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Not railing against things that happened 7 yrs ago even though the same man is running the org. Just pointing out after the last few drafts nothing has really changed, so maybe people don't really get better at their jobs. Sorry to piss on your sunshine and rainbows. That was not my intent.

Tell me when is the next time I can be critical of the Texans org? Draft/FA/in season? Or are the great fans of the Houston Texans supposed to not question/point out the orgs failures and just be happy that Houston has football again? If that's the case then Texans fans deserve exactly what they have gotten. Mediocrity at best.

Hopefully BOB can get this mess turned around.

In the meantime taxpayers are going to have to pony up another 50 mil to upgrade suites and put wi fy in a 13 yr old building. (Should've been done when stadium was built.) Meanwhile the crap that's the turf will remain. Sorry didn't mean to be negative. Just pointing out facts.

There's a difference in being critical and being objective and fair. Out of 32 teams, how many make it to the promised land each year? 1 right? It's a lot harder than you are giving credit for. Nobody is going out trying to fail. How many years did it take Pittsburgh again? You can be as critical as you want, but you're effecting nothing other than maybe making people stop wanting to read threads. And your facts may not be all that factual. You're a fan like me, nothing more, nothing less. You don't know more than any other poster here, you just look at it in a different light than most
Texans fans "deserve" nothing.

We can choose whether or not to evaluate things objectively.

We're all disappointed at not winning the SB every/each year. Some understand that goal exceeds many brilliant totally dedicated people.


The fans deserve nothing.

Maybe that should be next yrs billboard slogan. Or better yet the offseason letter that is sent out to the season ticketholders when their renewals are due.
There's a difference in being critical and being objective and fair. Out of 32 teams, how many make it to the promised land each year? 1 right? It's a lot harder than you are giving credit for. Nobody is going out trying to fail. How many years did it take Pittsburgh again? You can be as critical as you want, but you're effecting nothing other than maybe making people stop wanting to read threads. And your facts may not be all that factual. You're a fan like me, nothing more, nothing less. You don't know more than any other poster here, you just look at it in a different light than most

Speaking of objective and fair, are you the judge and jury on what's objective and fair? I don't claim to be a know it all. What I do know is the team is one of the 10 most profitable franchises in the world and the on the field product hasn't matched the marketing sides efforts and the McNair's haven't changed their right hand man despite being medicore at best at his job and why should they they're making $$$$ like a printing press.

Then they comeback to the same taxpayers that helped them build the stadium 10 short yrs later and say they need a new scoreboard. The get the new scoreboard and does it hekp the fan experience? Nope they use the extra space for more advertising and now you cant even get the scores of other games continuously. fast forward 3 yrs and they comeback to the taxpayers wanting 50 mil, to upgrade a 13 yr old facility, what is the big upgrade? The club level/suite level and wi fi that should have been installed when the stadium was built. What else will they be wanting from the taxpayers in the next 3-5 yrs? One thing is for sure they will get whatever they want. These people are truly brilliant. The on the field product people and the word brilliant should never be used in the same sentence.

The Steelers 1-32 statement is true. But I'm not asking for a SB win every yr. I'm expecting the team to be competitive and not go thru 2-14 seasons every 4-8 yrs and if they do replace everybody responsible for that. GM/Scouts/HC/Assts etc.... I guess that's to much too expect.

BTW, I do believe that the Texans org has people that regularly read this website. Because I have found them responding to dome of the medical questions CND asks. Can I prove this ? No, but it's a feeling I get.

Sorry for the long post and I will try to stay out of the TT forum because I don't want to clog it up with posts about the orgs failures until the season starts.. I will just stick to the draft forum where their can be disagreement.

BTW is it negative to say Cushing got a bad contract the way it was structured and the Texans are going to eventually have to bite the bullet because Cushing is about done?
You don't get it. I'm not saying it's wrong to disagree. I'm not saying I disagree with your sentiments. But you have to inject your snide little Smith sucks comments into every post. It get's old. It's like the little yappy dog outside the window.

