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Kubiak wants immediate improvement

Poor lil Kubes. Shame on Bob for not giving him a 15-year deal, so that we REALLY learn what kind of coach we have.

I never said anything about giving him a long term deal or anything. I was only commenting about the Shanahan and Kubiak comparisons. Kubiak spent something like 23 of 26 years before the Texans with the Broncos organization and was with Mike Shanahan for like 15 of them. They both believe in the same offensive philosophy that was instilled with both the 49'ers and Broncos... and now Texans.

There was a comment about "don't compare them"... and that was really based on the fact that Shanny has been a Head Coach longer and has been more successful. I was only pointing out the very very contrasting situations that Shanny and Kubiak both stepped into as Head Coaches.

Shanahan - Broncos: A team that had been around for 35 years, had reached the playoffs 11 of the 12 years before he started as HC and was led by Hall of Fame QB John Elway.

Kubiak - Texans: A team that had been around for 4 years, was in shambles from the previous regime and was led by Hall of Fame QB David Carr.
I never said anything about giving him a long term deal or anything. I was only commenting about the Shanahan and Kubiak comparisons. Kubiak spent something like 23 of 26 years before the Texans with the Broncos organization and was with Mike Shanahan for like 15 of them. They both believe in the same offensive philosophy that was instilled with both the 49'ers and Broncos... and now Texans.

There was a comment about "don't compare them"... and that was really based on the fact that Shanny has been a Head Coach longer and has been more successful. I was only pointing out the very very contrasting situations that Shanny and Kubiak both stepped into as Head Coaches.

Shanahan - Broncos: A team that had been around for 35 years, had reached the playoffs 11 of the 12 years before he started as HC and was led by Hall of Fame QB John Elway.

Kubiak - Texans: A team that had been around for 4 years, was in shambles from the previous regime and was led by Hall of Fame QB David Carr.

Yes, Shanahan had a better starting team. Honestly Shanahan wouldn't even make my top 10 coaches of all time, but he is a good coach.

If Kubiak would have taken over that Denver team I doubt they would have done as good...Kubiak is great at not getting the best out of his players...
If Kubiak gets into the play-offs this yr. with a 9-7 record and loses in the wild card game then IMO that will reflect poorly on him as a coach.

I wouldn't call for his head, but I don't think that'd be anything to be proud of. If he did the same thing the year after, the I think it'd be time for him to go.

I completely agree.
True, the Jets did get lucky. But once they made the playoffs they kicked ass, and got to the AFC Championship.

I don't like the Jets at all, but I have to respect them for getting that far with a rookie QB.

I've got no problem with the Jets. I just don't like how many here think REx Ryan hung the moon, because they beat us in week 1. They use that to say Kubiak is a bad coach.

Week 2, the Jets do the same thing against the New England Patriots. Does that mean Bill Bellichick is a bad coach? Hell no, and I should be ashamed of myself for comparing Kubiak to Bellichick.


They won 9 games. We won 9 games. Ryans is a genius, Kubiak is a dud. I understand he's a rookie. But the team he took over, went 9-7... It's like how much better are they, really? 9-7 in 2008. 9-7 in 2009.. If the Texans aren't any better going 8-8 in 2008, and 9-7 in 2009, how in the hell are the Jets a better team?

Should we look at the stats to prove the Jets are a better team? #1 defense, #1 against the pass, #8 against the run. 32 sacks. 20th ranked offense, #1 rushing, #31 passing team, #17 scoring offense.
In 2008, they had the 17th ranked, total defense

Can we look at Houston's stats? #1 passing team. #30 rushing team. #4 Total Offense. #10 Scoring offense. #13 Total Defense. #18 against the Pass. #10 against the run. 30 sacks.
In 2008, they had the 29th ranked defense.

No, it's just silly to look at stats. REx Ryan is better, period.
I've got no problem with the Jets. I just don't like how many here think REx Ryan hung the moon, because they beat us in week 1. They use that to say Kubiak is a bad coach.

Week 2, the Jets do the same thing against the New England Patriots. Does that mean Bill Bellichick is a bad coach? Hell no, and I should be ashamed of myself for comparing Kubiak to Bellichick.


They won 9 games. We won 9 games. Ryans is a genius, Kubiak is a dud. I understand he's a rookie. But the team he took over, went 9-7... It's like how much better are they, really? 9-7 in 2008. 9-7 in 2009.. If the Texans aren't any better going 8-8 in 2008, and 9-7 in 2009, how in the hell are the Jets a better team?

Should we look at the stats to prove the Jets are a better team? #1 defense, #1 against the pass, #8 against the run. 32 sacks. 20th ranked offense, #1 rushing, #31 passing team, #17 scoring offense.
In 2008, they had the 17th ranked, total defense

Can we look at Houston's stats? #1 passing team. #30 rushing team. #4 Total Offense. #10 Scoring offense. #13 Total Defense. #18 against the Pass. #10 against the run. 30 sacks.
In 2008, they had the 29th ranked defense.

No, it's just silly to look at stats. REx Ryan is better, period.

Rex turned the 17th defense into the got to give him credit for that.

