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Brett Favre's Cellphone Seduction Of Jenn Sterger (Jets cheerleader)

Let's go back to this. How much do you respect Bret Favre?

You mumbled some stuff about Tiger Woods & how much do you really know a person..... which leads me to ask how freely do you toss around your respect.

I respect Brett, I believe he is one of the good guys. I don't believe any of this to be true. If it were something like an affair, I could believe, but to stalk or do what is being reported is preposterous.

I could be wrong, he may very well be guilty. If I am proved wrong in the end, then I'll lose respect for the man. But not before.

If you are already leaning towards a guilty verdict, either you never really respected the man, or you have a lousy sense of respect.
The NFL has said there has been info on this story which is a pretty good source. Am I not allowed to change my opinion of someone? How fast am I throwing him under the bus if two more woman have come out about and the NFL? I am not in hurry to belive this neither am I in a hurry not to. an open mind is more like it that's all.
Remember just because the website is not a huge name does not mean they are not going to be the first one to report it.

Everyone (including me) thought the National Enquirer was just a gross-out supermarket tabloid, but they broke the story about VP candidate John Edwards affair and his baby. Guess what? They turned out to be right. I think they broke another political story as well, can't recall what it is.

You can't automatically dismiss a story just because of the reputation of its source.
Let's go back to this. How much do you respect Bret Favre?

You mumbled some stuff about Tiger Woods & how much do you really know a person..... which leads me to ask how freely do you toss around your respect.

I respect Brett, I believe he is one of the good guys. I don't believe any of this to be true. If it were something like an affair, I could believe, but to stalk or do what is being reported is preposterous.

I could be wrong, he may very well be guilty. If I am proved wrong in the end, then I'll lose respect for the man. But not before.

If you are already leaning towards a guilty verdict, either you never really respected the man, or you have a lousy sense of respect.

Personally, I've never had that much respect for Brett as a person. I was never a fan of his as a player even though he's had some really great seasons. But, he's a football player. I don't know him personally so I never had any more or less respect than I have for anyone that I don't personally know.

The fact that he's a country boy doesn't really mean anything to me. I've know plenty of country boys that were just as depraved and evil as the worst city boy I've ever known.

But... what I didn't like was that Brett was seeming to get a free pass on this scandal when other players would have been barbecued. If he's not going to get a free pass for it and they're going to look into it and bring it to light, then great. I hope Brett didn't do these things. But if the press is going to go after Mark Sanchez and the Jets for horsing around with Inez Sainz then they should at least follow up on and report on this.

Was there some law broken? Yeah. She was a sideline reporter working for the Jets. Brett was a star QB for the Jets. That's sexual harassment that's much worse than what happened to Sainz.
Why tell me not to be in a rush to not believe it but yet they are in a rush not to? That does not sound right to me.
The NFL has said there has been info on this story...
Are you sure about this? The story posted in this thread simply said the NFL will review the allegations.
Am I not allowed to change my opinion of someone? How fast am I throwing him under the bus if two more woman have come out about and the NFL? I am not in hurry to belive this neither am I in a hurry not to. an open mind is more like it that's all.

Again, the only reason I'm even bothering you with this line of question is because you said

1) you wouldn't be surprised if this were true
2) you would lose all respect you have for this man.

So you believe he is a man who would do such a thing & you respect him. Do you follow what I'm saying? If you think he would do this, if you think he is that kind of man, why would you respect him?

& if you respected the man for other reasons, even though you felt he was the type that did this sort of thing, why would you lose respect for him now?

Then you come out with these other statements,
People want to believe any of this now? It's becoming more and possible for me.

Remember just because the website is not a huge name does not mean they are not going to be the first one to report it.

Like you think he's guilty... but you want to ride the fence, wait it out, see what happens, & never worry about being wrong.

All I'm really saying, is pick a side.
Are you sure about this? The story posted in this thread simply said the NFL will review the allegations.

Again, the only reason I'm even bothering you with this line of question is because you said

1) you wouldn't be surprised if this were true
2) you would lose all respect you have for this man.

So you believe he is a man who would do such a thing & you respect him. Do you follow what I'm saying? If you think he would do this, if you think he is that kind of man, why would you respect him?

& if you respected the man for other reasons, even though you felt he was the type that did this sort of thing, why would you lose respect for him now?

Then you come out with these other statements,

Like you think he's guilty... but you want to ride the fence, wait it out, see what happens, & never worry about being wrong.

All I'm really saying, is pick a side.
I guess you have never thought anyone was not a bad person and they turned out to be like I have.
But... what I didn't like was that Brett was seeming to get a free pass on this scandal when other players would have been barbecued. If he's not going to get a free pass for it and they're going to look into it and bring it to light, then great. I hope Brett didn't do these things. But if the press is going to go after Mark Sanchez and the Jets for horsing around with Inez Sainz then they should at least follow up on and report on this.

Was there some law broken? Yeah. She was a sideline reporter working for the Jets. Brett was a star QB for the Jets. That's sexual harassment that's much worse than what happened to Sainz.

Personally, I believe if this is the work of some deviant trying to frame Brett, I don't believe the story should have ever gained any traction.

