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Brett Favre's Cellphone Seduction Of Jenn Sterger (Jets cheerleader)

Yep, he's married. And I don't blame the guy for trying to hook up with a cute girl. If that's the way he wants to live his life, that's between him and his conscience.

The problem is that she was a sideline reporter employed by the Jets and he was their big-name QB. In that situation, she could have felt pressure to go-along or lose her job. And that's sexual harassment.

If she were just some girl he saw in a bar somewhere that worked for a different organization, it would have been inappropriate but if that's what he wants to do, fine. (Although the penis pics are always wrong.)

But the fact that he could have had power over whether she kept her job or not makes this a situation where he and the Jets (and possibly the NFL) could have been sued. And this is the sort of thing the NFL is trying to be very pro-active about stopping.

Yep, that's bad. Guess I'm clueless, but I didn't realize a QB could have that much power over the whole organization. Social status, yeah, but....OK, so I'm naive.
I'm not going to read all this - but two comments:

1. Has he actually denied this? I keep hearing him say he's focused on the upcoming game/

2. I love that the NFL has put this on the 'fast track' and they are 'fact gathering' yet Favre and Sterger have not been contacted by the NFL, lol.
who cares, if she didn't file a complaint.. why does she have the pictures 2 years later? I dunno, really if he wants to cheat on his wife that has 0 to do with his NFL career.
Penis sexting has got to be the sign of a moron. I have no idea if Favre did this or not, I guess time will tell. But the male package is just plain fugly, and even most women agree with this perspective. So sending them pics of flaccid junk would seem to be more of a turn off than any kind of proposition.

And shame on any of you DUDES for checking out penis pics. That's so freakin' gay....not that there's anything wrong with it, of course, if that's your thing. :winky:
who cares, if she didn't file a complaint.. why does she have the pictures 2 years later? I dunno, really if he wants to cheat on his wife that has 0 to do with his NFL career.

Chick is looking for a pay-off, plain and simple.

Favre is still a huge dumbass that is pissing on what's left of his legacy, but Broadway Joe got over harassing Suzie Colbert
Penis sexting has got to be the sign of a moron. I have no idea if Favre did this or not, I guess time will tell. But the male package is just plain fugly, and even most women agree with this perspective. So sending them pics of flaccid junk would seem to be more of a turn off than any kind of proposition.

And shame on any of you DUDES for checking out penis pics. That's so freakin' gay....not that there's anything wrong with it, of course, if that's your thing. :winky:

Well one thing for sure, if it is his junk his will sure will know the truth pretty quickly..
I think this chick is just trying to get her name out there at the expense of Favre. I heard a bit on the radio where they played the voice message and then some clips of Favre talking after games or press conferences and they don't sound exactly alike. There was plenty of difference to call shenanigan's on this accusation.
Sexual harrasement does not necessarily mean you are concerned over keepeing your job. It is also unwanted sexual advances, jokes, emails, pics, etc.

If Favre is innocent, why doesn't he just come out and just say so instead of avoiding all the questions?
who cares, if she didn't file a complaint.. why does she have the pictures 2 years later? I dunno, really if he wants to cheat on his wife that has 0 to do with his NFL career.

She's looking to become relevant again and cash in - she already said she will not cooperate with the NFL unless it will benefit her.
Penis sexting has got to be the sign of a moron. I have no idea if Favre did this or not, I guess time will tell. But the male package is just plain fugly, and even most women agree with this perspective. So sending them pics of flaccid junk would seem to be more of a turn off than any kind of proposition.

And shame on any of you DUDES for checking out penis pics. That's so freakin' gay....not that there's anything wrong with it, of course, if that's your thing. :winky:

Several people have pics of my junk from online, but that's what I get for sunbathing nude. DAMN YOU GOOGLE EARTH MAPS!!! Haven't checked out the pics of Favre's alleged junk. If I were the commissioner I'd let it go. I mean which NFL flunkie is he going to get to compare the pics to Favre's package. I sure as hell wouldn't want that assignment.
When is Wrangler jeans going to come out with a specialty line of jeans that contains a webcam sewn into the zipper area?