Can't you have a reasonable discussion, make a comment about the subject in question without turning everything into "Texans Suck"?

I mean no offense, just trying to understand what it is that makes you so happy being so negative.
You don't get it. I'm not saying it's wrong to disagree. I'm not saying I disagree with your sentiments. But you have to inject your snide little Smith sucks comments into every post. It get's old. It's like the little yappy dog outside the window.

Can't you have a reasonable discussion, make a comment about the subject in question without turning everything into "Texans Suck"?

I mean no offense, just trying to understand what it is that makes you so happy being so negative.

It doesn't make me happy to point out that Smith isn't good at his job. The Texans don't suck but would be better served if winning on the field was managements #1 goal.

Some people are happy just having a team. to some people winning is more important than having a team. Which side of the fence are you on? Or are you somewhere in the middle?

The thing that got me riled up last night is the 50 mil that's going to be put up to upgrade the HLS&R/McNairs playpen that's going to come out of the taxpayers pockets. The Harris count convention center group is already having problems meeting their obligations for the existing bonds and they want 50 mil more in new bonds.

Atleast the HLS&R put some of their $$$$ back into scholarships for kids. The McNairs not so much. This isn't meant to be dumping on all things Texans.

See: I don't care about the city getting a SB and think the 50 mil could be better spent elsewhere.
Some people are happy just having a team. to some people winning is more important than having a team. Which side of the fence are you on? Or are you somewhere in the middle?

Everyone wants their favorite team to win and more specifically, to win championships.

If someone is more concerned with winning than having a team, then they're not a fan of having a team, they're a fan of winning. When someone is that much of a fan of winning, then they start having unrealistic expectations about what's even possible for a team to do and no matter how good the team can reasonably be, that team is going to fall short.

Which means that fan is just asking to be frustrated and pissed off. A fan of winning should just pick a new team each week that they're going to root for.

The constant griping about Smith's incompetence and about McNair's stingy, money-grubberness just gets old and stale and pointless. There have been a few times when I've just stuck you in my ignore list for a few months to tune you out.
Tell me when is the next time I can be critical of the Texans org? Draft/FA/in season? Or are the great fans of the Houston Texans supposed to not question/point out the orgs failures and just be happy that Houston has football again? If that's the case then Texans fans deserve exactly what they have gotten. Mediocrity at best.

We know you love the Texans, because we've been around forever. We know you're a Texans fan through & through. But sometimes... sometimes it's hard to remember what it is you do like about this team.
When someone is that much of a fan of winning, then they start having unrealistic expectations about what's even possible for a team to do and no matter how good the team can reasonably be, that team is going to fall short.

Agreed. Totally unrealistic to expect the Texans to go from failed expansion team to elite in nine years.
Everyone wants their favorite team to win and more specifically, to win championships.

If someone is more concerned with winning than having a team, then they're not a fan of having a team, they're a fan of winning. When someone is that much of a fan of winning, then they start having unrealistic expectations about what's even possible for a team to do and no matter how good the team can reasonably be, that team is going to fall short.

Which means that fan is just asking to be frustrated and pissed off. A fan of winning should just pick a new team each week that they're going to root for.

The constant griping about Smith's incompetence and about McNair's stingy, money-grubberness just gets old and stale and pointless. There have been a few times when I've just stuck you in my ignore list for a few months to tune you out.

I want to apologize for pointing out things I consider to be issues within the Texans org. I'm a fan of all things Houston. The Texans ownership not so much. Do you think they do everything possible to put the best product on the field as possible? Do you think it's right for the taxpayers to have to pay for sprucing up HLS&R/McNair's playpen?

I'm going to try not to post things about Smith/McNair etc... until after the draft/TC.
Agreed. Totally unrealistic to expect the Texans to go from failed expansion team to elite in nine years.