If I were the news source, I would have investigated and brought to you more than just what Sterger is saying. Is it a pre-paid phone? is it anonymous? Mississippi area code, but you can't tell us any more?


Have the authorities been notified? Sterger says she doesn't want to press charges?? What?

The Sainz case was a bit different. I believe the coaches corraborated her story.... with the thing about throwing the football to get attention or whatever.
I guess you have never thought anyone was not a bad person and they turned out to be like I have.

No, that has definitely happened, many times. But I was surprised as heck when I found out.
I guess I should think it is impossible for him to do something like this because I like or liked him.
This is the reason that the NFL is less likely to deflect or obfuscate and more likely to pursue the allegations full bore.

You know these stories have some credibility if Gloria Allred hits the Red Eye from LA to NYC Tonight and holds a Press Conference tomorrow and with the two other Text recipients and Ms. Sterger.
I guess I should think it is impossible for him to do something like this because I like or liked him.

Only if you respect him.... which you must, if you subsequently lose respect for him after learning this.
Personally, I believe if this is the work of some deviant trying to frame Brett, I don't believe the story should have ever gained any traction.

If I were the news source, I would have investigated and brought to you more than just what Sterger is saying. Is it a pre-paid phone? is it anonymous? Mississippi area code, but you can't tell us any more?


Have the authorities been notified? Sterger says she doesn't want to press charges?? What?

The Sainz case was a bit different. I believe the coaches corraborated her story.... with the thing about throwing the football to get attention or whatever.

Sainz wasn't pressing charges, either. Sainz wasn't even the one to bring it up in the first place, some other reporter that was there brought up the issue. Rex Ryan even got into the receivers line so that Sanchez would throw a football out there close to her for him (Ryan) to go pick up. So, Ryan was part of it.

The Favre case, if true, is much worse than the Sainz case from what I've read. But that's the point. If true. The NFL (Goodell) should be investigating this to determine if there's any truth to it. It didn't make any sense to me that the NFL would institute new policies and things after Sainz and then not even look into whether Favre was sexually harassing an employee of the Jets.

But I'm mollified now that they're looking into it. They may find that there's no credence to any of this stuff and it's just crap and that's fine. As long as they verify that there's no wrongdoing here.
But I'm mollified now that they're looking into it. They may find that there's no credence to any of this stuff and it's just crap and that's fine. As long as they verify that there's no wrongdoing here.

Personally, I think the NFL should stick to football. Leave the investigating to the authorities.

If by investigating they mean they have hired a third party to do such... I'm fine with that.
I guess I should think it is impossible for him to do something like this because I like or liked him.

People much older and more experienced than you still get snowed by dudes. The fact is that most of us, barring a direct personal connection, don't know any of these guys. There are numerous accounts where dude who is thought to be a jerk, mostly based on not liking to talk to the press, is found out to be the best guy ever and dudes who are held in high regard found out to be closer to the devil than not.

I enjoy these dudes because of what they do on the field, not because of the type of person i think they are.
People much older and more experienced than you still get snowed by dudes. The fact is that most of us, barring a direct personal connection, don't know any of these guys. There are numerous accounts where dude who is thought to be a jerk, mostly based on not liking to talk to the press, is found out to be the best guy ever and dudes who are held in high regard found out to be closer to the devil than not.

I enjoy these dudes because of what they do on the field, not because of the type of person i think they are.
I should probably take this angle from now on.
Just like these sports players for the type of player they are instead great advice AT. Thanks.
OK, Brett's a media whore and apparently an excibishinist and a whore chaser. Who knew an over grown frat boy would be a chuckle head. No matter how talented he is. I truly am a fan of Brett, but the boy needs to go back to hanging out at the frat house.
Only if you respect him.... which you must, if you subsequently lose respect for him after learning this.

Having respect for someone doesn't mean you have to view the individual through rose-colored glasses. Just because you choose to naively believe that every person you respect is incapable of doing something detestable doesn't mean that everyone lives their life the exact same way. "Respect" can be gained and lost. It isn't rooted in finality. Gary may have lost respect for Brett at this current time due to the information that is available and his own assessment of the situation but if it turns out it was all a farce, then he can choose to once again respect the man like he did before.

A perfect example is the Duke lacrosse scandal. Everyone automatically assumed the guys were guilty, and I am sure even friends and possibly family members lost respect for the members of the team. Then when all of the information came out and it was discovered the guys were indeed innocent, the respect was regained.

I think Bret did it...

You have the initial claim, now there are multiple people coming out...

And then hearing what his response was when asked about it makes me think he's guilty as well.

I expect the fit to hit the shan real quick for #4.
Man, I must have been under a rock this whole time.

This is the first I am hearing of it. At first, it appears to be a prank. Then, old #4 says he doesn't want to talk about it.

This whole thing would have been quickly dismissed AND lawsuits by Favre, and others, already being announced if it was not true.

Seems to me that Brett is hoping this thing will go away. Instead of continuing to rise up.