You know, so you can whip it out and shoot an image through the 3G network. Talk about "hands-free" device!

We're all bout "convenience." I think it could be a hit item with the 16-35 male demographic.
I really didn't think Favre did it.


When asked about the accuracy of the reports, Favre told ESPN, "That will take its course."

What kind of answer is that?

Im guessing theres more to the story, but I bet that they are his photos and voice. People sound a lot different on the phone than they do on high quality recording equipment. Im not surprised his phone voice sounds different than his radio show voice
I really don't think Favre did it.


What kind of answer is that?

Im guessing theres more to the story, but I bet that they are his photos and voice. People sound a lot different on the phone than they do on high quality recording equipment. Im not surprised his phone voice sounds different than his radio show voice

yeah, that's a weird answer, and along with crying like a baby in front of his team, I find it a strange way to deal with something "he did not do". If it was me, I'd be mad as hell and screaming "EFF THAT B****!!!". But, that's just me.
yeah, that's a weird answer, and along with crying like a baby in front of his team, I find it a strange way to deal with something "he did not do". If it was me, I'd be mad as hell and screaming "EFF THAT B****!!!". But, that's just me.


Did you see this part?
"I need you guys to carry me tonight," Favre told the Vikings, as related by Longwell to Tafoya. "I'm ready to go out there and give it my best, but I don't know what's going to happen."

What the hell is going on with this guy?

What a horrifici decision coming back for one more year is looking now. Instead of competing for a superbowl and riding off into the sunset, it looks like he's giong to go down in an flaming epic fail both on and off the field.

Who weeps if they are innocent?

Did you see this part?

What the hell is going on with this guy?

What a horrifici decision coming back for one more year is looking now. Instead of competing for a superbowl and riding off into the sunset, it looks like he's giong to go down in an flaming epic fail both on and off the field.

Who weeps if they are innocent?

Coming back this year was going to be a disaster either way for him this year on the field. The Vikings had all sorts of problems coming into the season. Rice wasn't in camp and had no idea of what his injury situation was. Harvin was hardly playing in camp. Chester Taylor was let go and was a very good back up behind AP who made a lot of clutch plays that went unnoticed for years. The Vikings secondary was exposed a lot at the end of last year and they have had a ton of injuries this year in their secondary. Their O line and D line is pretty old now as well. Favre played great last season, but one off season is enough to make a 41 year old play completely different when you're that old, and he got there late as usual and he's obviously dealing with all sorts of nagging injuries. The Vikings looked like a mess coming into the season. Unfortunately all of their problems will be put on Favre for this team's failures.
Regarding the title, I don't think he seduced her. :)

Not that I could, but I wouldn't mind trying. This is based of course on her personality (which I know nothing at all about) and how much I care for her (which would be true if actually had the chance). Then....I'd get dumped and drink a lot. Such is life.
I'm actually a little surprised and somewhat dissapointed in some of the attitudes that suggests Jenn Sterfer as the villain. If she was trying to "cash in" why didn't she do it two years ago? Why did the guy at Deadspin have to pull teeth to get her to tell the story and release not only the pics, but also the voicemails???

I'm just curious!!

Why do we put Favre on a pedestal? We put O.J. on a pedestal and we saw how that turned out. We put Warren Moon on a pedestal, and we saw what happened there. Pete Rose? Clemens? How about Lenny Dystra? How about the Raiders / Oilers Sean Jones??
I don't think "hey baby want to see my shillelagh?" is an effective means of seduction...

...ok so it worked that one time after Buzz Fest ....

.. but other than that it has to be the worst method I've ever heard of. :rake:
have yall seen Jenn Sterger DAYUM !!!!!!!!!!!! i dont blame farve sexual urge is a powerful thing

Could easily pass as mother and daughter.
the longest threads on this sub-board tend to be the soap opera threads. gg fanbase.

I gotta agree with ya PD. I cant stand when ESPN Radio or MadDog Radio or FoxSports Radio talk for an entire segment on this. I couldnt escape it this morning so I jammed out to the new Jimmy Eat World CD.

This is TMZ news. Not TexansTalk worthy.
I gotta agree with ya PD. I cant stand when ESPN Radio or MadDog Radio or FoxSports Radio talk for an entire segment on this. I couldnt escape it this morning so I jammed out to the new Jimmy Eat World CD.

This is TMZ news. Not TexansTalk worthy.

And yet here you are posting :nolisten:

I personally find this pretty interesting because its a) Favre the golden boy and b) Jenn is freaking hot
And yet here you are posting :nolisten:

I personally find this pretty interesting because its a) Favre the golden boy and b) Jenn is freaking hot

Funny gtexan. :P I am not discussing Brett Favre or that girl. I am discussing how I hate sports outlets and fans covering this like Entertainment Tonight or Access Hollywood.
I'm actually a little surprised and somewhat dissapointed in some of the attitudes that suggests Jenn Sterfer as the villain. If she was trying to "cash in" why didn't she do it two years ago? Why did the guy at Deadspin have to pull teeth to get her to tell the story and release not only the pics, but also the voicemails???

I'm just curious!!

Why do we put Favre on a pedestal? We put O.J. on a pedestal and we saw how that turned out. We put Warren Moon on a pedestal, and we saw what happened there. Pete Rose? Clemens? How about Lenny Dystra? How about the Raiders / Oilers Sean Jones??

It's the same reason why we - Texans fans - put Andre Johnson on a pedestal.

Of course, all of these people put their pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us, but the human psyche seems drawn to creating heroes. Joseph Campbell's book, "The Power of Myth", is all about this human quality throughout history.

Personally, no sports figure is a hero to me. Sure, I'm a fan and admire certain ones (#34 comes to mind), but I realize that I only know their public personalities and really have no idea what they are like in real life. My heroes are people I know, like my grandfathers, dad, uncles, grandmothers, mother. That's just me, though, and I can only speak from that singular perspective.
It's the same reason why we - Texans fans - put Andre Johnson on a pedestal.

Of course, all of these people put their pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us, but the human psyche seems drawn to creating heroes. Joseph Campbell's book, "The Power of Myth", is all about this human quality throughout history.

Personally, no sports figure is a hero to me. Sure, I'm a fan and admire certain ones (#34 comes to mind), but I realize that I only know their public personalities and really have no idea what they are like in real life. My heroes are people I know, like my grandfathers, dad, uncles, grandmothers, mother. That's just me, though, and I can only speak from that singular perspective.

The jist of my post was the idea that some people's attitude suggests that a rape victim had it coming because she was wearing a skirt. This is not on Sterger, it's clearly on Favre and his inappropriate behaviour!

Speaking of #34: He answered his door on Halloween and personally handed out candy to us. He was the real-deal on and OFF the field. That said, I agree that no sports figure should be a hero. I defended the Chuckster when he spoke out on the subject (re: being a role model). As for your role models, that's as it should be!

BTW, I don't put AJ on a pedestal, however I will categorize him as "Beast" status.
The jist of my post was the idea that some people's attitude suggests that a rape victim had it coming because she was wearing a skirt. This is not on Sterger, it's clearly on Favre and his inappropriate behaviour!

Speaking of #34: He answered his door on Halloween and personally handed out candy to us. He was the real-deal on and OFF the field.

I agree that no sports figure should be a hero. I defended the Chuckster when he spoke out on the subject (re: being a role model). As for your role models, that's as it should be!

BTW, I don't put AJ on a pedestal, however I will categorize him as "Beast" status.

Oh, I agree, man. Since we really don't know much about Sterger and the alleged relationship she had with Favre, I'm not going to point fingers at either side.

I will, however, comment on certain inconsistencies or tendencies for both sides, such as Favre's strange handling and comments, as well as her refusal to work with the NFL's investigation unless there's something in it for her. But, that's just talking about the details of this situation and not really taking sides.

Very cool to hear about Earl, and it doesn't surprise me. Since we have decades to look back on, it is somewhat safe to assume certain aspects of his character due to stories like these. That being said, who he is in his personal life is still a mystery to most (if not all) of us.
Oh, I agree, man. Since we really don't know much about Sterger and the alleged relationship she had with Favre, I'm not going to point fingers at either side.

I will, however, comment on certain inconsistencies or tendencies for both sides, such as Favre's strange handling and comments, as well as her refusal to work with the NFL's investigation unless there's something in it for her. But, that's just talking about the details of this situation and not really taking sides.

Very cool to hear about Earl, and it doesn't surprise me. Since we have decades to look back on, it is somewhat safe to assume certain aspects of his character due to stories like these. That being said, who he is in his personal life is still a mystery to most (if not all) of us.

Thanks for that little reminder (bolded). :foottap:

Meh, I guess most people enjoy a little soap opera in their lives.

I learned my lesson about choosing sides with the whole Orenthal James situation. I swore he was innocent!! There was no way a football stud would ever be involved in a double murder! How wrong was I?? :gun:

It wasn't just Earl. It was Giff Nielson and Robert Brazile, too.
what man decided pictures of weenies were a good thing to send to people

I'm going with this guy:


Hell, he did invent the I'm assuming he also invented taking pics of your junk and sending them out to other people. That's probably how the whole "global warming" thing got started. He shot a pic of his junk, sent it out, and got the whole "that's hot" response. He knew texting would take off and thought that the "hotness" would spread through the planet like mold on white bread. Now, we have global warming due to Al Gore, not the other way around.
what man decided pictures of weenies were a good thing to send to people

I don't get it, either. I've asked quite a few women about this story, and I have yet to find even one that wants a package pic sent to them, even from someone that they find 'hot'.

Men, being the visual creatures we are, must assume that women are the same way. I don't know any man that wouldn't mind some boob pics sent to their cell phone, but I'd figure a woman would prefer some romantic thoughts or something of that nature.
I don't get it, either. I've asked quite a few women about this story, and I have yet to find even one that wants a package pic sent to them, even from someone that they find 'hot'.

Men, being the visual creatures we are, must assume that women are the same way. I don't know any man that wouldn't mind some boob pics sent to their cell phone, but I'd figure a woman would prefer some romantic thoughts or something of that nature.

Or pics of money and Tiffany's over priced trinkets.
I don't get it, either. I've asked quite a few women about this story, and I have yet to find even one that wants a package pic sent to them, even from someone that they find 'hot'.

Men, being the visual creatures we are, must assume that women are the same way. I don't know any man that wouldn't mind some boob pics sent to their cell phone, but I'd figure a woman would prefer some romantic thoughts or something of that nature.

Are any of the women you're talking to playboy models full of silicone, etc?

I bet that women like Jenn dont fit into the "typical woman" category. I dont know any playboy models, but I would imagine that someone who is as image conscious as she is, with as much focus on her appearance/others apeprance as she has, would be more in line with the visual aspect than the romantic poem angle. The "sexting" thing has become especially popular with the younger generation as well. Maybe its something Jenn's age would find appealing that most women wouldnt just because of her age
Are any of the women you're talking to playboy models full of silicone, etc?

Women like Jenn dont fit into the "typical woman" category. I would imagine that someone who is as image conscious as she is, with as much focus on her appearance/others apeprance as she has, would be more in line with the visual aspect than the romantic poem angle

My experience is that women love to laugh, maybe that is what Old Man Winter was trying to provide Sterger, with a picture of his Sanford & Sons.
I don't get it, either. I've asked quite a few women about this story, and I have yet to find even one that wants a package pic sent to them, even from someone that they find 'hot'.

Men, being the visual creatures we are, must assume that women are the same way. I don't know any man that wouldn't mind some boob pics sent to their cell phone, but I'd figure a woman would prefer some romantic thoughts or something of that nature.