What is YOUR definition of realistic? 20 yrs/30 yrs/50 yrs? Never?

But obviously the number isn't 8-10 yrs with Smith/Kubiak in charge.

Remember when people were bury their heads in the sand about how Kubiak was going to take this team to the SB. LOL This is still the same kid of situation unless Gaine gets more power and can do the job I think he can.

All of this really comes down to if Mallett/Savage is the answer at QB.
As we all know........everything related to injuries with Texans players are "no worries" and most surgeries are "minor."

Well, indeed, it's not surprising that Cushing needed another knee surgery..........following the slipped revelation of the tibial plateau injury. His ankle surgery, should be no surprise either. His wrist surgery was the only one this time that may not have been anticipated from the information readily available..............BUT.......


Let me also refresh your memories re. last season..............

From the 1st Injury Report of the 2014 season thru the 9/10 Injury Report, he was listed as ANKLE. As the season and his knee wore down (especially, the tibia plateau injury is a "wear down the more you play on it" type of injury), he was listed again on the 12/12, 12/19 and 12/26 Injury Report as KNEE. To be also noted is that on the 12/12 Injury Report, he was co-listed as BACK............a very concerning set of events that reflects his mechanics are quickly breaking down and making him more vulnerable to additional and/or recurrent injuries.

Despite whatever he may be told or just simply on his own believes, none of the recent surgeries can be heralding anything very promising. Typically, at this point each additional surgery he undergoes reflects the presence of additional damage to the respective joints; with the surgeries themselves by their very nature creating additional trauma to those joints.

With these "clean up" surgeries, what is Cushings outlook this season and beyond?
What is YOUR definition of realistic? 20 yrs/30 yrs/50 yrs? Never?

If McNair was still throwing Capers & Casserly out there after 13 years, I'd be right there with you. But he saw a problem after four years canned both Capers & Casserly after 2005. Pretty much reset the board in 2006.

For the team of Kubiak & Smith to get to a winning season after four years... I thought they were right on track. Two play off appearances & two play off victories since.... I think they are where they should be.

McNair obviously expected more, so he canned the HC.

We've seen many NFL teams, those with storied histories even go a decade without making the play offs. Teams like the 49ers who have been there done that, won multiple Super Bowls, fail to make the play offs from 2002 to 2012.

So I don't think it's too much to ask a team such as ours, a failed expansion team in 2006, to need at least 10 years. Kubiak & Smith got us to the play offs ahead of schedule... OB has a chance to get us into the perennial play off teams (elite) within his first four years.
LOL This is still the same kid of situation unless Gaine gets more power and can do the job I think he can.

All of this really comes down to if Mallett/Savage is the answer at QB.

These two statements don't seem to go together. If Mallett/Savage is the answer, then it really don't matter what Gaine does?
These two statements don't seem to go together. If Mallett/Savage is the answer, then it really don't matter what Gaine does?

It matters, especially if the Texans aren't players in FA. There are a lot of holes to fill on this roster. (I think we agree) The only avenue to fill these needs is the draft.

It doesn't matter how good Mallett/Savage do if the process of filling the holes the holes doesn't improve.
If McNair was still throwing Capers & Casserly out there after 13 years, I'd be right there with you. But he saw a problem after four years canned both Capers & Casserly after 2005. Pretty much reset the board in 2006.

For the team of Kubiak & Smith to get to a winning season after four years... I thought they were right on track. Two play off appearances & two play off victories since.... I think they are where they should be.

McNair obviously expected more, so he canned the HC.

We've seen many NFL teams, those with storied histories even go a decade without making the play offs. Teams like the 49ers who have been there done that, won multiple Super Bowls, fail to make the play offs from 2002 to 2012.

So I don't think it's too much to ask a team such as ours, a failed expansion team in 2006, to need at least 10 years. Kubiak & Smith got us to the play offs ahead of schedule... OB has a chance to get us into the perennial play off teams (elite) within his first four years.