"It's an optical illusion. It's the pleats. I'm taking these back to the pants store. I'm just going to walk this off. I've got a situation here. Going to walk this off. Don't act like you're not impressed..."
Having respect for someone doesn't mean you have to view the individual through rose-colored glasses. Just because you choose to naively believe that every person you respect is incapable of doing something detestable doesn't mean that everyone lives their life the exact same way. "Respect" can be gained and lost. It isn't rooted in finality. Gary may have lost respect for Brett at this current time due to the information that is available and his own assessment of the situation but if it turns out it was all a farce, then he can choose to once again respect the man like he did before.

A perfect example is the Duke lacrosse scandal. Everyone automatically assumed the guys were guilty, and I am sure even friends and possibly family members lost respect for the members of the team. Then when all of the information came out and it was discovered the guys were indeed innocent, the respect was regained.

Great post Cody. Repped.
This crap goes on all the time. Not to the extent of penis pics but guys hitting on women and trying to get a piece of split tail on the side.
OK, I'm gonna say it....

In today's era, penis pics and various other formerly taboo pics are fairly common. I know some people may look down at others and may even be disguisted but it happens. True that normally it is solicited and with someone that I dunno maybe you've actually spoken to before but still.
I didn't read much of this at all, but:

1. Isn't he married?

2. The penis picks are the stupidest idea men ever came up with.

Other than those two things, I can't say I really blame him for trying. Can't see why she'd want him for any of the right reasons either, but...
I didn't read much of this at all, but:

1. Isn't he married?

2. The penis picks are the stupidest idea men ever came up with.

Other than those two things, I can't say I really blame him for trying. Can't see why she'd want him for any of the right reasons either, but...

Yep, he's married. And I don't blame the guy for trying to hook up with a cute girl. If that's the way he wants to live his life, that's between him and his conscience.

The problem is that she was a sideline reporter employed by the Jets and he was their big-name QB. In that situation, she could have felt pressure to go-along or lose her job. And that's sexual harassment.

If she were just some girl he saw in a bar somewhere that worked for a different organization, it would have been inappropriate but if that's what he wants to do, fine. (Although the penis pics are always wrong.)

But the fact that he could have had power over whether she kept her job or not makes this a situation where he and the Jets (and possibly the NFL) could have been sued. And this is the sort of thing the NFL is trying to be very pro-active about stopping.
When I respect or trust others that is my choice and I always leave the door open that there is always a slim chance that they are not really who I think they are. This might make me different than the rest but I don't care. In my opinion there is not any such thing as impossible even when I have faith and respect for others all that means to me is that respect is there untill it becomes broken by him or her. Brett has a right to go after who he wants and I'm not the one to stop him but sending unwanted nude photos to an older woman is not the same as just having an affair on the side which would be wrong as it is but not for me to juge. Farve's wife has been through a lot and now this? Does Farve having a right to have an affair mean it's the right thing for him to do after all his wife has been through? Hell no. Trust does not always last forever in the world we now live in. It does not take a lot to go from respecting some to not respecting them at all. Being respectfull which I am but being respectfull and comletely native at the same time which I am and there is a difference between the two in my opinion but from now on I am not going to take a personal liking to any of these dudes anymore. I'll now just like them all for being a good player and for the work they do on the field that's all. This might mean I am odd or different from the rest of you but I don't care. Each of us have our own opinions and that is fine if you agree that's fine too. The bottom line is everyone on this board is different which makes it as great and fun as it is but I truely believe everything I have said in this post but I enjoy the chatter amongst all of us here and to each their own.
When I respect or trust others that is my choice and I always leave the door open that there is always a slim chance that they are not really who I think they are. This might make me different than the rest but I don't care. In my opinion there is not any such thing as impossible even when I have faith and respect for others all that means to me is that respect is there untill it becomes broken by him or her.

Wow Gary, I'm sorry I brought it up. Respect him, don't respect him, whatever.... I'm just worried that you wouldn't be surprised if this is true, which as far as we know right now, it isn't.

If you're not surprised, I don't think you ever really respected the man, which is fine. You respect him as a player, not a person... That's all you have to say.

Well except that this wouldn't make him any less of a player, but whatever.
Wow Gary, I'm sorry I brought it up. Respect him, don't respect him, whatever.... I'm just worried that you wouldn't be surprised if this is true, which as far as we know right now, it isn't.

If you're not surprised, I don't think you ever really respected the man, which is fine. You respect him as a player, not a person... That's all you have to say.

Well except that this wouldn't make him any less of a player, but whatever.
Don't be sorry TK. This was for everyone not just you. I will always respect Brett for the icon he now is just not Brett the person.
Don't expect any conclusion to the investigation and action by the NFL until the end of this season. By then, it will carry little meaning because I don't see Favre making it through the season anyway.
Per Florio on the wrap up show with Bob Costas after Sunday Night Football: Favre could be suspened. Seems as though the league is moving a little quicker than some may have thought.

Something about the difference being hitting on an employee of the Jets. Guess ya shouldn't ought to text a picture of your wiener to the team hottie? :kitten:
What the hell is wrong with me?

Why didn't I try this when I was dating?!?!

I mean how much better does it get?

"Hey sexy, can I get your number? I'm going to text you a nice surprise later." :shades: