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All Encompassing Carr Thread

dude, you don't owe anyone anthing. you were just a fan who believed in a guy and that guy let you down. you have nothing to apologize for.

we are all Texans fans and at the end of the day we just want our team to improve and cease making moves like the Carr drafting/resigning and the PBuc and Babin trades. RS is leading us out of the pits out of hell and hopefully with a little luck and hard work, we won't even remember the pitiful and pathetic era of David Carr.

Oh no ... he's turning into a Cali cool guy .
Dated 11-26-07

I thought Hookem was going to stop this?

As David Carr might say, "Sorry, Dude. My bad."

I tried and already put my 2 cents in over at the Giants board. However right now I am on the other side of the world and very disconnected from American sports. The bottom line is, if Manning goes down the G men are in trouble regardless. As bad as Carr is, Lorenzen is pretty bad also. The only difference is Lorenzen is 3 times the size of Carr and doesn't fall down at the first sight of trouble. All that is happening here is the Giants are throwing away a million dollars. Maybe they can write it off as a charity donation. Carr won't be around after camp, and if he is I doubt he will be the #2 guy. Oh well, they took out Dallas and won the Super Bowl so I am good with that for awhile. Now if only the Texans can do the same I will be a very happy camper.

Ah, it's good to be speaking (typing) English right now regardless if it is about Carr signing with my 2nd favorite team.
I love how none of these articles mention that the instant anybody not named David Carr stepped in to QB the offensive line played better. No supporting cast my ass.

That's what I'm saying as well. As far back as 2003 it was observed by multiple people that when Tony Banks came into games the line appeared to settle down and play better. I pointed that out over and over again in arguing that the Texans should have started Banks and that Carr wasn't ready. I can't claim that I saw what a complete turd he was going to turn out to be. I expected him to work out eventually like a lot of people but I thought that the Texans had unnecessarily exposed him to punishment before he was ready.

I had no idea that a lot of the punishment he was taking was coming his way because of things he was doing (or failing to do). I don't think the line was 76 sacks bad in 2002. Maybe mid 50's bad but not 76 sacks bad.

It's over now and there's nothing to be done about it but to move on.
David Carr is a pathetic blob of grackle turd. I hope that the New York media grill him and then runs back to California in tears. Friggin Freshole.

No more soft California QBs please.

Kaiser Toro:
That is SO RUDE!!! You owe us an apology!
Blobs of Grackle Turd
any catch moving the chains on sirius today at about 5:00pm?

someone was asking about setting up a trade for carr, the announcers were like he wears white gloves nothing more needs to be said...i almost drove off the road laughing
I got a little sad that the Carr thread was going away, like it was all a very bad dream.

So here:

Big Blue View Blog on David Carr

I like the imaginary conversation at the beginning between Carr and the GM.

WOW jrs1940 is such a classy guy. If I knew how to respond on that thread I would and tell that jagoff what I think of him.

But here is his email address. I did send a nice little not saying I thought his comments were classless. I was very cutious and respectful, but I told him I did not think those comments were uncalled for and then I reminded him that Carr failed at two stops not just one.
Lorenzen was cut by the Carr has a better chance to make the roster.

Jared Lorenzen, the portly backup quarterback who had almost as many nicknames as NFL snaps in four years with the Giants, was among five players waived by the team yesterday.

The move means that former No. 1 overall pick Carr will be in Albany. Carr was signed this winter and looked shaky during the minicamp. He said he spent most of those workouts focusing on his mechanics. "I was out of whack," he said of his throwing motion. "This is really the first time in the last couple years I've had someone actually work with it, just trying to get down to it. I still feel like I haven't begun to tap what I can do as far as playing, so I'm excited about it."

Sure if you say so......I'm sure Kubes loves hearing that......

Lorenzen was cut by the Carr has a better chance to make the roster.

Sure if you say so......I'm sure Kubes loves hearing that......


"I was out of whack," he said of his throwing motion. "This is really the first time in the last couple years I've had someone actually work with it, just trying to get down to it. I still feel like I haven't begun to tap what I can do as far as playing, so I'm excited about it."

That boy has more excuses than a hooker has got STD's.

This is his 7th year in the NFL. If he hasn't gotten it by now he never will.

Not to mention he is playing behind the guy who won the Superbowl last year.

I hope God loves David Carr b/c no one else does.
Quite honestly, I would be surprised if Kubes read it, let alone even cared about it...

Yeah he don't care and I'm glad Carr isn't here spewing non sense anymore. Like my ex-wife's mom said when I married her....she's your problem now.:thisbig:
"I still feel like I haven't begun to tap what I can do as far as playing, so I'm excited about it."
~ David Carr

WTF??! :mcnugget:

Man, that's just beyond a river in Egypt!
Oh come on guys - all he needs is someone to setup some ladders and a buzzer on the field.
"Carr was signed this winter and looked shaky during the minicamp. He said he spent most of those workouts focusing on his mechanics."