Smith Kubiak should've been fired after 2010. (Really after the easy schedule 2009) So this is yr 9 of Smith, so next yr is the yr everything gets turned around? That is truly an optimistic fan. Wish I could share your optimisim
Smith Kubiak should've been fired after 2010. (Really after the easy schedule 2009) So this is yr 9 of Smith, so next yr is the yr everything gets turned around? That is truly an optimistic fan. Wish I could share your optimisim

So you think Kubiak and Co should of been fired after 2010 ? Because my deal is the next 2 seasons we make the play-offs and win a play off game each of those seasons. Had we fired them we would of had new coaches and a new system and most likely wouldn't of been near as good as we were.

In 2011 we had a Superbowl team, it is unfortunate that Schaub got hurt, but it happened. Had he not gotten hurt i honestly believe we would have at least played in a SB that year.

Still i wouldn't trade 2011 and 2012 seasons for anything hell those were the best the Texans have had.
Smith Kubiak should've been fired after 2010. (Really after the easy schedule 2009) So this is yr 9 of Smith, so next yr is the yr everything gets turned around? That is truly an optimistic fan. Wish I could share your optimisim

I was one of those who expected Smith or Kubiak to be gone after 2010. But after a strong 2011 & an interesting 2012, I admitted I was wrong & that McNair new what he was doing.

As far as 9 years of Smith & turning things around next year... I think you've misunderstood me.

If we're measuring in Smith years, we're ahead of schedule with two play off appearances & two play off wins before year 10. If we're in the play offs again next year & get a win, that would be three in the last 5. Not too many teams in the league.

& I hope we make the play offs every year after that.
Sorry guys

What are reasonable expectations for Cushing next yr and does anybody really believe that after 3 surgeries he wont have to rehab this offseason?
Brian Cushing has no doubt he can be dominant again
By Tania Ganguli
"There's a different mindset when you go out onto the field and you know you're 100 percent and you know you're going to take over a game," Cushing said. "And there's [the mindset] where you know you're probably going to be limited, and it's tough. The worst feeling in the world is being on the sideline. There was a good amount of time during critical games last year I was [on the sideline]. And sometimes not even playing, missing two games. As a captain and a guy who's been here for a while, I consider myself a big impact player.

Throughout the season he had conversations with general manager Rick Smith, coach Bill O'Brien and defensive coordinator Romeo Crennel about being smart with his health and making sure he went into 2015 healthy.

Patience, though, is difficult for the man who is as intense about football off the field as he is on it. The advice of others who have had similar experiences has helped.

"I've still got that burning fire and enjoyment for the game," Cushing said. "For practice, for Wednesdays when we put our game plan in, it's a great feeling. There's definitely no loss of passion or fun for the game. Many guys who I've talked to who have been hurt [say] a lot of times [that] happens. You're so tired of getting hurt and don't want to put up with it anymore. That's the least of my worries."

Fingers crossed.
Sorry guys

What are reasonable expectations for Cushing next yr and does anybody really believe that after 3 surgeries he wont have to rehab this offseason?

He's battled thru a couple years of bad injuries, but I'm holding out hope that he can come back from them like Murray did this year and others have in the past.

I have no expections of it tho so sure hope that we pick up a quality ILB in either the draft or fa
I want to apologize for pointing out things I consider to be issues within the Texans org. I'm a fan of all things Houston. The Texans ownership not so much. Do you think they do everything possible to put the best product on the field as possible? Do you think it's right for the taxpayers to have to pay for sprucing up HLS&R/McNair's playpen?

I'm going to try not to post things about Smith/McNair etc... until after the draft/TC.

Listen, I don't mind you pointing out things you think are issues. That's great. I have a problem with you pointing it out over and over again in almost every thread no matter what the topic. If we're talking about the distribution of craters on the moon, I don't want to hear about what a cheapskate you think McNair is. If we're talking about a list of prospects in the upcoming draft, I don't want to hear how awful Rick Smith has done in the past.

I don't think you realize how often you go off on a tangent to vent your frustration with Smith and McNair.
Listen, I don't mind you pointing out things you think are issues. That's great. I have a problem with you pointing it out over and over again in almost every thread no matter what the topic. If we're talking about the distribution of craters on the moon, I don't want to hear about what a cheapskate you think McNair is. If we're talking about a list of prospects in the upcoming draft, I don't want to hear how awful Rick Smith has done in the past.

I don't think you realize how often you go off on a tangent to vent your frustration with Smith and McNair.

It's amazing. And he has the nuts to criticize me everywhere I go.
What? I cant remember the last time I criticized you. But if it makes you feel better here goes:

I just think you have a foul mouth.
You should be a pal and get him some
I don't expect much from him. His wheels were such a huge part of his game and now those are now his biggest problem.
Last year he was SLOW ... a liability on 3rd downs. Team better use a high pick on an ILB. Im not as optimistic as most, but I hope I'm wrong.
Last year he was SLOW ... a liability on 3rd downs. Team better use a high pick on an ILB. Im not as optimistic as most, but I hope I'm wrong.

I never thought of Cushing as particularly fast. Him or Demeco. I always attributed their play making ability to being able to diagnose & attack a play early.

Cushing was quick, more so than Demeco, but I never thought he was fast, if that makes sense.
Was I the only one that missed this?
Cushing goes under knife three times to prepare for season

Inside linebacker Brian Cushing underwent surgery three times after the season to help him get ready for his seventh season with the Texans.

Not only did Cushing undergo surgery to repair a broken right wrist, but he also had arthroscopic surgery on his left knee and left ankle.

“Left ankle, left knee — the same knee I’ve had all the issues with,” Cushing said Saturday during an appearance for Blackhorse Limo at Warehouse Live.

“It’s not uncommon for stuff like that to happen. It’s just little things here and there, the residual effects of two major surgeries and injuries, the wear and tear of playing throughout the season.

I hope he's getting his stamp card punched. Has to have a free surgery earned by now.
Was I the only one that missed this?
Cushing goes under knife three times to prepare for season

I hope he's getting his stamp card punched. Has to have a free surgery earned by now.
This doesn't concern me. There are residual problems after surgery at times like screws coming loose which do not indicate additional damage which is the big concern. At least that is a common situation in non-athletes.
Yep read about the surgeries a few months back and though I was a little skeptical back then, hearing that he's passing the eye test in OTAs has me pumped to see him back somewhere near his best this season marshalling the defence and making plays. Wilfork in front of him added to Watt puts things very much in his favour for a big comeback year.
PDS ‏@PatDStat

"Mentally the best I’ve been in a while because physically it’s the best I’ve been in a long, long time.” Brian Cushing

Cush says he feels great. Said he lied about being healthy in the past when asked. Now he honestly says he is 98-99%

Cush said he was still learning the defense into week two last season. #Texans

Cushing said after the second knee surgery he had to learn to walk again. #Texans

Brian Cushing. "Feels good to get my range back. #Texans

O’Brien praising Brian Cushing making a coverage play 20 yards down field and tipping the pass.​
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This 'old Cush' lovefest is just about too much. And I say that positively. I've just been so resigned to the fact that he'd never be back to a top tier level again and thinking it ok if he could just go out there and be something better than adequate. This talk of him making rangy plays all over the field has got me stretching so I'll be prepared to do the justifiable backflips when I actually see OLD CUSH.
ILB Brian Cushing
(on going to the CMAs with JJ Watt) “It was definitely a different experience. It was good though, a lot of fun. It was a good bonding experience to go up there and see some guys in their craft and their professional hobbies and jobs, and just a really cool experience. Great town, just a great time overall.”

