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Gameday Thread: 49ers at Texans 10-25

I'm hoping the Texans come out and keep doing what they were in the first half. To hell with the playing conservative, we need to put the nail in the coffin. :goodnight
Yeah let's not get ahead of ourselves here. We were down 21-0 against AZ and came back. It can happen. And with the way we play with a lead I'm not fully sure this won't come down to the end. If we just come out and run three and outs all the second half we can easily let SF back into the game.

Y'all should heed this wise, wise man.

Sixty minutes. We're only at thirty, so let's not jinx it mmkay?
Mike Singletary: "Our formula is THIS!!! We go out, and we SIGN A BETTER
QUARTERBACK. That's number one!"
Heh. Alex Smith comes in. He can at least challenge us deep. 9-in-the-box
doesn't work to well for the 49ers, so they made a change.
Yeah let's not get ahead of ourselves here. We were down 21-0 against AZ and came back. It can happen. And with the way we play with a lead I'm not fully sure this won't come down to the end. If we just come out and run three and outs all the second half we can easily let SF back into the game.

they dont have half the explosion on offense we have....but i see your point:choke:
whats with all the penalties all of a sudden on the same sequence????

alex smith got em nervous or what??
This team just doesn't know how to play with a lead. I bet our offense will also look like crap their first drive of the half. We're a tale of two halves team.
Well, crap. I'm on the road and we kick ass. I get to my apartment, and we start sucking. I'm wondering if I need to get back in my damn Honda and drive some more.
Knew this would happen if they pulled Shaun Hill. Even mentioned it on the 49ers board. We traditionally do bad against backup QBs. Hopefully, our offense comes out blazing. This game isn't over.
This is nothing that can't be cured by getting David Anderson's ass off the field and put Jacoby Jones in there in his place.

I am freaking sick and tired of seeing David Anderson get that pass and end up a few yards short.

Great guy. Funny guy. Catches the ball.

But he does not have the chops to get UP the field in a situation where another player could get UP the field faster.

This is where Vernon Davis or Crabtree gets the call.

Or a screen to Gore, trying to take advantage of over-pursuit.
This is where Vernon Davis or Crabtree gets the call.

Or a screen to Gore, trying to take advantage of over-pursuit.

Got the Vernon Davis part correct.

This is simple, Frank Bush: Vernon Davis, Crabtree, or Gore.
Kubiak says: No re-do, we'll take the yards.

Smart man. No need to risk a JJ fumble at this point in the game. If we were needing a play, make 'em re-punt the ball.

I want to see a long, sustained drive that chews up the clock and gets SOME form of points on the board. FGs are OK at this point.
pollard really looks great today.....brings the wood baby....was ready to punish gore on that last play before the third down pass......

love this guy
every run up the midle needs to be thrown out of the playbook for the rest of the easy.......

stretch runs on a pitch and off tackle should be the base of the run game from now on:tiphat:
Love this quote from the 9ers MB.

The thing is this game will give the texans and their fans false hope, thinking they are world beaters when really they are just the regular crap they always have been, we are just worse.


Whaddaya know! Another QB sneak for short yardage.