in the 3rd quarter. They played much better than they have all season in that quarter. I think that part of this is the result of Kubiak trusting them this game.

I am sure that the people here who played competitive football know that mistakes stick with you.

Kubiak put the Dolphins in a situation that it would be very difficult to score b4 the half by running the clock. Then we get the ball to start the 2nd half. You have to pick your spots on when to be conservative and aggressive.


Positives of going for it: We score and have the lead with a little bit of O confidence.

Negatives of going for it: We can possibly turn the ball over and let the other team score before the half on OUR HOME FIELD, therefore taking the fans out of game at that point. Carr's confidence goes downward as well as the teams. The Dolphins gain confidence. Then we go out after the half and get stopped again!? Then what? Then Carr has got to be thinking he isnt gonna score for the rest of the game.
Carr is the highest rated passer in the NFL and he is a 5 year veteran, why should confidence and how to manage a two minute drill be an issue? At what time do we take the training wheels off of this NFL offense?
Not neccessarily...You guys have to be realistic...We had only scored 3 points in the first half and we weren't really clicking that well offensively...Why take the risk of throwing the ball and then having to punt it away....and we know that our defense can give up a touchdown at any given moment...It wasn't worth the risk and I am glad Kubes doesn't think like a lot of you all....

He's got just as much reason to believe our offense will fumble the ball away than to think our D will just lay down for Miami....... they only scored 3 points at that time as well.

That's the only thing he should have been worried about with our offense. David has not made any bad throws in the regular season, his only two INTs were a HailMary (more or less) & the strip of AndreJohnson....

But if I were on the team Yesterday, my pride would have had me beg Kubes to let us prove that we could run the ball in "garbage time", because trying to run the ball to open the third Qtr won't work.

It was hopefully a major blow to the pride of our team, and hopefully they'll do something about it.......

so far Dallas has been giving up 3.2 ypc...... & 83 ypg. They've given up 177 ypg, and so far, only 2 TDs passing........... We need to be better than that.