(on Bill O’Brien talking about his standout performance today and progress) “It just feels really good to be getting my range back. I felt very limited last year, and just kind of my health, coverage, and a lot of things I couldn’t do really on the field. Really feeling like myself again and kind of feeling like I can play anywhere on the field and make a play anywhere on the field. I’m getting, like I said, that range back and feeling very explosive and very happy about that.”

(on if it was just a matter of still not being 100 percent last year) “I mean I guess so. I was talking with my doctor after the last injury basically telling me that it could take me up to a year, year and half to really recover from something like this, especially back-to-back years on the same leg, and really the degree of damage I did to that leg. It was frustrating, but at the same time I’m a stubborn person and felt I could go out there Week 1 and be myself, but I think the coaching staff and myself eventually convincing me that I couldn’t do that, really looking out for me and I think it’s really paying off this offseason just for how I feel right now.”

(on Bill O’Brien saying he has changed his training regimen) “Well I can train again. You know, I can work out again, so that was the biggest thing and I think that’s what he means. A lot of things I wasn’t able to do last year and I was very limited in the things I could do. I just really focused everyday on getting my leg back, learning how to walk again at one point, that’s how far it went. It was just a very severe and rough time I had to go through, but it also limited my offseason on how I could really train and work out. I didn’t have any of those kind of setbacks this year and could really just full go on the offseason.”

(on learning to walk again) “No, well both times actually. The second injury was really a lot worse because I was finally getting back and my quad and my whole leg still wasn’t back from the first injury and then you hurt the same thing again, so it was tough but it was a long time ago and I’m just feeling a lot better, way better.”

(on if it was more difficult mentally or physically to get over the injury) “Probably mentally, probably mentally. Physically you’re inhibited, but it really takes a toll mentally because it’s somewhere you don’t want to be, especially the second time going through it. You finally get over it the first time and then it happens again. It’s devastating, but having a really good support system and having a lot of people to help me push through it, like I said I’m just really happy where I am now.”

(on the mental demands the defense puts on his position) “Yeah, no question, no question. I mean I remember still going into the first and second games last year and really still learning. Romeo (Crennel) has got a big playbook, and you said it, it asks a lot out of the Mike linebacker, and really everyone on the defense. We have a ton of play calls, ton of different looks, ton of different schemes, substitutions, fronts, all that, so you really have to know what you’re doing on all different situations and downs and distances and all that. Really the second year going into it, I feel way more comfortable, way more comfortable. Just even OTAs how much smoother running and better we feel on defense, a lot more confidence, guys are talking to each other, communicating and we’re anticipating things a lot more instead of really just trying to figure ourselves out and figure our defense and our identity. We’ve got that down and now it’s just building upon that.”

(on if he feels 100 percent) “Yeah, yeah. If it’s not 100 percent, maybe it’s 98, 99, so I mean, I can say that up here and really mean it. I’ve said it before and really haven’t, so I’m telling you the truth right now. I feel great and just really excited to be back out there. Mentally the best I’ve been in a while because physically it’s the best I’ve been in a long, long time.”

(on how special this defense is) “It’s special, we know we’ve got really good players on defense but the thing is we really want to play together as one, play really good. We don’t look at it as levels, d-line, linebackers, defensive backs, we look at it as just one defense. Every time we go out there we have a lot of confidence and a lot of trust in one another. When we do that, we can really come together as one and play as one, so it’s a really good feeling with these guys.”

(on if he’s reached out to Jadeveon Clowney and given advice about recovering from injury) “Yeah, absolutely. We’re all sort of right next to each other in the locker room and we talk a lot. He’s doing a really good job. I know there’s a lot of anticipation and a lot of people out there that want to see him play and obviously was an extremely high draft pick, very rare talent who’s going to help this football team a lot. At the same time, he’s a young kid who’s already gone through a pretty traumatic injury and has to be smart, take care of himself, and be out there when he’s ready, and he will be. He’s done a really good job, and I’ve tried to just extend my knowledge as much as I can to him and let him know what he’s going through is normal right now, he’s going to have ups and downs throughout rehab coming back and that’s just how it goes.”