Wow. He looked shaky? That's a shocker.
Lorenzen was cut by the Carr has a better chance to make the roster.
Lorenzen was the third QB battling for the QB2. I think Carr is competing with Anthony Wright for that spot now with Andre Woodson going to the PS.
"I still feel like I haven't begun to tap what I can do as far as playing, so I'm excited about it."
~ David Carr

His quote actually makes perfect sense, but he left out a crucial part.

He hasn't and he won't.
Jared Lorenzen, the portly backup quarterback who had almost as many nicknames as NFL snaps in four years with the Giants, was among five players waived by the team yesterday.

Rome was going over his many nicknames today, and some of them were just funny!

BBQ (Big Beautiful Quarterback)
Hefty Lefty
The Abominable Throwman
Round Mound of Touchdown
The Pillsbury Throwboy
Lord Of The Ring-Dings

I hope he gets picked up and succeeds somewhere. The NFL lacks players with cool nicknames these days, and this guy has more than enough to go around. He just needs to make the cut somewhere.
I heard several members on another board criticize Houston fans for kicking David out of town and how unfair the city was towards him and all about how the coaching staff ruined him.

I couldn't have laughed harder at that. David was given way more chances than he ever deserved. There really are people out there though that believe that Houston ruined Carr, and that none of his play efficiencies were or are even his fault today.

I'd love to see ole David wearing a STAR in Dallas.
I heard several members on another board criticize Houston fans for kicking David out of town and how unfair the city was towards him and all about how the coaching staff ruined him.

I couldn't have laughed harder at that. David was given way more chances than he ever deserved. There really are people out there though that believe that Houston ruined Carr, and that none of his play efficiencies were or are even his fault today.


Carolina Panthers fans pre 2007 season.

I'd love to see ole David wearing a STAR in Dallas.

That would make you, Dread-Head, and me for sure.

Throw in Houston Frog for good measure... :tease:
Carr went to Carolina because he said they would'nt mess with his mechanics . He stated the Panthers are more interested in the execution of the plays and that's what he needed .

Carr has blamed everybody and their dog while making millions ... must be nice . The only thing that might be tapped would be Strahan catching him in the shower ( I know he retired ) .
carr sucks and always will suck...u heard it here first

he makes as many excuses for himself as some Texans fans did....and that is pretty pathetic

i had read many reviews on his play in NY and they were all pretty critical...his chances of making the team just improve with Lorenzen getting cut but I think Woodson may be the #3 and they will just cut Carr. The guy is just a bad quarterback and a sorry excuse for a professional athlete. screw him and his tired act....i still cant believe NY signed the guy to compete for backup and for $1 million...the money isn't guaranteed so maybe the GM didn't want to look bad and cut Carr so early in his trials as a Giant.

maybe some New Yorker can pour another beer on his wife and David can get his panties in a wad about it again...what a complete tool

yeah another pathetic interview where morons make blanket excuses for him and act like the guy is Jesus in cleats. there is another one where he talks about the tough times in Houston and stuff like that. things were tough because the dude was pants at playing QB in the NFL. pure and simple and it was painfully obvious to any honest observer. Carr couldn't hit the slant on a blitz and had to dump off to RB, scramble or Fresno Tuck. He couldn't throw short/medium over the middle of the field due to his lame release trajectory and was reliant on passing lanes to do just about anything. Throw those fundamental flaws in with a bad work ethic and low football IQ and you have a horrible excuse for a QB much less a #1 overall 'face of the franchise'. Tony Banks was a superior to Carr, but he wasn't Mr.Golden Boy so he rode the pine. We are just getting the egg off our face as a franchise.

he was too caught up in his family and stubborn pride to realize that he was the problem and that he needed to fix what he was doing, fix his mechanics, and fix his preparation dedication. he failed to do all 3 and then became a divisive force in the locker room. once that happened, Texans brass were forced to admit that they failed in selecting Carr and failed at resigning him to the maximum option extension.