I just believe Kubiak is holding the team back, this team has the talent for 10-6, 11-5 easy.
Rex turned the 17th defense into the got to give him credit for that.

I just believe Kubiak is holding the team back, this team has the talent for 10-6, 11-5 easy.

Does Kubiak get any credit for turning the 29th ranked defense into the 13th?

16 spaces is 16 spaces.

Does Kubiak get any credit for having our team 2 sacks shy of the Jets total, when we don't blitz as often, and we don't have anything like Kris Jenkins?

OH yeah, Kubiak is an offensive guy, and we're talking about his defense.
What available kicker would we have brought in? Billy Cundiff and his 73.6% carrer FG rating? I dont think you are gonna get much better out of any available kickers at that time.

It's not about just getting a better's about countability. Teams switch kickers all the time when they have a year as bad as Brown had last season.....and alot of times they'll pick up another kicker that was also let go or a FA kicker who might not be any better.

It's about sending a message of countability. When you continue to stick with a guy who's killing your team, you're sending a message that it doesn't matter what they do.....they'll still have a job.

That's what we did last season with Kris Brown. I like Brown, seems like a nice guy, but a move should've been made LAST YEAR regardless. The guy was clearly struggling and when you bring in another guy, you're usually bringing in a hungry player who's looking to take advantage of his new found good fortune.
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How about finishing the season with a 9-7 record with a 2-4 divisional record? Does that deserve any praise?

Depends........who are we talking about here.

A rookie head coach, with a freaking rookie quarterback or a coach in his 4th year who's shown no improvements against his divisional opponents, despite having a pro bowl QB.

(If that's the team/scenario that you're really comparing Kubiak and the Texans with.......there really is no comparison)
I just believe Kubiak is holding the team back, this team has the talent for 10-6, 11-5 easy.

I believe we are a 10-12 win team. 2009, I thought we were a 9-11 win team.

But I look at the way we lost games.

Some are on Kubiak, some are on the players. But I like Kubiak.
Depends........who are we talking about here.

A rookie head coach, with a freaking rookie quarterback or a coach in his 4th year who's shown no improvements against his divisional opponents, despite having a pro bowl QB.

(If that's the team/scenario that you're really comparing Kubiak and the Texans with.......there really is no comparison)

Shouldn't matter. if 9-7 is not praise worthy, 9-7 is not praise worthy.

if 1-5 is not praise worthy, 2-4 is not praise worthy.
Shouldn't matter. if 9-7 is not praise worthy, 9-7 is not praise worthy.

if 1-5 is not praise worthy, 2-4 is not praise worthy.

LOL, doesn't matter...(???)

The dude in his first year as head coach with a rookie QB called out the perennial top dog of his division..........and then beat them (a move that gave his team confidence that carried them all season) and then took his team one win away from the SB.

Sorry, but this is just more excuse making

Excuses and more excuses. The season the Jets had last season isn't even remotely comparable to ours..........mainly because they came into our house during our season opener and tossed us around like rag dolls (trust me I was there sitting in section 128....had great seats and saw first hand) It was just another game where Kubiak didn't have his team ready to play and we came out flat..

When are we going to STOP making excuses and start expecting results. Seriously. After 8 years, it's time and we shouldn't be sitting here trying to undersell what was the surprise team of the year in a attempt to mask what was a disappointing season for us.
Rather than start a new thread, I thought I would post this here as ti seems fitting. A great read from LZ!

It is funny how the perspective of Texans fans can vary so much from fan to fan. Let's take a look:

Tommy Positivefan: "Dude, the Saints game was only a preseason game, so who cares anyway? Remember when the Saints beat the Texans last year in the preseason? And what happened? The Texans were only one game away from making the playoffs! If this happened in the regular season that would be one thing, but the Texans didn't even game plan for this game and they kept thing vanilla. Don't forget about how the Texans' starters kicked the Cardinals' butts!"

Billy Angryguy: "Typical Kubiak crap! Once again he didn't have his players ready to play and his red-zone play calling is terrible. How long are we going to keep putting up with losses like this? I am so embarrassed to even show my face to people and call myself a Texans fan. The schedule is so hard this year that I am actually thinking I should be happy with six wins at the most. In fact, if Bob McNair isn't seriously thinking of getting rid of Kubiak if he loses to the Cowboys in Week 3 of the preseason, I will sell my season tickets!"
Personally, it isn't about winning or losing in preseason, it is about seeing your players compete and seeing improvement as camp wears on. This was a preseason game, so I'm not going to freak completely out, but I can tell you that I was very unhappy to see how the defense played against the Saints and you should be, too. Hell, Gary Kubiak was clearly agitated about the performance at his Sunday presser and I didn't hear him say "it's just the preseason."

This describes the Houston Sports fan to a T.

Rather than start a new thread, I thought I would post this here as ti seems fitting. A great read from LZ!

This describes the Houston Sports fan to a T.


Actually this doesn't just describe "Houston Sports fans". We dog ourselves too much in this town......go live in other cities, we aren't alone.

This describes any fan of a "perennial irrelevant mediocre team". Tempers flair out of frustration. The difference between us and Colts fans is when the Colts look like dead dogs during the preseason, they can point to great regular season success and are unanimously confident that their preseason lackadaisical effort won't carry over to the regular season. Sadly we don't have that track record.

This isn't just about Houston Sports fans. It's systematic for any stuck in the rut team. The only thing that's worse than being horrifically bad is being year in and year out.....consistently mediocre. Atleast when you're horrifically bad everybody is in agreement that major changes need to be made. (So major changes happen fast......see this year's Astros) When you're consistently mediocre, you can be consistently mediocre for years (which is what we've been up to date), because there's factions formed and everybody is sitting on opposite sides of a fence while your team rides the fence year in and year out until they either get over the hump (pray to god that happens) or you continue down the same path until the wheels fall off and it becomes obvious to everyone that a change needs to be made.

Sadly Houston has just had to endure more of these type of teams than most cities.
When are we going to STOP making excuses and start expecting results. Seriously. After 8 years, it's time and we shouldn't be sitting here trying to undersell what was the surprise team of the year in a attempt to mask what was a disappointing season for us.

First of all, I'm not making excuses. 9-7 is 9-7, whether it's the Pats, the Colts, the Lions, the Bears, or whoever. Doesn't matter that it's a first year head coach, Kubiak beat the Colts in his first year too.

& we need to stop with this 8 year stuff. We were going nowhere after 4 years, and a change was made.

This team has been making improvements year after year ever since.

Not as much as you'd like to see. NOT as much as I'd like to see, but improvements just the same.

Rex Ryan inherited the 9th best rushing team in the league, that went 9-7, and went 9-7.

Kubiak inherited the 31st defense and the 30th ranked offense.
First of all, I'm not making excuses. 9-7 is 9-7, whether it's the Pats, the Colts, the Lions, the Bears, or whoever. Doesn't matter that it's a first year head coach, Kubiak beat the Colts in his first year too.

& we need to stop with this 8 year stuff. We were going nowhere after 4 years, and a change was made.

This team has been making improvements year after year ever since.

Not as much as you'd like to see. NOT as much as I'd like to see, but improvements just the same.

Rex Ryan inherited the 9th best rushing team in the league, that went 9-7, and went 9-7.

Kubiak inherited the 31st defense and the 30th ranked offense.

Oh, silly me......I get it. You're a stat guy. So you obviously can't see the difference between their 9-7 and our 9-7, regardless of the expectations :rolleyes:

Sorry, my bad.

You're right.....We obviously had just as good of a year as the Jets.

Also please stop posting on how the Jets went 9-7 the year before......they did that with a HOF QB who was playing out of his mind until he got hurt. The Jets team of '08 was not the same team of '09

And the only improvement this team really made last season was a healthy Matt Schaub, a better defense, and a cupcake schedule.......yet we only improved one game in the standings. I don't chalk that up to good coaching....sorry. Like I said before, I was happy with Kubiak in '07 and '08......last season despite a one game improvement was his worst coaching year IMO.

Kubiak did more with less in '07 and '08.....last season he did less with more. Last season was his year to put the Texans in the playoffs. This year he's staring down the hardest schedule in the NFL and likely won't be playing in a division with a Titans team that's going to start the year off 0-8.
Actually this doesn't just describe "Houston Sports fans".

This describes any fan of a "perennial irrelevant mediocre team". Tempers flair out of frustration. The difference between us and Colts fans are when the Colts look like dead dogs during the preseason, they can point to great regular season success and are confident that their preseason lackadaisical effort won't carry over to the regular season. Sadly we don't have that track record.
This isn't just about Houston Sports fans. It's systematic for any stuck in the rut team. The only thing that's worse than being horrifically bad is being year in and year out.....consistently mediocre. Atleast when you're horrifically bad everybody is in agreement that major changes need to be made. (So major changes happen fast......see this year's Astros) When you're consistently mediocre, you can be consistently mediocre for years (which is what we've been up to date), because there's factions formed and everybody is sitting on opposite sides of a fence while your team rides the fence year in and year out until they either get over the hump (pray to god that happens) or you continue down the same path until the wheels fall off and it becomes obvious to everyone that a change needs to be made.

Sadly Houston has just had to endure more of these type of teams than most cities.

How long has that franchise been in the league? I'm sure when our franchise has been around that long, we will have the track record. How long did it take the Saints? I understand the desire to rooting for a winning team. However, I will be rooting for my team win or lose. If I don't see improvement, I will call for heads to roll. But I also know that there are 31 other teams out there and all of them are after 1 thing. Some of you make it sound like the Texans should just roll over every team they face and be a SB contender every year.
How long has that franchise been in the league? I'm sure when our franchise has been around that long, we will have the track record. How long did it take the Saints? I understand the desire to rooting for a winning team. However, I will be rooting for my team win or lose. If I don't see improvement, I will call for heads to roll. But I also know that there are 31 other teams out there and all of them are after 1 thing. Some of you make it sound like the Texans should just roll over every team they face and be a SB contender every year.

We aren't starting in the same league that the Saints started today's league (FA/cap/revenue sharing) it shouldn't take 20 years to reach the playoffs.

Also, when did I ever say I'm not rooting for this team win or lose? I rooted my butt off when we were going 4-12, 5-11, and 2-14 with David Carr. I rooted my butt off when they got destroyed by the Jets in the home opener last season.

Again, I'm not talking about winning the SB... I'm talking about making the playoffs atleast once in a decade. (I'm not even talking about winning a playoff game...hell just getting there would be nice for a change) Apparently it's not that hard to do, since we're like the only ones who have yet to do it.

It's time to take the training wheels off and raise expectations of this team. We don't suck anymore, we aren't devoid of talent, we have multiple pro bowlers, we have elite players, and most important of all........WE ARE NOT A EXPANSION TEAM.

We need to move on to the next chapter/step of our's time and more importantly, it's time to expect that next step. Pretty good is no longer good enough with this team. That's just the way things are now. We NEED to be raising that bar....not settling for the same year in and year out results and if results don't change next season then a change needs to be made.
We aren't starting in the same league that the Saints started today's league (FA/cap/revenue sharing) it shouldn't take 20 years to reach the playoffs.

Also, when did I ever say I'm not rooting for this team win or lose? I rooted my butt off when we were going 4-12, 5-11, and 2-14 with David Carr.

Again, I'm not talking about winning the SB... I'm talking about making the playoffs atleast once in a decade. (I'm not even talking about winning a playoff game...hell just getting there would be nice) Apparently it's not that hard to do, since we're like the only ones who have yet to do it.

It's time to take the training wheels off and raise expectations of this team. We don't suck anymore, we aren't devoid of talent, we have multiple pro bowlers, we have elite players, and most important of all........WE ARE NOT A EXPANSION TEAM.

We need to move on to the next chapter/step of our's time. Pretty good is no longer good enough with this team. That's just the way things are now. We NEED to be raising that bar....not settling for the same year in and year out results.

I really agree with most of what you are saying here...but what is different that the Texans should be able to win faster than the Saints?
I really agree with most of what you are saying here...but what is different that the Texans should be able to win faster than the Saints?

There's a level playing field in today's game......the Saints went from having the 2nd pick in the draft to the NFC Championship game and then they later went to the SB....with nothing other than a change at QB and a change at HC. You make the right decisions in this league and you can go from worst to first overnight.

If you need any evidence on how level the playing field is in today's league just look at the amount of teams that have made the playoffs during the time that the Texans have been in the league. It literally speaks for itself.
There's a level playing field in today's game......the Saints went from having the 2nd pick in the draft to the NFC Championship game and then they later went to the SB....with nothing other than a change at QB and a change at HC. You make the right decisions in this league and you can go from worst to first overnight.

If you need any evidence on how level the playing field is in today's league just look at the amount of teams that have made the playoffs during the time that the Texans have been in the league. It literally speaks for itself.

What, you're not ok with this 5+ year plan?! ;)

Oh, silly me......I get it. You're a stat guy. So you obviously can't see the difference between their 9-7 and our 9-7, regardless of the expectations :rolleyes:

Sorry, my bad.

You're right.....We obviously had just as good of a year as the Jets.
Had the Steelers not cratered, the Jets would have been watching the Post season just like us. 9-7 is 9-7
Also please stop posting on how the Jets went 9-7 the year before......they did that with a HOF QB who was playing out of his mind until he got hurt. The Jets team of '08 was not the same team of '09
They also had the 9th best rushing game, and the 7th best run defense.

And the only improvement this team really made last season was a healthy Matt Schaub, a better defense, and a cupcake schedule.......yet we only improved one game in the standings. I don't chalk that up to good coaching....sorry. Like I said before, I was happy with Kubiak in '07 and '08......last season despite a one game improvement was his worst coaching year IMO.

Kubiak did more with less in '07 and '08.....last season he did less with more.

We lost both our starting guards. Early in the season. Still we have the #1 passing offense. Our starting running back came down with the worst case of fumblitus (from week 1) I have ever seen, we lost him to injury after week 11. Lost our Pro Bowl Tight End (week 8). Still had the 4th best offense in the league.

GK took the 23rd rushing defense, and made it the 10th best. We went from 22nd in total defense to 13th.

But that's just more stats
I believe we are a 10-12 win team. 2009, I thought we were a 9-11 win team.

But I look at the way we lost games.

Some are on Kubiak, some are on the players. But I like Kubiak.

Why do you like Kubiak?

Have you met him?

Did you go to A&M?

Because he seems like a nice guy

It surely isn't for the hard nosed for 4 qtrs winning brand of football that he"s brought to Houston.
All of this talk of "demands" and "consequences" and all of this I want to know, what the hell are most of you guys going to do if we go 10-6\6-10 and miss the playoffs this year, and they retain Kubiak? Are you going to write to Bob McNair and tell him how you feel? Boycott the team? Not post on message boards for the Texans? Tear up your season tickets? I'm genuinely curious what sort of consequences you, the singular lone fan is going to do if the Texans don't perform up to some of you guys's lofty standards and expectations, and I'd love to read some actual threats.

I know what I'm going to do if the Texans go 0-16 this year. Maybe find other things to do on Sundays occasionally, but still watch highlights and possibly dvr'd games if I think they're worth my time. I'll still try to go to my 1 game a year and I'll probably still get a new Texans hat at some point, and that's it.
All of this talk of "demands" and "consequences" and all of this I want to know, what the hell are most of you guys going to do if we go 10-6\6-10 and miss the playoffs this year, and they retain Kubiak? Are you going to write to Bob McNair and tell him how you feel? Boycott the team? Not post on message boards for the Texans? Tear up your season tickets? I'm genuinely curious what sort of consequences you, the singular lone fan is going to do if the Texans don't perform up to some of you guys's lofty standards and expectations, and I'd love to read some actual threats.

I know what I'm going to do if the Texans go 0-16 this year. Maybe find other things to do on Sundays occasionally, but still watch highlights and possibly dvr'd games if I think they're worth my time. I'll still try to go to my 1 game a year and I'll probably still get a new Texans hat at some point, and that's it.

Yep! And most everyone else will continue to follow the same patterns they have followed over the years.
Had the Steelers not cratered, the Jets would have been watching the Post season just like us. 9-7 is 9-7

They also had the 9th best rushing game, and the 7th best run defense.

We lost both our starting guards. Early in the season. Still we have the #1 passing offense. Our starting running back came down with the worst case of fumblitus (from week 1) I have ever seen, we lost him to injury after week 11. Lost our Pro Bowl Tight End (week 8). Still had the 4th best offense in the league.

GK took the 23rd rushing defense, and made it the 10th best. We went from 22nd in total defense to 13th.

But that's just more stats

Every team has injuries.... It's how you deal with them that makes the difference.

Also, Kubiak is to blame for never finding legit viable options at RB, that's on him. Even if you expect Slaton to be just as good as he was his rookie year. You can't tell me that Ryan Moats and Chris freaking Brown are viable #2s in today's league. That's on him and it should've been a lesson he learned after Ahh!!! Man! Green, but instead he had to see act two......luckily he landed a steal as a UDFA.
All of this talk of "demands" and "consequences" and all of this I want to know, what the hell are most of you guys going to do if we go 10-6\6-10 and miss the playoffs this year, and they retain Kubiak? Are you going to write to Bob McNair and tell him how you feel? Boycott the team? Not post on message boards for the Texans? Tear up your season tickets? I'm genuinely curious what sort of consequences you, the singular lone fan is going to do if the Texans don't perform up to some of you guys's lofty standards and expectations, and I'd love to read some actual threats.

I know what I'm going to do if the Texans go 0-16 this year. Maybe find other things to do on Sundays occasionally, but still watch highlights and possibly dvr'd games if I think they're worth my time. I'll still try to go to my 1 game a year and I'll probably still get a new Texans hat at some point, and that's it.

Umm.......I don't understand this post at all...

So if we don't agree with EVERYTHING the team does, we're supposed to act like irrational morons and write the owner and rip up tickets?

I don't about we just post our opinions and open up a dialect with other fans on this board, I thought this was the purpose of this board? You know..debate and discuss. idonno:

Why is it every time someone has a unpopular opinion on this board, their "fanhood" is called into question. I survived the Capers/Carr years....if Kubiak fails this season, I'll survive him too and so on and so on. I'm in it for the long haul. I just hope it's not that long of a haul to postseason success :)

This team is moving at a glacier pace.......sorry some of us aren't as pleased with the rate of improvement as others are. No biggie, it's called a opinion for a reason, no reason to threaten the owner and start a picket line.


When did expecting your team to make a playoff appearence with some of the best talent in the league become "lofty standards and expectations" (you lost me there)

Maybe you just have..... :)
Every team has injuries.... It's how you deal with them that makes the difference.

Also, Kubiak is to blame for never finding legit viable options at RB, that's on him. Even if you expect Slaton to be just as good as he was his rookie year. You can't tell me that Ryan Moats and Chris freaking Brown our viable #2s in today's league. That's on him and it should've been a lesson he learned after Ahh!!! Man! Green, but instead he had to see act two......luckily he landed a steal as a UDFA.

Don't forget, Kubiak was cool with the Safety Tandem going into last season
as well. Chris Brown f-ed up game after game, but he kept getting the rock.
I guess Kubiak felt bad for him, because he cried like a titty-baby for fumbling at the

Kris Brown missed kick after kick, yet he got to keep kicking. Even this
year, Kubiak is putting on a Dog-'N-Pony Show when he's gonna keep
Kris Brown all along.

He doesn't hold people accountable during the season, and the players
don't feel any sense of urgency in the games they need to.

My Signature said:
RIP EXCUSES (2006-2009)
The First Twelve Games (Where Playoff Teams Are Made):
2007: (5-7) | 2008: (5-7) | 2009: (5-7) | 2010: The Year of Change?
Umm.......I don't understand this post at all...

So if we don't agree with EVERYTHING the team does, we're supposed to act like irrational morons and write the owner and rip up tickets?

I don't about we just post our opinions and open up a dialect with other fans on this board, I thought this was the purpose of this board? You know..debate and discuss. idonno:

Why is it everytime someone has a unpopular opinion on this board, they're "fan hood" is called into question. I survived the Capers/Carr years....if Kubiak fails this season, I'll survive him too and so on and so on. I'm in it for the long haul. I just hope it's not that long of a haul to postseason success :)

Yeah, but you know us drankers of the kool-aid don't like ya'll pissin' in it! :D
Yeah, but you know us drankers of the kool-aid don't like ya'll pissin' in it! :D

The Pro Kubiak camp have nothing but ad-hominems to bolster their
arguments. It's a clear sign this team, ESPECIALLY KUBIAK, need to step
it up.
if kubiak wanted immediate improvement wouldn't he have cut kris brown already???

"You know John, Kris is just a good kid. He's really competing with that other kid Rackers for a job on this team. It's a shame we're gonna have to let one of these kids go but it's a business and they know that. One of these kids will probably be kicking against us this season."
"You know John, Kris is just a good kid. He's really competing with that other kid Rackers for a job on this team. It's a shame we're gonna have to let one of these kids go but it's a business and they know that. One of these kids will probably be kicking against us this season."

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

I really hope we cut Kris Brown, a team we play picks him up, and he shanks a field goal to lose his new team the job against us.

That would make me very happy.
The Pro Kubiak camp have nothing but ad-hominems to bolster their
arguments. It's a clear sign this team, ESPECIALLY KUBIAK, need to step
it up.

Absolutely! Time of the talk of the past is done! This year is our year or this MB will implode like none ever before!
Absolutely! Time of the talk of the past is done! This year is our year or this MB will implode like none ever before!

I think the main point here is we all want the same goal......we all hope and pray for that same goal. We all just don't agree on the path that's going to take us to that goal.

And that's fine. If everybody agreed on everything here, this would be a extremely boring website.
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I think the main point here is we all want the same goal......we all hope and pray for that same goal. We just don't agree on the path that's going to take us to that goal.

And that's fine. If everybody agreed on everything here, this would be a extremely boring website.

:texflag: :fans:
All of this talk of "demands" and "consequences" and all of this I want to know, what the hell are most of you guys going to do if we go 10-6\6-10 and miss the playoffs this year, and they retain Kubiak? Are you going to write to Bob McNair and tell him how you feel? Boycott the team? Not post on message boards for the Texans? Tear up your season tickets? I'm genuinely curious what sort of consequences you, the singular lone fan is going to do if the Texans don't perform up to some of you guys's lofty standards and expectations, and I'd love to read some actual threats.

I know what I'm going to do if the Texans go 0-16 this year. Maybe find other things to do on Sundays occasionally, but still watch highlights and possibly dvr'd games if I think they're worth my time. I'll still try to go to my 1 game a year and I'll probably still get a new Texans hat at some point, and that's it.

This fan isn't going anywhere. I don't think others will, either.

But I am going to speak my mind on it. I think others will, too. It's cathartic. It's all we got, b0ng.

We rejoice in the good times and we pound our fist on the table in the bad times. This ought to be a good time, but it's frustrating because of old patterns that are seemingly rearing their ugly heads at us. The operative word being "seemingly."

That's all I got, in response to your post. We can't do nothin'.
That's all I got, in response to your post. We can't do nothin'.

Very sneaky with the double negative GP....

Seriously, what's your secret plan, I'm game. If Kubiak fails to get this team over the hump should we kidnap McNair's racing horse animal house style? What's the plan GP :)
Why do you like Kubiak?

Have you met him?

Did you go to A&M?

Because he seems like a nice guy

It surely isn't for the hard nosed for 4 qtrs winning brand of football that he"s brought to Houston.

I don't like Kubiak as a person. I don't feel for him one way or another.

I like the brand of football he's brought to Houston. I think it's got a chance to win championships.
Off-topic sidenote: Just heard Jim Caldwell wants immediate improvement too after his team's performance tonight.
I don't like Kubiak as a person. I don't feel for him one way or another.

I like the brand of football he's brought to Houston. I think it's got a chance to win championships.

Believe it or not........I like Kubiak as a person and I never even had to meet him. I love what he stands for as a person and love the work that he does with the "wounded warriors", it's why I root for him (and I do....If he succeeds next season, so do the Texans)

I like his offense, the only hangup I have with him is........ :)

Too much flash and not enough substance.........and his offensive line schemes are outdated in today's game. (hell, even the Broncos franchise dumped it) You can't expect undersized offensive lineman to block 325 pound defensive lineman who now run faster and are more athletic. That's been his biggest downfall here truthfully....
No CB, I'm saying that after reading this whole thread (Okay I'm lying, if I read a post and get deja vu, I usually skip it and go to the next) there's an underlying tone of "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore". Well, that's fine and all but I'm posing the question "How are you not going to take it anymore"? I spoke my piece months ago when Kubiak was extended that I thought he had not done enough to warrant it, but I left it at that (even got into a pissing match in that thread). I still don't think it was right, but ain't **** gonna change until next offseason at thr earliest. On the flip side I see a lot of "These are my expectations, this is what needs to happen, IT'S TIME" and we end up with posters who seem perpetually upset (and I'm talking about chest clinching, possible spittle flying towards a computer monitor upset here) at the day to day business of our team no matter how mundane it is. And with this sort of language on the board you get people who dance around the subject of ". . . or else". Of course nobody has said they would do any of the hyperbole I outlined in my previous post, but we get an aura of there being some sort of tangible consequences that we can inflict if one of millions of things don't happen this season.

Sure, I'll usually side with the team more often than not, but it's mostly because there's not huge glaring screw-ups staring me right in the face every other day in the offseason (although it is fun to hear what zany and kooky al davis or dan snyder is up to these days). It's hard to pin this regime down because for everything that you can point to that's really stupid, there seems to be a move of sheer brilliance. Games go the same way with this squad, although the mistakes are more pronounced and the results are way more instantaneous there. I mean for everytime Matt hits 'Dre for 60+, Chris Brown throws a half-back pass or fumbles the ball. I love that they've basically loaded the team with star talent on both sides of the ball, and yet I find myself distraught when they completely let a team they beat on for a half or 3 quarters back in the game for some hilarious collapse. I'll admit that I'll call Kubiak a retard when he reaches for that red hanky 99% of the time, or in other retarded situations he puts us in, but spending a lot of time just straight hating every move this franchise makes except for blatantly great draft picks that just get chalked up to luck. I mean if I disliked the actions of a group of people that much I'll usually just ignore them until heads get some decent gray matter inside that isn't just hops, barley and bong resin (wait. . .). I mean I take action, and message boards are so full of words that it makes me wonder if some of the posters here on any side of an issue are just posting whatever they know will get a response and dragging out the same tired few lines of text without adding a new, interesting thought or idea to the conversation. Basically it's just looking more and more like people are more or less backwards circle-jerking each other while maintaining a relatively low ratio of new arguments/thoughts/ideas:number of posts.

I mean really, how many times are we going going to use thinly veiled questions of intelligence, personal attacks and other tools of argument before just ignoring the other party all together because they are really dumb? That's for the franchise and other posters on the MB. I want to see some action for all these wrong doings of the fans. Some posters seem to feel so slighted and embittered by this franchise that if anybody speaks highly of the Texans they become the enemy by proxy. And I'm not saying you aren't a fan either, even that character than Randy Quaid played in Major League was a fan, I'm just saying that there seems to be about as much hostility about anybody in the front office or on the field as there has been in a really long time. Since we've done better than we ever have before in the previous season it almost seems like there's an even bigger division of fans along a lot of threads on the front page. Calm down a little, and before you type that 473rd iteration of "_____ is cheap" take a step back and realize that new and valuable should be a lot more welcome than tired and old when it comes to arguing.

This post is not meant as a callout to any one specific poster that would be a terrible and hideous troll. Don't be such an ego-maniac, it's not all about you.
I know these types of threads tend to devolve into what we all think is wrong with things, but this was originally about how Kubiak himself called the team soft. Or ... they came out soft. Or uninspired. Or whatever the hell he said, it all basically means they didn't get much out of that preseason game, so it was a waste, for the most part.
No CB, I'm saying that after reading this whole thread (Okay I'm lying, if I read a post and get deja vu, I usually skip it and go to the next) there's an underlying tone of "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore". Well, that's fine and all but I'm posing the question "How are you not going to take it anymore"? I spoke my piece months ago when Kubiak was extended that I thought he had not done enough to warrant it, but I left it at that (even got into a pissing match in that thread). I still don't think it was right, but ain't **** gonna change until next offseason at thr earliest. On the flip side I see a lot of "These are my expectations, this is what needs to happen, IT'S TIME" and we end up with posters who seem perpetually upset (and I'm talking about chest clinching, possible spittle flying towards a computer monitor upset here) at the day to day business of our team no matter how mundane it is. And with this sort of language on the board you get people who dance around the subject of ". . . or else". Of course nobody has said they would do any of the hyperbole I outlined in my previous post, but we get an aura of there being some sort of tangible consequences that we can inflict if one of millions of things don't happen this season.

Sure, I'll usually side with the team more often than not, but it's mostly because there's not huge glaring screw-ups staring me right in the face every other day in the offseason (although it is fun to hear what zany and kooky al davis or dan snyder is up to these days). It's hard to pin this regime down because for everything that you can point to that's really stupid, there seems to be a move of sheer brilliance. Games go the same way with this squad, although the mistakes are more pronounced and the results are way more instantaneous there. I mean for everytime Matt hits 'Dre for 60+, Chris Brown throws a half-back pass or fumbles the ball. I love that they've basically loaded the team with star talent on both sides of the ball, and yet I find myself distraught when they completely let a team they beat on for a half or 3 quarters back in the game for some hilarious collapse. I'll admit that I'll call Kubiak a retard when he reaches for that red hanky 99% of the time, or in other retarded situations he puts us in, but spending a lot of time just straight hating every move this franchise makes except for blatantly great draft picks that just get chalked up to luck. I mean if I disliked the actions of a group of people that much I'll usually just ignore them until heads get some decent gray matter inside that isn't just hops, barley and bong resin (wait. . .). I mean I take action, and message boards are so full of words that it makes me wonder if some of the posters here on any side of an issue are just posting whatever they know will get a response and dragging out the same tired few lines of text without adding a new, interesting thought or idea to the conversation. Basically it's just looking more and more like people are more or less backwards circle-jerking each other while maintaining a relatively low ratio of new arguments/thoughts/ideas:number of posts.

I mean really, how many times are we going going to use thinly veiled questions of intelligence, personal attacks and other tools of argument before just ignoring the other party all together because they are really dumb? That's for the franchise and other posters on the MB. I want to see some action for all these wrong doings of the fans. Some posters seem to feel so slighted and embittered by this franchise that if anybody speaks highly of the Texans they become the enemy by proxy. And I'm not saying you aren't a fan either, even that character than Randy Quaid played in Major League was a fan, I'm just saying that there seems to be about as much hostility about anybody in the front office or on the field as there has been in a really long time. Since we've done better than we ever have before in the previous season it almost seems like there's an even bigger division of fans along a lot of threads on the front page. Calm down a little, and before you type that 473rd iteration of "_____ is cheap" take a step back and realize that new and valuable should be a lot more welcome than tired and old when it comes to arguing.

This post is not meant as a callout to any one specific poster that would be a terrible and hideous troll. Don't be such an ego-maniac, it's not all about you.

Umm........again, you lost me.

When the hell did I ever say or act like this was about me. :rolleyes: Yeah, that's fair. (single out one poster who shares the view of many....nice)

Seriously, who the heck is the one being argumentative here?

Your previous post makes no sense, because you know damn well that long time posters like me and GP aren't going anywhere, so what the heck was the premise of your post and what did you expect to accomplish with it? You're talking about fans writing letters, ripping up tickets, and starting picket lines, because they don't agree with the progression of this team or gasp.... your opinion.

Basically what you're trying to say is if we're frustrated with the team we need to either become non fans, disappear, or shut the hell up and get in line.

That's what I got out of it anyway. Sorry if you can't handle the ridicule that comes when a talented team under performs. I was already a HUGE HOMER for this team......(ask the OGs on this board), guess what it got me.....a new ID and a new aspect on the NFL. Just because you hope your team (player) magically overcomes their (his) year in and year out shortcomings/flaws and you lash out at everybody who talks bad about said team (player)...that doesn't mean it's going to happen. I like to be viewed as a realist on this board. Not a "negative Nancy" (I'm sure you've read what I wrote about Arian Foster on the Jags board, isn't it funny how everybody forgets all the positive things I say about this team)...and not a homer. I call it like I see it, if that's too brash for you, do us both a favor and ban me, because I'm not going to change who I am.

By the way, I didn't even read all of that novel that you just wrote...just skimmed, so I probably missed alot. Sorry, but I have to work in the morning, didn't have time.

I'll gladly read through your entire post tomorrow.
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Basically what you're trying to say is if we're frustrated with the team we need to either become non fans, disappear, or shut the hell up and get in line.

That's what I got out of it anyway. Sorry if you can't handle the ridicule that comes when a talented team under performs. I was already a HUGE HOMER for this team......(ask the OGs on this board), guess what it got me.....a new ID and a new aspect on the NFL. Just because you hope your team (player) magically overcomes their (his) year in and year out shortcomings and you lash out at everybody who talks bad about said team (player)...that doesn't mean it's going to happen. I like to be viewed as a realist on this board. Not a "negative Nancy" (I'm sure you've read what I wrote about Arian Foster on the Jags board, isn't it funny how everybody forgets all the positive things I say about this team)...and not a homer. I call it like I see it, it that's too brash for you, do us both a favor and ban me, because I'm not going to change who I am.

By the way, I didn't even read all of that novel that you just wrote...just skimmed, so I probably missed alot. Sorry, but I have to work in the morning, didn't have time.

I'll gladly read through your entire post tomorrow.

If you're some kind of argumentative posting monster who resides on both sides of every issue facing the Texans who is doing nothing more than saying outrageous things to entice more responses, then basically you're terrible. I don't think GP would want to be lumped in to that group either since it wouldn't really apply to him (or you I thought, but I didn't read through your whole post so maybe you are aptly calling yourself out, it'd surprise me).

In fact it's not meant to be calling out any one particular poster or groups of posters, only the behaviors that almost everybody is exhibiting at some points on this board recently that are repetitive and boring. The hyperbole around here is getting way ridiculous for games of no consequence currently being played (And this is, again, both sides of most arguments). People are just basically trolling each other over many different subjects and not many new ideas, points, or arguments are being brought up at all. Mostly, I'm reading the same verbal fist fights over and over again and it's tiresome. To me it seems pretty silly to take these stands over different arguments and everybody just typing the same lines over and over without bringing something new to the table.

I've said my piece, some of you guys are being silly about all of this stuff going on in the recent offseason/preseason and I think it's sort of degrading all of the discussions currently going on. It doesn't take much brainpower to copy and paste the same arguments that you've been using since January, just to get a response from someone you know will cater to that desire to argue.