(on Romeo Crennel’s strategy for calling the defense) “It definitely gives you a lot of confidence when someone’s up there in the front of your meeting and you know all the games he’s won, and defenses he’s coached, and great players he’s coached. I’ve been very fortunate of the defensive coordinators I’ve had in the league and played for. Romeo is really kind of an icon and seeing him up there sometimes can be surreal, just knowing that he’s your coach, he’s talking to you. He’s got a lot of trust in us, we’ve got a lot of trust in him, you know it’s a two-way street. We really appreciate everything he does and like I said, it’s a lot of confidence going into a game knowing he’s making the calls and kind of the studying and research he puts in all week to attack an offense.”

(on the inside linebacker group and Max Bullough) “It’s very deep, it’s a very deep group and very competitive. Max is doing great. Max is one of the smartest if not our smartest inside linebacker, maybe the smartest guy in the whole defensive meeting room. I know that might be the first time you heard that, but he really is. Very good football IQ, very smart guy, knows the ins and outs of football. Anytime he gets the opportunity to go out there he competes, he does well, makes a lot of plays and just a really good football player all the way around.”
Cushing is a has-been. He was good before he was busted for PEDs. He's been saying he's a 100% every season now. He's a broken record, and there's no way anyone can convince me he's suddenly telling the truth now. The reality is he's not the same player anymore as a result of the surgery. Cushing at 100% now is not the same Cushing at a 100% a few years ago.

The current Cushing is a slow, immobile LB that can't wrap up if his life depended on it. I'm going to call it like it is. He's a below-average LB that's being paid like a superstar.
Cushing is a has-been. He was good before he was busted for PEDs. He's been saying he's a 100% every season now. He's a broken record, and there's no way anyone can convince me he's suddenly telling the truth now. The reality is he's not the same player anymore as a result of the surgery. Cushing at 100% now is not the same Cushing at a 100% a few years ago.

The current Cushing is a slow, immobile LB that can't wrap up if his life depended on it. I'm going to call it like it is. He's a below-average LB that's being paid like a superstar.

That was definitely true last season. We dont know if it will remain true this year. The reports about his improved movement and quickness are coming from many sources, including sources who have proven reliable around here.
That was definitely true last season. We dont know if it will remain true this year. The reports about his improved movement and quickness are coming from many sources, including sources who have proven reliable around here.

That's my mindset as well. He was a dumpster fire last year. I'm hopeful he can regain something this year. If not, it was nice having him on our team. What could have been...
Cushing is a has-been. He was good before he was busted for PEDs. He's been saying he's a 100% every season now. He's a broken record, and there's no way anyone can convince me he's suddenly telling the truth now. The reality is he's not the same player anymore as a result of the surgery. Cushing at 100% now is not the same Cushing at a 100% a few years ago.

The current Cushing is a slow, immobile LB that can't wrap up if his life depended on it. I'm going to call it like it is. He's a below-average LB that's being paid like a superstar.

Yep. Me and a buddy were just talking about this yesterday. We couldn't believe how fans have been talking about how great Cushing looks, and how bulked up he is. Fans are expecting him to become a monster.

The truth is, Cushing is doing what he does every year: Starts up on the 'roids right around OTA's so he can bulk up. Then, in the middle of training camp, or during pre-season games, he starts cycling off the stuff. Then, right about the 4th or 5th game, WHAM, he goes down with some kind of injury.

As I told my buddy yesterday, Cushing had better enjoy his last year here, because this is probably it for him.
The truth is, Cushing is doing what he does every year: Starts up on the 'roids right around OTA's so he can bulk up. Then, in the middle of training camp, or during pre-season games, he starts cycling off the stuff. Then, right about the 4th or 5th game, WHAM, he goes down with some kind of injury.

Are you really ascribing his knee injuries to him being off steroids?