I've been posting on his injuries forever. His knee, his pec and his shoulder. At this point, when you are assessing a player with a history of left pec followed by a left labrum injury, you take into consideration what position they play. An offensive lineman with these injuries is extremely unlikely to be able to conservatively rehab without re-injury and without extending the damage. The team physician is the one that should know that. He, not the player nor the coach or GM are expected to have that knowledge and act upon it. Of course, today with NFL team doctors paying significant monies for the privilege of their position, they too often seem to veer from their ethical duties to the patient/player...........ultimately being influenced in their medical decisions by their business relationship to the team.
At the time of the pec injury last year, there was already associated concern with his labrum. To begin with, the pec injury typically results in weakening of the shoulder to some extent. This was further agravated by being put back at LG using his outstretched left arm to hold back the D (the same mechanism for his pec injury). Surgery was always going to ultimately be necessary for him to practice his trade.
I will take it a step further. I've previously emphasized that Green was never a quick, light on his feet player. Add to that 2 meniscus excisions (not repairs) leaving him well on his way to future microfracture surgery, his ability to move quickly and square off with a defender on his left is definitely even more strongly compromised................with him frequently having to compensate by holding his opponent back with an outstretched arm...........putting all of the weight and leverage of his opponent on his arm............placing him in a perfect position for his arm/shoulder to be torqued backwards resulting in serious shoulder injury.
Whoever participated in the decision for him to rehab then practice/play before addressing his problem surgically was wrong. Saying it was wrong is not a 20/20 hindsight, it should have been a 20/20 foresight.
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