Nothing EVER pissed me off more than him getting the maximum team option as if to say 'dont worry about the people calling for your head in the media, fanbase, and lockerroom. don't worry about the VY phenomena in Texas. you are 'my guy'. It's OK david, its not your fault. we love you and want to show you how much. we will even go out of our way to show you how much we care about you'....that carebear crap was a one way ticket to failure and I blame Bob McNair squarely for that. He was running the team like a family business and he needs to get over that real quick and can never let that happen again....recent moves and interviews suggest that the lesson has been learned by McNair and it looks unlikely that Bob will ever be shanghaied like that again. It can not happen again.
yeah another pathetic interview where morons make blanket excuses for him and act like the guy is Jesus in cleats. there is another one where he talks about the tough times in Houston and stuff like that. things were tough because the dude was pants at playing QB in the NFL. pure and simple and it was painfully obvious to any honest observer. Carr couldn't hit the slant on a blitz and had to dump off to RB, scramble or Fresno Tuck. He couldn't throw short/medium over the middle of the field due to his lame release trajectory and was reliant on passing lanes to do just about anything. Throw those fundamental flaws in with a bad work ethic and low football IQ and you have a horrible excuse for a QB much less a #1 overall 'face of the franchise'. Tony Banks was a superior to Carr, but he wasn't Mr.Golden Boy so he rode the pine. We are just getting the egg off our face as a franchise.

he was too caught up in his family and stubborn pride to realize that he was the problem and that he needed to fix what he was doing, fix his mechanics, and fix his preparation dedication. he failed to do all 3 and then became a divisive force in the locker room. once that happened, Texans brass were forced to admit that they failed in selecting Carr and failed at resigning him to the maximum option extension.

Nothing EVER pissed me off more than him getting the maximum team option as if to say 'dont worry about the people calling for your head in the media, fanbase, and lockerroom. don't worry about the VY phenomena in Texas. you are 'my guy'. It's OK david, its not your fault. we love you and want to show you how much. we will even go out of our way to show you how much we care about you'....that carebear crap was a one way ticket to failure and I blame Bob McNair squarely for that. He was running the team like a family business and he needs to get over that real quick and can never let that happen again....recent moves and interviews suggest that the lesson has been learned by McNair and it looks unlikely that Bob will ever be shanghaied like that again. It can not happen again.

He said saying y'all was nonsense ... get a rope .
Nothing EVER pissed me off more than him getting the maximum team option as if to say 'dont worry about the people calling for your head in the media, fanbase, and lockerroom. don't worry about the VY phenomena in Texas. you are 'my guy'. It's OK david, its not your fault. we love you and want to show you how much. we will even go out of our way to show you how much we care about you'....that carebear crap was a one way ticket to failure and I blame Bob McNair squarely for that.

You know, I wasn't too happy with the idea of keeping David around past the '05 season, but c'mon...

Bob McNair made some mistakes.... whether those mistakes were forcing David into the starting line-up regardless what his coaches thought, or keeping said coach way beyond any right he may have earned, or allowing that coach to continue to do the nothing that got this team in the shape it was in, in 2006.

I respect McNair for saying, "Look Dave..... I f@#ed up, but I'll make it right. I'll get you a QB coach, and I'll give you another fat check.... "

David should have seen that, if it weren't explicitly stated, at the very least, he should have seen he did not earn that bonus. He should have made the decision to earn that bonus from then on.

but he didn't. :gun:
Lorenzen was the third QB battling for the QB2. I think Carr is competing with Anthony Wright for that spot now with Andre Woodson going to the PS.

Hopefully nothing happens to Eli then because that is a disastrous back up QB situation. It makes me appreciate having Sage as a back up even more.
Can you imagine if Carr somehow won the #2 job and then Eli got hurt in, say the third game? What he got in Carolina--or here--isn't going to come close to what will await him in the Meadowlands. At that point, I will actually start feeling sorry for the guy.

David Carr: "We had enough fun to win us a couple of games"

Yes Davie, their is a direct and proportional relationship between the amount of fun had and the number of games won.

I really want to just forget about Carr, but I would love to see him play for any team that is not Houston. I think when Steve Smith disappeared last year, the world came to terms with Carr never becoming a legit NFL player.
i wonder if this thread will one day end? naw, all i gotta do is remember he left houston with about 35 million to get pissed off all over again. crappy year to have the top pick ala alex smith
We support this thread, see.


you know you miss these guys.
My perspective!

Carr was big man on campus while at Fresno State. Every man’s dream.

He married very well.. and has a great family. Every man’s dream.

He was the #1 pick in the NFL and was compensated very well.. in his initial contract. Every man’s dream.

He was resigned for additional millions... Every man’s dream.

After being released by the Texans he signed for more millions.. from the Panthers. Every man’s dream.

He recently was signed by the Super Bowl Giants. He now has a chance to continue his career, such as it has been. Every man’s dream.

It bothers some that the greatest stats’ Carr has are those in the bank..:money:.

It doesn’t seem to bother Carr that he didn’t live up to others expectations of him…. He is a very rich..… but not a very good quarterback.

And that upsets some fans.:dangit:

I say more power to him…:highfive:..and lets go Texans:gotexans1 ..

:backsout: :coffee: