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Injury Thread

Lots of head cases coming out of today's game.

Ellington and Cushing sustained concussions in the game.

Fiedorowicz, Griffin and Stephen Anderson........all concussed. All TEs essentially nuttier than a fruit cake going into the Bengal game Thursday. Only Texans TE not concussed.......Baylis on the PS.........

Allen sustained an ankle injury.
I'm really concerned about CJF. They said on the radio this was his 3rd concussion. He may miss a few games if that is the case.

Why did they put him back in the game that sounds crazy.
We “buddy tape” fingers. We put splints on fingers, but at the end of the day, certain positions: receiver, running back, the so-called skill positions, quarterback, need to have their five digits essentially fairly mobile. Otherwise they'’re not able to function at a certain level. It's easier to brace or immobilize the hands and finger of defensive players because they don't usually need to catch a football or use their fingers the way that blockers do on offense.

Watt was taken back to the training room where I'm sure the wound was anesthetized and cleansed and the fracture was aligned and stabilized with a hard-splint or buddy tape splint to an adjacent (neighboring) finger technique. He was undoubtedly also given an intravenous or intramuscular antibiotic.



The reasoning for allowing him right back in, would be based on the type and position/level of the fracture or if a dislocation was involved, and that it would not have a significant effect on his later prognosis. After the game, the wound would be reassessed for any further revision/definitive treatment (possible surgical stabilization, if appropriate and necessary.
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I understand that. Watt said the skin was split to the bone, not that the bone went through the skin.
If there is any wound that exposes/communicates with the bone, it is considered an open/compound fracture. What is the main concern is that outside bacteria will not only potentially infect the soft tissues, but will gain access to the marrow of the bone where osteomyelitis (infection of the bone itself) which is an extremely difficult infection to eradicate develops.
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I'm really concerned about CJF. They said on the radio this was his 3rd concussion. He may miss a few games if that is the case.
He suffered a concussion last year in week 14, then at an unknown time in the late preseason/early regular season practice, and now in week 1. I'm not sure that Fiedorowicz was not released from the Concussion Protocol (which is not exact) before his brain had enough time to heal/recover...........and truly be an extension of his previous "event." In this likely scenario, this last concussion would need to be considered a more serious event than a typical concussion........and therefore handled with extra caution (extra time) as far the return to play.
Watson was limping after the game. Injury(ies) have not been disclosed as far as I can find. His style of play and his build, now along with the atrocious play of the OL were my concerns from the beginning with Watson's survival in the NFL. Hopefully, this is not a window into the future.
After Watson tackled Tashaun Gipson to stop the pick 6, he sat on the ground for a few moments holding his right ankle. I'm hoping it isn't too serious because watching the slow as$ statue Savage at QB was killing me.
As I mentioned about Watts injury could be a fracture and/or dislocation.........looks like he has suffered an open finger dislocation without fracture. So instead of worrying about osteomyelitis, the main concern is a joint infection.
As I mentioned about Watts injury could be a fracture and/or dislocation.........looks like he has suffered an open finger dislocation without fracture. So instead of worrying about osteomyelitis, the main concern is a joint infection.

We have a few members that can help with any joint problems. JJ wouldn't even need to supply the mangos.
I think his career is over, or should be. Shouldnt mess around with constant brain injuries
I dunno but he can't retire and keep all of that guaranteed money in his new contract can he, or can he ? And yea he should definitely consider retirement.
Another thing,I saw that hit which was helmet to helmet and C.J. was practically on the ground so why didn't it draw a flag ?
I dunno but he can't retire and keep all of that guaranteed money in his new contract can he, or can he ? And yea he should definitely consider retirement.
Another thing,I saw that hit which was helmet to helmet and C.J. was practically on the ground so why didn't it draw a flag ?
Sometimes it happens so fast that refs miss illegal hits.
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I dunno but he can't retire and keep all of that guaranteed money in his new contract can he, or can he ? And yea he should definitely consider retirement.
Another thing,I saw that hit which was helmet to helmet and C.J. was practically on the ground so why didn't it draw a flag ?

I don't remember him being on the ground. Looked like he definitely transitioned into a runner, but still warranted a flag.
I don't remember him being on the ground. Looked like he definitely transitioned into a runner, but still warranted a flag.
That's right, we aren't talking about a defenseless receiver penalty. We're talking about helmet-to-helmet penalty. The defender was the offender, Fiedorowicz did not lower his head to ram the defender. And Fiedorowicz definitely was on the ground a few seconds, then had difficulties getting up and off the field. It was definitely a missed penalty.
As I mentioned about Watts injury could be a fracture and/or dislocation.........looks like he has suffered an open finger dislocation without fracture. So instead of worrying about osteomyelitis, the main concern is a joint infection.

If the skin breaks, isn't it standard to disinfect the hell out of it before dressing it? I hope so.

Did it appear the Jags were targeting helmets? Four concussions to one team in a single game seems more than coincidental.
Not necessarily, especially since it occurred prior to a short week. It is not unusual for the announcement of the fines to occur ~1 week (sometimes longer) after the game in mention.
If the NFL is actually serious about these penalties they should just suspend players. And increase the punishment for repeat offenders.

A fine is meaningless for most of these guys. Missing game checks makes it a real problem.

Also, if a players goes out with a concussion, the NFL should review the play that caused the concussion and make the review public. Let the rest of the NFL see what the illegal hits are
The NFL has made it clear that they want no part of suspensions for on-the-field penalties (all about money......damned safety). The new CBA made it clear that both the NFL and the NFLPA wanted no part of player suspensions for penalties. Since 2009 there has been a penalty schedule which is escalated annually. All proceeds go to funding various former NFL player assistance organizations.

There is a defined schedule of fiscal penalties (with a short statement regarding discretionary suspension). The fines have escalated in $ amount as dictated by the CBA by 5% each year until the end of the present CBA.:

The NFL and the NFL Players Association collectively bargain an on-field code of conduct for all teams, players and staff members. The result: a well-defined schedule of infractions and fines.

Suspensions have been few and far between, as illustrated by this 2013 article........but has not really changed in philosophy or numbers since.:

NFL doesn't hit where it hurts—choosing fines over suspensions
A couple big ones today. JJo and Kevin Johnson. Johnson was quickly ruled out for the rest of the game. Hope it's not a torn ACL.
As I posted previously, Watt seemed to have problems controlling the opposing O with his left hand. From what I've discovered, he definitely aggravated his dislocated left ring finger in the last game. That could actually affect his status and/or performance against the Pats. We'll have to see as we get closer to the game. If the joint if highly unstable buddy taping or splinting may not be adequate, especially if there is torn soft tissue that has been caught between the joint, or an associated fracture that did not initially show up on x-rays, surgery may be required.
As I posted previously, Watt seemed to have problems controlling the opposing O with his left hand. From what I've discovered, he definitely aggravated his dislocated left ring finger in the last game. That could actually affect his status and/or performance against the Pats. We'll have to see as we get closer to the game. If the joint if highly unstable buddy taping or splinting may not be adequate, especially if there is torn soft tissue that has been caught between the joint, or an associated fracture that did not initially show up on x-rays, surgery may be required.

Is this a situation where he can play with a club like in 2015? And how long will it take to heal with surgery?

Also, any news on how long Joseph will be out?
Is this a situation where he can play with a club like in 2015? And how long will it take to heal with surgery?

Also, any news on how long Joseph will be out?
First have to know what is planned to be done. But whatever is the case and whatever the treatment, even if non surgical, I don't see how it will not affect his play.

As far as Joseph, they have taken an fact, 2 MRIs, and reported that there is "no major damage." They had to be concerned about something to have taken a 2nd. The 2nd may have been an MRI arthrogram looking for labrum injury. Keep in mind that only a scope can rule out some labral injuries and they miss significant joint ligamentous injuries......................Or they may have found an A-C shoulder separation and wanted to rule out additional soft tissue injuries. Again, we'll have wait to hear or see more.
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Andy Dalton has had 2 back-to-back horrendous games, with his balls flying everywhere but where they should. This is uncharacteristic for him. So it takes me back to last season in Dec when he suffered a thumb fracture. Rather than of phalangeal fracture, by the type of cast he wore following the had to be a metacarpal fracture.

He throws right-handed. These types of fractures can result in delayed and chronic pain and stiffness, secondary to scar tightening of the capsules of the joint or tendon depend on their site. It is not terribly unusual in these cases that open surgery is necessary to free the scarred structures. Bottom line, especially if this wild "slump" continues, it would not be hard bent to conclude that this may be the cause of his poor performances.
J.J. Watt says his injured finger is “pretty messed up”

Houston Texans defensive end J.J. Watt re-injured his finger in Thursday night’s victory over the Cincinnati Bengals.

While Watt noted this week that his finger was "still attached” and “that’s all that matters,” he wasn’t so sure about what he would find after the game.

“It was really great until the last three plays and then I was literally adjusting it and feeling it as I was running around and trying to chase that guy on the last play,” Watt said, via Sarah Barshop of "I'm honestly kind of scared to take off my glove off" I honestly don’t know what it looks like.”

Watt initially dislocated his finger against the Jacksonville Jaguars last Sunday. He played with the injury just four days later against Cincinnati and said his finger is “pretty messed up.”

While still looking for his first sack of the season, Watt had six tackles against the Bengals.


Evidently the way Watt's finger was supported by the medical staff was entirely inadequate, as it allowed movement...........something that should not occur in a dislocated joint. A joint that is not properly stabilized and protected can only lead to more damage to the joint surfaces, ligaments (stretching/tearing), further volar (palmar) plate or dorsal capsular tearing, and even stretching or tearing of the digital nerves, arteries and veins supplying the digit (especially in severe re-dislocations). From the limited information that is available, it would not surprise me if we hear that Watt will have undergone a stabilizing surgery (most likely at least involving the repair/reconstruction of the volar plate).


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J.J. Watt says his injured finger is “pretty messed up”

Houston Texans defensive end J.J. Watt re-injured his finger in Thursday night’s victory over the Cincinnati Bengals.

While Watt noted this week that his finger was "still attached” and “that’s all that matters,” he wasn’t so sure about what he would find after the game.

“It was really great until the last three plays and then I was literally adjusting it and feeling it as I was running around and trying to chase that guy on the last play,” Watt said, via Sarah Barshop of "I'm honestly kind of scared to take off my glove off" I honestly don’t know what it looks like.”

Watt initially dislocated his finger against the Jacksonville Jaguars last Sunday. He played with the injury just four days later against Cincinnati and said his finger is “pretty messed up.”

While still looking for his first sack of the season, Watt had six tackles against the Bengals.


Evidently the way Watt's finger was supported by the medical staff was entirely inadequate, as it allowed movement...........something that should not occur in a dislocated joint. A joint that is not properly stabilized and protected can only lead to more damage to the joint surfaces, ligaments (stretching/tearing), further volar (palmar) plate or dorsal capsular tearing, and even stretching or tearing of the digital nerves, arteries and veins supplying the digit (especially in severe re-dislocations). From the limited information that is available, it would not surprise me if we hear that Watt will have undergone a stabilizing surgery (most likely at least involving the repair/reconstruction of the volar plate).



What's the recovery time on that? Missing game time post surgery?
What's the recovery time on that? Missing game time post surgery?
Although encountered in all sectors of the population, volar plate injury is particularly prevalent among athletes
whose fingers are continually exposed to violent forces. Unfortunately, the initial trauma is usually dismissed as relatively trivial with not enough attention to recreating strong support during the healing process. The Texans medical staff may again try to avoid surgery and splint his joint with stronger reinforcement or encase part of his hand in full protection (less likely) and put him right back out there, although with this recurrent history, surgery tends to be the most prudent/effective. If surgery is performed, they will probably place a K-wire through the joint to temporarily block movement of the joint for ~ 3 weeks, then they may apply a strong dorsal extension blocking splint or still encase part of his hand (less likely) for another 6 weeks. Following this regimen, the medical staff may still try to get him back on the field without missing any games.
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I haven't heard anything about Fuller. He was hurt on 8/3/17 so the Pats game would be approximately 7 weeks post injury. Maybe he plays this week?
I haven't heard anything about Fuller. He was hurt on 8/3/17 so the Pats game would be approximately 7 weeks post injury. Maybe he plays this week?
With open surgery and hardware being placed, and the fracture being comminuted/shattered, smart money would tell you that it is probably unlikely that we see him in a game before 10-12 weeks following his injury.
Elington and Fuller are returning to practice..........looks like the Texans aren't taking the "smart" money.........but we don't know when he will actually be ready to take the field in a game.
Elington and Fuller are returning to practice..........looks like the Texans aren't taking the "smart" money.........but we don't know when he will actually be ready to take the field in a game.
A little misdirection to confuse and complicate Patriots preparation and game plan?
A little misdirection to confuse and complicate Patriots preparation and game plan?
I don't know, but I wouldn't think that it would be wise to put Fuller into this next game. The very least, he will play guarded........the very worst he will get injured...............more likely if he plays guarded.
Aaron Wilson of the Chronicle reports:

It remains unclear if Fuller will be able to play Sunday against the New England Patriots at Gillette Stadium after being sidelined for the first two games of the season and the entire preseason.

Fuller has been running around on the side for weeks and has regained his strength since the injury, though, according to sources not authorized to speak publicly,

I have a difficult time believing this, in that following comminuted clavicle plating , typically weight lifting is not allowed prior to at least 6-7 weeks following surgery. If is not allowed the time to regain full strength, risk of injuries increase significantly.
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Per Sarah Barshop:
Fuller returned to practice for the first time since he broke his collarbone on Aug. 3 and took part in stretching and wide receiver drills in the portion of practice open to the media. The Texans were originally hoping Fuller could play by Week 4 or 5 after his collarbone was broken in three places.

The Texans kept Fuller on the active roster even after the training camp injury, so he can play whenever Houston deems him ready. I