Fact: Boobs are 1000x more attractive than penises.
Ummmm, not to sound to CSI here but that isn't Favre in my opinion.

As a football player with bad ankles he would have his ankles taped every game and therefore more than likely there would be hairless ankles and those ankles are hairy.

And yes, I did look at those pictures a second time to confirm that theory.... I'm going to go and burn my eyeballs now.
Ummmm, not to sound to CSI here but that isn't Favre in my opinion.

As a football player with bad ankles he would have his ankles taped every game and therefore more than likely there would be hairless ankles and those ankles are hairy.

And yes, I did look at those pictures a second time to confirm that theory.... I'm going to go and burn my eyeballs now.

Looking twice at how hairy nude favre is deserves a
Ummmm, not to sound to CSI here but that isn't Favre in my opinion.

As a football player with bad ankles he would have his ankles taped every game and therefore more than likely there would be hairless ankles and those ankles are hairy.

And yes, I did look at those pictures a second time to confirm that theory.... I'm going to go and burn my eyeballs now.


You certainly went above and beyond the call of duty....
Ummmm, not to sound to CSI here but that isn't Favre in my opinion.

As a football player with bad ankles he would have his ankles taped every game and therefore more than likely there would be hairless ankles and those ankles are hairy.
And yes, I did look at those pictures a second time to confirm that theory.... I'm going to go and burn my eyeballs now.

It's called "Pre-wrap"... It's a thin layer of foam like material (non-adhering). The tape goes on top of that.
Are any of the women you're talking to playboy models full of silicone, etc?

I bet that women like Jenn dont fit into the "typical woman" category. I dont know any playboy models, but I would imagine that someone who is as image conscious as she is, with as much focus on her appearance/others apeprance as she has, would be more in line with the visual aspect than the romantic poem angle. The "sexting" thing has become especially popular with the younger generation as well. Maybe its something Jenn's age would find appealing that most women wouldnt just because of her age

I don't know, man....women are women...and poll after poll reveals that the overwhelming majority are not big on receiving junk pics on their phone.

Maybe you're right, though. Could be a generational thing. God help us, if so. Women have been the civilizing factor in humanity since the beginning. They start acting like men and it is the End of Western Civilization...

From Sexting: What She Thinks

"From a woman’s point of view, a man’s junk isn’t all that enticing. Sure, it has its purpose, but our infatuation with it isn’t the same as say, yours with our breasts. (I’m generally not staring at the crotch of a guy I like, or trolling the internet for penises.)"

And then there's this:

Fact: Boobs are 1000x more attractive than penises.

I certainly will never argue with you there. :ok:
I don't get it, either. I've asked quite a few women about this story, and I have yet to find even one that wants a package pic sent to them, even from someone that they find 'hot'.

Men, being the visual creatures we are, must assume that women are the same way. I don't know any man that wouldn't mind some boob pics sent to their cell phone, but I'd figure a woman would prefer some romantic thoughts or something of that nature.[/QUOTE]

Some musical advice

To all the fellas out there with ladies to impress
It's easy to do just follow these steps

1: Cut a hole in a box

2: Put your junk in that box

3: Make her open the box

And that's the way you do it
I don't get it, either. I've asked quite a few women about this story, and I have yet to find even one that wants a package pic sent to them, even from someone that they find 'hot'.

Men, being the visual creatures we are, must assume that women are the same way. I don't know any man that wouldn't mind some boob pics sent to their cell phone, but I'd figure a woman would prefer some romantic thoughts or something of that nature.[/QUOTE]

Some musical advice


"Baaaaaack stage at the CMA's a BLEEP in a bahahahaaax....wellwellwellwellwellwell...."
Some musical advice

To all the fellas out there with ladies to impress
It's easy to do just follow these steps

1: Cut a hole in a box

2: Put your junk in that box

3: Make her open the box

And that's the way you do it

lol! You did see where those dudes ended up at the end of the video, 'eh? :winky:

And with their next song, "Motherlover", I'm not sure if I'd be taking dating advice from those cats. hehe